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Get It Right!: Writing Skills

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Get it right!
Schriftliche Kommunikation kann je nach Situation, Inhalt und Empfänger sehr
unterschiedlich sein: kurz oder ausführlich, gehoben oder ungezwungen. Höflich
und klar formuliert sollte sie immer sein. DEBORAH CAPRAS hat für Sie Übungen
zusammengestellt, mit denen Sie Ihre Schreibfertigkeit testen können.

Writing for the

reader: a key skill

Maria Baker has just joined Zips, a company that
makes small eco-friendly bags, as a marketing ex-
ecutive. She knows that she will need to impress
is a freelance author, trainer her new colleagues, especially with her writing
and corporate communications skills. Written communication will be a perma-
specialist. She’s the author of nent record of her competence. Maria wants to
Small Talk, published by Col-
lins. Contact: deborahcapras@ get it right.

28  Business Spotlight 6/2020 LANGUAGE TEST

READER, REASON, REACTION! 2. The right word (6 points)
Most companies have a number of preferred communication tools
that employees have to use, but sometimes, it’s just a free-for-all.
Maria often has to arrange meetings with
Choose your tool based on your reader, your reason for writing
and the reaction you hope to get. Adapt your tone, style and clients and colleagues, but she doesn’t want
content to your own and your reader’s expectations. to use the same language every time. The
words in bold are not where they should be.
Put them where they belong.

A. Please let us know your suit

1. The right tone (7 points) next week.

Maria will need to write both formal and B. Can you let me know if you are convenient
informal messages. It’s important to get the on Monday?
tone right from the beginning. Match the
C. What availability
formal phrases (A–G) to the informal ones
you best?
(1–7) with a similar meaning.
D. Would the morning about
A. I’d be grateful if you could provide me with an you better?
B. It has come to our attention… E. Monday would be suit .
C. Please find the report attached…
F. How available
D. We would appreciate your response...
Monday at 5 p.m.?
E. Should you require any assistance…
F. We look forward to meeting you.
G. Yours sincerely

1. Please be sure to reply…

2. Cheers!
3. I’ve noticed…
4. If I can help you in any way…
5. See you soon!
6. Could you bring me up to speed?
7. Here’s the document…

A– ; B– ; C– ; D– ; E– ; F– ; G–

Choose carefully:
focus on the
Illustrationen: jossdim/iStock.com; Foto: privat

LANGUAGE TEST 6/2020 Business Spotlight 29 

GUIDE THE READER 4. The right link (8 points)
Help the reader to understand
your message by connecting
the ideas with linking words. In the first drafts of her messages, Maria
In longer messages, you can often writes short sentences. Add the linking
include signalling words, such as words below to connect her original ideas.
“firstly”, “secondly” and “finally”,
to organize your ideas. These
expressions will help guide the although | despite | however | if | instead | result |
reader through your thoughts. therefore | unless

A. This is an interesting idea.

It’s not one I would recommend.
This is an interesting idea. ,
A good guide: focus it’s not one I would recommend.
on the reader

B. This sector has seen a rapid decline.

We should look into other options.
3. The right verb (8 points) This sector has seen a rapid decline.
, we should look into
As Maria gets to know her colleagues better, other options.
she notices how everyone on her team uses a
more informal style for internal communica- C. You might not find a new buyer.
tion. In the following short messages, we see We won’t hit this month’s target.
how she makes her language more informal.  you can find a new buyer,
Rearrange the letters to create the missing we won’t hit this month’s target.
D. We have sold fewer items this month.
The monthly bonus will be lower.
We have sold fewer items this month.
(A)  (hacaettd), the two files As a(n) , the monthly
for the meeting next week. bonus will be lower.
(B)  (teno) the two important
changes marked in red. E. We shouldn’t reduce the prices. We should
(C) (jyeon) the read! consider increasing them.
We shouldn’t reduce the prices.
 , we should consider
(D) (ussdon) good! increasing them.
(E) (katl) to you later.
F. The market is still very difficult.
We remain confident.
 the market is still very
(F)  (ciartppeea) the difficult, we remain confident.
feedback. Many thanks!
G. There is hype around their designs. I don’t
expect them to sell better than ours.
(G) (epek) me posted!  the hype around their
designs, I don’t expect them to sell better
(H) (atsy) safe!
than ours.

H. Do you need any further information?

Please contact me.
Please contact me you
need any further information.

30  Business Spotlight 6/2020 LANGUAGE TEST

Whatever the reason for your message, make sure it is clear. Is it to inform,
to request an action or simply to build rapport? You can make your life
easier by using standard phrases that match the function of your message,
such as “Thank you for your query” or “I’d be grateful if you could…”.
Remember, it takes less time to write one clear message than it does to 6. The right message (4 points)
follow up on a confusing one trying to explain what you meant to say in the
first. Does that make sense? Maria writes carefully, based on the reader
and the reaction she wants. Choose the cor-
rect option for each situation.

A. Maria wants the reader to reply by a

certain date:
1. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
2. Could you send me the details by 4 July?

B. Maria needs some data from a colleague:

1. Just a quick email to check on the data.
2. I’m writing to inquire about the data.

C. Maria offers a solution to a problem. She

hopes that the client will agree to it:
5. The right form (10 points)
1. I trust this meets with your approval.
2. I really hope you’re satisfied.
Maria often uses structures with two or
more verbs. Use the correct form of the verbs
D. A client complains that a product did not
in brackets (in the order given where there
arrive on the day they expected it to. The
are two) to complete her email below.
customer made a mistake about the dates,
but Maria doesn’t want to say that directly:
1. We regret any inconvenience we may
have caused.
Dear Remi
2. We apologize for any misunderstanding.

Thank you for your query.

We (A) (regret, inform) you
that the Red #67 is no longer in stock. I’m afraid
we (B) (stop, manufacture)
Red #67 at the end of last year.

As the model Red #75 is very similar, would you

(C) (consider, order) this
model instead? We expect this model
(D) (sell out) very quickly.
If you don’t want (E) (risk,
lose out), we would like to advise you
(F) (place) an order as soon as
Good message: a
satisfied client
If you could (G) (notify) us of
Illustrationen: invincible_bulldog, jossdim/iStock.com

your decision by Friday, 4 September, we would

be able to let you (H) (have)
the Red #75 at a discount of five per cent. We can
also have them (I) (deliver) to
you by Wednesday, 9 September.

We (J) (hope, hear) from you


LANGUAGE TEST 6/2020 Business Spotlight 31 


Schulpaten: Fremdsprachen verbinden die Welt

N EU :
Die Spotlight-

Sprache baut Brücken Sprachkompetenz fördern

Brücken verbinden und schaffen Verständnis für andere Als internationales Unternehmen ist uns bewusst, wie
Menschen und Kulturen. Damit eröffnet uns Sprache wichtig Fremdsprachen im Berufsleben sind und wie
einen Weg für andere Ansichten und Meinungen. Und viele Möglichkeiten Sprachkenntnisse mit sich bringen.
sie lässt uns zusammenwachsen und gemeinsam Verschiedene Sprachen zu lernen fördert die persön-
Lösungen schaffen für einen weltweiten Klimaschutz. liche Entwicklung, schafft Selbstbewusstsein und kann
Denn nur gemeinsam lässt sich diese Herausforderung im Laufe des Lebens viele Türen öffnen. Wir möchten
bewältigen. Berthold R. Metzger, Gründer und junge Menschen auf diesem Wege dabei unterstützen.
Vorstandsvorsitzender PW AG Wirtschafts- Uns bei PwC ist es wichtig, dass wir uns für die Gesell-
prüfungsgesellschaft schaft einsetzen und uns sozial engagieren. Thorsten
Dzulko, PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH WPG

Unsere Paten:
Fremdsprachen lernen steigert die Allgemeinbildung und
macht Jugendliche fit für Ausbildung und Beruf. Werden
auch Sie ein Teil des 100ProLesenNetzwerks, und unter-
stützen Sie als Lesepate die Lese- und Lernkompetenz von
Schüler*innen in Schulen. Unsere Schulpatenschaften:
Durch die Übernahme einer Lesepatenschaft liefern wir die
mit Ihnen vereinbarte Anzahl an Sprachmagazinen für ein
Jahr in eine teilnehmende Schule, abgestimmt auf deren
Wünsche. Wie können Sie Schulpate werden? Sie tun
Gutes, und wir kommunizieren es. Wir veröffentlichen Ihr
Engagement für die Dauer Ihrer Patenschaft in unseren
Printausgaben und auf der Online-Präsenz von
100prolesen.de Alle Informationen erhalten Sie
unter 0221-650 80 869 oder per E-Mail an
lesepaten@100prolesen.de. Einen Überblick aller
Schulpaten erhalten Sie unter www.100prolesen.de.
Die Schulpatenschaft ist eine gemeinsame Initiative des Spotlight Verlags
und des 100ProLesenNetzwerks.

Blick über den Tellerrand Schulabgänger qualifizieren

Als Wohnungsbaugenossenschaften engagieren wir Für uns als Hospitality-Unternehmen sind Mitarbeiter
uns seit jeher für Menschen. Unsere Unternehmens- wichtig, die auf Menschen zugehen sowie Verantwor-
form ist demokratisch. Lesen und der Zugang zu tung übernehmen können und unseren Gästen in
Büchern und Zeitungen/Medien sowie die Chance, unseren Hotels und Resorts auf Augenhöhe begegnen.
andere Sprachen zu erlernen, sind heute wichtiger denn Fremdsprachen zu beherrschen ist eine gute Voraus-
je: Bildung ist der zentrale Schlüssel zu einem selbst- setzung, um in der Hotellerie zu arbeiten. Deshalb
bestimmten Leben. Deshalb sind wir gern Lesepate und möchten wir euch dabei unterstützen und ermuntern,
unterstützen junge Menschen beim Lesen und Lernen eine oder gar mehrere Fremdsprachen zu erlernen.
in ihrer Schule. Dirk Enzesberger, Fremdsprachen sind für euch und eure Zukunft sehr
Wohnungsbaugenossenschaften Berlin wichtig – ergreift diese Chance! Michael Ludwig,
DSR Hotel Holding

Sloppy messages that are packed with typos and grammatical
errors might make people think you are also sloppy at the rest
of your work. Even when your messages are more informal,
make sure they are easy to understand. Correct punctuation
and spelling are often the key to a clear message. Fortunately,
spellcheck functions will usually pick up the worst mistakes, but
you have to pay attention to them!
Get it right! F. Although = obwohl,
1. The right tone wenngleich
7. The right short form (7 points) A–6; B–3; C–7; D–1; E–4; F–5; G–2 G. Despite = trotz
H. if = wenn, falls
2. The right word
Maria has built up a friendly relationship A. availability 5. The right form
with her international team. They often use B. available A. regret to inform
C.  suits (suit sb. = jmdm. B. stopped manufacturing
text messages to stay in touch. Write out in
(zeitlich) passen) C. consider ordering
full the abbreviations in bold. D. suit D. to sell out
E.  convenient = (zeitlich) E. to risk losing out
A. I’ll send it ASAP. passend, günstig F. to place
F. about G. notify
B. FYI, I’ll be early! H. have
3. The right verb I. delivered
C. BTW, John will be there. A. Attached = anbei J. hope to hear
D. THX for the update! B. Note
C. Enjoy 6. The right message
E. TLDR!!! D. Sounds A–2 (It’s always best to be specific
E. Talk about deadlines when you can.);
F. WFH tomorrow. See you Monday. F. Appreciate = schätzen, B–1 (This option is more friendly.);
begrüßen C–1 (This is the more polite and
G. Keep (keep sb. posted formal option. Option 2 could be
G. ETA about 11 CET = jmdn. auf dem Laufenden misunderstood as rude.); D–2
halten) (Option 1 would suggest that
H. Stay Maria got the dates wrong.)
Everyday messages:
fast and informal 4. The right link 7. The right short form
A.  However = doch, jedoch, A. as soon as possible
allerdings B. For your information
B. Therefore = daher, deshalb C. By the way = übrigens
C. Unless = sofern nicht D.  Thanks
D.  result (as a result = infolge- E.  Too long, didn’t read (it)
dessen, aufgrund dessen) F. Working from home
E.  Instead = stattdessen, G.  Estimated time of arrival;
vielmehr Central European Time

 ur Skill Up! booklets offer vocabulary from key areas of everyday business life.
The second bundle is now available (see page 53).

40–50 30–39 18–29 Up to 17
Note: So that you can Excellent! Well done! Good Could do better
compare your language Congratulations. You even You probably communicate You are able to use some You may not need to write
Illustration: jossdim/iStock.com

knowledge across different got the trickiest questions well in writing, but there is language correctly, but in English at the moment,
areas of business English, right! room for improvement. Read you may make mistakes but it’s a good skill to have.
all Business Spotlight tests the emails in English from that could lead to Try doing the exercises
have a maximum possible your colleagues and clients misunderstandings. Take again, and make a note of
score of 50 points. carefully and make a note of the test again tomorrow. the language you would
any phrases you could use like to be able to use in
in your own messages. your own messages.

32  Business Spotlight 6/2020 LANGUAGE TEST

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