Outline 2020t407
Outline 2020t407
Outline 2020t407
❖ God put a desire for eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11), and He also put a desire for
❖ Nowadays, people worship subtler things: money, power, sex, athletes, singers, politicians,
spiritual leaders, themselves…
❖ The story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego in Daniel 3 is a good example of how God
cares for a correct worship: “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall
serve.” (Luke 4:8)
B Worship in education.
❖ God gave the people of Israel a special book to teach them how to worship; the Psalms.
❖ Psalm 78 is a good example:
— How to worship: By singing this in praise.
— Reasons to worship: So that the next generations may know God and praise Him.
— What worship brings: Trust in God; obedience to His Commandments; avoidance of
rebelliousness; faithfulness; keeping the covenant; remaining connected to God.
C How to worship.
❖ In His conversation with the Samaritan woman, Jesus mentioned two main and necessary
ways to worship God:
— In spirit: Our worship is a result of our love for God and a personal experience with Him.
It’s the fruit of the Holy Spirit’s work (Ephesians 2:18).
— In truth: Properly knowing God and what He wants from us (John 4:22).
❖ True worship is a result of knowing and obeying God and studying the truths that have been
revealed about Him.
D The contents of our worship.
❖ One of the more joyful scenes of worship is found in 1 Chronicles 16. David was joyfully
dancing before the ark and giving food to the people!
❖ David found the greatest reason for joy in worshipping God in His Sanctuary (Psalm 84:2).
❖ The Sanctuary contains the true reason of our worship. The plan of Salvation is prefigured in
every inch of it.
❖ We are a holy people that worships a Holy God (1 Peter 2:9). The sacrifice of Christ makes
this holiness possible. This is the main contents of our worship, meditating in God’s
redeeming love.
E False worship.
❖ Worship is not a petty matter. Worship will divide the world in two sides before the Second
Coming of Jesus: those who will worship God as He wants us to, and those who will not
(Revelation 13).
❖ Obviously, God accepts every sincere worship as long as the worshipper offers it according
to their knowledge (Acts 10:34-35).
❖ However, God is worthy of the best worship we can offer. Therefore, it’s important to never
stop learning about true worship.