GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
GRADES 1 To 12 Daily Lesson Log
A. Content Standard Beginning Literacy Beginning Literacy Beginning Literacy Beginning Literacy
B. Performance Standard Oral Language . Vocabulary and Concept Reading Comprehensions Study Skill
C. Learning Competency/Objectives Use expressions appropriate to Use combinations of affixes and root Predict possible ending of the Arrange 8-10 words in
Write the LC code for each. the grade level in reciting to local words as clues to get the meaning of story. alphabetical order.
news, information and words. MT3RC – Iic –d -5.1 MT3SS – Iid –f -9.2
propaganda about school , MT3VCD – Iic –e -3.2
community ,and other local
activites. MT3OL – Iid – e-3.6
Using Expressions Appropriate Using Combination of Affixes and Prediciting Possible Ending of Arranging 8-10 Words in
to the Grade Level in Reacting to Root Words as Clues to get the the Story Alphabetical Order
Local News, and Propaganda meaning of Words
about School , Community and
other Local Activities
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource
B. Other Learning Resource
A. Reviewing previous lesson or ( Teacher’s Discretion )
presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the What do you say when you agree Let the pupils read these words Unlocking of Difficult Words Recite the alpabets.
lesson to someone? taken from the story. Gigantic
What do you say when you do Unkind unfriendly endless Creature
not agree with him /her? Mermaid
( Do you believe in mermaids?
Have you ever seen a
C. Presenting examples/Instances Read the dialogue of Jose and Present the table below and let the Read aloud the story of “ The Show some pictures and
of the new lesson Carol on TG. pupils complete the idea. Giant Bell of Binalatongan”. let the pupils name it.Then
Affix Root New Meanin Then discuss it after reading. discuss it for a lesson
Wor Word g proper.
Un - kind unkin Not
d kind
Un- frien unfrie Not
dly ndly friendly
Dis - appe disap Did not
ar pear appear
D. Discussing new concepts and What is the school celebrating? What two letters are being joined on Where can we find the old In arranging words ,what
practicing new skills # 1 How are they going to celebrate the words? What do you call these? church with a big bell? one must have to realize?
it? What kind of bell was it?
E. Discussing new concepts and Read the ff. statements:
practicing new skills # 2 Absolutely! I don’t agree with
You’re right I’m sorry ,but I don’t
Yes ,it is true. No,I don’t think so.
F. Developing mastery
(leads to Formative Assessment
G. Finding practical application of Think of an event held in school Work on LM relating the lessons Divide the pupils into 4 groups. Practice Exercise
concepts and skills in daily living Write 3-5 sentences about it affixes and root words. 1- Using a graphic organizers Read these words taken
using expressions to agree or to ,describe the : people of from the story. Number
disagree with somenone. Binalatongan b. mermaid the words 1-10 to show
Original File Submitted and 2- draw a picture of how the their alphabetical order.
Formatted by DepEd Club church looks like with the bell. __ town
Member - visit 3- choose one part of the story __ vibrate
for more and then dramatize or do a __ rope
pantomime of it. __ gigantic
4- think about the events in the __ earth
story. Given the chance for a __suffer
different ending, tell how you __ sound
would like it to end. __ bell
__ church
__ people
H. Making generalizations and What expressions do we use to What are some common prefixes? How can you give a possible How are we arranged the
abstractions about the lesson agree or disagree with someone? suffixes? What can these affixes do ending of the story. words?
to the root words?
I. Evaluating learning Tell if you disagree or agree with Do the Activities 1-2 in LM. Read and predict what may Answer Activity 3 in
the statement. happen next. Look for Activity LM.Arrange alphabetically
1. The grade 3 class of Miss 3 in LM. the words taken from the
Cuartocruz is very active. story. Number them 1 to
2. We celebrate Nutrition Month 10.
every July.
3. April is a rainy season in the
4. Miss Gallo is new in our school.
5. Do you believe that barangay
officials should help the school?
J. Additional activities for Make an statement to agree or Copy words with some affixes and Copy a story and then what Make an LM your
application or remediation disagree with somenone. underline its root words. ending would you like in the materials to see.
A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other