ICER 2017 - IITB - Soapnut Biodiesel Performance - v2
ICER 2017 - IITB - Soapnut Biodiesel Performance - v2
ICER 2017 - IITB - Soapnut Biodiesel Performance - v2
V. H. Moon1*, M. S. Tandale2
Abstract: Soapnut (Sapindus Mukorossi), a nonedible seed available in northeastern region of India. Biodiesel
produced from Soapnut oil was blended with petroleum diesel in various proportions to evaluate the performance of
single cylinder CI engine. Different fuel blends of diesel and Soapnut biodiesel BD5, BD10, BD20, BD30 were
produced to conduct engine performance at varying loads. Tests were carried out to calculate the performance
parameters such as brake thermal efficiency and brake specific fuel consumption for different blends. After
experimentation it has been found that BD5 shows better performance with BTE and BSFC as objective functions.
Keywords: Soapnut, Brake Thermal Efficiency (BTE), Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC).
1. Introduction
The transport sector heavily depends on the oil derived products such as diesel and petrol, globally occupies the
third place when the total energy consumption and the greenhouse gas emissions are considered. This consumption
level is assumed to increase by 60% by 2030 because of the tremendous growth in industrialization and population.
Biodiesel is one of the sustainable sources of energy for meeting the ever increasing demand of transport sector. The
use of non- edible plant oils is very significant because it can grow in harsh and marginal lands with less
maintenance. The nonedible oil represents the potential source for future energy supply. [2]
There are large number non edible species that can produce non edible oils. The main sources for biodiesel
production from nonedible oils is Jatropha, Karanja, Desert date, Neem, Rubber tree etc. Mohibbe Azam et al.
reported that there are 75 nonedible plant species which contain more than 30% of oil and their properties are nearby
similar to Biodiesel standards recommended by ASTM. A further potential non edible oil resource is algae oil.
Nowadays it has been noticed that there is a large amount of waste lipids generated from restaurants, food
processing industries as well as households. This problem can be solved by proper utilization and management of
WCO as a diesel fuel [1].
Vegetable oil cannot be directly used as a fuel because of its high viscosity, low volatility and cold flow properties.
The researchers suggested that the best way to use vegetable oil compatible without engine modification is to
convert it into biodiesel. There are various methods for biodiesel production and those are micro emulsions, thermal
cracking, pyrolysis, transesterification. Among all of these transesterification is the best process with overall yield of
90%. Three moles of methanol is required to one mole of triglycerides for the production of one mole of glycerol
and three moles of triglycerides [3].
The oil from the Soapnut has been considered as promising nonedible oil having significant potential for biodiesel
production. This is because it is the third most productive vegetable oil producing crop in the world after algae and
palm oil. In the present work feasibility of blending Soapnut biodiesel in diesel and its utilization in a single cylinder
diesel has been evaluated
Soapnut (Sapindus Mukorossi), a member of Sapindaceae family, is a deciduous tree widely grown from
Afghanistan in the west to china in the east, at altitudes ranging from 200 to 1500 m. Sapindus is commonly known
by several names such as soapberry, washnut, ritha, aritha,dodan. The oil content in the kernel of the Soapnut is
approximately 30 wt%. The integration of Soapnut tree plantations along with the community in barren lands is
considered to be viable for mass production of Soapnut seeds, which could be a potential nonedible oil feedstock for
biodiesel production [4]. Although the information regarding the yield could not be confirmed from the literature, it
is seen that one tree of Sapindus Mukorossi produces 123 kg of seeds [6].
3. Plan of experiment
Different types of blends of Soapnut biodiesel with diesel were prepared. Blends use in the experimentation are BD5
(5 % v/v of biodiesel in diesel), BD10, BD20 and BD30. Experiments were performed to study the performance
characteristics of single cylinder diesel engine using different Soapnut biodiesel blends and to compare their
performance with diesel fuel.
3.1. Depiction of properties of Soapnut biodiesel and its blends with diesel
4 Flash Point C 75 90 110 119 128 177
5 Cloud Point C 6 7.6 8.1 8.9 9.6 11.6
6 Pour Point C 3 3.3 3.8 4.2 4.5 5
3.2. Performance testing of CI Engine
The aim of the present study was to find the suitability of Soapnut blends with diesel, as a feasible fuel in CI engine
and to compare variation in performance characteristics of all blends with change in load and compare it with diesel.
To study the effect of percentage of blends on performance characteristics of CI engine and compare it with diesel
F1: Fuel injection pressure sensor; F2: Air flow measuring; PT: piezo sensor; N: rpm pickup and TDC sensor; T1:
cooling water inlet temperature to engine; T2: cooling water outlet temperature from engine; T3: cooling water inlet
temperature to calorimeter; T4: cooling water outlet temperature to calorimeter; T5: exhaust gas inlet temperature;
T6: exhaust gas outlet temperature
BTE (%)
15 B10
10 B20
5 B30
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Load (kg)
SFC (kg/kwh)
0.2 B10
0.1 B30
4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Load (kg)
From experimental results it is concluded that the engine performance run on Soapnut biodiesel-diesel blends is
comparable with that of petroleum diesel. The brake power and specific fuel consumption are almost the same when
the engine is fueled with lower Soapnut biodiesel-diesel blends compared to those of diesel. BD5 can be found as a
complete replacement to diesel as its performance is close to diesel and is considered as an optimum blend with
efficiency of 25.7% compared to 34.6% of diesel and with specific fuel consumption of 0.33 kg/KWhr compared to
0.25 kg/KWhr of diesel. It is seen that brake thermal efficiency decreases and specific fuel consumption increase
with increase in volume percent of Soapnut biodiesel in diesel and this may be higher viscosity and lower calorific
value of biodiesel. From results it is clear that lower Soapnut biodiesel-diesel blends could be a potential substitute
for diesel engines without engine modifications. BD 5 could be a potential substitute to diesel.
[1] M. Mohibbe Azam, Amtul Waris, N. M. Nahar. (2015) Prospects and potential of fatty acid methyl esters of
some non-traditional seed oils for use as biodiesel in India, Biomass and Bioenergy, 29, pp. 293-302
[2] M. M. K Bhuiya, M. G. Rasul, M. M. K. Khan, N. Ashwath, A. K. Azad. (2015) Prospects of 2 nd generation
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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, pp. 1-20.
[3] Yi-Hung Chen, Tsung-Han chiang, Jhih-Hong Chen. (2013) Properties of Soapnut (Sapindus mukorossi) oil
biodiesel and its blends with diesel, Biomass and Bioenergy, 52, pp. 15-21
[4] R. D. Misra, M. S. Murthy. (2011) Performance, emission and combustion evaluation of Soapnut oil- diesel
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[5] Sengupta A, Basu SP, Saha S. (1975) Triglyceride composition of Sapindus Mukorossi seed oil, Lipids, 10(1),
[6] M. Chakraborthy, D.C. Buruah. (2013) Production and characterization of biodiesel obtained from Sapindus
Mukorossi kernel oil, Energy, 90, pp. 159-167
[7] Md. Abdul Halim Shah, Kajal Dutta, Dibakar Chandra Deka. (2014) Fatty acid composition of Sapindus
Mukorossi seed oil, Advances in applied science research, 5(4), pp. 43-50.
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[9] V Ganeshan. (2008) Internal combustion engines, McGraw Hill, pp. 471-500.