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constituency on a 401 hector piece of land facilitated by the party in 2014.We here note without
any doubt that this represented a fulfillment of the Party’s revolutionary mandate of providing land
to its supporters and youths. The land allocation was done under the directive of the party and
was established using party influence. Since establishment the cooperative has co-existed with
other land owners namely Chikono and Mashayamombe who have now sought to extend their
lands protruding into lands of the poor masses who are the legitimate owners of such land as
given by the party. Below are the facts and the matter and the reliefs sought by the people of
Karimanzira Cooperative.
In 2014, we as ZANU PF youths were allocated plot number 401 by the ZANU PF party in
Ushewekunze phase four in Harare south constituency. The allocation was part of the party’s
welfare measure to its membership as else a great stride in its political marketing.
Upon rejoicing over the allocation of the land, in 2014 we created our housing cooperative named
Karimanzira housing cooperative inhabiting a number of 5 000 youth led households, a potential
However in the present moment, the youth led community is under attack from G 40 and MDC
elements dressed in the cloaks of former ZANU PF turn MDC A member, Mr SHADRECK
MASHAYAMOMBE and his colleagues Mr Chikono and Shava who have become effective land
Mr Mashayamombe and Chikono came later after the establishment of Karimanziira housing
cooperative the two were allocated a piece of land for agricultural purposes in support of Mr
Chikonos charity based organization for the elderly and the vulnerable.
After the successful Establishment of Karimanzira housing cooperative, Mr chikono diverted his
attention from agriculture to housing eying possible thousand the scheme could award him. This
Our major concern is then selfish and unlawful extension of Mr Chikono’s land that has protruded
into the Karimanzira housing cooperative. Mr Chikono with the help of Mr Mashayamombe
together with other masked G40 elements have embarked on a violent seizure of land belonging
to our cooperative members. As of this date of this submission the cabal have commenced a
As from the 17th of November 2020 ZANU PF youths have been living under threat from the youth
employed by the crew as led by Mashayamombe and Chikono. The youths have been
From the 18th, the threats have become manifest with these hooligan youths violently harassing
residents, demanding evacuation. In the process, they have carried out demolitions using hand
tools a reality that shows the lack of legal support to the act, had the act been legal, the
As we submit this paper today, a number of families have lost their homes and properties due to
The demolitions are being done in this rainy season, effectively seeking to deepen the pains of
insecurity that has been ague by the acts of banditry executed by the youths.
We are deeply troubled by the levels of negligence exhibited by the party over our tragedy. The
cooperative was established by the party, for the poor and for tthe party. It is our stern belief that
any issue arising from the activities done by the party or under its influence remain a responsibility
of the party. Therefore, we are in sorrow and complain over this lack of responsiveness to our
We are also deeply worried about the level of party destruction on the grassroots by lack of
solidarity from above. The party is a strong tree, without its roots its trunk and branches become
weak. There is a general feeling of neglect as the masses feel betrayed by the party. Whether
they are wrong or correct what is fact is that in times like these the party is the only authority of
resort. The lack of solidarity now prevailing is shocking and painful to the party members and
We feel that ZANU PF as a Marxist-Leniniat party has dumped its constitution mandate in which
the PARTY EXECUTE should exert control over the government, hence some government
officials are now going astray by officialising house demolitions in which the prolitariate is mostly
vulnerable. As a result youths are forced to dump their party constitutional mandate as enshrined
in Article 23, section 186 (2) to mobilise the youth in defence of the party. As a result of the
ongoing conflict between the parties interested, one of our youth was shot and died on spot on his
return from Airport where he had gone for a national duty. Up to now we are seeing Shava the
who were historically marginalized by the colonial system and have been in recent years,
marginalized by admitted state captures that created sustained mass poverty. Zanu PF as is in its
DNA showed up for the masses in its restore legacy exercise. However, the enemies of the
people have manifested great zeal to detract the progress of the people and the party
Taking into account the fact that the cooperative was established under ZANU PF political
leadership as art o if public mandate and political marketing strategies, it is plausible to argue
there is a looming threat of loss of integrity. The second republic, is successful in its international
re-engagement and broad national development, but have remained distant in relation OFF its
relationship with grassroots populations. Without taking anything away from the second republic,
the first republic was well known for it power umbrella that extended wide and deep enough to
reach the grass roots. It is a fact that second republic is not a parallel administration to the first,
but a reformed element of the same revolutionary organization whose mandate is to eradicate
barriers to equality, namely affluence. With this in mind we seek to engage the party to reestablish
its power utilization to protect its members who have stayed resolute in their support amidst great
The party is currently undergoing a grassroots restructuring program. The demolition exercise is
seeking to disturb this process that was slowly gaining momentum. The exercise is direct attack to
the interest of the party considering the thin margins with which the constituency was won to
ZANU PF. It is in our opinion and observation that this violent land possession seeks to De-
Zanonise the area, through dislocating ZANU PF members there residing. Failure by the party to
assert its authority is a great show of weakness that will weaken the strength of our masses and
strengthen the resolve on the part of our enemies. His excellency President E.D Mnangagwa
has been keen on the need to gaud against selfish interested overriding the peoples interests .As
such this acts by former and urgent members of the party represents the greatest form of betrayal
and greed. The thousand are poor party members, whose wellbeing is a responsibility of the
government through the party of their choice, a party they stood with in the hardest of all political
We here request an immediate political intervention to intercept the demolitions. We believe this
is not so much a legal battle that it is a political battle. The legal battle together with its high cost
and demand for organisation is slow in addressing the concern of poor masses who have always
been marginalized by systems captured by the Rich. We therefore seek an immediate political
intervention by the party to intercept the demolitions pending a fair fact finding mission on the
The conflict is raw in its nature, the enemy of the people is using violence against the masses who
have been law abiding sine the onset of the conflict. Sadly we suspect the enemy to be working
hand in hand with the law enforcement officers who have been barring the people from exercising
self Defence yet giving protection to hooligans enforcing an ill writ and read eviction order. After
all they are doing this without the writ of execution order which makes all their acts illegal. Hence
we submit to you that we have been left with no home but to fight for our lives and families, our
father fought for this land, it is with pain we write that a need has arisen for us to fight against our
fellow brothers. In these confrontations uncertainty is the only reality, a reality that has created
the need for us to ask for the party protection on the side of the people who will chose to stands
against the enemy. In the case of arrest or other realities we ask the party to provide security and
We therefore also ask for an immediate visit of the party to the area, to raise a solidarity feeling
among the masses who most of them now feel neglected by the party. This visit must seek to
gather facts and to interface with the mases who are in dire need of party leadership. We believe
in parties capacities to protect its own. As such a visit is a great start to such protection.