Information Technology Support Service Level II: LO 2: Revise Practices, Where Appropriate
Information Technology Support Service Level II: LO 2: Revise Practices, Where Appropriate
Information Technology Support Service Level II: LO 2: Revise Practices, Where Appropriate
Support Service
Level II
Unit of Competence: Implement Maintenance
Instruction Sheet Learning Guide #34
This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the
following content coverage and topics –
Identifying Equipment and software to be maintained and implemented
Identifying Vendor documentation, peer organizations or research
Obtaining user Requirements
Documenting maintenance procedure
This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to –
Learning Activities
1. 1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
2. Follow the instructions described below 3 to 6.
3. Read the information written in the information “Sheet 1, Sheet 2, Sheet 3 and Sheet
4,”in page -1,3&4,6-8 ,10-16,
4. Accomplish the “Self-check 1, Self-check 2, Self-check- 3, Self-check and Self-
check-4 in page 2,5, 9,17
Information Sheet -1 Monitoring and reviewing maintenance operation
Monitoring Maintenance Lifecycle are methods and standards for improving and
mastering maintenance processes, supporting processes and management processes
throughout the monitoring lifecycle.
After the procedure is implemented to the organization its progress is measured and its
benefit is compared with the previous maintenance mechanism used by that
Information Identifying problem Areas to meet service level agreements
customers in the event of a contract breach. Service credits are a typical remedy. Here,
the service provider issues credits to the customer based on an SLA-specified
calculation. Service providers, for example, might provide credits commensurate with
the amount of time it exceeded the SLA's performance guarantee. A service provider
may cap performance penalties at a maximum dollar amount to limit exposure.
The SLA will also include a section detailing exclusions, that is, situations in which an
SLA's guarantees -- and penalties for failing to meet them -- don't apply. The list might
include events such as natural disasters or terrorist acts. This section is sometimes
referred to as a force majeure clause, which aims to excuse the service provider from
events beyond its control.
Who needs a service-level agreement?
SLAs are thought to have originated with network service providers, but are now widely
used in a range of IT-related fields. Companies that establish SLAs include IT service
providers, managed service providers and cloud computing service providers.
Corporate IT organizations, particularly those that have embraced IT service
management (ITSM), enter SLAs with their in-house customers -- users in other
departments within the enterprise. An IT department creates an SLA so that its services
can be measured, justified and perhaps compared with those of outsourcing vendors.
How many maintenance incidents were there per workstation/server
during the current academic year (by cause, category, and location)?
What was the average number of downtime hours per workstation/server
during the current academic year?
What is the average number of calls to help desk/tech-support services
per workstation/server?
What is the average elapsed time between the receipt of a call to the help
desk and the response call to the end user?
What is the average elapsed time between the initial response call and the
notification of problem resolution?
3.3. Establishing Maintenance Plans
Automobile manufacturers recommend having an engine tuned and oil changed
regularly to keep a car running as efficiently as possible. Similar maintenance is
required of a computer system. It is best not to wait until problems arise-avoid
problems in the first place! An organization can carry out much of its own routine,
preventive maintenance (e.g., checking database size, purging outdated records,
and deleting idle user accounts), but in spite of efforts to deliver a high-quality
preventive maintenance program, problems will still occur. To deal with them,
many organizations have maintenance agreements with outside contractors for
fix-it-when-it-breaks service, particularly for hardware. The key factors in these
agreements are response time to a trouble call and the availability and proximity
of spare parts. In other words, planners need to know how long it will take to get
the problems fixed when (not if) they arise.
Track maintenance metrics. Using metrics maintenance organizations can efficiently
manage maintenance activities and focus improvement initiatives on driving value.
Employ maintenance planning and scheduling. With effective planning, work can be
completed with the least interruption to operations and the most efficient use of
maintenance resources.
Improve basic work systems. Many organizations spend too much time searching for new
reliability and maintenance concepts, and very little time on implementing and improving
what they just started.
Use joint reward systems to drive results. If an organization is serious about a closer
integration between departments, the rewards systems must be designed to drive
everybody’s actions and performance toward the same goal and rewards.
Construct your maintenance plan. Creating a maintenance plan is generally not difficult to
do. But creating a comprehensive maintenance program that is effective poses some
interesting challenges. what makes the difference between an ordinary maintenance plan
and a good, effective preventive maintenance program.
Listen to your equipment. Do you listen to your motors complaining about overload? Do you
see your pump packings crying a flood? Do you hear your bearings whine about
contaminated lubricants? Do you notice your steam system coughing excessive condensate
and complaining about strained elbows?
Stop rewarding failure. Managers can talk all day about the organization’s desire to be
proactive, improve reliability, reduce costs, etc. But people don’t pay attention to what you
say; they pay attention to what you do. If you talk “reliability” but pay and recognize for
failure, guess what you’ll get? What gets rewarded gets done, period.
Go all-in with condition-based monitoring. There is little to no payback from using one or two
condition- monitoring technologies – or applying CBM to a small amount of your assets and
hoping it will evolve into a successful program.
More accurately estimate labor hours. Experience shows that the best labor estimates are
routinely off as much as 100 percent. A job estimated to take five labor hours might take as
many as 10 hours or as few as two.
Get the right leaders onboard. Corporate reliability leaders say that if they could do it over
again, they’d spend more time choosing the right people for key leadership positions. With
the right leadership in the right areas pushing the right things, you have success.
Employ a multi-tool approach for more savings. The preventive maintenance team at
American Axle and Manufacturing addressed an issue found during a routine preventive
maintenance work order using multiple condition monitoring tools.
Build a detailed and accurate equipment list. Despite what you may have heard, the
foundation of a successful reliability program is a list – a detailed, accurate equipment list
ideally recorded in your CMMS software. It contains the vital information you need to
design, develop and engineer your maintenance program from the ground up.
Never accept “good enough”. In a maintenance improvement process, there are several
areas where there is always a desire or undercurrent to shortcut the process. One of the
most important actions of maintenance and reliability leadership is to expect and set the
environment to allow the entire organization to practice “Good Enough Never Is” every day.
Improve work processes. Operating practices are a vital part of any preventive maintenance
program. Good practices prevent failures. Poor practices encourage failures. This article
discusses sample business practices that must be implemented to improve overall plant
Use the right predictive maintenance metrics. What gets measured gets improved. Or
conversely, what doesn’t get measured never will be improved. Tracking and reporting on
key metrics lets you focus squarely on the behavior changes you want.
Create a clear, concise vision. One of the first responsibilities of leadership is to provide a
simple, clear view of what the future can and should look like. Having a clear, concise vision
to improve your plant is important. This vision must be simple and visible.
Learn root cause analysis techniques. When a reliability problem arises, most organizations
either address it at the symptomatic level or seek immediately to lay blame on a person or
group. Root cause analysis is a systematic process for understanding and addressing the
underlying causes of a problem.
Look, listen, feel, smell. Regardless of whether you're doing inspections with handheld
computers or a paper system, can trend data or not, or have key performance indicators or
not, you won't be successful unless your people can do quality inspections on equipment.
Create a planned backlog. The first maintenance scheduling principle is the prerequisite of
having a planned backlog. Learn how to prepare and use a schedule as a control standard
to improve maintenance productivity.
Break out of maintenance budget jail. If you are in budget jail and have tried to get out by
preaching reliability to the people above you but have made little headway, here is a plan to
break you out.
Learn the value of “P”. Point P on the P-F Curve is where a defect enters a machine. At
some time in the future, this will cause a functional loss of some kind. As a defect lingers in
a machine, the machine functionality decreases over time. At some point in the future, Point
F, total failure of the machine occurs.
Create an equipment bill of materials. An equipment bill of material lists all the components
of an asset, including its assemblies and subassemblies. With a reliable equipment bill of
materials, a planner can determine exactly what parts are needed. And in an emergency, it
provides valuable information to craftsmen and others to ensure that the right parts are
identified and procured.
Use P-F intervals to map and avert failures. The P-F interval is a valuable piece of
information for any maintenance team, and you don't need special education to use it. The
use of P-F intervals in determining the right maintenance to perform at the right time need
not be confined to RCM.
Build a strong relationship with operations. To get better at maintenance, you must get
better at building a positive relationship with operations. To achieve maintenance
excellence, you must have an excellent relationship. This means having maintenance in full
alignment with the larger goals of your operations and your company.
Quantify the cost of a functional failure mode. What is the real cost of a failure?
Unfortunately, we don't know until after the failure has occurred - and reliability is about
avoiding the failure.
Develop standard maintenance procedures. Plants often fail to see the importance of
having well-written procedures for most tasks. This article discusses the importance of
having good procedures and presents the details needed to develop well-written standard
maintenance procedures.
Manage assets by criticality. Through proper construction of the criticality analysis model,
reliability engineering will be able to illustrate what reliability enhancements must be made
to manage criticality, thus improving their ability to manage assets by criticality.
5Whys tool in their skill set will benefit the organization by the early identification and
resolution of problems, leading to increased asset reliability.
Get more out of your EAM. All EAM systems contain the same basic capabilities in support
of your maintenance program. They are like any other software package – their success
depends on how they are implemented and, more importantly, how they are used.
Optimize outages with effective task planning. Outages can have elaborate schedules, but
often are unsuccessful due to ineffective advanced planning, which results in inefficient
work execution and outage schedule overruns. Outages can only be successful when the
outage work is planned effectively before the work is scheduled and/or started.
Put multiple CBM tools to use. It is essential to understand how equipment performs in a
facility and to be able to predict and prevent failures before they happen. The results of the
combination of condition-based monitoring technologies will give the reliability engineer an
even greater confidence when communicating to management when an asset is
approaching an impending failure.
Apply the correct maintenance strategies. True reliability is achieved when the most cost-
effective methods are applied to the assets in your plant, thereby maximizing reliability with
the minimum total cost to the business.
Detect machine problems early. This massive list of inspection items will allow you to detect
problems early, and hopefully eliminate downtime and/or reduce maintenance costs.
Remove process bottlenecks. If your process bottlenecks are linked closely to the
maintenance and reliability of your equipment, it is most likely you have a highly reactive
maintenance organization. To move from a primarily reactive regime, significant focus must
be placed on developing and deploying systems that move the organization toward being
Optimize PM tasks. Unfortunately, most preventive maintenance tasks lack the detail that
will provide quantitative data for equipment history, and they are written without considering
failure modes. The solution is to practice Preventive Maintenance Optimization (PMO),
using all aspects to write PM procedures that are value added, comprehensive, repeatable,
organized, and specify a correct duration and interval of execution.
Create a lean and effective oil analysis program. Oil analysis is a powerful tool in a
maintenance program. This case study presents alternatives to expensive in-house test
equipment, good utilization of outside labs, oil storage solutions, methods of reporting
findings to further the program, and selling the program to upper management as well as to
operations and maintenance.
Put maintenance checklists to use. While most groups will say they have checklists,
requiring their use and the accountability are often major factors for success. In your
organization, what processes do you have in place to ensure that people use maintenance
procedures and checklists?
Avoid the 5 biggest risks. Asset management is an integrated approach to optimizing the life
cycle of your assets, beginning at conceptual design, through to usage, decommissioning
and disposal. By acknowledging and paying attention to these five primary risks to effective
asset management, you can put in place plans to mitigate the effects these might have on
their program.
Give maintenance technicians equipment ownership. How do you strike a balance between
equipment ownership and building the skills through cross training, and having the ability to
get the work done all the time? Is it based on the culture of the organization?
Be smart about kitting. Kitting for maintenance crafts to perform their tasks is one of the
easier and more effective ways to allow quality completion of the job with minimal
productivity impact, especially when accompanied by a well-planned and functionally
scheduled job.
Work towards zero failures. Experiences and data show that zero failures are possible in a
maintenance program. As someone once said, “If you think you can’t, you’re probably right.
If you think you can, you’re probably right.”
Manage the change process. The most difficult but most beneficial aspect of leading a
maintenance and reliability improvement effort is managing the change process in
organizations. The behavior change process from a reactive state to a proactive state is a
challenging transition for any maintenance program.