CIDAM Research 1

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San Miguel, Iligan City

Senior High School Department

Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map

Grade: 11 Semester: 1st

Core Subject Title: Practical Research 1 (80 hours) Prerequisites (If needed):______________________
Core Subject Description: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to produce a qualitative type of research study.
Power Standard: Come up with a research that will address issues related to the chosen profession.
1st Quarter
Conten Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in
t Standards Developing the highest Thinking Skill
to Assess

MINIMUM BEYOND MINIMUM from CG KUD BEYOND KUD RBT Assessment Technique Enabling Teaching Strategy
Literal FICATI (Anchor to FICATI Strategy
transfer ON Literal ON
task) Transfer task)

I. The learners The learner shall The learners The learners shall be able to The learners Collab
Nature demonstrate an be able to shall be able 1) Describes characteristics, Knowl shall be able Under Analyzin Essay Long Test orativ Communic Group discussion
of understanding of the use appropriate to apply processes, and ethics of edge to explain the standi g e ation Library work
Inquiry 1.Importance of kinds of research research in research importance of ng Quiz groupi
and research in daily life in making areas of 2) Differentiates research in ng PowerPoint presentation
Researc 2. The characteristic, decisions. interest. quantitative from Knowl daily life
h processes, and ethics qualitative research edge Topic consultation
of research 3) Provide examples of
3. Quantitative and research in areas of interest.
qualitative research
4.The kinds of Under
research across fields standi

Performance Task: The learners shall be able to utilize research in areas of interest.
Literal Transfer Task: The learner is able to relate understanding and usefulness of research to daily life.


San Miguel, Iligan City

Senior High School Department

Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map

Grade: 11 Semester: 1st

Core Subject Title: Practical Research 1 (80 hours) Prerequisites (If needed):______________________
Core Subject Description: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to produce a qualitative type of research study.
Power Standard: Come up with a research that will address issues related to the chosen profession.
1st Quarter
Conten Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in
t Standards Developing the highest Thinking Skill
to Assess

MINIMUM BEYOND MINIMUM from CG KUD BEYOND KUD RBT Assessment Technique Enabling Teaching Strategy
Literal FICATI (Anchor to FICATI Strategy
transfer ON Literal ON
task) Transfer task)

II. The learners demonstrate The learner The learners The learners shall be able to Knowl The learners Under Evaluati Quiz Long Brainstor Reasoning PowerPoint
Qualita an understanding of the shall be able shall be able describes characteristics, wdge shall be able standi ng Essay Test ming and proof Lecture
tive 1. Value of qualitative to to make strengths, weaknesses, and Under to illustrate ng session Collaborative Grouping
Researc research; its kinds, decide on qualitative kinds of qualitative standi the
h and characteristic , uses, suitable research in research. ng importance of
Its strengths, and weaknesses. qualitative the field of Doing qualitative
Import 2. Importance of qualitative research in interest. research
research across fields of across fields.
ance in different
Daily areas of
Life interest.

Performance Task: The learners shall be able to utilize research in areas of interest.
Literal Transfer Task: The learner is able to relate understanding and usefulness of research to daily life.


San Miguel, Iligan City
Senior High School Department
Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map

Grade: 11 Semester: 1st

Core Subject Title: Practical Research 1(80 hours) Prerequisites (If needed):______________________
Core Subject Description: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to produce a qualitative type of research study.
Power Standard: Come up with a research that will address issues related to the chosen profession.
1st Quarter
Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Highest Enabling Strategy to
Standards Use in Developing the
highest Thinking Skill to

MINIMUM (Enabling PT) BEYOND MINIMUM KUD BEYOND KUD RBT Assessment Technique Enabling Teaching
Literal transfer FICATI (Anchor to Literal ICATIO Strategy
task) ON Transfer task) N

III. The learners The learners shall be able The learners be The learners Unde The learners Doing Crea Quiz Summ Think, Problem Power Point
Identifyin demonstrate to formulate clearly able to presents shall be able rstand shall be able to ting ative pair & Solving
statement of research written
g the to write a ing design a research Submit Assess share
an understanding of problem. statement of research title project related to Researc
Inquiry ment Group work
the the problem. daily life title
and 1. The range of individu
Stating research topics in the Library work
the al
area of inquiry
Problem 2. The value of Consultation
research in the area
of interest
3. The specificity and
feasibility of the
problem posed

Performance Task: The learners shall be able to determine the density of a liquid using different laboratory apparatuses.
Literal Transfer Task: The learner is able to relate understanding on the different natural resources and its usefulness to human needs.


San Miguel, Iligan City
Senior High School Department
Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map
Grade: 11 Semester: 1st

Core Subject Title: Practical Research 1 (80 hours) Prerequisites (If needed):______________________
Core Subject Description: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research.

Culminating Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to produce a qualitative type of research study.
Power Standard: Come up with a research that will address issues related to the chosen profession.
1st Quarter
Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Highest Enabling
Standards Strategy to Use in
Developing the highest
Thinking Skill to Assess

MINIMUM (Enabling BEYOND MINIMUM MINIMUM from KUD BEYOND KUD RBT Assessment Technique Enablin Teaching
PT) Literal transfer task) CG CLASSIFI MINIMUM CLASSIFI Level WW QA PC g Strategy
CATION (Anchor to CATION General
Literal Transfer Strateg
task) y

IV. The learners shall be The learners shall be The learners shall be The learners shall Understa The learners Understa Analy Quiz Chapter Test Group Commu Power Point/
Learning able to demonstrate able to select, cite, able to present be able to select nding shall be able to nding zing activity nication Video
from an understanding of and synthesize properly written relevant literature. able to present Presentation
others 1. The criteria in properly related review of related and write a
and selecting, citing, and literature literature relevant Library work
reviewing synthesizing related literature
the literature following
Literature 2. Ethical standards in ethical
writing related standards in
literature writing related

Performance Task: The learners shall be able to identify common laboratory chemicals and write the chemical formula.
Literal Transfer Task: The learner is able to relate understanding on the different natural resources and its usefulness to human needs.


San Miguel, Iligan City

Senior High School Department

Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map

Grade: 11 Semester: 1st

Core Subject Title: Practical Research 1 (80 hours) Prerequisites (If needed):______________________
Core Subject Description: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research.

Culminating Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to produce a qualitative type of research study.
Power Standard: Come up with a research that will address issues related to the chosen profession.

1st Quarter
Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Highest Enabling
Standards Strategy to Use in
Developing the highest
Thinking Skill to Assess

MINIMUM BEYON MINIMUM from KUD BEYOND KUD RBT Assessment Technique Enabl Teaching
(Enabling D CG CLASSIFI MINIMUM CLAS Level WW QA PC ing Strategy
PT) MINIM CATION (Anchor to Literal SIFIC Gene
UM Transfer task) ATIO ral
Literal N Strate
transfe gy
r task)

V. The learners demonstrate The learners The The learners Understa The learners shall Doing Creating Quiz Long Brain Probl Group activity
Understa an understanding of shall be able learner shall be able to nding be able to pass a Test storming em
nding 1. Qualitative research designs to describe s shall choose research Solvin PPT
Data and 2. The description of sample qualitative to appropriate methodology on g
Ways to 3. Data collection and analysis research presen qualitative the chosen topic. Library work
Systema procedures such as survey, designs, t research design
tically interview, and observation sample, and resear and present Checking of
Collect 4. The application of creative data ch written research Research
Data design principles for execution collection metho methodology Methodology
and analysis dology
Performance Task: The learners shall be able to perform calculation converting moles to number of entities and vice versa and perform exercises on writing and balancing chemical equations.
Literal Transfer Task: The learner is able to relate understanding on the different natural resources and its usefulness to human needs.


San Miguel, Iligan City
Senior High School Department
Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map

Grade: 11 Semester: 1st

Core Subject Title: Practical Research 1 (80 hours) Prerequisites (If needed):______________________
Core Subject Description: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to produce a qualitative type of research study.
Power Standard: Come up with a research that will address issues related to the chosen profession.
1st Quarter
Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Highest Enabling Strategy to
Standards Use in Developing the highest
Thinking Skill to Assess

MINIMUM BEYOND MINIMUM from KUD BEYOND KUD RBT Assessment Technique Enabling Teaching Strategy
Literal transfer FICATI (Anchor to TION Strategy
task) ON Literal Transfer

VI. The learners The learners The learners shall The learners shall Doing The learners Doing Crea Quiz Summati Group Problem Group activity
Finding demonstrate shall be able to be able to present be able to collect shall be able to ting ve activity Solving
Answers an understanding of gather relevant gathered data data through collect and assessm Productive
through observation and information using coding and observation and categorize ent (60 presentation(Rep
Data interview procedures with intellectual collating. interviews qualitative items) orting)
Collection and skills honesty information
using coding Consultation
and collating.

Performance Task: The learners shall be able to make a model on the application of gas laws (ex. hot air balloon).
Literal Transfer Task: The learner is able to relate understanding on the different natural resources and its usefulness to human needs


San Miguel, Iligan City

Senior High School Department

Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map

Grade: 11 Semester: 1st

Core Subject Title: Practical Research 1 (80 hours) Prerequisites (If needed):______________________
Core Subject Description: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research.

Culminating Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to produce a qualitative type of research study.
Power Standard: Come up with a research that will address issues related to the chosen profession.
2nd Quarter
Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Highest Enabling Strategy to
Standards Use in Developing the highest
Thinking Skill to Assess

MINIMUM BEYOND MINIMUM KUD BEYOND KUD RBT Assessment Technique Enabling Teaching Strategy
Literal transfer CATION (Anchor to Literal TION Strategy
task) Transfer task)

VII. The learners The learner shall be The learners shall The learners Understa The learners shall Doing Crea 20 items Summativ Group Problem Group activity
Analyzing demonstrate able to analyze and be able to relate shall be able nding be able to make a ting Quiz e Test (60 activity Solving
the an understanding of draw out patterns the finding with to infers and comprehensive items) Video
meaning drawing out patterns and themes with pertinent explain analysis of the Presentation
of the and themes from intellectual honesty literature. patterns and data gathered.
Data and data themes from Consultation
Drawing data

Performance Task: The learners shall be able to perform exercises on quantum numbers.
Literal Transfer Task: The learner is able to relate understanding on the different natural resources and its usefulness to human needs.


San Miguel, Iligan City

Senior High School Department

Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map

Grade: 11 Semester: 1st

Core Subject Title: Practical Research 1 (80 hours) Prerequisites (If needed):______________________

Core Subject Description: This course develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills through qualitative research.
Culminating Performance Standard: The learner shall be able to produce a qualitative type of research study.
Power Standard: Come up with a research that will address issues related to the chosen profession.
2nd Quarter
Content Content Standards Performance Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Highest Enabling Strategy to
Standards Use in Developing the highest
Thinking Skill to Assess

MINIMUM BEYOND MINIMUM KUD BEYOND KUD RBT Assessment Technique Enabling Teaching Strategy
Literal transfer CATION (Anchor to Literal TION Strategy
task) Transfer task)

VIII. The learners The learners shall The learners shall The learners Understa The learner shall Doing Crea Submission Submission Group Problem Consultation
Reporting demonstrate be able to be able to write shall be able nding be able to defend ting of draft of of work solving
and an understanding of formulate logical and present a to explain research work research hardcopy Oral Defense
Sharing the conclusions and clear qualitative draw and produce a paper
the 1. Guidelines in sound research study. conclusions hard copy.
Findings making conclusions recommendations. from patterns
and and themes,
recommendations formulate
2. Techniques in recommenda
listing references tions based
3. The process of on
report writing conclusions
and write
Performance Task: Perform exercise and collaborative work with peers on the main group elements and investigate qualitatively the trends in chemical reactivity of metallic elements.
Literal Transfer Task: The learner is able to relate understanding on the different natural resources and its usefulness to human needs.

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