ACOM5xx User Manual V1.4
ACOM5xx User Manual V1.4
ACOM5xx User Manual V1.4
User Manual
Revision History
The information contained in this publication is subject to change without notice. Ejoin
Technology makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this manual, including, but not
limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Ejoin
Technology shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential
damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual.
Copyright©Shenzhen Ejoin Technology of Co., Ltd. No part of this document may be
reproduced, transmitted, or translated, in any form without prior written permission. Offenders
are liable to the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of grant of a patent
or the registration of a utility model or design. All specification supplied herein are subject to
change without notice at any time.
ACOM5xx VoIP Gateway also can be used as a Network SMS modem which supports
SMS sending and receiving. It has flexible HTTP/SMPP API for SMS service. Customers can
develop SMS server easily by the API.
1.5 Specification
Mode ACOM504 ACOM508 ACOM516 ACOM532
Channels 4 8 16 32
SIM slots 4 8 16/64/128/256/512 32/64/128/256/512
SIP Specification RFC3261, Session Timer RFC4028, STUN
codec G729a/b/e,G723.1,G.711 A/U law, G726, G722, iLBC
DTMF RFC2833, SIP info, In-band
Network protocol IPv4,TCP, UDP, PPPoE, DHCP, DNS, NAT, Telnet, HTTP, TFTP
Firmware update TFTP/HTTP
ERMS Ejoin Remote Management System
Call statistics ASR, ACD, PDD
Encryption EJOIN, VOS2000, RC4, BASE64
Table 1.5-1
IP Address:
Account: root
Password: root
There are three types of WAN port IP: Static, Dynamic and PPPoE. (Default static IP is You can also change the wan settings when get a new device. If you want to
access in this default IP, your local PC need a same network segment
Items Description
Static IP: manually set up gateway IP.
Dynamic IP: automatically get IP from local network.
WAN Type
PPPoE: need ISP offer the account and password. Use this mode
when there is no router in the local network
WAN IP The WAN IP address of gateway
IP Mask The subnet mask of gateway
Default Gateway Default gateway IP address. Example: router IP.
DNS Gateway Domain name server IP address. Example:
Table 3.2-1
Items Description
There are two protocol modes: registration and point to point.
Protocol Mode Note: point to point can be used only when gateway and server in
the same LAN or both have public IP.
There are two encryption methods: EJOIN and VOS2000. (Note:
Encryption Method Choose “EJOIN” Encryption need to set proxy server and port
The IP or domain name of softswitch which will send traffic to the
SIP Server IP
gateway. For example: VOS IP.
Table 3.2-2
Running Parameters
Items Description
It is the same as that in Basic Settings. The modification here
Protocol Mode
also apply to Basic Settings page.
Encryption Method It is the same as that in Basic Settings.
SIP Server It is the same as that in Basic Settings.
SIP Server Port It is the same as that in Basic Settings.
Proxy server will receive requests from client, and make the
signaling and media streams are able to penetrate the firewall. It
Primary Proxy IP
is usually used when gateway can’t registered with the softswitch
because of network blockade.
Proxy Port The proxy server port. Ejoin default proxy port is 25600.
Secondary Proxy IP It is the same as primary proxy, don’t need to set it.
Gateway will send a register request to the softswitch during
Expiration Period
every half time of expiration period.
Device sip port, default is 5060, if set to 0, means dynamic sip
Local port
If the username is not the same with user id, enable it. Keep it
Use Phone Number
Disabled: only the SIP server address which is type in basic
settings or phone book can send traffic to this gateway.
Enabled: traffic from any server can send traffic to this gateway
Receive All Calls
(same LAN or both gateway and server have a public IP). It’s
dangerous when eabled, hackers may send traffic to the gateway
then steal SIM balance.
If it is enabled, it will remove the account prefix presented in
Drop Account Prefix
callee number.
If it is enabled, gateway will send 183-Session-Progress
Auto Resp 183
immediatey for an incoming INVITE.
If it is enabled, gateway will only accept the call whose “From”
Route By From header(caller ID) is matched. Note: if the gateway is just used as
call termination, please disable it.
If it is enabled, gateway will accept the call even incoming call’s
Allows Other Callers
ID not match.
Table 3.3.1-1
Items Description
Multiple Port Support If enabled, each port can registered a sip account
If enabled, the port will send unregistered signaling to sip
Dynamic registration
server when the sim card remove.
Remarks Note for the port
Intelligent routing, gateway will route calls by the allowed
prefix. for example: channel 1 is with prefix 070 and 075, this
channel will only accept the calls with prefix 070 and 075,
Allowed Prefix
others will not be routed to this channel. If allowed prefix is
blank, it can accept any calls. If all prefixes don’t match, the
call will be rejected.
Disabled: shorter prefixes will be tried if the port matched by
this prefix can’t deliver the call.
Use Best Matched Lines
Enabled: no more prefixes will be tried if the port matched by
this prefix can’t deliver the call.
Local Port Sip port for each channel.
Sip server ip, if the server port is not 5060, need to put port
Sip Server
When enable route by from, the channel will only accept the
Phone Number
call which caller ID is input in phone number.
Account SIP registration account.
Password The password of SIP registration account.
STUN (Simple Traversal of UDP through NAT) is a protocol for assisting devices
behind a NAT firewall or router with their packet routing. If you have the STUN server,
enable STUN support, fill the server IP and port (default port is 3478), then it will work.
Items Description
Items Description
Frequency Band Choose the module frequency.
Network Type It’s used for 3G or 4G device to change the network type
Register Type voice or data network for registering
Unnormal SIM supp It’s used for special country, keep it disabled.
Hardware Properties
Items Description
Port NO. Gateway channel
The SIM is enabled with√, and disabled without √. You can enable or
Enable SIM Card
disable SIM by this button.
Lock Operator Roaming sim card lock operator
Mobile Base The base station of SIM registered.
Input Vol Input volume of module, unmodifiable value.
Output Vol Output volume of module. unmodifiable value.
International Mobile Equipment Identity of this module. This
IMEI gateway support IMEI modification, you can do it on IMEI settings
Items Description
Max Channels The maximum number of base station
The lowest valid signal of base station, the default value is -90
Lowest Valid Signal dbm. SIM card will not register in the base station which signal is
lower than the value.
Base station switch period, the default value is 60 minutes. Base
Switch Period station will switch automatically by the period (when base
selection is “poll”).
Disable: every channel will select the base station with best signal.
Base Balancing We suggest this mode.
Enable: every channel will try to select different base station.
The device will change base station when it reaches the value which set in the
conditions settings below.
Items Description
Port NO. Gateway channel, starts from 1 to 16.
Auto: every channel will select the base station automatically.
Base Selection Poll: base station will switch during every switch period, if set a base
station in white list, it will be locked in this channel.
Base station It will show the base station
The base station white list, if you just put one base here and select
White List
“poll”, this channel will lock the base station.
Black List The base station can’t be used if put in black list.
Operations Refresh the base station information.
Table 3.4.2-2
You can set any different IMEI for every port, just set 14-digit number, the last digit will
generate itself. If you need set with special prefix, just click “copy” , you can see the figure as
above: set 865 in port 1A, after click “copy”, every port will have a IMEI prefix 865, click
“auto complete”, the IMEI prefix will generate automatically. If you just put an IMEI prefix
in the blank, the IMEI will changed when SIM switch(default), and also you can change the
conditions for changing above.
You can click “Add New” button to add a new dynamic IMEI list, this list includes
initial IMEI value of IMEI group and the size of IMEI group. click “Delete” will delete a
exist IMEI list, if you want to change the settings of dynamic IMEI list, please click “Edit”
SIM schedule is a function for multiple slots device, with this function, you can enable
different sim cards in different time. As the screenshot below, A slot sim cards enable in time
from 00:00 to 6:00, B slot sim cards enable in time from 6:00 to 12:00.
Items Description
When choose USSD, the gateway will get the SIM number by
Auto-Get LocNum
USSD Command The USSD command for querying SIM number.
The prefix keywords of the SIM number in USSD response. For
example: the USSD response is your SIM number 923345556978,
Number Keywords
then keyword is number, it is usually the word before SIM
If you get the number is 923345556978, but you don’t need a
Prefix Translation
country code, you can do prefix translation, delete 923 then add 0.
The page below shows the setting of getting number by SMS, it is same as USSD, you
should send the SMS content to the operator to get the SIM number.
If you can’t get the SIM number by USSD or SMS, you need set the SIM number
Items Description
Billing Enable it, the billing system will be up.
Table 3.4.7-1
Items Description
Invalid Balance Keywords Can’t get balance from invalid balance keywords.
Click“Add New” button, you can set a tariff list with different destination prefix. ”x ”
means for all prefix. You can also do the operations of delete and edit here.
3.4.8 AT Command
Module Operations
You can select different module and do the operations of restart, stop and start.
Command Operation
Items Description
Select port Select port to do command operations.
Manually call Check the SIM can send a call or not.
AT Command AT command to check SIM status.
USSD command It’s for querying balance, number and recharge etc.
SIM status Display the SIM status.
Content The response after sending USSD/AT command.
USSD command send automatically by the conditions below, Drop means drop the current
call after call duration time reached.
On this page, you can send USSD command manually and get USSD response more
Items Description
Copy Copy the USSD command to other channel.
Show Current Display the active SIM cards.
Show ALL SIM Display all SIM cards.
Clear Data Clear the USSD response.
Send Execute the USSD command.
Items Description
When sim card locked, device will send a sms to destination
SMS warning
mobile for warning
SMS Receiver for Warning The destination mobile which sms send
When the SIM reaches any conditions below, gateway will lock/switch it.
We take “consecutive failed calls checking” for example to explain the lock/switch function.
Items Description
If it is enabled, the consecutive failed calls will be used as a
Enable or Not
condition for system to check.
This condition will be recalculated next time when it is switched
Reset When Switching
by other conditions. For example:
After switch to next SIM, the next SIM will send USSD query
USSD Query
command first.
The maximum number of consecutive failed calls on this SIM
Failed Calls card. If the number of consecutive failed calls reaches this value,
the card will be locked if this condition is enabled.
The duration of locking. 0 means no lock while -1 means
Locking duration
permanent lock.
If the SIM card is locked by gateway, it will show , it means locked by device. And you
will also see the Description on running status >> call status page.
Click the top right-hand corner “add port cfg”, can define different ports with different
lock/switch cards conditions
3.4.11 Inter-Calling
Port inter-calling is a good solution for protecting SIM from blocking. It’s a human behavior
Items Description
The function will work if it is enabled. (need to set SIM number for
Port Inter-Calling
every port first).
If it is enabled, the callee will send a SMS to caller before inter-
Send SMS
Min Call Duration The minimum call duration when do port inter calling
The maximum call duration when do port inter calling. the call
Max Call Duration
duration will between minimum and maximum duration.
When enable this function, after excessing the condition below, the idle port will call each
other random (need to set the SIM number for every port first).
If you enable “Send SMS”, you will see the page below.
The callee will select a SMS content first, then send to caller before inter calling, you can
click “Add New” button to add new SMS content and delete or edit the SMS content.
The screenshot below shows time from 20:00 to 23:00, consume 100MB data.
The screenshot below shows which URL the device will surf for consuming data.
The apn settings for sim card. Note: if APN settings leave blank, can’t consume data.
Items Description
Falsh : control call duration by local device.
Call Duration DataSource ETMS: control call duration by ETMS server.
If use simpool, control call duration in sim center.
Enable: all channels use same call duration limitation.
Use Global Settings Disable: you can set different call duration limitation for single
The value of limitation. After the call duration reaches this value,
Total Max Duration
the SIM will be locked by device. 0 means no limit.
The value of limitation. After the daily call duration reaches this
Daily Max Duration
value, the SIM will be locked by device. 0 means no limit.
The value of limitation. After the call duration reaches this value,
Month Max Duration
the SIM will be locked by device. 0 means no limit.
Timing Start Date Month call duration reset time, default is 1.
Operator charging time, when the call is over this time, operator
Min Duration Unit will collect fees. For example: china mobile charge per minute, the
min duration unit will be 60 seconds.
Call Duration Error If set a value, every call’s duration will add that value
Enabled: calls will be dropped after the SIM reaches call duration
Drop Call If Expired time.
Disabled: calls will not drop.
You can scan more details about the call duration control on the page below. Once the SIM is
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ACOM5xx User Manual
used up, it will be locked by gateway. If you still want to use it, you need to click “Reset”.
Items Description
If you need every channel has different call duration (single call duration control), please
disable use global settings, and then you will see the page below.
Items Description
Items DesrIPtion
The sms sending interval for every two sms, if don’t set any
Sending Interval
value, after send a sms, the sim card will send the second
sms immediately, if set a value, the sim card will send the
second sms after interval time.
Sms Send Timeout The timeout for sending a sms
SMS Format PDU and TXT.
SMS status report. If it is enabled, after sending SMS
Status Report successfully, it will get a status report from operator such as
sending successfully.
Sms Send Max Lenth Maximum lenth of long sms
Sms Send Max Count Maximum counts of sms
Refuse: refuse to send the sms.
Sms Send Over Flow Proc
Truncated: truncate the long sms if it is over flow
Frist place: count type, 0 is Byte, 1 is character.
Second place: encoding algorithm, 0 means support 7bit,
1means doesn’t support 7 bit.
Third place: single limit,maximum number of bytes or
Count rule maximum number.
Fourth place: multiple header lenth,udhi
Charging rules: 0-0-140-6 representation: support 7bit, the
maximum single 140 bytes, when sending long sms, the udhi
header is 6 bytes.
Send SMS
You can select one or more ports to send SMS to different receiver. Successful and failed
SMS records will be show below.
You can check the latest SMS content and clean up all the SMS content on this page.
If you want to check more SIM content of this SIM, please click “Details” button.
Then you will see the page below. You can know the SMS details in different port and SIM,
reply and delete SMS here.
Items Description
Enabled, use email send to the email address which configured, the
Email to messages
content will send by device sim card to destination mobile
Sender Email address which device receive email
Password Email password
Mail sending Interval The device read email period.
When sim card receive sms, will forward the sms to the destination mobile which is set in
“forward number”
Items Description
Sip server ip, If leave blank, sms will sent to sip server which set in sip
Server ip
Content-type sip header, default is text/plain
Content Charset utf-8 or Base64
Items Description
Items Description
Email: when sim card receive sms, device will use sender email address
Forward protocol
send email to recipient.
Disable: all sms send to one email address.
Multiple Port
Enabled: different port send to different email address.
Sender Device use this email address send email.
Password Email password
Recipient The destination email address
Table 3.5.4-4 forward by Email
Items Description
Content SMS content. The length is limited to 300 ASCII characters.
The phone number of receiver. Semi-colon can be used to
separate multiple receivers.
Enable this button. Gateway will do inter-port SMS sending
(need set SIM number in every channel first), it’s random and
Send To Local SIM
by the condition below. For example: channel 1 sends SMS to
port 3.
SMS sending by device online time, and the time between
By Duration
minimum minutes and maximum minutes.
By Consecutive Failed
SMS sending by consecutive failed calls.
By Consecutive Calls SMS sending by consecutive calls.
Items Description
EJOIN device support SMPP V3.4, it can works as SMPP client and server, but we usually
used it as a SMPP server
BASIC settings
Items Description
Advanced settings
Items Description
Delivered: when destination mobile receive sms, send back submit ok
Submit timeout Submit ok timeout value, after 60mins, will timeout.
Sent: when device send sms to smsc successfully, send back delivery
Report response Delivered: when destination mobile receive sms, send back delivery
No respond: don’t send delivery report
Report Timeout Report timeout value, default is 60mins.
Send: the sms send from one port, next time, the same recipient
number will also use that port
Auto Clip routing Receive: smpp send a sms from device port, next time, this port
receive the sms will forward to the destination address use the
original address at the first time
Cache time The auto clip routing cache time
Translation list
This settings is used for remove country code, some country, sending sms with country will
be failed
Basic Settings
Items Description
The screenshot below shows operator prefix, one device insert different operator sim cards,
just configure the operator prefix, when sms traffic send to this device, device will use same
operator to send the sms.
The screenshot below shows port prefix, when sms traffic send to this device, device will
route the sms by port prefix.
You can select one or more ports to send MMS to different receiver. Successful and failed
SMS records will be show below.
Taking the figure above as an example, the callee number is 25670123456, it is with prefix
2567, the system will stripped 3 digits, then add 0, the callee number will be translated to
070123456. Ports set to * means apply for all ports.
Taking the figure above as an example, calling the SIM in gateway, you will hear an IVR:
please dial a number, if you dial 85245166, it will be translated to 075585245166.
Caller ID Hidden
If you want to hide caller ID, just enabled caller id hidden. Some operators sim card also can
hide caller id by add dial prefix.( Note: Need operators support with this function.)
Items Description
When you enable it, cards on gateway will be disabled, it can just use
SIM Pool
these cards on SIM Pool.
Registration Registered in sim center.
SIM allocation mode Active means request to server, passive means wait server reply.
Items Description
Server Address The auto recharge server address. (the server with EJOIN ear system)
Items Description
Server Address The third-party recharge system address
Items Description
Network Settings
There are three ways to access the device: web, telnet and serial. web default port is 80, telnet
is 23 and serial is the com port you insert. Web configuration is widely used in this device.
Items Description
Web Port Device web management port
Telnet Port Device telnet port, 0 means disabled
System telnet port Device system shell by telnet, 0 means disabled
HTTP API port http api port, default same with web port
Items Description
Type Indicates the current type of network GSM/CDMA/WCDMA/LTE
Disable If it is disabled, this channel will be locked by gateway.
When GSM part client call to this channel, gateway will auto forward to
Hot-line the hot-line (Mobile to VoIP). Leave it blank if you don’t need this
Unconditional When GSM part client call to this channel, gateway will forward the call
Forward to another mobile unconditionally.
No Answer When GSM part client calls to this channel, if this channel is no answer,
Forward gateway will forward the call to another mobile.
When GSM part client call to this channel, if this channel is busy,
Busy Forward
gateway will forward the call to another mobile.
Items Description
The DSP volume. the value range is 10-40. Input volume is on IP side and
Voice Volume
output volume is on GSM side. You can adjust volume here.
The dial tone is sent to a customer or operator to indicate that the receiving
end is ready to receive dial pulses or DTMF signals. It is used in all types of
Dial Tone
dial offices when the customer’s or operator’s dials produce dial pulses.
Usually adopt the default settings.
The ring back tone(or ringing tone) is an audible indication that can be heard
Ringback on caller side while the callee side phone is ringing. Normally, it is a
Tone repeated tone, designed to assure the caller that the callee side phone is
ringing. Usually adopt the default settings.
The busy tone indicates that the called customer’s line has been reached but
that it is busy, being wrong, or on permanent signal. When an operator
Busy Tone applies a busy signal, it is sometimes called a busy-back tone. Line Busy
Tone is a low tone that is on and off every 0.5 second. Usually adopt the
default settings.
Items Description
Carrier lock Card The sim card blocked by carrier,
Profile lock Card The sim card locked by device,
No Balance Balance lower than invalid balance,
Registered failed Sim card registered failed,
Port Light Indication If disabled, the led will not flash even sim card locked or calling
Items Description
Caller ID Display If it is disabled, caller ID will not show on “call status” page.
DTMF Mode RFC2833, SIP INFO and IN-BAND. The default one is RFC2833.
RFC2833 Payload Type RTP Payload for DTMF, the default is 101.
RTP Ptime The interval of RTP packages.
RTP Start Port The initial port when RTP voice stream transmit the IP network.
RTP End Port The maximum rtp port
Hotline Number Dial
Incoming call delay to send to sip server
Network Compatible
Sim card registered two times, after failed, shows registered failed
Network Compatible
Dur Sim card registered time period, every time 180s
One caller send call from one port to a mobile, next time, this
Auto reply mobile call back, the call will forward to the caller and ignore
hotline number settings.
Detect the busy tone, then hangup the call, need to confirm the busy
Busy Tone Det
tone frequency first.
TE Char Set Set character for USSD response.
Wireless mod Heartbeat
The module heartbeat detect time
SIM Card Init Judge If enabled, the sim card need to read phone before registered
Items Description
Drop after start The call drop automatically after the call start value
Drop after alert The call drop automatically after the call ringing value
Drop after talk The call drop automatically after the call connected value
Follow the screenshot below, you can set the “allowed IP” or “not allowed IP” for
web and telnet access.
You are allowed to set an alias for device. You can also manage your gateway to reboot
automatically as you like. There are two types for you to choose, one is after gateway running
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You can choose your time zone or change the NTP server address here. There are three
method to get time, manual means set the time manually, NTP means get the time from time
server, base station means get the time by wireless module.
Temperature Settings
When the temperature lower than the value, Fan stop working. This function need the device
has temperature sensor.
Items Description
Server type ERMS and ETMS, default ERM web
ERM Server IP ERM or ETMS server ip
ERM Server
The port of ERM or ETMS service. Default is 50000
Account ERM account. You can also click “Register” to create a new account.
Password Password of ERM account.
status The Registration status of gateway with ERM or ETMS server.
Status dur. time The time elapsed since registered.
Table 3.8.3-4 network management system
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an application–layer protocol defined by
the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) in RFC1157 for exchanging management information
between network devices. It is a part of Transmission Control Protocol⁄Internet Protocol (TCP⁄IP)
protocol suite.
Ejoin SNMP management include SIM card ICCID, IMSI, IMEI, Register status, CDR and
On this page, you can update the firmware for device, you can also update other files like
kernel, ramfs etc.
Export Configuration
Service Data
Click “Export data” button to export the call duration and sms counts data
Restore To Factory
Sometimes there is something wrong with your gateway that you don’t know how to solve it,
mostly you will reset it. Just click “restore” button, your gateway will be reset to the factory
settings.(IP will not change) .
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Capture the tcpdump log of device, the log will show in “file management”
You can enable the specific progress module running logs to monitor the device working
status, and set the log file counts. Device will save 5 logs as default
You can back to File management page to download these log files.
This page is used to show all the running processes of the device, CPU&Memory useage.
Panel mode
Port LED display every SIM card status on device. if the sim card is locked, can reset in this
Items Description
SIM card inserted, but the module not read the card.
Low balance(lower than the invalid balance when enable billing system)
Table 3.9.1-1
Port Status
Port status display every wireless module detect status, and register operator information,
signal value for channels.
Items Description
Port Number of GSM/CDMA/WCDMA/LTE ports.
SIM The SIM slot number
Table 3.9.1-2
Items Description
WAN status shows the wan port network parameters and MAC address.
License information shows voice, sms and IMEI modify enable or not and so on.
Items Description
Show Cur Shows current active sim cards call statistics.
Show ALL Shows all sim cards call statistics.
Clear Clear all ports call statistics. The data will be clear after rebooting.
Time period Last hour, last two hours, last day and total call statistics for selecting.
Port No. Number of GSM/CDMA/WCDMA/LTE ports.
Calls The total number of calls that send out from this SIM card.
Alerted The total calls which is responded alerting message.
Connected The total answered calls
The consecutive failed calls.
NC No Carriers times and trying times.
Post Dial Delay (PDD) is experienced by the originating customer as the
time from the sending of the final dialed digit to the point at which they
hear ring tone or other in-band information. Where the originating
network is required to play an announcement before completing the call
then this definition of PDD excludes the duration of such announcements.
The Average Call Duration(ACD) is calculated by taking the sum of
ACD billable seconds(billsec) of answered calls and dividing it by the number
of these answered calls.
Items Description
Codec The voice codec of current call use, g729, g723, g711 etc.
Remote IP:Port The remote server rtp ip and rtp port
Local Port Device rtp port
Items Description
Show Cur Shows current active sim cards sms statistics.
Show ALL Shows all sim cards sms statistics.
Clear Clear all ports sms statistics. The data will be clear after rebooting
Time period Last hour, last two hours, last day and total call statistics for selecting.
Port No. Number of GSM/CDMA/WCDMA/LTE ports.
SIM status Indicates whether SIM is registered or not
Received The sim card received sms counts.
Sent The sent sms counts.
Sent OK The successful sms counts.
Sent failed The failed sms counts.
Con.failed The consecutive failed sms counts.
server. If you need to query cdr, the first step is connect with etms server.
Chapter Ⅴ FAQ