Type of Hazard: (Typhoon) - Hydro-Meteorological
Type of Hazard: (Typhoon) - Hydro-Meteorological
Type of Hazard: (Typhoon) - Hydro-Meteorological
preparedness plan on any or all of the following hazards: (1) earthquake, (2) typhoon, (3) fire and (4)
flood & (5) biological hazard. The plan should be in the form of a poster (in short bond paper size) to be
posted at home, which contains the following pertinent information:
Type of Hazard
(Typhoon) – Hydro-meteorological
- Birth Certificate
- Insurance Policies
- Baptismal Certificates
- Passports and Passbooks
- Land Titles
Stay indoors
Be alert. When authorities advise everyone to evacuate, do so.
Wear footwear when going outside as a protection from shards or pointed objects that might
have fallen
Avoid electrical wires that have fallen
Stay away from flood waters. Flood waters usually contains different diseases.
Evacuation route
Check created evac. route
Evacuation area
Municipal Gym (Evacuation Compound)