Procedure For Compliance With Regulations and Safety Requirements For MAN Products

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MAN Truck & Bus AG WORKS STANDARD February 2012

Procedure for compliance with regulations and

safety requirements for MAN products M 3010-3
Parts requiring proof of functional reliability (P parts)

Dimensions in mm

This English version is a translation. In case of doubt or conflict the valid German-language original will govern.

1 Scope and purpose
2 Parts requiring proof of functional reliability (P parts)
3 Identification
4 Release procedure
5 Reason for proof documentation
Appendix A Form for P part documentation
Appendix B Overview for ensuring functional reliability

New designs and changes for P parts, especially from Design and Purchasing (see Section 5), must
always be released by the material strength testing team in acc. with Instruction TE 002 prior to

1 Scope and purpose

This standard applies to strength-relevant components/modules/systems in MAN commercial vehicles
that require functional release in accordance with TE 002 because of their particular importance in the
For this purpose, a material strength testing team comprising experts from the areas of calculation,
testing and design was established at MTB. This team checks whether any or which actions are
necessary to ensure functional reliability prior to series introduction and releases these parts if they are
Since proof (PROOF) of this release must documented, such parts are designated as P parts.
Changes to parts requiring proof of functional reliability in accordance with Section 5 may be introduced
only after release by the material strength testing team.
The purpose of the standard is to avoid damage arising from the use of parts whose functional reliability
has not been adequately verified (by calculation and/or testing).

2 Parts requiring proof of functional reliability (P parts)

P parts in the sense of this standard include all
- Components/modules/systems that are listed with a part type (function) and item number stem in
Table 1. These part types include components with safety-relevant features or requirements, which,
if not complied with, can have a critical effect on the roadworthiness or functional safety of the
Parts with multiple functions to which one function from Table 1 can be assigned must always be
treated as P parts. In cases of doubt, assignment to the function groups and types of parts is to be
agreed upon with the Standardization Department (EAS).
- Other components/modules/systems not yet contained in Table 1 where determination of the
development risk number (ERZ) conducted as part of the risk assessment for new development
resulted in a product risk factor P > 8 (with respect to strength), see link
Additional components/systems/modules not listed here that have to be treated as P parts may be
defined by the Design and Testing departments. If a complete part type is affected, this must be notified
to the standardization department (EAS) for inclusion in Table 1.
Co-sponsors of the standard: EVDF Continued on Page 2 to 7

Prepared by: Vielemeyer Release EAS: Replaces: 2010-04 Material group no.:
2012-03, englisch
MAN Truck & Bus Aktiengesellschaft, Munich works - Dept. Standardization (EAS). All rights reserved in accordance with ISO 16016.
Distribution and use of the contents are not allowed without written permission from MAN Truck & Bus Aktiengesellschaft.
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M 3010-3 : 2012-02

Notes on Table 1
When defining item numbers, components are assigned to a function group and part type on the basis of their
location in the vehicle and their function there (see function group plan in Supplement 1 to M 3002 and the list
of part types). The item number stem is established in accordance with these criteria.
Components corresponding to the part types and item number stem in accordance with Table 1 are classified
as P parts and must be checked for any necessary measures for proof of functional reliability by the material
strength testing team in accordance with instruction TE 002.
If P parts as defined in Table 1 are assigned test numbers (item number stem XX.99XXX-) during the
development stage, these must be notified to the material strength testing team as soon as possible by the
responsible designer.

Table 1: Part types requiring proof of functional reliability (sorting order: item no. stem)

Part type (function) Item no. Part type (function) Item no.
stem stem
Rear and trailing axle, front axle drive Wheels, tyres
Axle beam, housing, stub xx.35401- Disc wheel xx.45302-
Rear wheel hub xx.35701- Disc wheel xx.45303-
Thrust ring, race xx.35710- Wheel mounting bolt xx.45501-
Front axle, driven Steering
Steering knuckle xx.36025- Universal joint, flange to steering xx.46105-
Axle housing, axle fork xx.36202- column assembly
Steering knuckle (axle stub) xx.36301- Steering bracket xx.46110-
Steering knuckle pin xx 36305- Steering spindle, steering column xx.46113-
Front wheel hub xx.36501- Intermediate shaft xx.46122-
Steering gear assy. xx.46200-
Frame Steering column support xx.46440-
Spring U-bolt 06.4611x- Drop arm xx.46601-
Final cross member xx.41250- Steering rod xx.46610-
Front spring mount xx.41301- Steering rod xx.46611-
Spring pin xx.41306- Track rod arm xx.46701-
Rear spring bracket xx.41307- Pitman arm xx.46705-
Rocker (assy.) xx.41715- Track rod xx.46710-
Mount bracket (assy.) xx.41720- Track rod xx.46711-
Frame attachments Track-rod arm xx.46715-
Drag lever, reversing lever, elbow xx.46720-
Towing hook, coupling ball xx.42020- lever
Fifth-wheel coupling xx.42710- Bearing assembly xx.46730-
Axle guide, springs, shock absorbers Bearing journal xx.46731-
Mount bracket xx.43215- Braking equipment for wheel
Axle control arm xx.43220- Bearing arm xx.50310-
Transverse control arm xx.43250- Bracket xx.50710-
A-arm xx.43270-
Steering arm xx.43315- Cab
Bearer/bag carrier/ xx.43630- Cab mounting carrier xx.61820-
Air-spring bag carrier Locking device xx.61852-
Mount bracket xx.43705-
Bus substructure
Front axle, not driven End member assy. xx.71601-
Front-axle beam xx.44101- End member assy. xx.71602-
Steering knuckle xx.44201- End member assy. xx.71603-
Steering knuckle carrier xx.44202- End member assy. xx.71604-
Steering knuckle pin xx.44205-
Front wheel hub xx.44301-
If part of outside origin, release in accordance with MAN 239-3.
Components with product risk factor P > 8 (with regard to strength)
- see page 1, Section 2, second coat -
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3 Marking
Parts that are to be classified P parts in accordance with Section 2 must be identified with the letter "P" as
described in Sections 3.1 and 3.2. In this way, these parts can be recognised early on as parts requiring proof of
functional reliability. The responsible individual is the designer involved. In cases of doubt, the designer
must clarify the classification for his part with the material strength testing team in advance. The department that
must be contacted is the Dept. Overall vehicle strength (EVDF).

3.1 Identification in the item master data

When assigning item numbers, a comparison should be made with the specifications in Table 1 and, when
designating the item master data for P parts in the MAN AG Host Extra, a "P" designation should be entered in
the screen TE23A/B in field TK.

3.2 Identification in the drawings

MAN drawings: Entry of the letter "P" in the MTB drawing title block box in acc. with MG.110.01-2, field 5
By means of sticker A034 in accordance with M 3056-2

4 Release procedure
Parts that were classified as P parts must be communicated to the material strength testing team that tests
these parts by the responsible designer as early as possible. For this purpose, the form "P part documentation"
– see Appendix A – must be completed and sent to the department EVDF. The signed form must be enclosed
with the change documents.
The corresponding release procedure is regulated in instruction TE 002. The department that must be contacted
in this respect is also the Dept. Overall vehicle strength (EVDF).

5 Reason for proof documentation

Proof documentation by the material strength testing team to ensure the functional reliability of P parts is
required for new releases and the changes listed in the following. All parts designated as P parts will be dealt
with by the material strength testing team in regularly scheduled meetings.
In addition, the material strength testing team is to be informed directly and, above all, in a timely manner in
the following situations, and specifically:

by the responsible designer in the case of:

- P parts that are to be evaluated by the material strength testing team at short notice (e.g. start of series
production at risk),
- change of the object characteristics (such as dimensions, material, etc.) specified in the technical
documentation of P parts,
- changes regarding semi-finished/unfinished parts and changes involving the manufacturing method for P
parts and

by the responsible purchaser in the case of:

- a change in supplier of P parts,
- relocation of production of P parts,
- new sub-suppliers of semi-finished or unfinished blanks for P parts.

Standards quoted
MAN 239-3 Ensuring the functional reliability of externally procured components in MAN products
MG.110.01-2 Title blocks for drawings and drawing changes
M 3056-2 Repeated and collective data in drawings (stickers), execution of drawings
TE 002 Release of P parts

Previous issues: M 3010-3, Issue 2005-05, 2006-04, 2010-04

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M 3010-3 : 2012-02

Changes: Compared to issue 2005-05 the following changes have been made:
In Table 1, footnote 1 and individual parts for cab mounting and cab lock added
Compared to issue 2006-04 the following changes have been made:
In Table 1, footnote 1 omitted.
Compared to issue 2010-04 the following changes have been made:
Formal changes were implemented that have resulted from renaming of MAN Nutzfahrzeuge
AG (MN) to MAN Truck & Bus AG (MTB) and from changes in the organisational unit and
department abbreviations.
Section 2: ERZ (development risk number) calculation from SE manual changed to PEP,
link added
The selection of P parts changed from item number stem and designation to part type
(function) and item number stem, see in particular Table 1.
In Section 4, reference to P part form and its filing included in the change documents
Appendix A: Form for P part documentation added
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Appendix A

Form for P part documentation

- Designation:

- Item number: Index:

- Application type: On-road Construction site Difficult off-road terrain

- Vehicle series:
Truck: light medium heavy
Truck mil., off-road capable: light medium heavy
Truck mil., rough terrain capable (SX):
Bus/coach: City bus Coach
- Gross weight: 1st/2nd front axle: 1st/2nd rear axle:

- Predecessor component / developed from:

Item number: Index:

- Qualification of predecessor component:

Calculation / Test: VA
Calculation by Design / supplier
P part meeting on
Field operation:
Vehicle type: Quantity:
Period: No. of damage cases:

- Distinguishing feature between predecessor part / new part (enter details on page 2 or provide as enclosure)
Design Material Supplier
Use Model series Manufacturing method
Special part-specific characteristics (in accordance with list on page 2)

- Measures resulting from team meeting:

Calculation / Test: VA
Calculation by Design / supplier

Date, signature:

______________________ ______________________ ______________________

(Design) (Calculation of stability - EVDA) (Testing - EVDF)
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Form for P part documentation

Details on distinguishing features between predecessor part / new part:

Note on "Part-specific distinguishing features":

(specify above only if difference for following features)

Axles Axle load

Brake torque
Wheel radius
Frame Spring U-bolt Tightening torque
Number of spring leaves
Brake torques
Final cross member Trailer load
Drawbar load
Spring mount, mount Axle load
bracket, bearer, spring pin
Cab mount Cab weight
Frame attachments Coupling ball joint Trailer load
Fifth-wheel coupling Semitrailer mass
Axle guide Axle load
Springs Brake torque
Shock absorbers
Wheels, tyres Axle load
Brake torque
Wheel radius
Steering Steering pressure
Hydraulic torque
Manual torque ratio
Leverage "Knee bending
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M 3010-3 : 2012-02
Appendix B
Overview: Ensuring the functional reliability of components before series use in MAN vehicles

The requirements for ensuring the functional reliability (functionality, reliability and service life) of purchased parts (development and possibly
manufacturing responsibility held by the supplier) prior to series production are regulated in the individual component requirements specifications or the
works standard MAN 239-3 and compliance with these requirements is the responsibility of the supplier.
Safety-related parts for which MAN has responsibility regarding development (new designs and changes) are subject to proof of functional reliability in
acc. with M 3010-3.

Purchased part Proprietary part

Part of outside origin Part of outside manufacture In-house part

Development and possibly Development responsibility Development and
manufacturing responsibility held by MAN, manufacturing manufacturing responsibility
held by supplier responsibility held by supplier held by MAN

Proof of the functional Requirement "Proof of

reliability in acc. with functional reliability in Any necessary actions
component requirements acc. with MAN 239-3“ by regarding documentation
specification on the basis means of drawing sticker of the proof of functional
of MAN 239-3 Part requiring proof of no
functional reliability in
reliability are decided
acc. with M 3010-3? upon by the responsible
designer in agreement
Supplier submits the form
with the testing
"Proof of functional reliability
in acc. with MAN 239-3"

Release by the material strength

testing team !
Release procedure in acc. with
instruction TE 002

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