101 L - PCL603 Assignment 3
101 L - PCL603 Assignment 3
101 L - PCL603 Assignment 3
(a) Answer all questions, legibly.
(b) Assignment of each subject should be done in separate sheets.
(c) Assignment to be submitted in Flotilla office by 0900 hrs on ______________.
(d) Assignment consists of 05 subjects of Course ___________.
(e) Assignment will be graded and marks accounted for respective subjects
Q1. Describe the working of an operational amplifier using the block schematic
Q2. A PLL IC 565 connected as a FM demodulator has R 1=20kΩ, C1=0.04µF
and C=0.01µF.The supply voltage is +14V. Determine,
(a) Free running frequency.
(b) Lock Range.
Q3. Explain the working of 565 PLL IC using basic block diagram.
Q4. (a) Draw the circuit diagram of astable multivibrator using functional diagram of
555 IC.
(b) Derive the expressions for tON, tOFF, Total time and Duty cycle of an astable
Q5. (a) Explain the working of Wien bridge oscillator with the help of a neat circuit
(b) Derive the expression for frequency of oscillation fo for a Wien bridge
(c) Design a Wien bridge oscillator for f o= 2kHz, Assume C= 0.05µF.