The Clauses under the Sections referred below are added and substituted in
reference to QCS Clauses.
1.1.1 Scope
(b) Soil, waste, vent condensate drain system as shown on drawings and
specified elsewhere.
(c) Floor drains, floor gullies, road gullies, overflows, laboratory drainage
neutralizing chambers, taps as shown on drawings and specified
1.1.2 References
1.5.1 General
4 All materials and their workmanship shall be of the best quality of their respective
kinds. All materials referred to in the Specification shall be subject to the
Engineer’s approval with samples of quality for all such materials used in the
5 Should the Contractor wish to deviate in any way from specified items, he must
do so in writing to the Engineer and obtain approval prior to submitting his priced
Tender, otherwise he shall be held to have included for any one of the specified
6 The Engineer may require the Contractor to submit correctly identified and
documented samples of all materials or workmanship to be used in the Contract
Works for his appraisal. The Contractor shall have no extra charges in complying
with this condition. All materials and workmanship for which samples have been
accepted must conform in every respect with such samples, and any items not
conforming to the accepted standard shall be removed and replaced with new
materials at the Contractors own expense.
7 The complete installation shall be carried out in a neat and proper manner,
particular attention being paid to the continuity of the whole system and sound
and secure fixing of all materials and equipment. Under no circumstances will any
inferior work be accepted by the Engineer.
8 All plant materials shall be new and the Contractor shall ensure that no materials
or equipment are fitted which show signs of corrosion or faults or are damaged in
any way. Replacement of such plant or materials shall be at the expense of the
9 All materials to be used in contact with sewage or its atmosphere must be shown
to withstand corrosion. In absence of satisfactory evidence of equivalent testing
result, materials will be required to pass the 100 days acid test.
2 The contractor shall submit the shop drawings before to start the work on site.
3 The contractor shall start the work on site after getting the approval from the
Consultant on shop drawings.
1.8.1 General
1 Storing and handling including taking delivery, loading and unloading of pipes,
valves, fittings and other equipment shall be carried out by the Contractor in such
a manner as to avoid breakage, distortion, denting or other damage. Stacking of
materials shall be done in such a manner as to prevent damages to the pipe or
coatings to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
2 Plastic pipes and fittings shall be stored under cover and out of direct sunlight at
all times. Pipes shall be supported throughout their entire length and free flow of
air around them maintained. Generally, all pipes shall be handled using canvas
slings not less than 250mm wide. The use of chains or wire slings will not be
3 All valves and fittings shall be stored under cover on hard standing until required
for fixing uncrated valves and fittings shall not be stacked.
4 Pipes and fittings damaged during handling or storage shall be set aside and the
Engineer informed. If in the Engineer's opinion the damage is such that the pipe
or fitting has been permanently impaired it shall be removed from site.
1 The Contractor shall take every care to ensure that no damage whatsoever
results to the pipe from transport and stacking. All trucks, wagons, stacking
methods and devices shall have the approval of the Engineer but his approval
shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities under the Contract.
2 Pipe shall not be allowed to drop or strike objects which may damage the pipe,
but shall be lifted or lowered by suitable approved equipment. Bolster and
bindings of approved type shall be used on all vehicles used for the transport of
3 The Contractor shall ensure that all pipes and specials of different diameter, wall
thickness and manufacture are stacked separately. Successive tiers of spigot
and socket pipes shall have sockets protruding at opposite ends of the stack.
4 All pipes shall be stacked on flat level ground and in such a manner as to prevent
damage to the pipe work or coating. Pipes shall not be placed on the ground but
raised on timbers with bedding of straw bags or similar approved by the Engineer.
The timbers shall in no case be less than 200mm wide and 75mm thick.
2.2.1 General
4 (a) The size of ventilating pipes to branches from individual appliances can
be 25mm but, if they are longer than 15m (or) contain more that 5
(b) All vent-through-roof pipes shall terminate 300mm above the point of exit
from the service duct, or above parapet whichever is higher.
2.2.2 Materials
(a) All drainage network external to building shall be extra strength vitrified
clay BS 295 (EN–1991).
(b) All above ground drainage pipes (soil, waste and vents) shall be UPVC
complying with BS 4514 (EN-1329).
(c) All underground drainage pipes crossing the building shall be complying
with BS 4660 (EN-1401).
2 Floor gullies shall be UPVC with Nickel Bronze grating as indicated on the
3 Bottle trap and “p” trap Gullies shall be utilised as specified in the drawings.
2.8.7 Wash-Basins
1 Wash basins colours, materials and size subjected to Architectural approval and
shall comply with the relevant provisions of BS 1188.
3.1.2 References
3.2.1 General
3 Gradient for drainage pipes run from building to manhole shall be minimum 1:60
and shall be adjust to avoid any clash with structural element.
4 Gradient for drainage pipes run outside building from manhole to manhole shall
be minimum 1:100 and shall be adjust to avoid any clash with structural element.
5 All the condensate drain pipe shall be insulated with 25 mm thick Aeroflex
(c) All pipes shall be free of cracks, blisters, broken ends and other imp
(d) Vitrified clay pipes shall be extra strength type (ESVC) and complied with
Local Drainage Department regulation.
5 Fittings shall be capable of withstanding the same load as the adjacent pipes or
shall be provided with concrete surround.
5 This section only covers the pipes which are crossing the building in
(a) All pipe work shall be adequately supported in such a manner as to permit
free movement due to expansion contraction, vibration or other changes
in the system. Supports shall be arranged as near as possible to joints
and changes in direction. Spacing of supports shall comply with British
Standard BS 5572: 1978 Code of Practice for sanitary pipe work, and
maximum supports centre as follows:
(b) Vertical stacks shall be adequately supported at the base to stand the
total weight of the riser. Under no circumstances shall branches from
vertical rising pipes be the means of support for the vertical pipe work.
(c) High temperature PVC waste pipe work 32mm, 40mm and 50mm shall be
supported using stand off two piece clips screwed to the wall using round
head zinc plated wood screws. Pipe clips shall be plastic coated
galvanized mild steel where exposed to view and galvanized mild steel
where concealed.
(d) UPVC soil and ventilation pipe work 82 mm, 110 mm and 150 mm shall
be supported using two piece holder bats screwed to the wall using round
head zinc plated wood screws.
(e) Brackets shall be galvanized steel and be rigid. Where soil and ventilation
pipes are suspended from the underside of slab, they shall be held rigid in
position. Single angle iron supports may be used for pipe work up to
500mm from underside of slab. Double angle iron supports shall be used
for pipe work 500mm - 1000mm from the underside of the slab. All
supports shall be proprietary brand and manufactured from galvanized
steel. Double angle iron braces shall be installed on both single and
double angle iron supports at 6 meter centre for vertical and horizontal
runs of pipe work and anchored as necessary.
7 Jointing
(a) Joints of UPVC and high temperature PVC shall be "O" ring and solvent
welded. Prior to jointing, all pipe work, fittings and accessories shall be
thoroughly cleaned. Pipe work shall be cut square, end chamfered and
swarf and dust removed. Prior to jointing, pipes and fitting should be
checked for correct position and alignment and marked to ensure accurate
(b) Where "O" ring joints are to be used pipes shall be marked for insertion
depth, "O" ring placed in ring seal prior to application of small quantity of
lubricant or petroleum jelly around the chamfered spigot end. The pipe
shall then be inserted into the socket joint and finally adjusted to the
correct insertion depth.
(c) Where solvent joints are to be used, special care shall be taken to ensure
both spigot and socket are free from all dirt, grease and swarf. Solvent
cement shall then be applied liberally and evenly to both socket and spigot
prior to inserting spigot into socket. The joint shall immediately be cleaned
of surplus solvent with a dry cloth around newly formed joint.
(d) Joining of W.C. outlet to UPVC pipe work shall be by means of either a
straight or bent connector as required complete with rubber seal ring and
suitable connection for W.C. spigot outlet.
4.2.2 General
7 Each pipe immediately before being laid shall be carefully brushed out and
inspected for defects.
9 All operations involving the laying, bedding, jointing, backfilling etc. of pipes
plastic materials shall be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers’
recommendations subject to the approval of the Engineer.
(a) All pipes and pipelines shall be laid to the lines and depths shown on the
drawings or as otherwise directed by the Engineer.
(b) All pipelines shall be laid accurately to line and gradient so that, except
where otherwise specified, the finished pipeline is in a straight line in both
horizontal and vertical planes. Where shown on the drawings or
otherwise permitted by the Engineer shallow changes of direction shall be
achieved by deflection at joints within the maximum permitted by the
manufacturer. Where the angle of the bend required is greater than that
obtainable by joint deflection then manufactured bends of the appropriate
degree shall be used. Manufactured bends shall only be used where
shown on the drawings or where otherwise permitted by the Engineer.
(c) All pipelines forming part of a drainage system shall be laid to the
specified lines and levels so that every pipeline lies in a straight line in
both horizontal and vertical planes between successive manholes on the
line. No bends will be permitted other than at manholes.
(d) Every pipe shall be placed in position individually and shall be set out
accurately to the line and level required. All setting out to line and level of
both pipelines and individual pipes shall be achieved by methods
approved by the Engineer.
(e) Where pipelines of constant gradient are to be laid, the Contractor shall
provide, fix and maintain at such points as may be directed by the
Engineer properly painted sight rails and boning rods of pre-determined
measurement for the boning in of individual pipes to correct alignment.
The sight rails shall be situated vertically over the line of pipes or
immediately adjacent to and there shall at no time be less than three sight
rails in position on each length of pipeline under construction to any one
(h) The maximum and minimum widths shall apply from the bottom of the
trench to 300mm above the crown of the pipe.
(i) Should the trench be excavated to a depth greater than is required in the
opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor shall fill in the bottom of the trench
to the required depth with concrete or other such materials as the
Engineer may direct.
4.2.3 Bedding
(a) The minimum thickness of granular material below the barrel of the pipe
shall be as follows:
(a) Granular bedding material for flexible pipes shall consist of coarse graded
sand up to 10mm and shall not contain particles with sharp edges which
could cause damage to the pipes. The minimum thickness of sand
around the barrel of the pipes shall be 100mm.
2 All underground drainage pipework run under the building or at a depth of 600
mm or less in pedestrian area or at a depth of 1200 mm or less in vehicular area
shall be surrounded with 150mm thick Grade S.R.C. 20 (sulphate resisting
concrete), along its entire length, in the following locations:
(c) Drainage with a cover of between 600mm and 1200mm, where there is
vehicular traffic over the ground above the drain line.
7 The required depths of concrete bed and height of concrete backfill shall be as
indicated on the Contract Drawings.
9 The pipes shall be laid, jointed and supported on pre-cast concrete blocks which
shall be separated from the barrel by 25mm thick timber packing.
10 After the pipeline has been tested and approved by the Engineer the top of the
concrete bed shall be thoroughly cleaned and additional concrete Grade SRC 35
carefully placed and compacted under and around the pipe to a height of at least
150mm above the crown of the pipe.
11 Where pipes with flexible joints are to be surrounded, 13mm thick fiberboard or
polystyrene sheets shall be fixed at the pipe coupling joint extending for the full
cross section of the remaining concrete bed and surround, and accurately cut to
fit the profile of the pipe.
4.2.7 Backfilling
4 The precast concrete rings shall be made from sulphate resisting cement to
British Standard 4027:1980. The precast rings shall be a minimum of 100mm
thick with 75mm diameter perforations, space 30mm vertically and 410mm
horizontally with each symmetrically staggered. The bottom ring shall be set on a
cast in situ concrete base of a minimum 150mm thick from concrete with a
300mm diameter bore hole lining sleeve cast in centrally as shown on the
drawings. All rings shall be bedded in cement mortar and the soakaway shall be
surrounded by granular material. All soakaways shall also comply with
"Developer Drainage Guide" published by the Ministry of Public Works Civil
Engineering Department, Sewerage Division where applicable.
5 The granular infill shall extend 500mm each side of the soakaways walls. The
entire void surrounding the soakaway walls shall be filled in layers of 300mm
each layer, tamped by hand. The granular fill shall be clean crushed rock to the
approval of the Engineer and shall have grading complying with the following
6 The soakaway cover slab shall be reinforced precast concrete with cast iron
cover and frame as shown in the manhole schedule and complying with British
Standard BS 497.
3 The Contractor having ensured that water, electricity and other necessary
supplies are available, shall set to work the completed works or part thereof, at
the instruction of the Engineer, and make the necessary adjustments to ensure
correct functioning.
4 After the installation or part thereof has been set to work and adjusted, the
Contractor shall demonstrate its operation at a time selected by and to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. Tests shall be in accordance with British Standard
BS 6700: 1987.
(a) That equipment provided complies with the Specification in all particulars
and is of adequate capacity for its full rates of duty;
(b) That all items of plant and equipment operate quite sufficiently to meet the
specified requirements;
(c) That all instruments, protection and control devices, etc., are correctly
calibrated and accurate;
(d) That all drainage runs satisfy the required water tests.
5 The details of method of carrying out the recording of tests shall be agreed with
the Engineer. The Client's representative and the Engineer shall be at liberty to
be present at tests and to participate in the tests. This shall not relieve the
Contractor of his responsibilities for carrying out the tests satisfactorily.
6 The Contractor shall make all the records during the tests and on completion
thereof shall provide the Engineer with a test report and record, both in triplicate.
The Contractor shall also provide all test instruments together with skilled
supervision and adequate labour for carrying out the tests.
7.2.1 General
6 All under slab, underground drainage, soil and waste system shall be cleaned
down and thoroughly flushed out to remove all dirt within each pipework system.
7 After each system have been flushed and each draw off fitting opened and the
drainage soil and waste system shall be checked for satisfactory rate flow.
Particular attention shall be given to groups of sanitary fittings to ensure
satisfactory flow when a number of fittings are flushed and air not drawn into the
system via any trap.
1 All drains shall be tested before backfilling, immediately after the drain has been
properly laid on the correct trench bed and after joining materials has had time to
set. A water test pressure of 1.3m head above the soffit of the drain shall be
applied at the high end, but not more than 2.4m head at the low end. The test
shall be carried out on lengths of drain not less than half the distance between
manholes, all to be agreed with the Engineer on site. The lower end of the drain
shall be plugged and the higher end shall have a stand pipe not less than 1.2m
high. The drain shall be filled, taking care to eliminate trapped air. After repair of
leakage due to defective pipes, joints and plugs, the drain under test shall be left
for one hour to allow water absorption by pipes and fittings.
The loss of water over a period measuring vessel at intervals of ten minutes and
noting the quantity of water required to maintain the original level in the stand
pipe. For drains up to 300mm diameter, the water quantity added shall not
exceed 0.06 liters per hour per 100 linear meters per millimetre of nominal bore of
the drain under test.
All drains shall be tested for a second time as described above after correct
bedding cover and selected backfill have been consolidated and the finished
surface complete.
2 The Engineer shall witness all manhole tests. The Contractor shall give the
Engineer a minimum of 24 hours’ notice of all tests. The Contract shall also
provide test sheets set out in an agreed manner for each manhole to be tested.
3 All concrete manholes cast in situ and precast concrete manholes shall be water
tested by plugging all necessary connections and filling the manhole with water to
a minimum height of 600mm above the top of the benching. Water shall be
added at ten minute intervals until absorption has ceased. No change of water
level shall occur for an uninterrupted period of three hours.
1 Written notice on prescribed form shall be given at least 24 hours in advance for
the purpose of inspection, measurement and testing for each of the following
1 Septic tank shall be constructed and tested in compliance with Local Drainage
Department regulation.
3 The septic tank allows partial breakdown of the solid materials. Some solids are
removed from the wastewater, some are digested, and some are stored in the
tank. Up to 50% of the solids retained in the tank decompose, while the
remainder accumulate as sludge at the bottom of the tank and must be removed.
4 Compartments and a T-shaped outlet provide in the septic tank to prevent the
sludge and scum from leaving the tank and travelling to the drain field.
5 Septic tanks must have risers with lids at the ground surface to allow easy
inspection and pumping of the tank.
6 The septic tank should retain the wastewater for at least 24 hours.
8 Keep track of how quickly sludge and scum accumulate in the tank.
9 Install a concrete riser (or manhole) over the tank if it is buried 6 inches or
deeper, to provide easy access for measuring and pumping solids.
10 Don't wait until your drain field fails to have your tank pumped. By then, the drain
field may be ruined. With septic systems, an ounce of prevention is worth a ton of
1 Septic tanks are mainly settling chambers. They allow time for solids and scum to
separate from the wastewater, so clear liquid can safely go to the drain field. Over
time, the scum and sludge layers get thicker, leaving less space and time for the
wastewater to settle before passing to the drain field.
2 For every gallon entering the tank, one gallon is pushed out to the drain field. So
it is important to keep the level of scum and sludge from building up and nearing
the inlet or outlet baffles, where the scum or sludge could plug them up or be
carried out to the drain field.
3 Septic tanks should be checked for build-up every 1 to 3 years until you can get
on a predictable pumping schedule.
4 Most septic tanks need pumping every 3 to 5 years. How often depends on the
size of the tank, the number of people in the centre used, and the amount and
type of solids entering the tank.
5 A more complete inspection includes inspecting the condition of the baffles and
the pipe seals into and out of the tank.
1 The inspector must address the physical and operational condition of the on-site
wastewater treatment facility and describe observed deficiencies and repairs
completed, if any, on the Report of Inspection form.
2 The inspector must indicate on the Report of Inspection form that each septic
tank or wastewater treatment vessel on the property was pumped or was
otherwise serviced to remove, to the maximum extent possible, solid, floating,
and liquid waste accumulations. The ADEQ rule allows exceptions from the
pumping requirement in three circumstances:
(a) A Discharge Authorization (permit) was previously issued for the system
and the system was put into service less than 12 months before the date
of the property transfer,
(b) Pumping or servicing was not needed at the time of inspection based on
manufacturer’s written operation and maintenance instructions (this may
apply to certain alternative systems),
(c) No accumulation of floating or settled waste was present in the septic tank
or wastewater treatment container (this may exempt certain remote or
seasonal systems that get very little use).
3 As described earlier, once the inspector completes, signs and dates the ADEQ
Report of Inspection form the inspector delivers it to the transferor of the property.
Details of the Septic Loading and Dye Test procedure for testing the
function of septic systems:
Focused on condition of the effluent disposal section, also known as a leach field
see page pits, drain field or drainage field. Septic System Loading and Dye Tests
often requested by certain lenders involve flushing a special dye down a toilet or
other drain combined with a known quantity of water sufficient to put a working
load on the absorption system. If waste water leaks to the ground surface (an
unsanitary condition indicating serious septic failure) one may find dye in that
water provided the septic system is flowing at common rates.
Dyed effluent usually appears in 20-30 minutes on a failed system but can take
up to five days to show up. If at a building inspection suspect wet areas are
observed I recommend a dye test even if one was not previously requested.
When wet areas are not found (or created by running water into the septic
system) on the property being inspected, dye tests may still be performed to meet
requirements of some lenders.
Although this test can often find a costly failure it does not find all possible
problems. So by itself a dye test is not indicative of complete condition of the
system. On the other hand, I've found so many failed systems with this procedure
that it's well worth performing.
It's the volume of water introduced into the system that forms the actual
"test". If waste water is coming to the surface (an unsanitary condition indicating
serious septic failure) one may see dye in that water, provided the septic system
is flowing at common rates.
When suspect wet areas are observed, if the system has no maintenance
history, if the area is known to have problem soils, or if other historic or site
conditions raise question about the condition of the system we recommend that
the inspector perform a dye test.
A septic loading and dye test will by no means find every septic failure, but this
methods finds many failures that otherwise are unnoticed by a home buyer until
shortly after moving-in. Septic loading and dye tests are complimentary to and
should precede any further inspection steps taken such as pumping the septic