BS EN 10132-1 Scan

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BRITISH STANDARD Cold rolled narrow steel strip for heat treatment — Technical delivery conditions — Part 1: General BSEN 10132-1:2000 BS EN 10132-1:2000 National foreword ‘his Brith Standards hoof ngs anguage veson of BN 101322000 ‘Together wath 8 EN 101322 BS EN 105 sop BS 101.1809), ‘Much when. Together with 3 EN [014s supersedes BS S77 Pa 2 {SuSulal wich are wim "De Upton preparation was eure to Tectia! Commitee ‘SU, Wrought sk fase espnsy st enqueue he ot present ne reagan Bop cane any ens onthe Frere, or propos fr cangs, ad keep the Uk iets vnc — moter re intent and Rapa developmen prolete ther ee | ‘Ast of narzaons rere on his cite ean be obtained an equ ieeeseny CCrosereferences “Th ash Strands which mpenent ntarationl or Buopea bition ‘re ei Souert yb ound he BS Stas Clogs ude Set ered “intemal Stands Coespensence Index” orb aig te "ina iy ote BSt Sadar etnies A Bish Sandal dos na puerto inde lhe nea proviso enact. ows of ash Seana are response fr cote pybeaicn Compliance with» British Standard docs not of sel confer fmunlty ‘om toga ebgaions Summary of pages ‘Dis dgcunent copes a Hot cx nde er eaves he EN He page, pages 210 Isa bckcoree ‘The BSt copmigt nesic splayed in hs document aes When the document vs et ed ‘tension tose Amendments issued since publication Siete ngnerey | And.No, Date | Canes SHS Seen EUROPEAN STANDARD EN 10132-1 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM February 2000 1087719010, 7214050 Engl version Cold rolled narrow steel strip for heat treatment - Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: General Fads amet dg lor ami otra Sa roe agent citing season Pose Soe esac Unonesngen fa gare ‘hs Canaan tna ped by CN 9 sary 200, ‘eared cart Phe CENCEEL EC ra Rar i ae din ea i Cope $Sancnae mae chlnednsppaos oe Cl cua orenycEN mere nor on ae {ioe eapeeanyofs CEN nrber io noun ing eas Dae Goes Sascaaete ae oake oe a {enon rela ty, Lanroog Retetres Aerny, Pong Sp, Swear, Soarand we tid gis Sour sonordan or Nowunt tention camel eet ade Ste 6 BIO Bse if Peon? Ei 2.12000 Contents Foreword 1 Scope 2 Normative references ‘Terms and definitions Classification and designation Classification Designation Information to be supplied by the purchaser Mandatory information Options Manufacturing process 4 General 2 Deaxidation 7 Requirements 7A General 2. Method of delvery 713 Delivery condition 74 Chemioa! eomposition 715. Mechanical properties 78 Structure TT Surface finish 7.8 Dimensions and tolerances on dimensions and shape 8 Inspection 8.1 General 82 Specific inspection and testing 9 Sampling 40. Test methods 40.1 Chemical analysis 102 Tensile test 10.3 Hardness test 11 Labelling, packaging and protection 12 Rotests [Annex A (normative): Supplementary or special requirements Bibliography Poge Pages 0132-12000 Foreword This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee ECISS/TC 23, Steels for heat treatment, alloy stoels and free-cuting steels - Qualls and dimensions, the secretariat of which i held by DIN, ‘This European Standard shal be given the status of a national standard, ether by pubiiation of an identical text or by endorsement, atthe latest by August 2000, and Conflicting national standards shal be withsrawn atthe latest by August 2000, ‘This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Associaton. This European ‘tanderd is considered to be a supporing standard to those application and product standards which in themselves support an essential safety requirement of a New ‘Approach Direciive and which make reference to this European Standard. ‘According to the CENICENELEC Internal Regulations, the national slandards ‘organizations ofthe folowing countries ere bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, losianc, rea, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Nonvay, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. ‘The European Standard EN 10132, Cold rolled narow stee! stp for heat-treatment = Technical delivery conditons, is subdivided as follows: Par 1: General Part 2: Case hardening steals; Part 3: Steels for quenching and tempering Part Spring steels and other spec applications. Pago EN To1s2-1:2000| 1 Scope 41.4 This part of EN 10132 specifies the general technical delivery colton for ‘son-allay and alloy cold rolled narrow ste! siip in roling widths < 600 mm for heat teeatment. 1.2 In special cases supplementary requirements or deviations with respec to this European Standard may be agreed between the purchaser and the supalier atthe ime cf enquiry and order (202 annex A), 1.3 In additon tothe requirements ofthis standard, the general technical delivery requirements specified in EN 10021 apply. 2 Normative references ‘This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from ‘ther publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places In the text and the publicatons are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent ‘amendments fo of revisions of any of these publications apply to this European ‘Standard only when Incorporated in itby amendment a revision. For undated references the latest ection ofthe publication refered to apalies (CR 10260, Designation systems for steel - Addtional symbols. OR 10281, ron and steel - Review of avaiable methods of chemical analysis EN 10002 temperature). EEN 10020, Definition and classification of grades of steel Metaiic materials - Tensile testing - Part 1: Methed of test (at ambient EN 10021, Genora technical delivery requirements for stee! and iron products EN 10027-1, Designation systems for steel - Part 1: Steel names, principal symbole. EN 10027-2, Designation systems for steel - Part 2: Numerical system. EN 10052, Vocabulary of heat treatment terms for ferrous product. EN 10079, Definition of steel products EN ISO 6506-1, Motatc materials - Rockwoll hardness test- Part 1: Test method (scales A, B, C.D, E, F, G, H, K,N, 1) (ISO 6508-1:1999) EN 10132-2, Cold rolled narrow stee! strip - Technical delivery conditions - Part 2: Case hardening steels, EN 10132-3, Cold rolled narrow stee! stip - Technical delivery conditions - Part 3: Steel for quenching and tempering, Pages En s01s2-43000 EN 10132-4, Cold rolled narrow ste! strip ~ Technical delivery conditions - art 4: Soring steels and other special application, EN 10140, Cold rolled narrow steel strip - Tolerances on dimensions and shape. EN 10204, Metalic products - Types of inspection documents (includes amendment A1:1995). EN 180 377, Stool and stee! products - Location and preparation of samples and test pieces far mechanical testing ISO 377:1997). EN ISO 6507-1, Motaic materials - Vickers hardness tost - Part 1: Test method iSO 6807-1:1987). EURONORN 103", Microscopic determination ofthe ferrite o austenitic grain size of steels. 180 14284, Stee! and ron - Sempling and preparation of sampies for the determination of chemical composition. 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes ofthis standard the following term and definition apply in adliton to the terms and definiions in EN 10020, EN 10021, EN 10052, EN 10079, EN ISO 377 ‘and ISO 14284: 3a Production lot products from the same cast, with the same thickness and the same heat-reatment cycle ‘1 umaybe agreed at he Sno of orden he EURONORM hasbeen aseptic ae European ‘Standard ta shar his EURONORM ora corespording naoal landed shoud be apd 6 EN T0192-4:2000 4 Classification and designation 4.1 Classification ‘The classification ofthe relevant steel grades according to EN 10020 Is inlcated in EN 101322, EN 101323 and EN 10132-4 42 Designation 421 Steal names For the steel grades covered by this European Standard, the steel names as given in the relevent iables of EN 10132-2, EN 10132-3 and EN 1012-4 are allocated in ‘sccordance wih EN 10027-1 and CR 10260. 4.22 Steel numbers. For the steel grades covered by this European Standard, the steel numbers as given in the relevant tables of EN 10132-2, EN 10132-3 and EN 1072-4 ae allocated in sccordance with EN 10027-2. 5 Information to be supplied by the purchaser 5.4 Mandatory information ‘The folowing information shall be supplied by the purchaser atthe time of enquly and ‘order to enable the supplier to comply withthe requirements ofthis European Standard 2) the quantty tobe delivered the designation ofthe product form (cold roll narrow stip); ©) the number of the dimensional standard (EN 10140); 4) the dimensions and tolerances on dimensions and shape and, it applicable, letters ‘denoting relevant special tolerances; ©) the number ofthis European Standard including the number ofthe relevant part: 1) steel name or steel number (see 4.2); 9) the delivery condition (see 73); 1) required the type of inspection document in accordance with EN 10204, Page en 10192-42000 EXAMPLE 5 tons of cold rolled narow stip EN 10140 - 1,50:2006K EN 10182.2- T6MnCrSHA EN 1020422 5 tons of cold rolled narow stip EN 10140- 1,50:2006K EN 10192.2- 1.713148 EN 10208-22 52 Options ‘A number of options re specified in this European Standard and listod below. ifthe purchaser does not indicate his wish to implement ane ofthese options, the supplier ‘shall act in accordance vith the basic specication of this European Standard (see 5.1) 1) any requirement on surface conan; 1) any requirement concerning typeof eds: ©) any special requtement cancering bend test (see 75} 4) any special requirement relating to gran size (see 7.6.1 and A2} ©) any requirement concerning nar-metaic inclusions (se 7.6.2 and A}; 1) any equrement concerning scface roughness (668 7.7) @) any requirement on labeling (see clause 11) 1) any special requirement on marking (see cause 11) 1) any requirement on mensions and weight of cas (see clause 11) 1) any requirement onthe method of packaging (see clause 11); ke) any requirement conceming proteetion during transport and handling (see clause 11); 1) any requirement concerning bar coding (see clause 11}: ‘m) any verification of the product analysis (see A.1), Eiots.12000 6 Manufacturing process. 6.1 General ‘The manufacturing process ofthe se! and ofthe preduets i left to the discretion of the manufacturer and subject te restitions given by the requirments in 6.2 6.2 Deoxidation Al stools chal be ke 7 Requirements 74 General “The manufacturer is responsible, using the means he thinks ft, for controling his production from the point of view of the various qual criteria specied 7.2 Method of delivery “The products shall be delivered by castor part of s cast. The number of casts per livery shall be minimized as far as tis possible. 17.3 Delivery condition “The products shall be supplied as agreed atthe time of enquiry ané order in one of the olvery conditions inciosted im EN 10132-2, EN 10132-8 and EN 1013244 7.4 Chemical composition TAA Cast a ysis ‘The chemical composton ofthe stee! as shown by the cast analysis shall conform with the values specie inthe relevant tables of EN 10132-2, EN 10132-3 and EN 10132-4 7.4.2 Product analysi “The permissible deviations in the product analysis in relation tothe specified limits of cast analysis (90e 74.1) are indicated in te relevant tables of EN 107322, EN 10°32-9 ‘and EN 10132-4 7.5 Mechanical propertios ‘The mechanical properties ofthe products shall meet the values stated inthe relevant tables of EN 10132-2, EN 10132-3 and EN 101324 an EER Pages ev sorse-1200 7.6 Structure 7.6.1 Grain size Unless otherwise agreed at the ume of ordering, the grain size shal be lft tothe cretion of the manufacturer. fa fine grain structure is required in accordance with a reference treatment, te special requirement as detailed in A. shall be ordered, 7.6.2 Non-metallic inclusions The steels shall have a degree of cleanliness corresponding tothe special stet quay The degree of cleanliness may be agreed atthe time of enquiry and order (see A.3) 17.6.8 Decarburization Independent of ther heat treatment, all stots listed in EN 10132-3 with minimum carbon contents> 0,60 % and all tees ited in EN 0152-4 shall not have, Secarburization lavels exceeding the limite outind in EN 1012-3 and EN 10192-4, 17 Surface finish ‘All products shall have a smoath nish as deserbed in EN 10192-2, EN 10192-3 and EN 10132-4, Requirements conceming roughness may be agreed upon atthe time of enquiry and orser, ‘7.8 Dimensions and tolerances on dimensions and shape “The nominal dimensions and tolerances on dimensions and shape for the products shall conform to EN 10140, unless otnerwise agreed at the time of enquiry and order. With tolerances spectfied in EN 10140 may not be requested for stp in te quenched and tempered condition (427), 8 Inspection 8.4 General “The manufacturer shall carty out appropriate process contra, inspection and testing to ‘assure himself thatthe delivery complies with the requirements of the order. ‘This includes, for example, the folowing: —A suitable frequency of verification of the dimensions of he products, _— An adequate intensity of visual examination ofthe surface quay of the products ‘An appropriate requency and type of test to ensure thatthe corect grade of steel is used Page 10 EN 0132-12000 ‘The nsture and frequency ofthese verications, examinations and tests shall be determined by the manufacturer, inthe ight ofthe degree of consistency that has been determined by the evidence of the quaity system. In view ofthis, verifications by specific tests for these requirements are not necessary unless otherwise agreed .2 Specific inspection and testing {8.244 Verification of mechanical properties \erfication of the mechanical propestias chal bo carried out in the delivery condition hich is specied in the relevant tables of EN 10132-2, EN 10132-3 and EN 1013244, 8.2.2 Number and frequency of tests ‘The numberof tess taken shall bea minimum of 1 test per production lt ‘9 Sampling ‘9.4 The specications of EN ISO 377 and ISO 14284 hall be observed in sempling and sample preparation, The stipulations in 8.2 apply addionaly forthe mechanical tests, {9.2 The samples forthe tensile test shall be taken in such a way that they are located halfway between the centre and a longitudinal edge. “The samples shall be taken from preducis in the delivery condition. If agreed, the ‘samples may be taken before flattering, For samples tobe given a simulated heat, tteaiment the conclions for annealing or hardering and tempering shall be agreed upon, 10 Test methods 40.4 Chemical analysis ‘The methods to be applied fr the verification of he product analysis shal be agreed at the time of ordering, with reference to existing European Standards where these are avaliable. 10.2 Tonsilo tost ‘The tonsile test shall be caried out accordance with EN 1002-4, 10.3 Hardness test ‘The hardness test shal be carted out in accordance with EN 180 6507-1 (Vickers) or EN ISO 6508-1 (Rockwel). Se ear Pog 11 en 10132-42000 11 Labelling, packaging and protection “The manufactuer shall abel the producs in a suitable way so that is possible to ieniiy the manufacturers name or symbol, the batch number, the nominal dimensions ‘and the steel grade, ‘Any special or addtional marking shall be agreed upon at the time of the enquiry or order. “The intonal and external diameter of the col and the methed ef packaging of the product to be delivered shall be agreed during oxdering. ‘The products are pormaly supplied oiled. in this case, both sides are protected by a coat of non-crying neutral ol Fee from foreign bodies and spread uniformly so that Lunder the normal packing, anspor, loading and storage conditions there will be no ‘corrosion after tee months, Ifthe transport and storage conditions make special corrosion protection necessary, the user shal inform the manufacturer ofthis atthe me ef ordering, “The olfim shal be removable by an atain souton or other nore solvent, “The selection of protection ois salle the subject ofa separate agreement. Ber coding according to ENV 606 can be agreed atthe time of engulry and order. 12 Rotosts For retest, EN 1002" shall apply. Pago 12 EN 10132-12000 Annex A normative) ‘Supplementary or special requirements [NOTE One or more of he folowing supplementary or special requirements may be agreed ‘pon atthe time of enquiry and oder. The deta ofthese requirements may be agreed upon between the manufacturer ana the purchase a the ime of enaury snd arr, necessary. ‘A Product analysis, ‘One product analysis shall be carried out per cast for elements for which values are pected for the cast analysis of the steel ype concerned. ‘The coneitions for sampling shal be in accordance with ISO 14285 Inthe case of ispute about the analytical method, the chemical composition shal be determined in ‘accordance wth a reference method taken from one ofthe European Standards listed in GR 10280, A.2 Fine grain steel When teste in accordance with EURONORM 103, the ste! shall have an austenite grain size number of 5 and higher. If specific testing is orderes, it shal also be agreed ‘whether this grin eze requirement isto be verfied by determining the alumni Content or micregraphically, In the fist ease, te aluminium content shall also be agreed Inthe second case, ane test place shall be inspected per cast for tha determination of the austenitic grain size. Sampling and sample preparation shall be as specifiad in EURONORM 103, Unless otherwise agreed at the ime of enauity and order, the quenched grain size shall be determined. Hardening shall be carried out under the folawing conditions far tne purpose of determining the quenched grain size: — for stools with @ lower carbon content limit < 0,38 % (880 # 10) °C for 90 minutesiwater: — for steels with a lower carbon content limit> 0,35 % (860 + 10) °C, 90 minuteshwater. In cases of dispute, pretreatment at 150°C for 30 minutes/air shall be cartied out in Corder to produce a uniform stating condition. A3 Content of non-metallic inclusions ‘The content of non-metallic inclusions shall be within limits which have been agreed ‘upon, hen microscopically determines acoorsing to an agreed procedure (for example ‘se@ ENV 10247). Page 18 2 10122-42000, Bibliography ENV 606, Bar coded transport and handling labels for tee! products. ENV 10247, Metaiographic test methods - Examination of tests using standera ‘dlagrams to assess the contont of nen-metalc inclusions. BSI — British Standards Institution ‘SLs the ingen atonal body response fr preparing Beth Senda. 1 paesris te UK ew on tana m Butope ad ato terion ee: is operated by Royal Carter. Revfaiont Bat Standard are pate by amendmen ce reson Uso Bato Sante Should make sre tat te posses he ates econ ren este constant im of Bo irove the qi of ou prods and saves We ‘woldbe gate tne ing an nacarcy oaguly whe wn is ‘Bash Sadar would ar te Serwary ote eee come eon, {he eyo ue can be our ene ede ort cover 1020 SH00 10. ae 0 40, Sl offers members anvil updating sas called PLUS whch ensues that ‘beaiben sural soo De ata olson of Saas Buying standards ‘Orders for al BSL bvemtonal and foreign ands pallesions shoul be ‘tess Csimer Sins: C2 S065 00a C2508 70 nip nes fr al sans SL tye ES erento hat have bee pds as rsh Seas ‘trou request Information om standards SI proves wide range of norton on naira, Paropean sneer Standards ugh ovary ans Teacal Hao Exper Serie Vout [it elec inmate sree ato aie wh ve ete lis roduc and sees Cais! heieration Cane Te 20 87 Fat 08 708 Suterng menber of BS ae hep to ew standart elope ae "eee sisal deo on the piece pce of stad Fo deals of ‘hes and ter bene ewes! Merborp Ramu. T0809 702, Fac tb Copyrisht Coit sts inal St pubiations. BS alc ols te cope in he UK, of ‘heptane of ha rool senda die Exe peed. ter the Cop, Dace ad Paes At 8 extra ay be ero, ‘Serine sem or eananted sty la rby any means acai, ‘hotoopsing ecorangoreervise = ihn! por wrten pene em BS “This does nat prelate fee, nthe cose of npementing h andao ‘oer dla sh at syn ade ye oe ade doa these ‘Si zo be woe far any ete prpoe an snes hen he par ‘ten pasion of BS st be cane persons wari the terms may need oval payments or eens ‘gett Dats an ace cn be tne mth Cony Menage Ronson,

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