Type of Hazard: (Typhoon) - Hydro-Meteorological

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Applying the points of learning on DRRM through this module, create a one-page family emergency

preparedness plan on any or all of the following hazards: (1) earthquake, (2) typhoon, (3) fire and (4)
flood & (5) biological hazard. The plan should be in the form of a poster (in short bond paper size) to be
posted at home, which contains the following pertinent information:

Type of Hazard
(Typhoon) – Hydro-meteorological

Necessary emergency kit/s & documents (In case of evacuation)

Necessary Emergency Kit/s
 First Aid Kit
- Alcohol
- Bandages
- Scissors
- Tweezers
- Thermometer
- Gauze Roll and Pads
- Emergency Blanket

 Other Items that are Essential

- Foods, specifically canned goods + can opener
- Water
- Clothes
- Flashlight
- Battery Powered Radio
- Personal Hygiene Items + Sanitation items
- Medicine Prescriptions
- Money

 Documents
- Birth Certificate
- Insurance Policies
- Baptismal Certificates
- Passports and Passbooks
- Land Titles

Communication system/ Necessary Contact Numbers/Emergency Hotlines

- Contact Number of Family Members through Mobile Phones
- Contact Number of Family Members through Identification Cards
Responsibilities of the members of the family/household

 Always monitor news about the typhoon whether on television or radio

 Prepare adequate food and water supply
 Check and fix the house for any damage so it can withstand the strong winds brought by the
 Teach younger members of the family what to do during a typhoon.
 Cut all branches of trees around the house that could possibly fall on the house
 Prepare emergency kit/documents in case of evacuation.

 Stay indoors
 Be alert. When authorities advise everyone to evacuate, do so.
 Wear footwear when going outside as a protection from shards or pointed objects that might
have fallen
 Avoid electrical wires that have fallen
 Stay away from flood waters. Flood waters usually contains different diseases.

Evacuation route
Check created evac. route

Evacuation area
Municipal Gym (Evacuation Compound)

Plan for pets

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