Smart Thump St16: Portable Cable Fault Location System
Smart Thump St16: Portable Cable Fault Location System
Smart Thump St16: Portable Cable Fault Location System
The SMART THUMP ST16 Portable Cable Fault Locating System The SMART THUMP ST16 represents a new generation of
provides safe, efficient and extremely easy-to-use solutions for advanced underground cable fault locating systems that require
quickly identifying, prelocating and pinpointing various types of less training than a traditional thumper-only system. It is the only
cable faults for power cables. The ST16 was developed to meet fault locator with built-in intelligence to interpret the results of the
the requirements for typical low- and medium-voltage distribution initial test sequence. The “turn & click” rotary button operation
cable fault location markets. lets the user automatically proof test, pre-locate, and pinpoint
the fault from one convenient control console. No adjustments
Circuit parameters include:
are required. The unit automatically sets the thump voltage to
n System voltage up to 35 kV minimize the stress applied to the cable. The ST16 features an
automatic safety check to protect the user from incorrect or faulty
n Insulation EPR or XLPE
ground connections (F-Ohm).
n Typical conductor sizes between #2 and 500 MCM
The heavy-duty wheels of the unit are ideal for use in rough
(34 mm2 to 250 mm2)
terrain. The ST16 is capable of being permanently installed in a
n Typical circuit lengths from a few hundred feet (100 m) up to 3 vehicle (truck mount version).
miles (17,000 ft or 5,000 m)
Typical end users include: operations department of power utility FEATURES AND BENEFITS
companies, electrical departments within municipalities including This fully inegrated system can be operated from either its internal
street light maintenance, private network operators, high voltage battery/inverter, external 12 VDC or 120/230 VAC. Additional
electrical contractors, service companies, port authorities, mining, features are:
airports, military bases, petrochemical and paper companies.
■ “Quick-Steps” is especially convenient where operators may not
The ST16 unit incorporates HDW’s “E-Tray” technology, a be called upon to use the equipment on a regular basis
concept that has been already proven in other products (EZ-
■ “Expert Mode” provides up to 20 individual TDR features to
Thump, EZ-Restore Overdrive, and TDR T3090) and which
the experienced user for optimum fault locating results
will be carried forward into new Megger products in the future.
The E-Tray adds the unique capability to access and operate ■ Custom configurable menus for the TDR function
every function through an innovative and intuitive user interface,
■ DC testing up to 16 kV with indication of insulation resistance
without the need to make adjustments and the software suggesting
the next logical step.
■ Rugged, powder coated IP54 designed enclosure
■ Safe Op check protects user from incorrect or faulty and
ground connections (F-Ohm)
■ Easy Go operation eliminates lengthy training
■ Quick access to all components in case of service
Portable Cable Fault Location System
8 11
9 10
7 12
C401 C403 C403HT
13 16
14 15
C403 Cable rack system, HV 50kV, GND cable, 125 ft each 864000200100000
C403HT Cable rack system, HV 50kV, GND cable, 125 ft 864000200200000
each, mounted on 15” wheel hand cart
C403-150 Cable rack system, HV 50kV, GND cable, 864000200300000
150 ft each
C403P Set of 2 individual hand reels (HV and GND), 864002002500000
125 ft each
* Standard North America and Mexico terminations on cable reels:
HV output cable: 14mm male MC ,
Cable reel HV input: 14mm female MC
HV Return: Open spade lug (hook)