LESSON 1 Assumptions and Nature of Art

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LESSON 1 : Assumptions and Nature of Art The oldest documented forms of art are visual arts, which include

images or objects in fields like painting, sculpture, printmaking,

Objectives: photography, and other visual media . Architecture is often included as
 Define Art; one of the visual arts; however, like the decorative arts, it involves the
creation of objects where the practical considerations of use are
 Explain the need to study humanities;
essential, in a way that they usually are not in another visual art, like a
 Enumerate the assumptions of Art
As a thought experiment, imagine what a society without art would be
What Does Art Do?
like? How would buildings look?
A fundamental purpose inherent to most artistic disciplines is the
Could any kind of visual communication exist at all?
underlying intention to appeal to, and connect with, human emotion.
However, the term is incredibly broad and is broken up into numerous
It’s a provocative question that quickly necessitates defining the
sub-categories that lead to utilitarian , decorative, therapeutic,
boundaries of what does and does not constitute art. This mirrors the
communicative, and intellectual ends. In its broadest form, art may be
complexity of engaging in the ongoing definition of art.
considered an exploration of the human condition, or a product of the
human experience.
Art is something that is perennially around us. Some people may deny
having to do with the arts but it is indisputable that life presents us with
The decorative arts add aesthetic and design values to everyday
many forms of and opportunities for communion with the arts. A bank
objects, such as a glass or a chair, transforming them from a mere
manager choosing what tie to wear together with his shirt and shoes, a
utilitarian object to something aesthetically beautiful. Entire schools of
politician shuffling her music track while comfortably seated on her car
thought exist based on the concepts of design theory intended for the
looking for her favorite song, a student marveling the intricate designs
physical world.
of the medieval cathedral during his field trip, a policeman sketching
the image of the suspect or the victim, a market vendor cheering for
Art can function therapeutically as well, an idea that is explored in art
her bet in a dancing competition in her favorite noon time show, all
therapy. While definitions and practices vary, art therapy is generally
manifest concern for values that are undeniably, despite tangentially,
understood as a form of therapy that uses art media as its primary
mode of communication. It is a relatively young discipline, first
introduced around the mid-20th century.
What is Art?
Art is a highly diverse range of human activities engaged in creating
Historically, the fine arts were meant to appeal to the human intellect,
visual, auditory, or performed artifacts— artworks—that express the
though currently there are no true boundaries. Typically, fine art
author’s imaginative or technical skill, and are intended to be
movements have reacted to each other both intellectually and
appreciated for their beauty or emotional power.
aesthetically throughout the ages. With the introduction of conceptual
The word “art” comes from the ancient Latin, ars which means a “craft
art and postmodern theory, practically anything can be termed art. In
or specialized form of skill, like carpentry or smithying or surgery”
general terms, the fine arts represent an exploration of the human
(Collingwood, 1938). Art then suggested the capacity to produce an
condition and the attempt to experience a deeper understanding of life.
intended result form carefully planned steps or method.
Why Study the Humanities?

St. John College of Buug Foundation, Inc. 2nd Semester – A.Y. 2020-2021 – Art Appreciation: Lesson 1
For as long as man existed in this planet, he has cultivated the land, around us. What we find in nature should not be expected to be
altered the conditions of the fauna and the flora, in order to survive. present in art too. Movies are not meant to be direct representation of
Alongside these necessities, man also marked his place in the world reality. They may, according to the moviemaker’s perception of reality,
through his works. Through his bare hands, man construed be a reinterpretation or even distortion of nature.
infrastructures that tended to his needs, like his house. He sharpened
swords and spears. He employed fire in order to melt gold. The initial 3. Art involves experience.
meaning of the word “art” has something to do with all these craft. For most people, art does not require a full definition. Art is just
experience. By experience, we mean the “actual doing of something”
“The humanities constitute one of the oldest and most important (Dudley et.al., 1960). When one says that he has an experience of
means of expression developed by man” (Dudley et.al., 1960). Human something, he often means that he knows what that something is
history has witnessed how man evolved not just physically but also about. When one claims that he has experienced falling in love, getting
culturally, from cave painters to men of exquisite paintbrush users of hurt, and bouncing back, he in effect claims that he knows the endless
the present. Even if one goes back to the time before written records of cycle of loving. When one asserts having experienced preparing a
man’s civilization has appeared, he can find cases of man’s attempts particular recipe, he in fact asserts knowing how the recipe is made.
of not just crafting tools to live and survive but also expressing his Knowing a thing is different from hearing from others what the said
feelings and thoughts, Just like the cave paintings that is up until now thing.
can still be seen. The humanities, then, ironically, have started even
before the term has been coined. Human persons have long been Summary
exercising what it means to be a human long before he was even
aware of his being one. Humanities and the art have always been part of man’s growth and
The humanities stand tall in bearing witness to this magnificent civilization. Since the dawn of time, man has always tried to express
phenomenon. Any human person, then, is tasked to participate, if not, his innermost thoughts and feelings about reality through creating art.
totally partake in this long tradition of humanizing himself. Three assumptions on art are its universality, its not being nature, and
its need for experience. Art is present in every part of the globe and in
Assumptions of Art every period time. This is what is meant by its universality. Art not
being nature, not even attempting to simply mirror nature, is the
1. Art is universal. second assumption about art. Art is always a creation of the artist, not
Art has always been timeless and universal, spanning generations and nature. Finally, without experience, there is no art. The artist has to be
continents through and through. In every country and in every foremost, a perceiver who is directly in touch with art.
generation, there is always art. Oftentimes, people feel that what is
considered artistic are only those which have been made long time Activities
ago. This is a misconception. Age is not factor in determining art. An
“… art is not good because it is old, but old because it is good ” (Dudley Activity 1.1
et.al., 1960) In the first column of the table below, list down 3 of your most striking
encounters with arts. On the second column, explain why you think
2. Art is not nature. each encounter is an experience with art.
Art is man’s expression of his reception of nature. Art is man’s way of My Encounters with Art Why?
interpreting nature. Art is made by man, whereas nature is given

St. John College of Buug Foundation, Inc. 2nd Semester – A.Y. 2020-2021 – Art Appreciation: Lesson 1
Activity 1.2
Choose one artwork in any of the given category that you are familiar
with. This can be the last artwork that you have come across with or
the one that made the most impact to you. Criticize each using the
guide questions provided.
1. Movie
2. Novel
3. Music
4. Architectural Structure

Category: _____________________________

1. What is it about? What is it for?

2. What is it made of?

3. What is its style?

4. How good is it?

St. John College of Buug Foundation, Inc. 2nd Semester – A.Y. 2020-2021 – Art Appreciation: Lesson 1

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