Get It Right!: Writing Skills
Get It Right!: Writing Skills
Get It Right!: Writing Skills
Get it right!
Schriftliche Kommunikation kann je nach Situation, Inhalt und Empfänger sehr
unterschiedlich sein: kurz oder ausführlich, gehoben oder ungezwungen. Höflich
und klar formuliert sollte sie immer sein. DEBORAH CAPRAS hat für Sie Übungen
zusammengestellt, mit denen Sie Ihre Schreibfertigkeit testen können.
Maria Baker has just joined Zips, a company that
makes small eco-friendly bags, as a marketing ex-
ecutive. She knows that she will need to impress
is a freelance author, trainer her new colleagues, especially with her writing
and corporate communications skills. Written communication will be a perma-
specialist. She’s the author of nent record of her competence. Maria wants to
Small Talk, published by Col-
lins. Contact: deborahcapras@ get it right.
Maria will need to write both formal and B. Can you let me know if you are convenient
informal messages. It’s important to get the on Monday?
tone right from the beginning. Match the
C. What availability
formal phrases (A–G) to the informal ones
you best?
(1–7) with a similar meaning.
D. Would the morning about
A. I’d be grateful if you could provide me with an you better?
B. It has come to our attention… E. Monday would be suit .
C. Please find the report attached…
F. How available
D. We would appreciate your response...
Monday at 5 p.m.?
E. Should you require any assistance…
F. We look forward to meeting you.
G. Yours sincerely
A– ; B– ; C– ; D– ; E– ; F– ; G–
Choose carefully:
focus on the
Illustrationen: jossdim/; Foto: privat
Unsere Paten:
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ur Skill Up! booklets offer vocabulary from key areas of everyday business life.
The second bundle is now available (see page 53).
40–50 30–39 18–29 Up to 17
Note: So that you can Excellent! Well done! Good Could do better
compare your language Congratulations. You even You probably communicate You are able to use some You may not need to write
Illustration: jossdim/
knowledge across different got the trickiest questions well in writing, but there is language correctly, but in English at the moment,
areas of business English, right! room for improvement. Read you may make mistakes but it’s a good skill to have.
all Business Spotlight tests the emails in English from that could lead to Try doing the exercises
have a maximum possible your colleagues and clients misunderstandings. Take again, and make a note of
score of 50 points. carefully and make a note of the test again tomorrow. the language you would
any phrases you could use like to be able to use in
in your own messages. your own messages.