Budget Proposals 2021 (Kreston Sri Lanka)
Budget Proposals 2021 (Kreston Sri Lanka)
Budget Proposals 2021 (Kreston Sri Lanka)
The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any
particular individual or entity. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice
after a thorough examination of the particular situation.
November 18, 2020
Dear Client,
Yours faithfully,
• Introduction of an online managed single Special Goods and Services Tax (SGST) in place of various
goods and services taxes and levies imposed on alcohol, cigarettes, Telecommunication, betting and
gaming and vehicles to improve the efficiency on tax collection. These taxes account for 50% of the
income from taxes and levies.
• Tax laws will be amended to facilitate the mandatory E-filing of all companies with effect from
01 April 2021. Tax Identification Number (TIN) will be mandatory in all tax related transactions.
• Instructions to be issued to ensure the better and transparent management of the provisions for
anticipated losses of loans and doubtful loans in calculating taxes of banks and financial institutions.
• Legal provisions relating to establishment of specific time frames for the implementation of rulings and
settlement of appeals submitted under the Inland Revenue Act to be strengthened.
• High earning and large-scale businesses, bank, and financial institutions to be brought under one
Large Taxpayer Unit (LTPU) to operate all their taxes under direct responsibility of the Commissioner
General of Inland Revenue.
• Punitive legal provisions including being barred from practicing will be introduced against auditors
and private tax consultants who represent the tax payers to prepare and certify fraudulent tax reports.
• Capital gain tax will be calculated on sale price of a property or assessed value of a property
whichever is higher.
• Concessionary payment plan to be introduced to settle the outstanding dues on Nation Building Tax
(NBT) and Economic Service Charge (ESC)
• 50% Income Tax concessions will be given for Companies which will be listing in Colombo Stock
Exchange (CSE) before 31.12.2021 and profits of such companies will be taxed at 14% for
subsequent three years.
• Profits and income earned by any person from farming including agriculture, livestock, and fisheries
are exempt with effect from 01 April 2019 for five years.
• Profits and income earned from providing IT and enabling services by resident or non-resident
persons are exempted with effect from 01 January 2020. Enabling services are to be prescribed by
• Samurdhi Life Savings Account -SLSA will be opened for each Samurdhi beneficiary by the Samurdhi
bank and it is mandatory to invest Samurdhi savings in Government Securities. The interest income on
such investments will be exempt from all the taxes.
• Income tax on interest income of Welfare societies and institutions will be removed.
• Investments in housing made through Sri Lanka Real Estate Investment Trust (SLREIT) will be exempt
from Capital Gains Tax. Further dividends are exempt from Income Tax and also the stamp duty will
be reduced up to 0.75% on such investments.
• Tax on dividends of foreign companies (non- resident companies) will be exempted for three years,
if such dividends are utilized for reinvestments on expansion of business or invest in Money or stock
market or invest in Sri Lanka International sovereign bonds.
• Profits on capital and interest income from investments in International sovereign bonds by
Commercial banks, will be exempt from income tax, if the investment is more than USD 100Mn and
risk weighted provisioning as per Central Bank regulations will be suspended for three years.
• Investments which exceed USD 10Mn in export industries, dairy, fabric, tourism, agricultural
products, processing and Information Technology will be provided with tax concessions upto a
maximum period of 10 years under the Strategic Development Law.
• With effect from 01 January 2021, 5-year tax exemption period will be made available for domestic
telecommunication industrialists building telecommunication towers and infrastructure using domestic
labour and materials.
• Tax exemption of 5 years will be given to the businesses commenced by individuals qualifed with
vocational education. The Cost of Funds of funds provided for such start-up capital, provided by
banks and finance agencies will be considered as deductible expenditure in the calculation of taxes.
• In order to encourage the private sector institutions which will be standardized under one TVET
concept, to enhance their student intake at least up to 50,000, it is proposed to give a tax holiday on
their income for a period of five years if those institutions double their intake.
• Strategic investment tax concessions will be provided for a period of 5 years for capital investments
of over USD 25 million with the view of facilitating Dairy Industry companies to process milk powder
exports instead of importing milk powder.
• To encourage the recycling and re use of material from construction, it is proposed a ten year tax
holiday for investments in selected recycling sites.
• Dividends distributed by Commercial hub Enterprises will be exempt with effect from January 1, 2020.
• All aircraft related payments, software licenses and other overseas payments made by Sri Lankan
Airlines will be exempt with effect from April 1, 2018.
• Exemption or variation of the applicability of the provisions of the Inland Revenue Act No.24 of
2017, in respect of projects approved under the Strategic Development Projects Act No.14 of 2008.
• A tax holiday of 7 years will be allowed for all renewable energy projects.
• If any commodity has been exempted from VAT at its importation point, It is proposed to exempt from
VAT, the domestic production of that particular commodity as well.
• In order to maintain a similar amount as the import expenditure in foreign exchange in domestic
banks, the interest income of such deposits will be exempted from taxes.
• It is also proposed to grant a tax break of 7 years for local boat and shipbuilding.
• Proposed to get businesses and factories with more than 50 employees, to contribute 0.25 percent of
the turnover to the proposed insurance fund.
• Proposed to allow the deprecation in 2 years of the capital investments done on latest technology
to collect local liquid milk in collaboration with local dairy farmers, enhancements to milk related
productions and promotion of liquid milk.
• It is proposed to reduce the import taxes levied on vehicle spare parts required for new production
sectors to incentivize entrepreneurs in automobile industries engaged in vehicle repairing and vehicle
• Certain raw materials such as cement, premix, iron rods, bitumen that cannot be produced
domestically will be imported in bulk without import duties, to be used for the construction of mega
housing schemes, highways and also to ensure the smooth and continuous availability of such
materials for small and medium construction activities at a competitive price.
• It is proposed to exempt import tax on the import of machinery with modern technologies.
• With the aim of incentivizing the strengthening of Banks and Finance Companies, it is proposed to
consider the investment expenditure in acquisitions as deductible expenditures.
• It is proposed to implement an insurance scheme through Sri Lanka Export Insurance Corporation with
the contribution of an insurance premium of 1 percent of the export revenue of small and medium
scale exporters.
• The Related expenditure of the local entrepreneurs who contribute to establish Samurdhi Women’s
shops will be allowed to deduct such expenditures in the calculation of personal income tax.
• It will provide concessions on required taxes and specific goods trade, banking and foreign exchange
with the objective of converting the Port City Economic Zone as one of the hubs for investment
promotions in the country.
• Legal provisions will be introduced to provide a tax pardon to entrepreneurs thus utilizing funds for any
investment facilitated by this budget under the payment of taxes amounting to 1 percent.
• It is proposed to reduce the expenditure on research and development expenses of local entrepreneurs
involved with the Institute of Nanotechnology from taxes.
(i) Consideration of the income generated from the supply of Health Protective Equipment and similar
products by BOI companies on the request of Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medical Services,
Department of Health Services, Tri Forces and Sri Lanka Police as "Deemed Exports" and to
consider the said quantities for the calculation of 80% export requirement for the tax purposes, to
become eligible for reduced tax rates.
(ii) Waiver of Income tax in arrears, payable by the SMEs as defined in the Inland Revenue Act, No.
24 of 2017, on the assessments issued up to the year of assessment 2018/2019 by the CGIR,
where he is satisfied that there is no fraud or willful neglect involved in the disclosure of income or
any claim for any deduction or relief.
(iii) The income tax return furnished by the SMEs for the year of assessment 2019/2020 is proposed
to be accepted and additional assessment not to be issued for that year on tax payers, who furnish
the Income Tax Returns for the year and pay the tax declared in the Return.
(iv) A grace period is proposed to be granted to settle the taxes in arrears/default, as agreed with the
Legacy Unit, Default Tax Recovery Unit and the Revenue Administration Management Information
System (RAMIS) Unit of the Department of Inland Revenue.
(v) The payment or/and submission of the returns of any tax administered by the CGIR, which is due
for the period from March 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020, proposed to be treated as paid or/and
submitted on the due date if such payment / submission is made on or before December 31, 2020.
• Value Added Tax (VAT) rate of 8% to be continued for • High earning and large-scale businesses, bank, and
businesses with a turnover more than LKR 25Mn per financial institutions to be brought under one Large
month except for businesses in banking, financial and Taxpayer Unit (LTPU) to operate all their taxes under
insurance sectors. direct responsibility of the Commissioner General of
Inland Revenue.
• A special allocation of Rs. 8,000Mn to expand the
- Proposed to provide an additional allocation of Rs
18,000 million for the expansion of maternity and child
CONNECT SRI LANKA clinics, dispensaries and adult service centers, laboratory
• Rs.15,000 million will be invested by Telecommunication services, hospitals and research institutes with the
Development Fund during 2021/2022 for 4G/Fibre required human resources to maintain a people centric
broadband coverage for the entire country. health service.
• With effect from 01 January 2021, 5-year tax - A new insurance scheme will be created to support those
exemption period will be made available for domestic who temporarily loose livelihoods due to the quarantine
telecommunication industrialists who will involve in the process related to epidemics including COVID.
project. - Proposed to get businesses and factories with more than
• 50% of the Telecommunication Development Levy will 50 employees, to contribute 0.25 percent of the turnover
be applied on investments in these developments in to the proposed insurance fund.
telecommunication. - This insurance scheme will be used for employees
employed at retail and wholesale shops with more than 5
employees and hotels.
TECHNO PARKS - A COVID Insurance Scheme will be implemented with the
- A techno- entrepreneur led economy will be created to assistance of the Government in parallel to the Agrahara
contribute to the increase of exports and foreign earnings Insurance Scheme for all public services.
from the technology field and broaden the knowledge
and professional services to the national economy within
- It is expected that the establishment of Technology - Proposed to provide bank and financial facilities on
centred investments and allied service industries, which Treasury guarantees to increase the production capacity
transforms into high income employment opportunities for of the State Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Corporation to
our young men and women. expand the production of essential pharmaceuticals.
- Proposed to establish 5 fully fledged plug and play - A modern investment zone will be established for
Techno Parks in Galle, Kurunegala, Anuradhapura, local and foreign private investors under the Strategic
Kandy and Batticaloa districts. Development Act.
DISTANCE EDUCATION - Action will be taken to increase the current annual intake
of 100,000 students to state-run vocational education
- The learning methodologies within schools will be
institutes up to 200,000, which requires training
instructors, provision of technical equipment and to
- The provision of internet facilities to schools will be maintain and modernize buildings.
- Proposed to provide the instructors and staff of the
- The E-Thaksalawa learning portal will be updated along vocational education institutes with incentives based on
with the strengthening of the provincial IT education their performance and to provide a monthly bursary of
centers. Rs. 4,000 for students in the vocational education system.
- To minimize the difficulties faced by students in rural and - Proposed to allocate Rs. 3,000 million as an additional
non “National Schools”, due to shortage of teachers, and financing for this purpose.
ensure the provision of continuous school education in
- Nursing schools will be upgraded to degree awarding
the face of the COVID-19 epidemic, the ‘Guru Gedara’
institutions to expand the professional education of
education channel will be made available to all students
nursing and nursing services.
by providing television sets to schools in difficult areas.
Allocation Rs.3,000 million - Proposed to provide loans of Rs.500,000 at an interest
rate of 4 percent as start-up capital to support the young
- All education institutes, education reforms including the
men and women, who start their own businesses on the
expansion of the syllabi in line with the contemporary
successful completion of vocational education. This loan
requirements, regulation of teacher education and
will have a grace period of one year for both principal
training, and examination procedures are planned to be
and interest, with a further 4 years to settle the loan.
regulated under a national education policy.
- Allocations are made in the 2021-2023 Medium Term
Budgetary Framework to rapidly complete the Uma
Oya Multi-purpose Irrigation Project and hydro power
plants, to enhance the irrigation facilities in Central
and North Western provinces through the expansion of
DEVELOPMENT OF RENEWABLE Moragahakanda- Kalu Ganga related irrigation system
ENERGY and Hurulu Oya irrigation Scheme.
- Renewable energy will be developed to save the foreign - Small and medium sized tanks will be rehabilitated in
exchange spent on the importation of fuel for power agricultural areas to improve the water stock to support
generation. Up to now 300 MW of solar energy is the farmers. An additional allocation of Rs.1,000 million
added to the national grid and it is expected to add allocated in this regard.
1,000 MW capacity through local investments within the
period 2021 – 2023.
- Proposed to add a capacity of 500 MW to the grid, by
providing solar panels generating 5 kW to 100,000
houses of low income families, through the loan schemes
from the Asian Development Bank and the Indian Line of
Credit, to supplement the government’s investments in the
- Loans at an interest rate of 4 percent will be provided in
this regard. This will facilitate the low income families to
save the expenditure on electricity and also earn an extra
income by supplying excess energy to the national grid.
Further, it is proposed to invest on installation of solar
panels on roof tops of religious places, public institutions,
hospitals, schools and defence establishments
- Private entrepreneurs at rural level will be facilitated WATER FOR ALL NATIONAL
to install Solar Power Plants connected to 10,000 PROGRAMME 2021-2024
transformers under the theme “Gamata Balagarayak –
- Under the “Water for All” national plan, it is planned to
Gamata Vyavasakayek.
invest Rs. 1 trillion (Rs. 1,000 billion) in 2021-2024 in
- Proposed to increase renewable energy capacity to 1,000 community water projects, 171 major projects
1,000 MW by the expeditious implementation of both aimed at enhancing the production capacity, new water
off shore wind and floating solar power plants exceeding supply schemes and expedite ongoing projects.
100 MW, with incentives provided by the Board of
- 40,000 km of pipes will be laid throughout the country to
provide pipe-borne drinking water to an additional 3.5
- A tax holiday of 7 years will be allowed for all million families.
renewable energy projects.
1) The single use polythene and plastics will be banned with
effect from 01 January 2021.
1) It is proposed to establish a shop in all Grama Niladhari 10) To safeguard sanctuaries and elephant living areas
divisions and to promote female entrepreneurs from 11) Containers to be provided to rural agrarian, farmer and
chosen Samurdhi families. community organisations in order to store their harvest
2) The Related expenditure of the local entrepreneurs who safely in villages prone to wildlife attacks.
contribute to establish these shops will be allowed to 12) Waste management in Pradeshiya Sabhas in order to
deduct such expenditures in the calculation of personal prevent the wildlife from being attracted to villages due
income tax. to dumping of garbage in village boundaries close to
3) It is proposed to provide the contribution of Co-operative wildlife. – Allocation Rs.3,000 million.
Development Fund in order to strengthen the network of 13) To implement a credit certification scheme for
Co-operative shops. development of small and medium scale enterprises in
4) It is proposed to expand the Lanka Sathosa super market rural areas.
network to urban and semi-urban areas in collaboration 14) To maintain roads in Pradeshiya Sabha areas without
with wholesale trade using warehouses of Sathosa and adequate revenue, to maintain cleanliness in Sathipola
Food Commissioner’s Department. and common areas, disposal of wastage and provision
of community sanitary facilities. – Allocation Rs.3,000
1) Legal provisions will be introduced to provide a tax
pardon to entrepreneurs thus utilizing funds for any
investment facilitated by this budget under the payment of
taxes amounting to 1 percent.
To accommodate the tax deductions for the period from January to March 2020, DIR has published cumulative tax tables and
it was required to deduct the taxes according to those tables.
2) A new tax scheme named “APIT” (Advance Personal Income Tax) has been introduced, with
effect from 01 April 2020
The APIT is introduced in lieu of PAYE tax on an optional basis for tax resident individuals who are citizens of Sri Lanka.
The employer is required to deduct APIT and remit to Department of Inland Revenue (DIR) depending on tax residency and
citizenship of the employee. Requirement to deduct APIT from regular profits from the employment is summarised in below
To facilitate the tax deduction on employment income under the APIT scheme DIR has published 7 tables with a guideline. (The
tables can be downloaded from the IRD web portal
3) The tax free allowance (personal relief) was increased and the tax rates on personal income
slabs have been revised upwards with effect from 01 January 2020.
For last 3 months of year of assessment 2019/2020 From the year of assessment 2020/2021 onwards
Up to LKR 750,000 Personal Relief Up to LKR 3Mn Personal Relief
Next LKR 750,000 Taxed at 6% Next LKR 3Mn Taxed at 6%
Next LKR 750,000 Taxed at12% Next LKR 3Mn Taxed at 12%
Balance Taxed at18% Balance Taxed at 18%
Accordingly, with effect from 01 January 2020, tax on employment income is applicable only if the monthly remuneration
exceeds LKR 250,000 for resident individuals. (i.e: if the remuneration is more than LKR 3 Mn per annum).
• The personal relief is available only for resident individuals and non-resident individuals who are citizens of Sri Lanka.
Personal relief is not available for non-resident individuals who are non citizens. However, the progressive tax rates
ranging from 6% to 18% is applicable for non- residents as well. (i.e without the relief on first LKR 3 Mn).
Accordingly, if a resident and citizen employee is of the view that he can claim such expenditure relief for a year of
assessment, it is advisable to avoid APIT payments and go on self - assessment tax payment basis as the expenditure relief is
not accommodated in the APIT tax tables published.
Tax free monthly Employment Income without expenditure relief - LKR 250,000
Tax free monthly Employment Income with maximum expenditure relief - LKR 350,000
5) Retirement Benefits
Retirement benefits upto 31.12.2019
First LKR 2,000,000 or 5,000,000 - exempt
Next LKR 1,000,000 - 5%
Balance - 10%
Retirement benefits from 01.01.2020
First LKR 10,000,000 - exempt
Next LKR 10,000,000 - 6%
Balance - 12%
6) Requirement to open income tax file and submit Income Tax Returns.
The deduction of taxes under the extended PAYE scheme for the period from January to March 2020 or under APIT scheme
with effect from 01 April 2020 is not considered as final tax. (i.e it is not a tax deduction at source).
Hence employees who do not have income tax files opened with the Department of Inland Revenue are required to open
Income Tax file and file Income Tax Returns by due dates.
Accordingly, the employees whose taxes were deducted under the extended PAYE scheme and APIT scheme are required to
file Income Tax Returns starting from the year of assessment 2019/2020.
Further such employees need to file Statement of Estimated Tax (SET) payable with the Department of Inland Revenue by 15th
August 2020 and Pay Instalment Payments (IP) due as per income tax payable disclosed in SET.
Different sources of Income of an individual, reliefs and qualifying payments should be segregated between first period and
second period as follows.
Income Tax Rates - First Period Taxable Income - First 450,000 @4%
- Next 450,000 @8%
- Next 450,000 @12%
- Next 450,000 @16%
- Next 450,000 @20%
- On balance amount @ 24%
Income Tax Rates - Second Period Taxable Income - First 750,000 @6%
- Next 750,000 @12%
- On balance @ 18%
Income tax on business income consisting of betting and 40%
gaming, manufacture and sale or import and sale of liquor or
tobacco products.
1) Withholding Tax
WHT should be deducted from all payments made to Non- Resident persons and some specific payments made to Resident
persons (other than exempt amounts) if such payments has a source in Sri Lanka. Refer section 73 of the Inland Revenue Act
No24 of 2017 (IR Act) for payments with a source in Sri Lanka. If a lower WHT rate is granted under Double Tax Avoidance
Agreement (DTAA) with the country of residence of Non-resident person, such lower WHT rate prevails.
Interest and discounts paid by any person other than BFI 5% Non- Residents Payments made to persons
(NR) outside Sri Lanka is exempt
from WHT.
Dividends Nil Not Applicable Non residents – Exempt
(NA) Residents – Liable to tax at
the applicable rate
Charge 14% NR Final Withholding Payment
No further tax liability for
Natural Resource Payment 14% NR FWP
Interest income on loan granted Person outside Sri Lanka Person in Sri Lanka or
Government of Sri Lanka
Pass through dividends Member of the company Resident company
WHT deducted Pass through dividends Member of the company Resident company
Dividend income Nonresident person Resident company
Dividends paid by BOI companies engaged in Following Member of the company Resident BOI company
businesses as per PART 1V of the Finance Act No 12 of
• Entrepot trade (import, minor processing and export)
• Offshore business
• Providing front end services to clients abroad
• Headquarters operations of leading buyers
• Logistics services- bonded warehouse or multi-country
consolidation in Sri Lanka
Amounts specified under diplomatic immunities Law or Government of a foreign Not specified. Presumed
similar law. country or it’s agents. GoSL or any resident person
(i.e. Diplomatic Staff) Not specified. Presumed
Amounts specified under diplomatic immunities law or an International Organization or GoSL or any resident
agreement between GoSL and international organization. it’s employees. person.
(provided exemption under agreement is broader than
exemption under diplomatic immunities law. )
Amount derived for laboratory services or standard Non-resident Person Not specified. Presumed
Specification services GoSL or any resident
Lottery winnings less than Rs.500,000/- Not specified. Presumed NR Not specified
and residents
3) Certificate of WHT/AIT deduction - Certificate shall cover one calendar month and to be served within 30 days after the
end of the month.
4) False or misleading statement - Penalty under section 181- the greater of LKR50,000.00 or the amount by which tax is
reduced due to false or misleading statement.
Existing New
Rate Rate
Existing New
Rate Rate
Further the requirement to earn 80% or more from the specified business activity to be eligible for lower rate of income tax
(14%) is also removed effective from 1st January 2020.
Total Terminal Benefits from Employment (Commuted Pension, Retiring Gratuity, ETF or Tax Payable
Approved Compensation)
1st - Rs. 10,000,000 0%
ii) Standard Rates given in above ii(a) are applicable for following type of terminal benefits.
• Compensation for loss of office which has not been approved by the Commissioner General of Inland Revenue (CGIR)
• Payment from Provident Fund (which is not a regulated fund or not an approved fund by the CGIR)
• Other payments or any retirement non-cash benefit.
c) Business consisting of betting and gaming, manufacture and sale or import and sale of any liquor or tobacco
product – 40%.
WHT of 8% on any partner’s share of partnership income is replaced with a tax on partnership with effect from 01.01.2020.
Interest Income from foreign currency account opened in any Commercial Bank or any Any person
specialized Bank in Sri Lanka with the approval of Central Bank of Sri Lanka.
Pass through Dividends (Dividend paid out of dividends received) Member of the Company
WHT deducted pass through Dividends Member of the Company
Dividend paid by resident company to a nonresident person. Nonresident Person
Dividends paid by BOI Companies engaged in following businesses as per PART IV of the Member of the Company
Finance Act No. 12 of 2012.
• Entrepot Trade (Import, Minor processing and Export)
• Offshore Business (Goods procured or manufactured in one country and shipped to another
country without bringing into Sri Lanka)
• Providing front end services to clients abroad.
• Headquarters operations of leading buyers for management of financial supply chain and
billing operations.
• Logistics services – bonded warehouse or multi-country consolidation in Sri Lanka.
Dividends and gains on realization of shares in a nonresident company with respect to a Any Person
substantial participation.
Substantial participation means
• Holding 10% or more of the value of shares in non-resident company.
• With the direct or indirect control of 10% or more of the voting power in the company.
Amount derived for laboratory services or standard specification services Non-resident Person
Amount derived by way of grants or donations by any religious institution registered with Religious Institution
Ministry in charge of Religions Affairs.
Gains and profits from providing information technology and enabled services as may be Any Person
Gains and profits from any service rendered in or outside Sri Lanka to any person to be Any Person
utilized outside Sri Lanka where the payment is received in foreign currency and remitted
through a Bank to Sri Lanka.
Gains and profits from any foreign source (other than above item) where such gains and Any Person
profits earned in foreign currency and remitted through a Bank to Sri Lanka.
Any sum received by any Public Corporation out of the funds voted by parliament from Any Public Corporation
consolidated fund or out of any loan arranged through the government.
Any income earned by any non-resident person (other than a Sri Lankan Permanent Any Non-resident Person
Establishment (PE) by way of interest, discount or realization of any gain on any sovereign
bond denominated in local or foreign currency.
Interest or discount paid or allowed on any sovereign bond denominated in foreign currency Any Person
including Sri Lanka Development Bonds.
Gains and profits from sale of produce of an undertaking for agro farming of such person Any Person
without subjecting such produce to any process of production or manufacture.
Rs. 3,000,000/- Personal relief for residents or non-residents but citizens for a year of assessment. 01.01.2020
Expenditure relief up to Rs. 1,200,000/- for resident individual for a year of assessment for following 01.01.2020
expenses incurred.
• Health expenditure including contributions to medical insurance
• Education expenditure incurred locally, for such individual or on behalf of his children.
• Interest paid on housing loans
• Contributions made to an approved pension scheme.
• Expenditure incurred for the purchase of equity or security.
VAT Exemptions
- Information Technology and enabled services as may be prescribed effective from 01.01.2020. (item No.Liii).
- Exemption of the supply of services in respect of inbound tours, by a travel agent registered with the Sri Lanka Tourism
Development Authority with effect from April 1, 2020.
- Exemption of quantities suppled / donated of health protective equipment and similar products by export oriented BOI
companies to the Ministry of Health and Indigenous Medical Services, Department of Health Services, Tri Forces and Sri
Lanka Police on their request.
- Exemption of Importation or importation and supply or importation and donation of machinery and equipment including
medical, surgical and dental instruments, apparatus, accessories and parts thereof, hospital / medical furniture and drugs,
chemical and similar items required for the provision of health services to address the COVID – 19 pandemic from May
20, 2020 to December 31,2020.
Withholding Tax (WHT) on the following payments made to resident persons removed with effect from 1st January 2020.
• PAYE Tax on employment income of resident employees
However, retaining a part of the terminal benefits in lieu of income tax by the employer/ETF/Provident Fund is required.
(A separate guideline has been published for this purpose by Circular No. SEC/2020/02 dated 18.02.2020)
• WHT on dividend, interest, discount, charge, natural resource payment, rent, royalty, premium or retirements payments
made to a resident person is removed.
• 8% WHT on Resident partner’s share of profit allocated by the partnership is removed.
• WHT @ 5% on service fee paid [referred to in section 85(1)(a)] to a resident individual is removed.
TAX INFORMATION Employment Income Advance Personal Income Tax
(APIT) is deducted monthly with
AT A GLANCE the consent of resident employees
Partnerships taxable income excluding capital gains is liable
With effect from 01.04.2018 losses can be fully set off against
to partnership tax @ 6%. Individual partners can claim
the income without any limitation. However lower rate losses
partnership tax against their income tax liability.
can be deducted only against exempt profit or profit liable at
lower rates.
a) Donation in money to an Maximum of Rs. EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS
Approved Charity 75,000 or 1/3of Fair market value shall be taken for the Non-cash benefits. If it
Taxable Income can’t be ascertained deemed values has to be taken as follows.
whichever is less
Non Cash Benefit Value for Tax Purposes
b) Donations to Government In money or
House (rated area) Rs.240,000 per annum
otherwise full
Rs.480,000 per annum *
amount can be
claimed Telephone 50% of cost.
Motor Vehicle Benefit According to the circular issued by the IRD.
Expenditure relief upto 1,200,000 on the following:- Other Benefits Fair market value
Servants / Electricity /
- Health expenditure including medical insurance Gas / Air Ticket
- Educational expenditure incurred locally (other than official
- Interest paid on housing loans purposes / Hotel
facilities for
- Contributions to an approved pension scheme
expatiates) 100% of the cost
- Purchase of equity or security
* where employee’s salary exceeds Rs.200,000 per month
These facts are for general guidance only and professional advice should be sought prior to acting on same.