Story Pitch Form

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1. What is the story about

The story is about domestic violence faced by

women in the context of Covid 19. The story
will focus on the effects of domestic violence
faced by women in marginalized areas like
Epworth and how affected individuals can deal
with abusive husbands. The main reason why I
am going to focus on Epworth is that, women
in marginalized areas are not aware and
ignorant to the fact that physical abuse is a
crime or a punishable offense. Thu, this paper
is meant to concientise women in marginalized
areas on how they can report and deal with
these issuesThe story is about physical abuse
faced by women in their homes. The story will
focus on the effects of physical abuse faced by
women in marginalized areas like Epworth and
how affected individuals can deal with abusive
husbands. The main reason why I am going to
focus on Epworth is that, women in
marginalized areas are not aware and ignorant
to the fact that physical abuse is a crime or a
punishable offense. Thus , this paper is m eant
to concientise women in marginalized areas on
how they can report and deal with these issues.

2. What the story seeks to bring out

Women are greatly affected by domestic

violence and most of them especially in the
marginalized areas of Epworth have failed to
report these issues to the police or any

responsible authority in the context of Covid

19. But this paper seeks to bring about why
women need to stand for themselves and fight
for their rights in homes in order to avoid. It
also seeks to raise awareness on the availability
of organizations that focus on women rights
especially those that focus on GBV. 2. What
the story seeks to bring out

Women are greatly affected by physical abuse

and most of them especially in the
marginalized areas do not report these issues
to the police or any responsible authority
because they worry too much about what the
society will say. But this paper seek to bring
about why women need to stand for themselves
and fight for their rights in homes in order to
avoid physical abuse. It also seeks to raise
awareness on the availability of organizations
that focus on women rights especially those
that focus on GBV.
3. What has not been reported about this

Although it has been written in many stories

that women in marginalized societies have
faced domestic violence, this paper seeks to
understand why the cases of domestic abuse
have increased in Epworth during the ongoing
lockdowns. Hence, in this case the other story
that will be exposed by this paper is Why the
cases of domestic abuse have increased in
Epworth in the context of Covid 19 restrictions
and how best women can deal with these
problems.Most storieswriters written about

abuse against women, but this paper will focus

on the unpopular information on why most
physical abuse against women remain
unreported in Zimbabwe. The story will focus
on the impact of physical abuse against women
in marginalized areas.
4. Data and Multi-media element

They will be some combination of text,

photography, video clips and audio. Will get
information from Acts of Parliament
( Domestic Violence Act ) Msasa Project and
Zimstats Reports
5. What are your sources of information

Reports on Domestic Violence, police and

affected women

6. Gender Dimensions of the story Indicate how you intent to

make this a gender sensitive
The paper will investigate how physical abuse and gender mainstreamed and
has affected young women perspective on it caters for other marginalized
social groups such as youths
marriage. The research will take into
(not more than a page)
consideration how abuse affects both females
and males in the context of covid 19The paper
will investigate how physical abuse has affected
young women perspective on marriage. The
research will take into consideration the fact
that although women are the most affected,
how does physical abuse affect male
counterparts in marginalized areashow abuse

affects both females and males.

7. What the story recommends Highlight key policy

recommendations & other
Violence against women is a violation of
remedies that may be used to
human rights regardless of where it occurs.
address the problem(s)/issues
When a women shares her story of violence she
being addressed in the story
takes the first step to breaking the cycle of
(Not more than ½ page)
abuse. It is on all of us to give her the safe
space she needs to speak up and be heard. The
government and NGOs should also introduce
some awareness campaigns Advocating against
physical abuse of women in marginalized
societies. Women rights are human rights and
they must be enjoyed freely in society. In
addition the government in collaboration with
CBOs should contact enquiries on how best
come up with effective laws and policies
against domestic abuse in the context of covid
19.7. What the story recommendsstory

Violence against women is a violation of

human rights regardless of where it occurs.
When a women shares her story of violence she
takes the first step to breaking the cycle of
abuse. It is on all of us to give her the safe
space she needs to speak up and be heard. The
government and NGOs should also introduce
some awareness campaigns Advocating against
physical abuse of women in marginalized
societies. Women rights are human rights and
they must be enjoyed freely in society.
8. Time Frame Indicate the timeframe for the

The research will commence with desktop development of the story, with
research on Monday 10 May 2021 up until 15 dates for key tasks being
May 2021. From 16 May, I will conduct indicated.
interviews with the people from Epworth
through Whatsapp and face to face interviews.
I will do this with the help of citizen journalist
in Epworth. The interviews are expected to be
done by the 25th of May and from the 25th I will
compile the data up to the 30 th of May. Hence,
the first draft will be send on the 30 th of March
after the compilation of data.I will start to
research after the approval day. And I will
need five days for interviews and researching.
Then I will submit the first draft after one

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