MK Hemodynamics Pathology
MK Hemodynamics Pathology
MK Hemodynamics Pathology
Outflow of fluid from arterial ends into the interstitium nearly equals inflow from
venular end however, small residual amounts left in interstitium drain by
lymphatic vessels. This fluid ultimately returns to blood circulation through the
thoracic duct.
Hydrostatic pressure is the force exerted on the walls of a container by the
molecules of a substances within the container. It tends to push fluid out of the
vascular space.
In vessels, hydrostatic pressure refers to the pressure pushing fluid out into the
interstitial tissue.
In the interstitial tissue hydrostatic pressure pushes fluid back into the vessels.
Osmotic pressure is the pressure that would have to be applied to a pure solvent
to prevent it passing into a given solution by osmosis. It tends to pull fluid into
the vascular space.
Osmotic pressure is imparted by the presence of dissolved solutes
Colloid pressure (oncotic pressure) is a form of osmotic pressure exerted by
proteins, notably albumin in a blood vessel. It tends to pull water into the
circulatory system.
An imbalance between the hydrostatic and osmotic pressure results in an
abnormal distribution of fluid in the cells or interstitial tissues, a condition
referred to as edema.
This is accumulation of fluid within the cells, interstitial tissues and body cavities.
Recall: Outflow of fluid from arterial ends into the interstitium nearly equals
inflow from venular end however, small residual amounts left in interstitium
drain by lymphatic vessels. This fluid ultimately returns to blood circulation
through the thoracic duct. Therefore, edema is due to increased capillary pressure
or decreased colloid osmotic pressure. If movement of water into tissues or body
cavities exceeds lymphatic drainage fluid accumulates.
Edema is due to:
Increased vascular hydrostatic pressure: usually due to impaired venous return
or arteriolar dilation.
Decreased plasma osmotic pressure
Lymphatic obstruction
Prepared by Moses Kazevu
Acute inflammation results in increased vascular permeability
Chronic inflammation
Angiogenesis: blood vessels during angiogenesis are leaky
Anasarca- generalized edema with widespread subcutaneous tissue swelling. It is
most commonly associated with glomerular protein loss by the kidneys.
Periorbital edema- seen around the eyes, occurs in renal disease
Fluid collections in various body cavities:
Hydrothorax: accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity (pleural effusion)
Chylothorax: lymph in the pleural space
Hydropericardium: abnormal accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity
(pericardial effusion)
Hydroperitoneum: abnormal accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity
Nature/content of edema:
o This is non-inflammatory edema due to increased hydrostatic pressure or
decreased plasma proteins (decreased osmotic pressure).
o It has a low protein content, little or no cellular material
o Low specific gravity (<1.012)
o It is an ultra-filtrate of blood plasma
o It is seen in cardiac failure
o This is due to increased vascular permeability due to either inflammation
or malignancy.
o It is a protein rich fluid
o It contains cellular debris (large number of inflammatory leukocytes) and
because the metabolically active leukocytes consume glucose, the glucose
content is often greatly reduced.
o Has a high specific gravity (>1.020)
o Associated with inflammation e.g. empyema thoracis
Pitting edema: When the skin and underlying soft tissues of the leg with edema
are compressed with fingers, the impressions remain. This is commonly
associated with heart failure and is usually a transudate.
Prepared by Moses Kazevu
The integrity of the vessel wall plays a critical role in maintaining normal
distribution of fluid in the vessels and interstitial tissues as well as keeping blood
and its components confined to the vascular space.
Hemorrhage is the escape of blood from the vasculature into surrounding tissue,
a hollow organ or body cavity or to the outside.
It is most often caused by trauma.
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Petechiae (1-2mm): pinpoint
hemorrhages that occur in the skin,
mucous membranes and serosal
surfaces. Caused by platelet dysfunction
and increased vascular pressure
Purpura (>3mm): larger than petechiae
and usually raised (palpable). They are
common associated with vasculitis.
Echymoses: Diffuse hemorrhage
usually in the skin and subcutaeneous
Figure 3: Petechial hemorrhage in the palpebral
tissue. They are larger than purpura (>1 conjunctiva
cm). Are due to trauma
Hematoma: It is a localized hemorrhage that occurs within a tissue or organ
(space-occupying hemorrhage).
Hemothorax: hemorrhage within the pleural cavity
Hemopericardium: hemorrhage within the pericardial sac
Hemoperitoneum: hemorrhage within peritoneal sac
Hemarthrosis: hemorrhage in the synovial space
It is initiated by tissue factor, which activates factor VII and forms a tissue factor-
Factor VIIa complex.
The complex initiates coagulation through activation of factor X to factor Xa (and
additionally factor IX to factor IXa).
Factor Xa converts prothrombin (Factor II) to thrombin (factor IIa). Factor Va is
a co-factor required in the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin.
Thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin which is stabilized by factor XIII (fibrin
stabilizing factor)
The extrinsic pathway is clinically evaluated by the prothrombin time (PT) which
is a measure of factors II, V, VII, X and fibrinogen.
It involves activation of all clotting factors with the exception of factors VII and
This pathway may involve contact activation with interactions of the so called
contact factors: factor XII (Hageman factor), prekallikrein and high molecular
weight kininogen as well as factor XI.
Contact activation is important in invitro clotting in glass containers and in
laboratory testing, but its physiologic role has been questioned because a
deficiency of the contact factors is not associated with abnormal bleeding.
It is probably initiated by the tissue-factor-factor VIIa complex (From the
extrinsic pathway), activating factor IX to factor IXa.
Factor IXa in turn leads to conversion of factor X to factor Xa, catalyzed by factor
Thrombin production further stimulates the pathway by the activation of factor
XI to factor Xia and by activation of co-factors factor V to factor Va and factor
VIII to factor VIIIa.
The intrinsic pathway is evaluated by partial thromboplastin time (PTT) which is
a measure of factors II, V, VIII, IX, X, XI,XII and fibrinogen
Prepared by Moses Kazevu
These clots appear soon after death and are not true thrombi. In contrast to true
thrombi, they are not attached to the vessel wall and lack lines of Zahn.
Settling of red cells results in 2 layered appearance: Currant jelly appearance in
the red cell-rich lower layer and a chicken fat appearance in the cell-poor upper
Propagation: accumulates more platelets and fibrin leading to obstruction
Dissolution: thrombus removed by fibrinolytic activity
Organization and recanalization: thrombus may induce inflammation and fibrosis
(organization) and may eventually become recanalized.
Embolization: thrombus may dislodge and travel to other sites
Occlusion of blood vessels leads to ischemia. Ischemia causes cell injury and cell
death (necrosis). The region of necrotic cells is referred to as an infarct.
An embolus is a substance that forms within or enters the vascular system at one
site and is carried through the blood stream to another area of the body, where it
lodges in a blood vessel and produces its effects (usually infarcts).
If a thrombus breaks free from where it forms and goes to another part of the
body it becomes a thromboembolus. Most emboli are thromboembolic in nature
Substances besides thrombi such as cardiac valvular vegetations, foreign bodies,
fat, amniotic fluid and air can also embolize.
95% arise from veins of the legs (deep venous thrombi).
Note most thrombi from deep veins get trapped in the pulmonary vasculature
because of the small size however if an individual has an atrial septal defect the
thrombi may bypass the lungs and lodge in the brain this type of an emboli is
called a paradoxical embolus.
They may impact across bifurcation e.g. at the bifurcation of the pulmonary trunk
(saddle embolus)
Most are clinically silent because they are small and in time undergo
Prepared by Moses Kazevu
Gas bubbles within circulation obstruction vascular flow
May occur during obstetric procedures or chest wall injuries.
A small amount of air injected into the arteries (1-2 ml) can cause complication
e.g. if air enters the coronary arteries, even a small amount can cause an infarct
of the heart.
If air is injected into veins, a larger amount is required to cause complications
Bubbles cause physical obstruction.
Decompression sickness occurs when a person is exposed to sudden changes in
atmospheric pressure. Deep sea divers, under water construction workers are at
Caisson disease is a chronic form of decompression illness. Persistent gas
emboli in the skeletal system leads to multiple foci of infarcts.
This is a complication of labor and immediate post-partum period.
Sudden severe dyspnea, cyanosis, hypotensive shock, seizures and coma may be
Presence in pulmonary circulation of squamous cells shed from fetal skin, lanugo
hair, fat from vernix caseosa may cause diffuse alveolar damage.
This is a localized area of dead (necrotic) cells within an organ.
An infarct is the pathologic finding; an infarction is the process.
Mechanisms of infarct formation: Hypoxia and ischemia are the two main
mechanisms that result in infarction of organs.
Hypoxia is lack of oxygen to an organ
Ischemia is lack of blood flow to an organ.
Note: Ischemia is more damaging than hypoxia, since in ischemia, decreased
blood flow results in both decreased oxygen delivery and decreased delivery of
nutrients to the tissue and, in addition, there is no way to remove the toxic
metabolites of cellular metabolism.
Causes of infarcts
Obstruction of vessel: Due to atherosclerosis, thrombi, emboli, damage to
vasculature (e.g., trauma, neoplasms and cytomegalovirus infection), or
external compression of an artery or vein (e.g., torsion of organ).
Prepared by Moses Kazevu
This includes cellular changes, microcirculatory changes, acid-base imbalances
and systemic changes.
Cellular changes:
Tissue hypo-perfusion resulting in a decrease in oxygen delivery to the tissue
and cells undergo anaerobic metabolism producing lactic acid (causing
metabolic acidosis).
This continues until cellular glucose is depleted resulting in stoppage of cell
metabolism release of auto-digestive enzymes and rupture of plasma and
lysosomal membranes.
Microcirculatory changes:
Under the effect of catecholamines the precapillary sphincters constrict, less
blood enters the capillaries and the capillary circulation becomes sluggish.
Untreated hypovolemia thus leads to hypoxia.
Under normal conditions only one third of the capillary bed is open at a time.
Under ischemic conditions however the body reacts by opening more
capillaries this results in:
o Further slowing of the capillary circulation, the so called slugging of
o Slugging encourages spontaneous coagulation of blood in these
o If extensive, it is called disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).
o This depletes coagulation factors and induces bleeding in the rest of the
body (consumption coagulopathy)
A sluggish circulation and DIC compound tissue hypoxia and affect the
function of capillary endothelium. The result of the latter is leakage of large
protein molecules from the vessels into interstitial space dragging with them
huge amounts of fluid. This third space loss of fluid reduces blood volume.
Acid-base imbalance: Shock is accompanied by metabolic acidosis which is
caused by accumulation of lactic acid as a result of anaerobic metabolism and
renal failure as a result of prolonged ischemia, aggravates acidosis.
Systemic changes:
Sympathetic response: release of catecholamines & stress hormones
(Cortisol, glucagon), release of ADH and activation of renin-angiotensin-
aldosterone system.
Prepared by Moses Kazevu
Decompensated stage (40% blood loss): if the cause of shock is not treated
successfully and after failure of compensatory mechanisms there will be
progressive poor perfusion and micro-circulatory changes with deterioration of
functions of the brain, kidney, heart and lung.
Refractory stage: The shock can no longer be reversed. Failure of vital organs
and death occurs imminently.
Of shock
o Weakness and fainting
o The patient feels cold and thirsty
o Patient is cold and clammy with a narrow pulse pressure
o Decrease in blood pressure: SBP<90 or 60 below normal
o Orthostatic hypotension can be an early sign of hypovolemia.
o Capillary refill>2s
o Oliguria: <30ml/hr
o Altered mental status (may vary from anxious to drowsy but the patient
usually remains alert).
o Hypotension, tachycardia (increased heart rate, pulse may be thread-
barely perceptible) and decreased pulse pressure (thready pulse)
Of the cause
Sites of bleeding
Signs of internal hemorrhage
Intestinal obstruction
In hemorrhagic shock, trauma or signs of GI bleeding (melena, abdominal
Of complications:
Acute respiratory depress syndrome
This is due to inadequate blood flow to vital organs due to inadequate cardiac
output despite of normal blood volume.
It is characterized by
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SBP <90mmHg
Mean arterial pressure drop >30mmHg
Urine output <0.5ml/kg/hr
Heart rate >60bpm
Primary pump failure due to:
MI (commonest cause) or its complications e.g. ventricular septal rupture
Severe arrhythmias
Massive pulmonary embolism
Cardiac tamponade
Severe valve disease
High spinal anesthesia
Of shock:
Clinical picture similar to hypovolemic shock.
Patient is cold and clammy and pulse pressure may be narrow
Peripheral cyanosis
Poor urine output
Increased JVP and decreased heart rate
Of the cause: enlarged liver, chest pain, pulsus alternans, ‘gallop’ rhythm,
murmur, basal crackle, pulmonary edema.
Vasodilation leads to a relative (though not absolute) deficiency in volume.
Septic shock is a type of distributive shock though it may also include an element
of hypovolemic shock as altered capillary permeability leads to volume loss from
the vasculature.
It is the most serious type of shock and the most difficult to treat.
Gram negative bacilli (commonest cause)
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Extremes of age
Diabetes mellitus
Chemotherapy, corticosteroids or immunosuppressants
HIV infection
Bacterial endotoxins are released when immune cells (i.e. macrophages) kill
gram negative bacteria.
Immune cells release cytokine, TNF and IL-2 which damage capillary
endothelium leading to edema and vasodilation (rapid shifting of blood bypassing
capillary) and tissue ischemia.
Septic shock starts as maldistribution of blood followed by myocardial
depression and hypovolemia.
Hyper-dynamic (warm) septic shock (early phase): diagnosis is difficult and high
index of suspicion is required to detect it at early stage.
Restless and confusion
Skin: flushed, warm and dry
o Fever >38oC + Chills
o Mild decreased in arterial blood pressure, pulse pressure may be wide
with a low DBP.
o Tachycardia
o Tachypnea
High cardiac output
Hypo-dynamic “cold” septic shock (Late phase): picture similar to hypovolemic
shock with reduced cardiac output
Skin: cold and clammy
o SBP<90mmHg
o Tachycardia
o Tachypnea
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Multi-organ failure starts at this stage.