Marketing Research: AMA Definition
Marketing Research: AMA Definition
Marketing Research: AMA Definition
AMA Definition:
It is the function that links the consumer, customer and public to the marketer
through information
o Information used to identify and define marketing opportunities & problems
o Generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions
o Monitor marketing performance and
o Improve understanding of marketing as a process
Types of problems
• Management Decision Problem(MDP): A statement specifying the type of
managerial action required to solve the problem.
Data sources
o Primary data: Data freshly gathered for a specific purpose or project.
o Secondary data: Data collected for another purpose and already exist
Research approaches
o Observation
o Ethnography
o Focus group
o In-depth interview
o Survey
o Experimental research: Captures cause & effect relationships by eliminating
competing explanations of the findings.
Research instruments
o Observation: Environment, program implementation, informal interactions,
non-verbal communication, unobtrusive indicators, and what did not happen?
o Focus group: Individual and group level data is gathered and analysed.
o In-depth interview: Data can be collected using structured, unstructured or
semi-structured interview questionnaire.
o Survey: A questionnaire survey can be carried out with the specifically selected
respondents or randomly selected respondents from the population (suitable for
research topic).
- Avoid bias
- Use simple & specific Qs
- Avoid jargon and use words used by respondents
- Avoid Qs with negative
- Avoid hypothetical Qs
- Avoid words which can be misheard, e.g. sects
- Use some fixed & non-overlapping responses
- Keep “others” option
Sampling plan
o Sampling unit: Whom should we survey?
o Sample size: How many people should we survey?
o Sampling procedure: Probability [or] Non-probability sampling
Contact methods
o Mail survey / Telephone
o Personal / Online