Motor F11 y F12

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Series F11/F12
Fixed Displacement

Catalogue HY30-8249/UK
February 2007
Basic formulas for hydraulic motors
Flow (q)
q = 1000 x η [l/min] D - displacement [cm3/rev]
n - shaft speed [rpm]
ηv - volumetric efficiency
  Torque (M) ∆p - differential pressure [bar]
M = D x ∆p x ηhm [Nm] (between inlet and outlet)
63 ηhm - mechanical efficiency
ηt - overall efficiency
   Power (P) (ηt = ηv x ηhm)
q x ∆p x ηt
P = [kW]

Conversion factors
1 kg.................................................................. 2.20 lb
1 N................................................................ 0.225 lbf
1 Nm.......................................................... 0.738 lbf ft
1 bar...............................................................14.5 psi
1 l.......................................................0.264 US gallon
1 cm 3 ........................................................0.061 cu in
1 mm.............................................................. 0.039 in
9/ °C + 32.............................................................1 °F
1 kW............................................................... 1.34 hp
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Content Series F11/F12

Content Page
General information...............................................................................4
F11 cross section..................................................................................4
F12 cross sections.................................................................................5
Ordering codes
Preferred versions F11/F12.................................................................13
Technical information
Bearing life...........................................................................................14
Noise level...........................................................................................15
Selfpriming speed and required inlet pressure....................................16
Installation dimensions
F11-5 CETOP......................................................................................17
F11-10 CETOP....................................................................................18
F11-12 CETOP....................................................................................19
F11-14 CETOP....................................................................................20
F11-19 CETOP....................................................................................21
F11-150 CETOP..................................................................................22
F11-10 ISO..........................................................................................23
F11-12 ISO..........................................................................................24
F11-14 ISO..........................................................................................25
F11-10 SAE.........................................................................................26
F11-12 SAE.........................................................................................27
F11-14 SAE.........................................................................................28
F11-19 SAE.........................................................................................29
F11-150 SAE.......................................................................................30
F11-250 SAE.......................................................................................31
F12-30, -40, -60, -80, -90, -110 and -125 ISO...............................32-33
F12-30, -40, -60, -80, -90, -110 and -125 Cartridge.......................34-35
F12-30, -40, -60, -80, -90, -110 and -125 SAE 4 bolt flange..........36-37
F12-30, -40, and -60 SAE 2 bolt flange..........................................38-39
Technical information
F11 saw motors...................................................................................40
F11 fan motors....................................................................................40
F12 integrated flushing valve...............................................................41
F12 accessory valve blocks.................................................................41
Type BT brake valve ...........................................................................42
Type SR pressure relief/make-up valve ..............................................42
Type SV pressure relief valve..............................................................43
Speed sensor......................................................................................43
Installation information
Direction of rotation.............................................................................44
Hydraulic fluids....................................................................................44
Operating temperature........................................................................44
Case pressure.....................................................................................45
Case drain connections.......................................................................46
Before start-up.....................................................................................46

 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
General information Series F11/F12

F11 and F12 are bent axis, fixed displacement heavy- • The laminated piston ring offers important advantages
duty motor/pump series. They can be used in numerous such as low internal leakage and thermal shock resi-
applications in both open and closed loop circuits. stance.
• Series F11 is available in the following frame sizes • The pump version has highly engineered valve plates
and versions: for increased selfpriming speed and low noise, avai-
- F11-5, -10, -12, -14, -19 and -150 with lable with left and right hand rotation.
CETOP mounting flange and shaft end • The F11/F12 motors produce very high torque at start-
- F11-10, -12 and -14 with ISO flange and shaft up as well as at low speeds.
- F11-10, -12, -14, -19, -150 and -250 with • Our unique timing gear design synchronizes shaft and
SAE flange and shaft cylinder barrel, making the F11/F12 very tolerant to
high 'G' forces and torsional vibrations.
• Series F12 conforms to current ISO and SAE mounting
flange and shaft end configurations. A very compact • Heavy duty roller bearings permit substantial external
cartridge version is also available. axial and radial shaft loads.
• Thanks to the unique spherical piston design, F11/F12 • The F11's and F12's have a simple and straight-for-
motors can be used at unusually high shaft speeds. ward design with very few moving parts, making them
Operating pressures to 480 bar provides for the high very reliable motors/pumps.
output power capability. • The unique piston locking, timing gear and bearing
• The 40° angle between shaft and cylinder barrel allows set-up as well as the limited number of parts add up to
for a very compact, lightweight motor/pump. a very robust design with long service life and, above
all, proven reliability.

F11 cross section 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Barrel housing

2. Valve plate

3. Cylinder barrel

4. Guide spacer
with O-rings

5. Timing gear

6. Roller bearing

7. Bearing housing

8. Shaft seal

9. Output/input shaft

10. Piston with laminated

piston ring

Leif A./020204

 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
General information Series F11/F12

F12 cross sections

F12-30, -40, -60, -80 and -90
(F12-60 shown)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Legend: 1. Barrel housing 5. Timing gear 9. Output/input shaft

2. Valve plate 6. Tapered roller bearings 10.
LeifPort E (F12-110 and -125)
3. Cylinder barrel 7. Bearing housing 11. Needle bearings (F12-110 and -125)
4. Piston with piston ring 8. Shaft seal

F12-110 and -125

(F12-110 shown) 1 2 3 10 4 5 6 7 8 9


 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Leif A./020204
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Specifications Series F11/F12

Frame size F11 -5 -10 -12 -14 -19 -150 -250

Displacement [cm3/rev] 4.9 9.8 12.5 14.3 19.0 150 242
Operating pressure
max intermittent1) [bar] 420 420
max continuous [bar] 350 350
Motor operating speed [rpm]
max intermittent1) 14 000 11 200 10 300 9 900 8 900 3 500 3 000
max continuous 12 800 10 200 9 400 9 000 8 100 3 200 2 700
min continuous 50 50
Max pump selfpriming speed2)
L or R function; max [rpm] 4 600 4 200 3 850 3 500 3 500 1 700 1 500
Motor input flow
max intermittent1) [l/min] 69 110 129 142 169 525 726
max continuous [l/min] 63 100 118 129 154 480 653
Main circuit temp.3), max [°C] 80 80
min [°C] -40 -40
Mass moment of inertia
(x10-3) [kg m2] 0.16 0.39 0.40 0.42 1.1 40 46
Weight [kg] 5 7.5 8.3 8.3 11 70 77

Frame size F12 -30 -40 -60 -80 -90 -110 -125
Displacement [cm3/rev] 30.0 40.0 59.8 80.4 93.0 110.1 125.0
Operating pressure
max intermittent1) [bar] 480 480 420 480 480
max continuous [bar] 420 420 350 420 420
Motor operating speed [rpm]
max intermittent1) 7 300 6 700 5 800 5 300 5 000 4 800 4 600
max continuous 6 700 6 100 5 300 4 800 4 600 4 400 4 200
min continuous 50 50
Max pump selfpriming speed2)
L or R function; max [rpm] 3150 2870 2500 2300 2 250 2290 2 100
Motor input flow
max intermittent1) [l/min] 219 268 347 426 465 528 575
max continuous [l/min] 201 244 317 386 428 484 525
Main circuit temp.3), max [°C] 80 80
min [°C] -40 -40
Mass moment of inertia
(x10-3) [kg m2] 1.7 2.9 5 8.4 8.4 11.2 11.2
Weight [kg] 12 16.5 21 26 26 36 36

1) Intermittent: max 6 seconds in any one minute.

2) Selfpriming speed valid at sea level.
3) See also installation information, operating temperature.

 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Ordering codes Series F11/F12

F11 — — — — — — —

F11-CETOP Frame Function Main Mounting Shaft Shaft Version Option Option
size ports flange seal number page 41 page 43

Frame size Version number

Code Displacem. (assigned for special
(cm3/rev) versions)
005   4.9
010   9.8
012   12.5
014   14.3
019   19.0
150 150.0

Frame size 5 10 12 14 19 150

ode Function
M Motor x x - - x x
Frame size 5 10 12 14 19 150
H Motor, high pressure x x x x x x
Q Motor, quiet (x) (x) - - (x) (x) Code Shaft
J Motor, clockwise rot'n1) (x) (x) - - (x) (x) K Metric key x x x x x x
G Motor, counter clockw.1) (x) (x) - - (x) (x) D Spline, DIN 5480 (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
R Pump, clockwise rot'n (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
L Pump, counter clockw. (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

Frame size 5 10 12 14 19 150 Frame size 5 10 12 14 19 150

Code Main ports Code Shaft seal
B BSP threads x x x x x - N NBR3), low pressure x x - - x x
R With anti-cavitation H NBR3), high pressure (x) (x) - - (x) (x)
valve; clockwise rot’n2) - (x) (x) (x) (x) - E FPM4), low pressure,
L With anti-cavitation high temperature (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
valve; counter clockw.2) - (x) (x) (x) (x) - V FPM4), high pressure,
U SAE, UN threads (x) (x) - - (x) - high temperature - (x) x x (x) -
F SAE 6000 psi flange2) - - - - - x

Frame size 5 10 12 14 19 150 Frame size 5 10 12 14 19 150

Code Mounting flange Code Option
C CETOP flange x x x x x x P Prepared for speed
W Saw motor flange - (x) (x) (x) (x) - sensor - - x x x -

x: Available (x): Optional – : Not available

1) Internal drain
2) BSP threads
3) NBR - Nitrile rubber
4) FPM - Fluor rubber

 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Ordering codes Series F11/F12

F11 — — — — — — —

F11-ISO Frame Function Main Mounting Shaft Shaft Version Option Option
size ports flange seal number page 41 page 43

Frame size Version number

Code Displacem. (assigned for special
(cm3/rev) versions)
010   9.8
012   12.5
014   14.3
Frame size 10 12 14 Option
Frame size 10 12 14 Code Shaft None
K Metric key x x x
Code Function
M Motor x - - D Spline, DIN 5480 (x) (x) (x)
H Motor, high pressure x x x
R Pump, clockwise rot'n (x) (x) (x)
L Pump, counter clockw. (x) (x) (x)

Frame size 10 12 14
Code Shaft seal
Frame size 10 12 14 E FPM1), low pressure,
Code Main ports high temperature (x) (x) (x)
F Metric threads - x x V FPM1), high pressure,
B BSP x - - high temperature x x x
R With anti-cavitation valve;
clockwise rot´n (x) (x) (x)
L With anti-cavitation valve;
counter clockwise rot´n" (x) (x) (x)
Frame size 10 12 14
Code Option
P Prepared for speed
Frame size 10 12 14 sensor - x x
Code Mounting flange
I ISO flange x x x

x: Available (x): Optional – : Not available

1) FPM - Fluor rubber

 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Ordering codes Series F11/F12

F11 — — — — — — —

F11-SAE Frame Function Main Mounting Shaft Shaft Version Option Option
size ports flange seal number page 41 page 43

Frame size Version number

Code Displacem. (assigned for special
(cm3/rev) versions)
010   9.8
012   12.5
014   14.3
019   19.0
150 150.0
250 242.0

Frame size 10 12 14 19 150 250

Code Function
M Motor x - - x x -
H Motor, high pressure x x x x x - Frame size 10 12 14 19 150 250
Q Motor, quiet (x) - - (x) (x) x
Code Shaft
J Motor, clockwise rot'n1) (x) - - (x) (x) -
T SAE key - - x x x -
G Motor, counter clockw.1) (x) - - (x) (x) -
S SAE spline (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
R Pump clockwise rot'n (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
K Metric key x x - - - x
L Pump counter clockw. (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
F SAE spline - - - - - (x)

Frame size 10 12 14 19 150 250 Frame size 10 12 14 19 150 250

Code Main ports Code Shaft seal
U SAE, UN threads x x x x - - N NBR3), low pressure x - - x x -
B BSP threads (x) - - (x) - - H NBR3), high pressure (x) - - (x) (x) x
F SAE 6000 psi flange2) - - - - x x E FPM4), low pressure,
R With anti-cavitation valve; high temperature (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
clockwise rot´n (x) (x) (x) (x) - - V FPM4), high pressure,
L With anti-cavitation valve; high temperature (x) x x (x) - -
counter clockwise rot´n" (x) (x) (x) (x) - -

Frame size 10 12 14 19 150 250

Frame size 10 12 14 19 150 250
Code Option
Code Mounting flange P Prepared for speed
S SAE flange x x x x x x sensor - x x x - -

x: Available (x): Optional – : Not available

1) Internal drain
2) Metric thread
3) NBR - Nitrile rubber
4) FPM - Fluor rubber

 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Ordering codes Series F11/F12

F12 — — — — — — —

F12-ISO Frame Function Main Mounting Shaft Shaft Version Option Option
size ports flange seal number page 41 page 43

Frame size Version number

Code Displacem. (assigned for
(cm3/rev) special versions)
030   30.0
040   40.0
060   59.8
080   80.4
Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125
090   93.0
110 110.1 Code Shaft
125 125.0 D DIN spline Optional (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Z   "     " Optional (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
K Metric key Standard x x x x x x x
P   "   " Optional (x) - - - - - -

Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125 Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125

Code Function Code Option
M Motor x x x x x x x L01 Integr. flushing valve x x x x x -3) -3)
L counter clockw. (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
R clockwise (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125

Code Option
Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125 P Prepared for speed
Code Main ports sensor x x x x x x x
F SAE 6000 psi flange x x x x x x x
R With anti-cavitation valve;
clockwise rot´n (x) - - - - - -
L With anti-cavitation valve;
counter clockwise rot´n" (x) - - - - - -
Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125
Code Shaft seal
H NBR1), high pressure x x x x x x x
Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125
N NBR1), low pressure (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Code Mounting flange V FPM2), high temperature, (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
I ISO flange x x x x x x x high pressure
E FPM2), high temperature, (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
low pressure

x : Available (x): Optional – : Not available

1) NBR - Nitrile rubber
2) FPM - Fluor rubber
3) F12-110 and -125: Accessory valve block (page 41)

10 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Ordering codes Series F11/F12

F12 — — — — — — —

Frame Function Main Mounting Shaft Shaft Version Option Option

size ports flange seal number page 41 page 43

Frame size Version number

Code Displacem. (assigned for
(cm3/rev) special versions)
030   30.0
040   40.0
060   59.8
080   80.4
090   93.0 Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125
110 110.1 Code Shaft
125 125.0 C DIN spline Standard x x x x x x x
K Metric key Optional (x) - (x) (x) (x) - -
X " " Optional - (x) - - - - -

Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125 Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125

Code Function Code Option
M Motor x x x x x x x L01 Integr. flushing valve x x x x x -3) -3)

Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125

Code Option
Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125 P Prepared for speed
Code Main ports sensor x x x x x x x
F SAE 6000 psi flange x x x x x x x
R With anti-cavitation valve;
clockwise rot´n (x) - - - - - -
L With anti-cavitation valve;
counter clockwise rot´n" (x) - - - - - -
Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125
Code Shaft seal
Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125 H NBR1), high pressure x x x x x x x
N NBR1), low pressure (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Code Mounting flange
V FPM2), high temperature, (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
C Cartridge x x x x x x x
high pressure
E FPM2), high temperature, (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
low pressure
x : Available (x): Optional – : Not available
1) NBR - Nitrile rubber
2) FPM - Fluor rubber
3) F12-110 and -125: Accessory valve block (page 41)

11 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Ordering codes Series F11/F12

F12 — — — — — — —

F12-SAE Frame Function Main Mounting Shaft Shaft Version Option Option
size ports flange seal number page 41 page 43

Frame size Version number

Code Displacem. (assigned for
(cm3/rev) special versions)
030   30.0
040   40.0
060   59.8
080   80.4
090   93.0
Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125
110 110.1
125 125.0 Code Shaft
S SAE spline Optional (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
U " " Optional - - - (x) (x) - -
T SAE key Standard x x x x x x x

Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125

Code Function
M Motor x x x x x x x
Pump: Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125
L counter clockw. (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) Code Option
R clockwise (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) L01 Integr. flushing valve x x x x x -3) -3)

Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125 Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125

Code Main ports Code Option
S SAE 6000 psi flange x x x x x x x P Prepared for speed
U SAE, UN threads (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) sensor x x x x x x x
R With anti-cavitation valve;
clockwise rot´n (x) - - - - - -
L With anti-cavitation valve;
counter clockwise rot´n" (x) - - - - - - Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125
Code Shaft seal
H NBR1), high pressure x x x x x x x
N NBR1), low pressure (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Frame size 30 40 60 80 90 110 125
V FPM2), high temperature, (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Code Mounting flange high pressure
S SAE 4 bolt x x x x x x x E FPM2), high temperature, (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
T SAE 2 bolt x x x - - - - low pressure

x : Available (x): Optional – : Not available

1) NBR - Nitrile rubber
2) FPM - Fluor rubber
3) F12-110 and -125: Accessory valve block (page 41)

12 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Ordering codes Series F11/F12

Preferred versions F11/F12

Ordering Codes Part number
F11-005-MB-CN-K-000-000-0 3703665
F11-005-MB-CH-K-000-000-0 3707249
F11-005-HU-CH-K-000-000-0 3707308
F11-010-MB-CN-K-000-000-0 3703603
F11-010-MB-CH-K-000-000-0 3706030
F11-010-HU-CH-K-000-000-0 3707310
F11-012-HB-CV-K-000-000-0 3785267
F11-012-HB-CE-K-000-000-0 3785874
F11-014-HB-CE-K-000-000-0 3783201
F11-014-HB-CV-K-000-000-0 3782830
F11-019-MB-CN-K-000-000-0 3703516
F11-019-MB-CH-K-000-000-0 3707893
F11-150-MF-CN-K-000-000-0 3703468
F11-150-MF-CH-K-000-000-0 3707008
F11-150-HF-SH-S-000-000-0 3707325
F11-250-QF-SH-F-000-000-0 3706440
F11-250-QF-SH-K-000-000-0 3795858

Ordering Codes Part number
F12-030-MF-IH-D-000-000-0 3799843
F12-030-MF-IH-K-000-000-0 3799844
F12-030-MS-SH-S-000-000-0 3799851
F12-030-MS-TH-S-000-000-0 3799616
F12-040-MF-IH-D-000-000-0 3799525
F12-040-MF-IH-K-000-000-0 3799526
F12-040-MS-SH-S-000-000-0 3799532
F12-040-MS-SH-T-000-000-0 3799533
F12-040-MS-TH-S-000-000-0 3799617
F12-060-MF-IH-D-000-000-0 3799988
F12-060-MF-IH-K-000-000-0 3799989
F12-060-MS-SH-S-000-000-0 3799998
F12-060-MS-TH-S-000-000-0 3799618
F12-080-MF-IH-D-000-000-0 3780767
F12-080-MF-IH-K-000-000-0 3780772
F12-080-MS-SH-S-000-000-0 3780783
F12-090-MF-IH-D-000-000-0 3785518
F12-090-MF-IH-K-000-000-0 3785609
F12-090-MS-SH-S-000-000-0 3785875
F12-110-MF-IH-D-000-000-0 3781530
F12-110-MF-IH-K-000-000-0 3781534
F12-110-MS-SH-S-000-000-0 3781542
F12-125-MF-IH-D-000-000-0 3785866
F12-125-MF-IH-K-000-000-0 3785717
F12-125-MS-SH-S-000-000-0 3785504

13 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Technical information Series F11/F12

Bearing life
General information Required information
Bearing life can be calculated for that part of the load/ When requesting a bearing life calculation from Parker
life curve (shown below) that is designated 'Bearing Hannifin (Pumps and Motor Division), the following
fatigue'. 'Rotating group fatigue and wear' and 'Other' information (where applicable) should be provided:
caused by material fatigue, fluid contamination, etc. - A short presentation of the application
should also be taken into consideration when estimating
the service life of a motor/pump in a specific application. - F11 or F12 size and version
- Duty cycle (pressure and speed versus time
Bearing life calculations are mainly used when compar-
at given displacements)
ing different frame sizes. Bearing life, designated B10 (or
L10), is dependent of system pressure, operating speed, - Low system pressure
external shaft loads, fluid viscosity in the case, and fluid - Case fluid viscosity
contamination level. - Life probability (B10, B20, etc.)
The B10 value means that 90% of the bearings survive, - Operating mode (pump or motor)
at a minimum, the number of hours calculated. Statisti-
cally, 50% of the bearings will survive at least five times - Direction of rotation (L or R)
the B10 life. - External shaft loads (Forces, Gear, Belt, Cardan
or none)
For forces please provide:
- Axial load, Fixed radial load, Bending moment, Ro-
tating radial load and distance flange to radial load.
For Gear please provide:
Life expectancy - Pitch diameter, Pressure angle, Spiral angle, Distan-
(logarithmic scale) ce flange – gearwheel (mid) and Gearwheel spiral
Other direction (R or L).
causes For Belt please provide:
- Pretension, Coefficient of friction, Angle of contact,
Distance flange – pulley (mid) and Diameter pulley.
Bearing For Cardan please provide:
- Shaft angle, Distance flange – first joint and distan-
ce between joints
- Angle of attack (α) as defined below

Rotating group
fatigue and wear

Hydraulic unit life versus system pressure.
Leif A./020201

Bearing life calculation

An application is usually governed by a certain duty or F F α
work cycle where pressure and speed vary with time
during the cycle. The direction (a) of the F12_shaft_loads.EPS
radial load is positive in the
In addition, bearing life depends on external shaft direction of rotation as shown.
Leif A./020204
forces, fluid viscosity in the case and fluid conta-mina- To obtain maximum bearing life, the radial load should,
tion. in most cases, be located approximately at 170° (motor;
Parker Hannifin has a computer program for calculating R.H. rot'n) or 190° (pump; R.H rot'n).
bearing life and will assist in determining F11 or F12
motor/pump life in a specific application.

14 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Technical information Series F11/F12

Because of its high overall efficiency, driving a motor/
pump from series F11/F12 requires less fuel or electric 210 bar
power. Also, it allows the use of a small reservoir and 100%
heat exchanger, which in turn reduce cost, weight, and 420 bar
installation size.
The diagrams to the right shows volumetric and F12-30
mechanical­ efficiencies of an F12-30. (motor)
Contact Parker Hannifin for efficiency information on a
particular F11/F12 frame size that is being considered. 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Speed
Volymetric efficiency.
420 bar
210 bar

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Speed

Mechanical efficiency.

Noise level Leif A./020201
Noise level
Series F11/F12 feature low noise levels from low to high
speeds and pressures.
As an example, the diagram to the right shows the noise 90
level of an F12-30.
The noise level is measured in a semi-anechoic room, 85
1 m behind the unit.
The noise level for a particular motor/pump may vary 80
±2 dB(A) compared to what is shown in the diagram. 5000 rpm
3500 rpm
NOTE: Noise information for F11/F12 frame 75
sizes are available from Parker Hannifin.
2000 rpm
(M-, L- or R funktion )

0 100 200 300 Pressure

Leif A./020204

15 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Technical information Series F11/F12

Selfpriming speed and required Inlet pressure

inlet pressure [bar]
Series F11
In pump applications, the F11 with function L (counter F11-19
clockwise rotation) or R (clockwise rotation) is nor- 1,5
mally used. The L and R (pump) provide the highest
self­priming speeds (see table) as well as the lowest M
noise level. The M (motor) function can also be used as
a pump, in either direction, but at a lower selfpriming
speed. 0,5
Operating above the selfpriming speed (refer to L, R
Diagram­ 1) requires increased inlet pressure. 0
As an example, at least 1.0 bar is needed when operat-
ing the F11-19-M as a pump at 3500 rpm. An F11 used 0,15 bar vacuum
as a motor (e.g. in a hydrostatic transmission), may -0,5
sometimes operate as a pump at speeds above the 1000 2000 3000 4000 Speed
selfpriming speed; this requires additional inlet pres- [rpm]
sure. Diagram 1. Min required inlet pressure (F11-19).
Insufficient inlet pressure can cause pump cavitation Leif A./020204
resulting in greatly increased pump noise and deterio- Inlet pressure
rating performance. [bar] F12-125 -110 -90 -80 -60 -40 -30

Function L or R M H 1,5 F12-L or -R

F11-5 4600 3800 3200
F11-10 4200 3100 2700 1,0
F11-12 3850 - 3000
F11-14 3900 - 3200 0,5
F11-19 3500 2400 2100 Inlet pres-
F11-150 1700 1300 1100 sure
gauge 0
F11-250 1500 950 -
0,15 bar vacuum
Series F12 Leif A./020204 1000 2000 3000 4000 Speed
When operating the F12 as a pump (with L or R valve [rpm]
plate) above the selfpriming speed, the inlet must be
pressurized. Increased noise and deteriorating perform- Diagram 2. Min. required pump (F12-L or -R) inlet press.
ance may otherwise be experienced.
Inlet pressure
Diagrams 2 and 3 show required pump inlet pressure [bar] F12-125 -110 -90 -80 -60 -40 -30
vs. shaft speed. 2,0
The F12 motor (type M valve plate) sometimes oper-
ates as a pump e.g. when used in a propel transmission F12-M
and the vehicle is going downhill. 1,5
Minimum required inlet pressure versus shaft speed is
shown in the diagrams. 1,0


NOTE: Diagrams 1, 2 and 3 are valid 0,15 bar vacuum
at sea level. -0,5
1000 2000 3000 4000 Speed
Diagram 3. Min.F12_inlet_pressure.eps
required motor (F12-M) inlet pressure.
Leif A./020204
16 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(CETOP versions)

Ø11 (x2) 40˚

96 max


Ø127 max
Type C mounting flange

65 84 max

5 47.5 38
Main port B
Approx. Main port A (BSP 1/2”)
center of (BSP 1/2”)
Drain port D

25 Drain port C
134 max



R 0.5
Flange C R 0.7
9 8
40 30
Key 6x6x30

Type K key shaft 5

12 M6
Ø18 (+0.008/-0.003) min


Ø80 (+0/-0.046)

Type D spline shaft (DIN 5480)

17 F11_5_install.eps
Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Leif A./031008
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(CETOP versions)


Ø13 (x2) 40˚

116 max

Ø152 max
Type C mounting flange

79 94 max

11 53 46
Main port A Main port B
(BSP 3/4”) (BSP 3/4”)
center of
Drain port D

30 Drain port C
156 max



R 0.5
Flange C R 0.7
9 8
50 35
Key 6x6x35

Type K key shaft 7

12 M6
Ø20 (+0.009/-0.004) min
min Ø100 (+0/-0.004)

22 W20x1,25x14x9g
Type D spline shaft (DIN 5480)

18 Parker Hannifin
Leif A./031009
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(CETOP versions)

Anticavitation valve
(LH or RH optional;
right hand shown)

(59) 40°

Ø13 (x2)

152 max Main port B
(BSP 3/4”)
102 53 +0/-1 Speed sensor 101
72 (45) (optional)
Main port A
(BSP 3/4”)
Drain port D
(BSP3/8”) 30

max (149)


14 (x2)
8 9

Flange C
50 Key 6x6x35
Type K key shaft 22 (Ø19.75)

Spline shaft D
7 Ø20 (+0.009/-0.004) W20x1.25x14x9g; M6x12 min
Ø23 DIN 5480 22.5
Ø100 (+0/-0.054)
378 5935
Leif A./06-08-11

19 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(CETOP versions)

Anticavitation valve
(left or right hand optional;
right hand shown)

Ø13 (x2)

CCW CW 39 (x4)


Type C mounting flange Main port B
Main port A (BSP 3/4”)
102 53 (BSP 3/4”) 102
72 45 Speed sensor 46
32 (optional)

25 Drain port D
(BSP3/8”) 30

max 149 133
Drain port C


R 0.7
Flange C R 0.5
42 35
Type K key shaft Key 8x7x35
26 Ø24.75
8 M8x16
3.5 Shaft D
Ø25 (+0.009/-0.004) W 25x1.25x18x9g 28
Ø27 DIN 5480 Ø100 (+0/-0.004)

Leif A./03-11-05

20 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(CETOP version)


Ø14 (x2)


Ø172 max
Type C mounting flange
88 63 114 max

11 54
Main port A
Approx. (BSP 3/4”) Main port B
center of (BSP 3/4”)

Drain port D
29 Drain port C
165 max (BSP3/8”)

Flange C
R 1.2 10
25 max 23
42 R 1.0
max Type K
key shaft
8x7x35 Ø28.3 16 M8
min min
Ø112 (+0/-0.054) Ø25 (+0.009/-0.004)



Type D spline shaft (DIN 5480)
Leif A./020204
21 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(CETOP version)




236 max
Type C mounting flange 222 max

172 118 101

18 36.5 M16(x8)
Main port A* Main port B*
Approx. (11/2") (11/2")
center of

Drain port D
(BSP 3/4") 79.4
85 Drain
port C
307 250 (BSP 3/4")
109 25

9.5 R 1.2
R 0.7
Type C 82 Type K
flange Key
14x9x70 key shaft
M16 thread
Ø57 min
30 Ø50 (+0.018/+0.002)
Ø200 (+0/-0.072)


* 6000 psi flange (SAE J581c)
50 M16 thread 30

Type D spline shaft (DIN 5480)

Leif A./020204
22 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(ISO versions)

10.5 (x4)

Ø9 (x4)
R 4.5 (x4)

ccw cw

(Ø103) 72.8 Main port B

(BSP 3/4”)
Main port A 95 (max)
79 53 (BSP 3/4”) 46

Drain port
B (BSP3/8”) 30

Flange I 12
(ISO 3019/2)


35 Key 22 Spline shaft D R 0.5 max
DIN 5480
7 Type K 6 M6x12 min
key shaft Ø20 (+0.009/-0.004) 22.5
Ø23 Ø80 +0/-0.046
378 3349
Leif A./06-06-10

23 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(ISO versions)

Anticavitation valve
(LH or RH optional;
right hand shown)
10.5 (x4)

Ø9 (x4)

59 R 4.5 (x4)
ccw cw

(Ø103) 72.8
95 Main port A Main port B
M26x1.5 M26x1.5
16 deep min 16 deep min
Speed sensor ISO 9974-1 ISO 9974-1
102 53 101
72 45 46


max Drain port
139 M16x1.5
12 deep min
90 ISO 9974-1
8 R 0.5
Flange I
(ISO 3019/2) 18.5
35 Type K
key shaft

6 M6x12 min
Key 6x6x35
Ø20 (+0.009/-0.004) 22.5
Ø23 Ø80 +0/-0.046
378 5448
Leif A./06-08-10

24 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(ISO versions)

Ø9 (x4) 10.5 (x4)

Ø9 (x4)


Ø103) 72.8
Type I mounting flange (ISO 3019/2) Main port A Main port B
M26x1.5 M26x1.5
16 deep min 16 deep min
ISO 9974-1 ISO 9974-1
102 53 101
45 Speed sensor 46

25˚ Drain port D M16x1.5

(depth 12; ISO 9974-1) 30

147 139
max 123
Drain port C M16x1.5
90 (depth 12; ISO 9974-1)

Flange I
(ISO 3019/2)

21 18.5

Type K 28
42 35 R 0.5 max
key shaft
3.5 8 Type D spline shaft M8x16
Ø25 (+0.009/-0.004) (DIN 5480) 28
Key 8x7x35
Ø27 Ø80 (+0/-0.046)

Leif A./03-10-03

25 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(SAE versions)

R60 (x2) 29° (x4)

R14 (x2)
(x4) CCW CW

122 max

Main port A Main port B

11/16”-12 UN 11/16”-12 UN
O-ring boss; O-ring boss;
SAE J514d SAE J514d
177 (max)
94 max
79 53 46

Drain port 9/16”-18 UNF

O-ring boss; SAE J514d


156 max


8 R 0.5

Flange S
size 101-2 SAE B 9.5
50 23
35 SAE J744c 16 min
7 Type K key shaft 33
Key 6x6x35
Ø20 (+0.009/-0.004) Type S spline shaft
SAE B, 13T, 16/32 DP 22.5
(SAE J498b, class 1; 55
30° involute spline; Ø101.6 (+0/-0.05)
flat root, side fit)
378 5949
Leif A./06-08-11

26 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(SAE versions)

Anticavitation valve
(LH or RH optional; R 60 (x2)
right hand shown)

R 14 (x4)

58 29° (x4)
ccw cw

(x2) Main port A Main port B

11/16”-12 UN 11/16”-12 UN
O-ring boss; O-ring boss;
146 SAE J514d SAE J514d
174 max

102 53 101
72 45 Speed sensor 46
(optional) 23.5

Drain port 9/16”-18 UNF

O-ring boss; SAE J514d

158 max 151

(x2) 102
50 33 R 0.5
Key 6x6x35
23 Ø21.806

7 Type K key 6 M6x12 min

shaft Ø20 (+0.009/-0.004) Type S spline shaft 22.5
Ø23 SAE B, 13T, 16/32 DP Ø55
(SAE J498b, class 1;
30° involute spline; Ø101.6 (+0/-0.05)
Flange S
size 101-2 SAE B flat root, side fit)
SAE J744c
Leif A./06-08-11

27 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(SAE versions)

R 14 (x4)

CCW CW 29° (x4)

Ø14.5 (x2)

174 (max)

Type S mounting flange SAE 'B' ( SAE J744c) Main port A Main port B
11/16”-12 UN 11/16”-12 UN
O-ring boss; O-ring boss;
SAE J514d SAE J514d
102 53 101
45 Speed sensor 46

25 Drain port D 9/16”-18 UNF

O-ring boss; SAE J514d 30

max 151 133
Drain port C
16”-18 UNF
102 O-ring boss;
Ø24 (x2) SAE J514d

38.1 31.8 33 R 0.5

Key 6.35x6.35x31.8 24
6.35 16”-24 UNF-2B
Type T key shaft (depth 16)
Size 25-1 (B–B) Ø25.4 (+0/-0.05) Type S spline shaft 28.1
(SAE J744c) Ø27 SAE B, 13T, 16/32 DP Ø80
(SAE J498b, class 1;
30° involute spline; Ø101.6 +0/-0.05
flat root, side fit)
Leif A./03-10-03

28 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(SAE version)

Ø14.4 (x2) 30˚



14 R

Ø176 max
Type S mounting flange SAE ‘B’ (SAE J744c)

88 63 114 max

11 54 Main port B*
Main port A*
Approx. (11/16"-12)
center of
Drain port D*
181 max
155 port C*
117 (9/16"-18)
74 17

R 0.8
38.1 Flange S R 1.0
Type T key shaft
Key 6.35x6.35x31.8 SAE ‘B-B’ 5/ "-24 UNF-2b
(SAE J744c) 16 16
Ø25 (+0.400/+0.350) min
Ø101 (+0.600/+0.550)

* O-ring ports according to SAE J514d


SAE 'B' (13T, 16/32 DP;

S spline
Typeclass1, flatshaft
side J498b)
29 A./020204 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(SAE version)

Ø21 (x4)


214 max
Type S mounting flange 222 max
SAE ‘D’ (SAE J744c)
172 118 101
18 36.5
Main port A* Main port B*
Approx. (11/2") (11/2")
center of
Drain port D
(BSP 3/4")
85 port C
297 (BSP 3/4")

157 24
8 12.7

66.7 R 0.8 R 1.0

Type S flange 30
Type T key shaft Ø57 min 11.11x11.11x54 Ø44 (+0.450/+0.400)
SAE‘D’ 5/8-18 UNF
(SAE J744c) Ø152 (+0.400/+0.350)

* 6000 psi flange (SAE J581c)

SAE 'D'; 13T, 8/16 DP;
class 1, flat root, side fit
Type S spline shaft (SAE J498b)
Leif A./020204

30 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

(SAE version)


200 max 232
Type S mounting flange 101 (x8)
SAE ‘D’ (SAE J744c)
197 118
27 Main port A* Main port B*
(11/2") (11/2")
center of
gravity 79.38

Drain port D
(BSP 3/4") 141 Ø39 (x2)

port C
(BSP 3/4")


R 0.8
82 R 0.7 Key
14x9x70 12.7

Type K key shaft M16x31

(metric; not SAE) Ø50 (+0.018/+0.002) (thread)
Ø57 min
7.9 Ø152 (+0.400/+0.350)

SAE F; 15T, 8/16 DP; * 6000 psi flange (SAE J518c)

class 1, flat root, side fit
35 Optional: Type S spline shaft: 13T 8/16 DP

66.7 Type F spline shaft

(SAE J498b)

31 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden

Leif A./020204
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

F12-30, -40, -60, -80, -90, -110 and -125

(ISO versions)


A1 T3

A1 ØD1 (x4) Port E (third drain port)

B1 F12-110 and -125 barrel housing
(ISO /cartridge version)
Type I mounting flange
(ISO 3019/2)
F12-80 shown A3
A2 B2 B3
(optional) C2 C3

Port A Port B
Port D


G2 Port C1)
N2 G3

K2 Speed
(optional) L3
H2 P2

Type K (P) Type I R2

J2 Key shaft L2 flange
S22) Q2 J3

1) Inspection/ D2 See table D3

  drain port M2
ØE2 2) Type Z has no thread ØE3 (Tol. k6)
ØF2 (tol. h8) F3
Type D (Z) spline shaft

Leif A./020204

32 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

Dim. F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110 Ports F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110
F12-90 F12-125 F12-90 F12-125
A1 88.4 113.2 113.2 127.2 141.4 A, B 3/
4" 1" 11/4"
B1 118 146 146 158 180 size
C1 118 142 144 155 180 Screw M10 M10 M10 M12 M14
D1 11 13.5 13.5 13.5 18 thread 1) x20 x20 x20 x20 x26
A2 100 110 125 135 145 C M22 M22 M22 M22 M22
B2 59 65 70 78 85 thread2) x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5
C2 25 26 22 32 38
D M18 M18 M22 M22 M22
D2 8 8 10 12 14 thread2) x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5
E2 33 42 42 52 58
E - - - - M22
F2 100 125 125 140 160
thread x1.5
G2 172 173 190 216 231
A, B: ISO 6162 1) Metric thread x depth in mm
H2 25.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 40.5
2) Metric thread x pitch in mm.
J2 1) 50 60 60 70 82
J22) 50 - - - -
K2 55 52 54 70.5 66.5
Spline shaft (DIN 5480)
L2 40 50 50 56 70 Type D (standard) Type Z (optional)
M2 5 5 5 7 6 F12-30 W30x2x14x9g W25x1.25x18x9g
N2 136.5 137 154 172.5 179 -40 W32x2x14x9g W30x2x14x9g
P2 8 8 8 8 8
Q2 28 28 33 36 41 -60 W35x2x16x9g W32x2x14x9g
-80 W40x2x18x9g W35x2x16x9g
R23) 35 35 41 45 50
R24) 43 35 35 41 - -90 W40x2x18x9g W35x2x16x9g
S23) M12 M12 M12 M16 M16 -110 W45x2x21x9g W40x2x21x9g
x24 x24 x28 x36 x36
S24 ) - M12 - M12 - -125 W45x2x21x9g W40x2x21x9g
x24 x28
A3 122 134 144 155 170 Key shaft
B3 66 66 66 75 83 Type K (standard) Type P (optional)
C3 23.8 23.8 23.8 27.8 31.8
F12-30 Ø30 Ø25
D3 M12 M12 M12 M16 M16 -40 Ø30 -
E3 30 30 35 40 45
F3 33 33 38 43 49 -60 Ø35 -
-80 Ø40 -
G3 136.5 137 154 172.5 179
H3 23.5 30.5 30.5 30.5 38.5 -90 Ø40 -
J3 24 24 28 36 36 -110 Ø45 -
K3 50.8 50.8 50.8 57.2 66.7 -125 Ø45 -
L3 18 20 20 20 22
T3 - - - - 68
1) Key shaft type K 3) Spline shaft type D
2) Key shaft type P 4) Spline shaft type Z = Max 350 bar operating pressure

33 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

F12-30, -40, -60, -80, -90, -110 and -125

(Cartridge versions)

F12-80 shown



40° (-30, -40, -60,

-110, -125)
43° (-80, -90) Port E (third drain port)
ØD4 F12-110 and -125 barrel housing
B4 (ISO /cartridge version)
Type C mounting flange
Flushing A5 B5 B6
valve C6
(optional) C5

Port A Port B
Port D

G5 (optional)
N5 G6
Port C1)
K5 L6

H5 R6 O-ring
(±0,2) T5 (included) H6

Type C J5 L5
R5 See table
Q5 D5 M5 ØM6
1) Inspection/ ØV5 ØE5 (Tol. k6) ØN6
  drain port ØF5 (Tol. h8) ØP6
Type K (X) key shaft

Leif A./020204

34 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

Dim. F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110 Ports F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110
F12-90 F12-125 F12-90 F12-125
A4 160 200 200 224 250 A, B
size 3/ 3/ 3/ " 11/4"
B4 140 164 164 196 206 4" 4" 4 1"
C4 188 235 235 260 286 Screw M10 M10 M10 M12 M14
D4 14 18 18 22 22 thread x20 x20 x20 x22 x26
E4 77 95 95 110 116
A5 100 110 125 135 145 C M14 M14 M14 M14 M14
B5 59 65 70 77.5 85 thread x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5
C5 25 26 22 32 38
D, E M18 M18 M22 M22 M22
D5 8 8 1) 102) 10 12 14
thread x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5 x1.5
E5 30 301) 352) 35 40 45
F5 135 160 160 190 200 A, B: ISO 6162
G5 127 133 146 157 175
H5 89 92.3 92.3 110.5 122.8 Spline shaft (DIN 5480)
J5 50 60 60 70 - Type C (standard)
K5 14 16 15 15 15
F12-30 W30x2x14x9g
L5 40 50 50 56 - -40 W30x2x14x9g
M5 5 5 5 7 -
N5 91 97 110 114 123 -60 W30x2x14x9g
P5 22 30 31 40 40 -80 W40x2x18x9g
Q5 28 28 28 37 37
-90 W40x2x18x9g
R5 35 35 35 45 45 -110 W40x2x18x9g
S5 70.5 72 76 91 95.7
T5 15 15 15 15 15 -125 W40x2x18x9g
V5 32 35 35 45 45
A6 122 134 144 155 170 Key shaft
B6 66 66 66 75 83 Type K (std) Type X (opt.)
C6 23.8 23.8 23.8 27.8 31.8 F12-30 Ø30 –
G6 91.5 97 110 114 123
-40 − Ø35
H6 69.5 71 74 89.5 93.7
-60 Ø35 –
K6 50.8 50.8 50.8 57.2 66.7
L6 16 18 18 20 20 -80 Ø40 –
M6 92 115 115 130 140 -90 Ø40 –
N6 110 127 135 154 160
P6 128.2 153.2 153.2 183.2 193.2
O-ring dimensions
Q6 5 5 5 5 5 F12-30 127x4
R6 5 5 5 5 5
-40 150x4
T6 - - - - 68
-60 150x4
1) Key shaft type K -80 180x4
2) Key shaft type X (opt.). -90 180x4
-110 190x4
-125 190x4

35 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

F12-30, -40, -60, -80, -90, -110 and -125

(SAE versions with 4 bolt flange)


A7 T9

A7 ØD7 (x4) Port E (third drain port)

B7 F12-110 and -125 barrel housing
(SAE version)
Type S (SAE 4 bolt) mounting flange
Flushing A8 B8 Shown: F12-80 with B9
valve C8
4 bolt flange C9
Port A Port B
Port D


Port C1)
K8 (optional)

H8 Type T key shaft L8 R8 H9

Type S
J8 Q8 flange
D8 See
M8 D9
1) Inspection/ table
  drain port
ØF8 Type S (U) F9
spline shaft
Leif A./020204

36 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

Dim. F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110 Ports F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 F12-80 F12-110
F12-90 F12-125 F12-90 F12-125
, B size
A 3/ 3/ 3/ 11/4"
A7 89.8 114.5 114.5 114.5 161.6 4" 4" 4" 1"
B7 118 148 148 155 204 Screw 3/
3/ "-16 7/ "-14
8 16
1/ "-13
C7 118 144 144 155 200 thread 3) x22 x20 x22 x27 x25
D7 14 14 14 14 21 7/ 7/ 7/ 7/
C 8"-14 8"-14 8"-14 8"-14 11/16"-12
A8 100 110 125 135 145 D thread 3/
7/ "-14 11/ "-12
8 16
B8 59 65 70 77.5 85
E thread - - - - 11/16"-12
C8 25 26 22 32 38
A, B: ISO 6162  C, D, E: O-ring boss (SAE J514)
D8 6.35 7.94 7.94 9.53 11.1 3) UN thread x depth in mm.
E8 33 42 42 52 57.5
F8 101.60/ 127.00/ 127.00/ 127.00/ 152.40/ Mounting flange (SAE J744)
101.55 126.94 126.94 126.94 152.34 S (standard) X (optional)
F12-30 SAE 'B', 4 bolt -
G8 189.5 197 214 240 264 -40 SAE 'C', " -
H8 8 8 8 8 8 -60 SAE 'C', " -
J8 38 48 48 54 67 -80 SAE 'C', " SAE ’D’, 4 bolt
K8 72 76 79 95 99 -90 SAE 'C', " SAE ’D’, 4 bolt
L8 31.8 38.1 38.1 44.5 54.1 -110 SAE 'D', " -
M8 2.5 4 4 4 7.5 -125 SAE 'D', " -

N8 153.5 161 178.3 197.1 212 Spline shaft (SAE J498b, class 1, flat root, side fit)
Q8 1) 23 23 23 25 34 S (standard) U (opt.) X (optional)
Q8 2) - - - 23 -
F12-30 SAE 'B' - -
R81) 33 48 48 54 66.7 13T, 16/32 DP
R82) - - - 48 - -40 SAE 'C' 14T, - -
A9 122 134 144 155 170 12/24 DP
B9 66 66 66 75 83 -60 SAE 'C' 14T, - -
C9 23.8 23.8 23.8 27.8 31.8 12/24 DP
-80 SAE 'C-C' SAE 'C' SAE 'D'
D9* 5/ 3/ "-24 3/ "-24 1/ "-20 5/
16"-24 8 8 2 8"-18 17T, 12/24 DP 14T,12/24DP 13T, 8/16 DP
E9 25.40/ 31.75/ 31.75/ 38.10/ 44.45/ -90 SAE 'C-C' SAE 'C' SAE 'D'
25.35 31.70 31.70 38.05 44.40 17T, 12/24 DP 14T,12/24DP 13T, 8/16 DP
F9 28.2 35.3 35.3 42.3 49.4 -110 SAE 'D' - -
13T, 8/16 DP
G9 153.8 161 178.3 197.1 212 -125 SAE 'D' - -
H9 9.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 13T, 8/16 DP
J9 16 19 19 26 32
= Max 350 bar operating pressure.
K9 50.8 50.8 50.8 57.2 66.7
L9 18 20 20 20 22 Key shaft (SAE J744)
T (standard) X (optional)
T9 - - - - 68
F12-30 SAE 'B-B' -
* UNF-2B thread (Ø25.4 mm/1")
1) Spline shaft type S -40 SAE 'C' -
2) Spline shaft type U (Ø31.75 mm/11/4")
-60 SAE 'C' -
(Ø31.75 mm/11/4")
Main ports A and B, type U (optional)
-80 SAE 'C-C' SAE ’D’
F12-80 1 5/16" - 12 UN (Ø38.1 mm/11/2") (Ø44.45 mm /13/4")
F12-90 1 5/16" - 12 UN -90 SAE 'C-C' SAE ’D’
F12-110 1 5/8" - 12 UN (Ø38.1 mm/11/2") (Ø44.45 mm /13/4")
-110 SAE 'D' -
F12-125 1 5/8" - 12 UN (Ø44.45 mm/13/4")
-125 SAE 'D' -
O-ring ports according to SAE J514d (Ø44.45 mm/13/4")

37 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

F12-30, -40, and -60

(SAE versions with 2 bolt flange)

C10 R
E10 R



B10 Shown: F12-60 with 2 bolt flange
Type T (SAE 2 bolt) mounting flange
Flushing A11 B11 B12
(optional) C11 C12

Port A Port B
Port D



Port C1)
N11 G12

K11 (optional)

H11 Type T L11 R11

key shaft Type T
flange J12
J11 D11 Q11 See D12
ØE11 table ØE12
1) Inspection/
  drain port ØF11 Type S spline shaft F12

Leif A./020204

38 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation dimensions Series F11/F12

Dim. F12-30 F12-40 F12-60 Ports F12-30 F12-40 F12-60

A10 146 181 181 A, B 19 19 19
B10 176 215 215 size (3/4") (3/4") (3/4")
C10 63 74 74
Screw 3/ 3/ 3/
8"-16 8"-16 8"-16
D10 14.4 17.5 17.5 thread 2) x22 x20 x22
E10 10 16 16
C 3/ 3/ 7/
F10 10 15.5 15.5 4"-16 4"-16 8"-14
A11 100 110 125
D 3/ 3/ 7/
B11 59 65 70 4"-16 4"-16 8"-14
C11 25 26 22 thread

D11 6.35 7.94 7.94 A, B (main ports): SAE J518c (6000 psi)
E11 33 42 42 C, D (drain ports): O-ring boss (SAE J514)
F11 101.60/ 127.00/ 127.00/ 2) UN thread
101.55 126.95 126.95
Main ports A and B, type U (optional)
G11 189.5 197 214
F12-30 1 1/16" - 12 UN
H11 8 8 8
-40 1 5/16" - 12 UN
J11 38 48 48
-60 1 5/16" - 12 UN
K11 71 77 81.5
L11 31.8 38.1 38.1 O-ring ports according to SAE J514d
M11 2.5 4 4
= Max 350 bar operating pressure.
N11 154 161 178.5
Q11 26 27 27
R11 33 48 48
Mounting flange T (SAE J744)
A12 122 134 144
F12-30 SAE 'B', 2 bolt
B12 66 66 66
C12 23.8 23.8 23.8 -40 SAE 'C', 2 bolt
D121) 5/ 3/ 3/ "-24 -60 SAE 'C', 2 bolt
16"-24 8"-24 8
E12 25.40/ 31.75/ 31.75/
25.35 31.70 31.70
F12 28.2 35.2 35.2 Spline shaft S (SAE J498b, class 1, flat root, side fit)
G12 154 161 178.5 F12-30 SAE 'B'
H12 9.7 12.7 12.7 13 T; 16/32 DP
J12 16 19 19 -40 SAE 'C'
K12 50.8 50.8 50.8 14 T; 12/24 DP
L12 18 20 20 -60 SAE 'C'
14 T; 12/24 DP

   1) UNF-2B thread

Key shaft T (SAE J744)

F12-30 SAE 'B-B'
Ø25.4 mm/1"
-40 SAE 'C'
Ø31.75 mm/11/4"
-60 SAE 'C'
Ø31.75 mm/11/4"

39 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Technical information Series F11/F12

F11 saw motors

Series F11 motors have proven suitable for demand- F11 with built-in Saw bar supported
ing applications such as chain saws. Primarily due to make-up valve directly on the
the 40° bent-axis design, spherical pistons (with lami- motor flange
nated piston rings) and gear synchronization, very high
speeds are permissible. Not even low temperatures at
start-up affect reliability.
To further enhance the saw function and, at the same
time, reduce weight, cost and installation dimensions, a
specific saw motor has been deve­loped (frame sizes
-10, -14 and -19; refer to the illustration to the right)
which is specifically dedicated to bar saws. The motor
allows the saw bar bearings to be mounted directly on
the motor housing, and the sprocket installs on the mo-
tor shaft without additional bearings.
For more detailed information (available versions, order-
ing codes, installation dimensions, etc.), refer to 'F11
Saw Motors' (catalogue HY30-8245).
Chain sprocket mounted Saw Protective Saw
directly on the shaft chain cover bar

Chain saw installation (example; F11-10 shown)
Leif A./020204

F11 and F12 fan motors

Frame sizes -10, -12, -14, -19 (F11) and -30 (F12) are
also available as 'fan motors' with a built-in check valve Built -in
(refer to the schematic below) and CETOP mounting
flange. Just like the saw motor, the fan motor can be op-
erated at very high speeds without reliability problems.
The fan is usually installed directly on the motor shaft
without additional bearing support.
Additional information (available versions, ordering
codes, installation dimensions, etc.) is available in
­publication 'F11, F12 Fan Motors'
(catalogue HY30-8247/UK). drain port D
Type C moun-
Main port B Port G ting flange
Port A Port B (CETOP)

Port G
Only for F11-10, -19 Type K
(for make-up flow key shaft
Main port A Drain port C
if required) (CETOP)

Fan motor (F11-10 shown).F11_fan_motor.eps

Port C/D Leif A./020204

Fan motorFan_motor_schem.eps
schematic (left hand rotation shown).
Leif A./020204

40 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Technical information Series F11/F12

F12 integrated flushing valve

(F12-30, -40, -60, -80, and -90)
Series F12 (except F12-110 and F12-125; refer to the
FV13 flushing valve block below) is available with an in-
tegrated flushing valve which provides the rotating parts
with an additional cooling flow, required when operating Built-in
at high speeds and power levels. flushing
In a hydrostatic transmission, the valve also ensures
that part of the main circuit fluid is being removed and (optional)
replaced by cool, filtered fluid from the charge pump.
The flow is limited by a suitably sized nozzle that in-
stalles below a plug in the motor port flange.

NOTE: Ordering code, available nozzles and

other information is provided in publica-
tion ’Mobile motor/pump accessories’ F12_60_FV_install.eps
(catalogue HY30-8258/UK). Leif A./020204
Integrated flushing valve Nozzle
(F12-30, -40, -60, -80, -90) (optional)

Port A

Port B

Leif A./020204
F12 accessory valve blocks
Type FV13 flushing valve (for F12-110 and F12-125)
A separate flushing valve block is available for the
F12-110 and F12-125. It has the same function as the
integra­ted valve for the other F12 frame sizes (above).
The valve block mounts between the motor port flange (optional)
and the split flanges as shown to the right.
An optional nozzle can be installed in the valve block FV13 flushing
drain port. valve block
Ordering code: FV13

NOTE: Additional information is available in

publication ’Mobile motor/pump accessories’ F12_110_FV_install.eps
(catalogue HY30-8258/UK). Nozzle (optional)
Leif A./020204
Port A

Port B

FV13 flushing
valve block
Leif A./020204
41 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Technical information Series F11/F12

Type BT brake valve

When a motor (in an open loop system) is used in a
hydrostatic vehicle transmission, the motor may operate
faster than what corresponds to the available pump flow
(e.g. in a steep downhill); this can lead to motor cavita-
tion and loss of braking power.
The BT brake valve prevents cavitation by throttling
the return flow from the motor as soon as the pressure BT brake
level in the inlet port decreases to approximately 35 bar. valve block
At the same time, motor braking is provided when the
pump flow decreases or is shut off.
The BT brake valve can be supplied with various
optional functions such as a mechanical brake release
valve and a flushing valve.
The valve block is very compact and installs between
the motor port flange and the split flanges Brake release valveF12_BT_install.eps
BT brake F12-
flushing valve etc. valve block motor
(refer to the illustration). Leif A./020204
Port BR
The BT valve block is available in two sizes: (brake
- BT21 (3/4") for F12-30, -40, -60 release)
- BT22 (1") for F12-80, -90
Port A
NOTE: Detailed information on the BT valve is
provided in publication
’Mobile motor/pump accessories’ Port B
(catalogue HY30-8258/UK).
Port S

Type SR pressure relief/make-up valve Leif A./020204
The SR pressure relief/make-up valve block for series
F12 motors is designed to protect the motor from high
pressure spikes as well as provide an excellent make-
up function to help prevent motor cavitation (when port
G is pressurized).
The valve block mounts between the motor port flange
and the split flanges (as shown to the right).
The SR block is available in three sizes: Port G
- SR11 4") for F12-30, -40, -60 SR valve block
- SR12 (1") for F12-80, -90
- SR13 (11/4") for F12-110, -125

NOTE: - For additional information such as

pressure settings and installation F12_SR_install.eps
Port G Port L SR valve block F12-motor
dimensions, refer to publication Leif A./020204
’Mobile motor/pump accessories’ Port A
(catalogue HY30-8258/UK).
- To obtain a combined cross-over relief/
make-up and flushing function on the
F12-110, -125, the SR13 and FV13 valve
blocks can be stacked (with the flushing
valve block mounted next to the motor).
Port B

42 Parker Hannifin
Leif A./021108 Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Technical information Series F11/F12

Type SV pressure relief valve

The SV pressure relief valve for series F12 motors
protects the motor and the corresponding main hydrau-
lic lines from pressure spikes. Like the SR valve block
(page 42), it has integrated cartridge type pressure
relief valves and mounts between the motor port flange
and the split flanges as shown to the right.
The design of the relief valves permits a limited make-
up flow (when port L is pressurized). SV pressure relief
The SV valve block is available in three sizes: valve block

- SV11 (3/4") for F12-30, -40, -60

- SV12 (1") for F12-80, -90
- SV13 (11/4") for F12-110, -125
(Port L)
NOTE: - Detailed information on available Leif A./020204
pressure settings, installation dimen- Port A
sions, etc. is provided in publication
’Mobile motor/pump accessories’
(catalogue HY30-8258/UK).
- On the F12-110, -125, the FV13 flushing
valve block (page 41) can be mounted
between the SV13 block and the motor port Port B
flange to obtain a combined pressure relief
and flushing function. SV valve block
Speed sensor Leif A./020204
A speed sensor kit is available for series F11/F12. Speed
A ferrostat differential (Hall-effect) sensor installs in sensor
a separate, threaded hole in the F11/F12 bearing
On F12 the speed sensor is directed towards the ring
gear.On F11 the speed sensor is directed towards the
pistons. The sensor output is a 2 phase shifted square
wave signal within a frequency range of 0 Hz to 15 kHz.
NOTE: - The motor bearing housing must be
prepared for the speed pick-up;
refer to the F11/F12 ordering codes
(pages 7-12).
- On F11 the pistons position must be
F12 with speed sensor.
known before mounting. F12_speed_sensor.eps
- Additional information is provided in the Leif A./020204
Instruction (catalogue HY30-8301/UK). Speed
- The speed sensor is also shown in the sensor
illustrations on pages 20, 25, 28, 32, 36
and 38.

F11-14 with speed sensor.

43 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation information Series F11/F12

Direction of rotation Port A Port B

The M and H versions of series F11, and the M version
of series F12, are bi-directional.
The L and R pump versions are uni-directional, allowing
higher selfpriming speeds (refer to page 16).
The illustration to the right shows direction of flow ver-
sus shaft rotation. In a motor application, the shaft turns
clockwise when port B (black arrow) is pressurized, and
counter clockwise when port A (open arrow) is pressu- Counter
rized. clockwise
In a pump application where the shaft turns clock-wise,
port B is the inlet port and should be connected to tank;
when the shaft turns counter clockwise, port A is the
Clockwise rotation
inlet port.
Hydraulic fluids When operating the F11/F12 as a pump above
Ratings and performance data for series F11/F12 are the selfpriming speed (valid for both the pump and
based on operating with good quality, contamination- motor versions), the inlet must be sufficiently pres-
free, petroleum-based fluids. surized. Increased noise and deteriorating perform-
Hydraulic fluids type HLP (DIN 51524), automatic ance may otherwise be experienced.
transmission fluids type A, or API CD engine oils can be For further information refer to ’Selfpriming speed
used. and required inlet pressure’ on page 6.
Fire resistant fluids (when used under modified operat-
ing conditions) and synthetic fluids may also be suitable.
For additional information, refer to Hydraulic Marketing
IS data base:
- Hydraulic fluid specifications
- Fire resistant fluids.

Operating temperature
The following temperatures should not be exceeded Series F11
(type H and N shaft seals):
Main circuit 70 °C Frame size Speed [rpm] Flow [l/min]
Drain circuit: 90 °C. F11-5 5500 1-2
FPM shaft seals ( type E, type V) can be used to F11-10 4500 2-3
115 °C drain fluid temperature. F11-12 4500 2-3
NOTE: The temperature should be measured at F11-14 4500 2-3
the utilized drain port. F11-19 4000 2-4
Continuous operation may require case flushing in order F11-150 2200 10-20
to meet the viscosity and temperature limitations. F11-250 1800 12-22
The following table shows operating speeds, above
which flushing is usually required, as well as suggested Series F12
flow through the case.
Frame size Speed [rpm] Flow [l/min]
F12-30 3500 4–8
F12-40 3000 5–10
F12-60 3000 7–14
F12-80 2500 8–16
F12-90 2500 8–16
F12-110 2300 9–18
F12-125 2300 9–18

44 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation information Series F11/F12

The ideal operating range is15 to 30 mm2/s [cSt].
At operating temperature, the viscosity (of the drain
fluid) should be kept above 8 mm2/s [cSt].
At start-up, the viscosity should not exceed
1000 mm2/s [cSt]

To obtain the highest service life of the F11/F12,
the fluid cleanliness should meet or exceed
ISO code 18/13 (ISO 4406).
During normal operating conditions, a 10 µm (absolute)
filter is recommended.

Case pressure
The tables below show the highest recommended case
pressure as a function of shaft speed.
‘Nominal’ shaft seal life can be expected at a certain
speed and the corresponding max case pressure. Seal
life will be shorter, however, at unfavourable operat-
ing conditions (high temperature, low oil viscosity,
contaminated­ oil).

Series F11
Max case pressure [bar] versus shaft speed [rpm]
Speed 1500 3000 4000 5000 6000 8000 9000 10000 11000 12000
Shaft seal H/V N/E H/V N/E H/V N/E H/V N/E H/V N/E H/V N/E H/V N/E H/V N/E H/V N/E H/V N/E
F11-5 20 2.2 13 1.9 10 1.6 8 1.3 6.5 0.9 5 0.6 4.2 0.5 4 0.3 3.5 0.2 3 0
F11-10 20 2.2 11.5 1.8 8.5 1.2 7 1.0 5.5 0.7 4 0.5 3.8 0.4 3.5 0.2 3.0 0 - -
F11-12 20 2.2 11.5 1.8 8.5 1.2 7 1.0 5.5 0.7 4 0.5 3.8 0.4 3.5 0.2 3.0 0 - -
F11-14 19 2.2 9.5 1.5 7 1.0 5.5 0.8 4.5 0.5 3.5 0.4 3.0 0.2 2.5 0 - - - -
F11-19 19 2.2 9.5 1.4 7 0.9 5.5 0.6 4.5 0.4 3.5 0.3 3.0 0 - - - - - -
F11-150 9.5 2.2 4.5 0.6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
F11-250 9.5 - 4.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Max recommended case pressure versus shaft speed - F11 seal types H or V and N or E.

Series F12
Max case pressure [bar] vs. shaft speed [rpm]
Speed 1500 3000 4000 5000 6000
Shaft seal H/V N H/V N H/V N H/V N H/V N
F12-30 14 2.2 7 1.4 5.5 0.9 4.5 0.6 3.5 0.2
F12-40 12 2.2 6 1.2 4.5 0.7 3.5 0.4 - -
F12-60 12 2.2 6 1.2 4.5 0.7 3.5 0.4 - -
F12-80 10 2.2 5 0.8 4 0.4 - - - -
F12-90 10 2.2 5 0.8 4 0.4 - - - -
F12-110 9.5 2.2 4.5 0.6 - - - - - -
F12-125 9.5 2.2 4.5 0.6 - - - - - -

Max recommended case pressure versus shaft speed -

F12 seal types H or V, and N

45 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
Installation information Series F11/F12

Case drain connections

Series F11/F12 have two drain ports, C and D, while
F12-110 and -125 have an additional port, E.
The uppermost drain port (such as port C in the illustra-
tion below) should always be utilized.

Drain flow

Port E
Port C (F12-110 and -125)

Port D

Flushing flow
(when required)
In mounting positions such as 'shaft up' (below)
a spring loaded check Leif A./020204
valve should be installed in the
drain line in order to insure a sufficiently high oil level in
the case.
Preferably, the drain line should be connected directly­
to the reservoir.

Spring loaded
check valve
Drain flow

Before start-up F12_drain_loop.eps

Make sure theLeifF11/F12 case as well as the entire
­hydraulic system is filled with a recommended fluid.
The internal leakage, especially at low operating pres-
sures, is not sufficient to provide lubrication at start-up.

- To avoid cavitation and obtain a low noise level
as well as reduced heat generation, tubes, hoses
and fittings must be adequately dimensioned.
- Preferably, the suction line flow speed should be
0.5 to 1 m/s, and pressure line flow speeds
3 to 5 m/s.
- For series F12, suitable suction fittings are avail-
able­ (refer to catalogue HY30-8258/UK).

46 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Catalogue HY30-8249/UK Hydraulic motor/pump
General information Series F11/F12

This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide
product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all
aspects of your application, including consequences of any failure, and review the information concerning the product or sys-
tem in the current product catalogue. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems,
the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems
and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.
The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are
subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.

Offer of Sale
Please contact your Parker representation for a detailed ”Offer of Sale”.

47 Parker Hannifin
Pump and Motor Division
Trollhättan, Sweden
Hydraulics Group
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com or call free on 00800 2727 5374.

Catalogue HY30-8249/UK
1.5M 02/2007 PC

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Parker Hannifin Corporation
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