Haley Assignment 5
Haley Assignment 5
Haley Assignment 5
Christine Haley
School of Education
Woodbridge High School is a comprehensive high school in the Irvine Unified School
District. IUSD educates a highly diverse population of students with more than 30,000 students
in twenty-four elementary schools, six middle schools, five comprehensive high schools, and one
continuation high school. With a school site population of 2,413 students, providing programs
and opportunities to support student learning and school experiences is a top priority.
Unfortunately, like anything, these experiences and opportunities cost money, and the
appropriate budgetary line items are integral to student learner outcomes. While we can only
work with what we are given by our local LEA, we can make budgetary choices that effectively
Our IUSD LCAP drives how our district spends our LCFF funds. This year the district’s
Revenue, $45,932,431.00 in other State Revenue, and $21,857,392.00 in other Local Revenues.
The combination of these funds leaves IUSD with a general fund total of 400,563,176.00. From
this general fund, we are allocated a percentage based on a variety of factors including, but not
limited to, need and size. Because IUSD sees the value in decentralized site budgeting -
“meaning the superintendent and governing board relinquish some of their control over the ways
in which [our] funds are spent” - we have control over certain spending at our school site
(Townley & Schmieder-Ramirez, 2018, p. 104). Therefore, from this district’s general fund,
The Woodbridge High School 2020 - 2021 school year budget is broken down into three
main categories: Instructional Budget ($296,575), School Administration Budget ($84,800), and
School Facilities Budget ($62,500). These three budgetary categories together total the $443,875
provided from the IUSD general fund and do not account for money we receive through
gifts/donations. Our budget for the year was created based on an incremental or historical
budgeting plan where “decisions are made for each existing line item, either to add or subtract
dollars, to carry the item forward unchanged or to delete it entirely” (Townley &
Technology is one of the largest Instructional line items. Besides textbook allotments
(which we will discuss when addressing CCSS and NGSS), our Technology needs require
significant financial support. We will dedicate $30,000 to technology which will allow us to
repair current site technology, create a reserve for potential technology needs, and continue
purchasing Chromebooks and Chromebook carts that will bring us closer to our 1:1 (1
Chromebook to 1 Student) goal. We will also allot $7,000 to Software Contracts that will
support our use of Turnitin.com and TeachMore technology software. See resource Table 1.1,
funding. Our draft budget allotted $28,000 to teacher discretionary funds. These funds were
used for paid summer PLC (Professional Learning Communities) time. Unfortunately, the
original $30,000 budgeted for technology will not be sufficient to support Emergency Distance
Learning (EDL) and funds will need to be pulled from this category, putting a halt to extra
summer professional development and work. This money will be used to support more
Chromebooks, extra document cameras, webcams, hotspots, and a variety of other needs used to
support student learning and minimize equity gaps during EDL. See resource Table 1.1 Line
$10,000 will be budgeted for Teacher Substitutes. Though most substitute pay comes
from IUSD for approved absences, it is important to maintain our own Teacher Substitute line
item to support school site sub needs. These sub needs could include professional development,
IEP meetings, WASC visits, or other situations that may pull a teacher out of their classroom to
support Woodbridge High School business. We want to continue to support teacher growth and
maintaining this budget allows for these opportunities. See resource Table 1.1 Line 1112.
Many line items in the Instructional Budget support core class departments. English,
Science, Math, World Languages, Physical Education, Social Science etc. are all given a budget
to work with for departmental spending. These nine, plus line items vary in funding from $500
to $1,500 based on the size of the department and potential departmental needs. These funds can
be used on teacher supplies, scantrons, course/curriculum supplies, etc. These budgets - because
they come from the district’s general fund - can be frozen if a financial crisis occurs. Therefore,
all departments are encouraged to use these funds before dipping into any Gift/Donation money
Ten plus line items support Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) in the Instructional
Budget. These line items range in funding from $500 to $9,000. Unfortunately, most - if not all -
VAPA courses are not able to be fully supported by these budgets. For instance, Music is
currently budgeted at $8,000 and not enough to support the almost four-hundred students that
participate in this program. Fortunately, most of our VAPA programs have their own booster
organization and budget. The majority of funds used to support VAPA programs come from
Athletics is another budgetary line item that is insufficient for program needs.
“Over 1100 students (44%) participate in our athletics program with many teams reaching league
finals” (Irvine Unified School District). With such a large athletics program, it is impossible to
fairly meet the program’s needs of various teams and our whole school site. While only $9,000 is
budgeted for athletics, with a strong athletic booster program we will be able to have a successful
year for our Warrior athletes. See resource Table 1.1, Line 4339.
learning. Printing, mailing, paper supplies, and various other service contracts are supported by
this budget. The largest line item in this budget is for Leases of copy machines. With $41,000
budgeted it is unclear about the need for these leases with current Stay-at-Home orders due to the
Covid-19 pandemic. Teachers are working from home and once we return to school the usage of
the copy machines - we predict - will be less; however, with so many uncertainties, it is
important to maintain this budget line item. See resource Table 1.2.
The School Facilities Budget is our final budgeting proposal. Unfortunately, the
Facilities budget is our smallest allocation with only $62,500. Currently, Woodbridge High
School’s “22 acre campus [...] includes two theaters, library and media center, business and
technology labs, auto shop, and athletic facilities” (Irvine Unified School District). Like many
California schools, sites suffer from much wear and tear and are in constant need of repair. In the
past, we have gone over this budget due to maintenance issues with student vandalism in
bathrooms; however, with the new Hybrid Learning Model (due to the Covid-19 pandemic) we
hope that with fewer students on campus we will have more control over issues with vandalism
that takes away from our maintenance and operations funds (Krebs). See resource Table 1.3.
In August of 2010 California adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), with
full implementation in 2015 (Standards in Your State, n.d). Shortly after the adoption of CCSS,
the adoption and implementation of the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) impacted
Science standards and pathways. The adoption and implementation of both CCSS and NGSS
have impacted our budget greatly, including budgetary needs for teacher training, and (an even
bigger financial hit) textbooks. While last year we allotted $25,000 for conferences and travel,
this year we will adjust this to $10,000. With many conferences costing less due to the pandemic
restrictions, and fewer teachers needing training on CCSS and NGSS this cut will appropriately
meet the needs of our current circumstances. In regards to textbooks, we are going to increase
our budget by $37,000, from $43,000 to $80,000. While the district supported humanities
courses’ compliance to CCSS standardized textbooks, they are not supporting NGSS textbooks
in the same way. Because of the variations of Science pathways each school site has committed
to, a district-wide adoption of NGSS standardized texts will not relieve our school site of as
many funds as other textbook adoptions. This extra money will support new NGSS supported
textbooks for our Sciences pathways. Overall, though we have cut money from teacher training
and travel, the increased budget in textbooks will help to ensure that all students at WHS have
current and relevant textbooks that ensure access to both CCSS and NGSS. See resource Table
Though there was fear of large budget cuts when we finished the last school year in June,
as you can see the budget is - for the most part - consistent with what we have had in previous
years. As we step into this unprecedented year with many uncertainties that lay ahead, I hope this
budget gives you a clearer sense of some normalcy. Our goal was to take into consideration the
needs of our various programs with a central focus on student learning. This goal should be
Irvine Unified School District (Ed.). (2018). Woodbridge High School School Accountability
Krebs, Christopher. Principal Budget Interview [Online interview]. (2020, June 30).
Standards in Your State. (n.d.). Common Core State Standards Initiative. Retrieved August 08,
Kendall Hunt.