Meaning and Scope of Marketing Research
Meaning and Scope of Marketing Research
Meaning and Scope of Marketing Research
According to American Marketing Association, Marketing Research is the function that links the
consumer, customer and public to the marketer through information-information used to identify and define
marketing opportunities and problems, generate, refine and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing
performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process.
Marketing Research is systematic problem analysis, model building and fact finding for the purpose of
important decision making and control in the marketing of goods and services.
Marketing Research is a well-planned, systematic process which implies that it needs planning at all the
stages. It uses scientific method. It is an objective process as it attempts to provide accurate authentic
information. Marketing Research is sometimes defined as the application of scientific method in the
solution of marketing problems.
Marketing Research plays a very significant role in identifying the needs of customers and meeting them
in best possible way. The main task of Marketing Research is systematic gathering and analysis of
Before we proceed further, it is essential to clarify the relationship and difference between Marketing
Research and Marketing Information System (MIS). Whatever information are generated by Marketing
Research from internal sources, external sources, marketing intelligence agencies-consist the part of MIS.
MIS is a set of formalized procedures for generating, analyzing, storing and distributing information to
marketing decision makers on an ongoing basis.
1. While Marketing Research is done with a specific purpose in mind with information being
generated when it is conducted, MIS information is generated continuously.
2. MIS is continuous entity while Marketing Research is an ad-hoc system.
3. While in Marketing Research information is for specific purpose, so it is not rigid; in MIS
information is more rigid and structured.
Marketing Research is essential for strategic market planning and decision making. It helps a firm in
identifying what are the market opportunities and constraints, in developing and implementing market
strategies, and in evaluating the effectiveness of marketing plans.
Marketing Research is a growing and widely used business activity as the sellers need to know more about
their final consumers but are generally widely separated from those consumers. Marketing Research is a
necessary link between marketing decision makers and the markets in which they operate.
Marketing Research includes various important principles for generating information which is useful to
managers. These principles relate to the timeliness and importance of data, the significance of defining
objectives cautiously and clearly, and the need to avoid conducting research to support decisions already
2. Business and Government
Marketing Research helps businesses and government in focusing attention on the complex nature of
problems faced by them. For example:
a. Determination of Gross National Product; Price indices, and per capita income;
b. Expenditure levels and budgeting;
c. Agricultural Pricing;
d. The economic policies of Government; and
e. Operational and planning problems of business and industry.
3. Market Research Agencies
Marketing Research is being used extensively by professionals to help conducting various studies in
Marketing Research. Most prominent agencies being:-
a. Linta India Ltd;
b. British Market Research Bureau (BMRB);
c. Hindustan Thompson Associate Ltd;
4. Managers
Let us look at each stage meticulously.
The research process begins with a brief from the client. Client may find a research partner if he is
faced with a problem or has a decision to make. Unless he has a clear idea about the situation at
hand, exploratory research (described in the previous chapter) needs to be undertaken to define the
problem correctly and to frame the research objectives.
Exploratory research can be conducted by:
o Secondary Data: analyzing Companys historical data or literature review.
o Experience Survey: Involves taking expert opinion to gain knowledge on the topic.
o Pilot Study: Undertaking a mini research project on the lines of the full-fledged one.
o Case Study: Finding insights to structure the problem by referring similar cases in other
companies or a past resembling situation within the same company.
Next step is to decide on the research design to carry out the study. Data needs to be gathered from
respondents and this can be done in two ways:
1. Primary: This is information collected first hand from the respondent in the form of a survey.
The techniques used are:
Personal or telephonic interviews
Paper or electronic questionnaires
2. Secondary Data: This is pre collected data and can be obtained either from external sources
such as trade associations, government, etc. or from within the company (proprietary
Observation, i.e. recording of environmental conditions and Experiment, either laboratory or field
are other research methods that can be used for data collection. Test marketing is a controlled
experiment that is used to check the response to a new product or a new marketing plan. Example,
a new brand of shampoo by P&G will be released for a limited time only in a few cities to check
the anticipated acceptability within the country once launched full-fledged. If the reviews from the
small sample of respondents are positive, the shampoo will be released in the market. Else, it will
either be shelved off or modified taking inputs from the respondents.
Data can be gathered from respondents by any of the methods described above depending on their
applicability. But data has to be collected from a sufficient number of people for it to be valid and
reliable. This ideal number of people is called the sample which is nothing both a subset of the
target population. Generally, the more the number of people taken in the sample, the more precise
the outcome will be. However, random people cannot be chosen; they have to be representative of
the target population. For example, women aged 35+ should be used as respondents in the sample
for an anti-ageing cream brand.
The edited data is then ready for coding wherein a numerical symbol is assigned to each set of data.
Coding facilitates data entry into computers.
This is illustrated in the table below:
Novice _____ -1
Intermediate _____ -2
Expert _____ -3
This coded data is then interpreted using various statistical techniques such as regression, factor
and cluster analysis, etc. that will be elaborated in later chapters. The result of this analysis is
patterns or findings of our research problem that have to be documented in a report. Typically, the
report consists of the:
Prefatory Parts: Title, Table of contents, Summary
Main Body: Introduction, Methodology, Limitations, Conclusion and Recommendations.
Appended Parts: Data collection forms, detailed calculations, general tables and
Data Collection in Marketing Research is a detailed process in which a planned search for all relevant data
is made by researcher.
1. Primary Data- Primary data is the data which is collected first hand specially for the purpose of
study. It is collected for addressing the problem at hand. Thus, primary data is original data
collected by researcher first hand.
2. Secondary data- Secondary data is the data that have been already collected by and readily
available from other sources. Such data are cheaper and more quickly obtainable than the primary
data and also may be available when primary data cannot be obtained at all.
Focus Groups
Depth Interview
Case Study
b. Indirect Collection-Method
Projective Techniques
2. Quantitative Research- Quantitative Research quantifies the data and generalizes the results from
the sample to the population. In Quantitative Research, data can be collected by two methods
Survey Method
Observation Method
As the names suggest quantitative research produces numerical data whereas qualitative research generates
non numerical data. However, this is only a superficial understanding of the terms. In the first chapter,
while exploring the types of research, we had hinted that when there is uncertainty or when the problem is
not clearly defined, we deploy exploratory research and use qualitative studies for it. When there is little or
no ambiguity and the business problem is structured, we implement descriptive or casual research and use
quantitative techniques for it. Let us take the discussion further from here.
In a nutshell, qualitative research gives us vital insights in comprehending why do consumers feel or behave
in a manner they do. It helps in identifying and perceiving the underlying opinions, behaviour patterns and
motivations. Qualitative research aids the formulation of hypothesis to be used for deeper exploration or
quantification. In a way, it adds richness to the information gathered by quantitative research by
understanding instead of measuring. To sum up, the qualitative approach helps decipher the less rational
and more emotional perspective of the consumers decision making nature, i.e. how would I feel if I were
in the consumers shoes?
Qualitative studies assist in the following business situations:
Market Study: Analyzing consumer interest in the companys new idea in a particular demographic.
New Product Development: Understanding the actual need of the end user.
Creative Development Research: Pertaining to branding; what should be said and how should it be
Diagnostic Studies: Understanding how is the companys category or brand doing as compared to
the competitors offerings and image respectively.
Qualitative research can be carried out by:
1. Focus Group Discussions: This is the most effective and preferred technique for qualitative
studies. Respondents, in a group of 5-8 people, are made comfortable and asked general questions
first. Gradually, the conversation is shifted to the topic of research. It helps obtain initial reactions
to marketing programs or understand the consumers impressions about a new product concept.
2. In Depth Interviews: Personal interviews are conducted instead of focus groups in the following
Discussing sensitive, confidential or embarrassing topics (Example: Womens hygiene issues)
Requirement of detailed probing (Example: Purchase psychology for an automobile is best
done with the respondent one on one)
Situations where the respondent may get influenced by the group response (Example: Opinion
on TV censorship where social norms prevail)
Interviews with highly professional people with busy schedules (Example: Understanding
required from doctors on a new medical topic )
Another term associated with qualitative research and worth mentioning here are projective techniques.
These are ways of extracting information from respondents that capture the emotions in consumer
behaviour. Often direct questions do not bring out the hidden motivations as consumers are themselves not
fully aware of their reasons and naturally are not able to express themselves fully. Direct questions may
give sensible answers, but they may not necessarily be real answers. For this reason, projective techniques
such as the below ones are used:
Brand Personalities: The strength of advertising can be tested by imagining brands as persons or
objects. For example, asking that if Sunsilk was a person, what would he be like?
Collages: Asking respondents to draw collages of a brand to help understand what consumers think
about symbols used for advertising the brand.
Word Association: First word that comes to mind upon mentioning a particular word. For example
if the word Coke brings out the first mentioned word as happiness, Coke is maintaining its strong
brand image.
The aim of this method is to consume numerical data and present facts or uncover patterns in the study. The
aftermath of quantitative research is results that are projectable because they are drawn statistically.
Basically, while qualitative research is subjective, the quantitative method is more objective. Another
characteristic of quantitative research is that it is drawn from a reasonably sized and carefully selected
sample which is representative of the target population. The methods of choosing a proper sample are
discussed in the previous chapter. Typically, a terminology of 95% confidence interval is considered good
while deciding the sample sizes. This actually means that if the survey is reoccurred 100 times, 95 times
the same response would be obtained.
Quantitative research is most widely used for determining cause effect relations. For example, if the
marketing budget is increased by 15%, how much is the revenue expected to increase. If the strength
between the dependent (revenue) and independent (marketing budget) variable is strong, the test hypothesis
holds true and the company should invest more in its marketing. Thus a decisive stance can be taken from
the facts presented in this research.
Data collection for quantitative studies is done by various kinds of surveys using questionnaires. The survey
can be done through various mediums such as face-to-face, email, telephonic, online, etc. Designing
questionnaires for a survey is a detailed topic which will be covered in the next chapter. For now, we will
explore the methods for conducting a survey.
Mail survey: Mail surveys are convenient and maintain anonymity of the respondent. They are
also relatively inexpensive. However the major drawback is that feedback cannot be obtained from
the respondent.
Telephonic & Face-to-face survey: There is little scope of error in these types of survey as the
interviewer is available for assistance. However, while guiding, the interviewer may sometimes
influence the respondent leading to biased answers.
Online: Surveys carried out over the internet are gaining popularity these days as they can reach a
wide audience. The downside is that without incentive, the respondent at the end may not be
interested in taking up the survey or answering all questions seriously.
Hybrid: A fusion of techniques can be used to record better responses. A commonly used hybrid
method is Telephone-Mail-Telephone (TMT) wherein respondents are instructed over the phone
and then sent the survey over mail to be filled at their convenience.
The choice of the above mediums depends on the budget, time and complexity. If budget is a constraint,
mail surveys can be used. Online surveys are instant and hence should be deployed when there is a time
crunch. When interaction is required, personal or telephonic surveys must be utilized.
We have seen in the sections above that in which situations the usage of quantitative research is preferable
over qualitative research and vice versa. Ideally, if there are less budget constraints, we can use both types
as they give variant perspectives and complement one another. Sometimes both have to be used in tandem
as in case of Usage and Attitude Studies that we will see in the later chapters. Finally, a qualitative research
will generate a more narrative report with a contingent account and direct quotations from the respondents.
On the contrary, a quantitative research will produce a statistical report with correlations, significance,
means, etc. and hard facts.
Research can be categorized either on the basis of technique (surveys, experiments, observation studies,
etc.) or on the basis of purpose. We will look at the techniques in the subsequent chapters. Now let us focus
on the 3 methods of doing Marketing Research based on purpose:
1. Exploratory
As the name implies, exploratory research is the initial exploration done to get an idea and insights
into the problem. Research is a relatively expensive process; exploratory research ensures that this
process is not initiated without a thorough understanding of the problem. This study is qualitative
(understanding the concept) rather than quantitative (providing precise measurement). Also, this
type of research does not give conclusive evidence and subsequent research needs to be done.
A widely used method for executing exploratory research for this purpose is Concept Testing. Here, target
consumers are introduced to an idea and asked how they feel about it, whether they are likely to use it, etc.
It tests the likeability or acceptability of the new product before investing in its research and development.
2. Descriptive
This type of research is used when there is some comprehension of the problem, objectives are
defined and the research questions are clearly formulated. Contrary to exploratory research, the
proof descriptive research provides is used for formulating action plans. It helps answer the
questions when, who, what, how and where, but not why.
3. Experimental
Experimental studies demonstrate cause and effect relationships. They try to decipher the outcome
marketing actions might have. For example, it is used when the purpose is to determine the impact
of increase in price on usage.
This research is used in succession to exploratory and descriptive research and hence sufficient
knowledge is gained on the topic by then. Experimental research is also popularly known as causal
Would Who is new
people be buying our package?
interested in competitors Which of two
our new product? advertising
product idea? What campaigns is
features do more
consumers effective?
prefer in our
The extent of uncertainty also affects what type of method should be chosen. The more well defined the
situation is, the more the research agency will move from exploratory to descriptive to experimental
The following cases will further help understand the significance of each type of research:
Focus groups are also known as group interviews or group discussions. They are used to understand the
attitude or behaviour of the audience. Six to twelve individuals are selected and either one or two moderators
(those who lead the discussions) are selected. If there are two moderators, they will adopt opposite positions.
It is the moderator who introduces the topic. Discussion is controlled through these moderators. The group
is watched from adjacent rooms. There are various devices which are used to record these discussions.
1. Define the problem
2. Select a sample
3. Determine the number of groups necessary(minimum number should be two)
4. Prepare the study mechanics. Arrange the respondents place where the focus group is to be
5. Select moderators and brief them.
6. Prepare the focus group material.
7. Conduct the session.
8. Analyze the data and prepare summary report.
They generally use small samples and also conduct direct one to one personal interviews. A detailed
background is provided by the respondents and elaborate data concerning the respondents opinions, values,
motivation, expression, feeling etc. are obtained. Even their non-verbal expressions are observed. They take
long time, therefore lengthy observations are involved.
These are conducted to customize individual responses. The questions will depend on what kind of answers
are given. Even interview climate influences the respondents. The success of interviews depends on the
rapport of the interviewers established with the respondents.
Individual cases are taken and a detailed study of each case is done.
Projective Techniques are indirect and unstructured methods of investigation which have been developed
by the psychologists and use projection of respondents for inferring about underline motives, urges or
intentions which cannot be secure through direct questioning as the respondent either resists to reveal them
or is unable to figure out himself. These techniques are useful in giving respondents opportunities to express
their attitudes without personal embarrassment. These techniques helps the respondents to project his own
attitude and feelings unconsciously on the subject under study. Thus Projective Techniques play an
important role in motivational researches or in attitude surveys.
1. Word Association Test: An individual is given a clue or hint and asked to respond to the first thing
that comes to mind. The association can take the shape of a picture or a word. There can be many
interpretations of the same thing. A list of words is given and you dont know in which word they
are most interested. The interviewer records the responses which reveal the inner feeling of the
respondents. The frequency with which any word is given a response and the amount of time that
elapses before the response is given are important for the researcher. For eg: Out of 50 respondents
20 people associate the word Fair with Complexion.
2. Completion Test: In this the respondents are asked to complete an incomplete sentence or story.
The completion will reflect their attitude and state of mind.
3. Construction Test: This is more or less like completion test. They can give you a picture and you
are asked to write a story about it. The initial structure is limited and not detailed like the completion
test. For eg: 2 cartoons are given and a dialogue is to written.
4. Expression Techniques: In this the people are asked to express the feeling or attitude of other
The Survey method is the technique of gathering data by asking questions to people who are thought to
have desired information. A formal list of questionnaire is prepared. Generally a non-disguised approach is
used. The respondents are asked questions on their demographic interest opinion.
Telephone Interviewing stands out as the best method for gathering quickly needed information. Responses
are collected from the respondents by the researcher on telephone.
It is the most versatile of the all methods. They are used when props are required along with the verbal
response non-verbal responses can also be observed.
Questionnaires are send to the respondents, they fill it up and send it back.
3. It requires established mailing list.
4. It is time consuming.
5. There is problem in case of complex questions.
Electronic interviewing is a process of recognizing and noting people, objects, and occurrences rather than
asking for information. For example-When you go to store, you notice which product people like to use.
The Universal Product Code (UPC) is also a method of observing what people are buying.
The observation method involves human or mechanical observation of what people actually do or what
events take place during a buying or consumption situation. Information is collected by observing process
at work. The following are a few situations:-
Service Stations-Pose as a customer, go to a service station and observe.
To evaluate the effectiveness of display of Dunlop Pillow Cushions-In a departmental store,
observer notes: - a) How many pass by; b) How many stopped to look at the display; c) How many
decide to buy.
Super Market-Which is the best location in the shelf? Hidden cameras are used.
To determine typical sales arrangement and find out sales enthusiasm shown by various salesmen-
Normally this is done by an investigator using a concealed tape-recorder.
Secondary data is the data that have been already collected by and readily available from other sources.
Such data are cheaper and more quickly obtainable than the primary data and also may be available when
primary data cannot be obtained at all.
Robert W Joselyn has classified the above discussion into eight steps. These eight steps are sub classified
into three categories. He has given a detailed procedure for evaluating secondary data.
1. Applicability of research objective.
2. Cost of acquisition.
3. Accuracy of data.
The sources of generating primary data are -
1. Observation Method
2. Survey Method
3. Experimental Method
There are number of experimental designs that are used in carrying out and experiment. However, Market
researchers have used 4 experimental designs most frequently. These are -
1. CRD - Completely Randomized Design
2. RBD - Randomized Block Design - The term Randomized Block Design has originated from
agricultural research. In this design several treatments of variables are applied to different blocks
of land to ascertain their effect on the yield of the crop. Blocks are formed in such a manner that
each block contains as many plots as a number of treatments so that one plot from each is selected
at random for each treatment. The production of each plot is measured after the treatment is given.
These data are then interpreted and inferences are drawn by using the analysis of Variance
Technique so as to know the effect of various treatments like different dozes of fertilizers, different
types of irrigation etc.
3. LSD - Latin Square Design - A Latin square is one of the experimental designs which has a
balanced two way classification scheme say for example - 4 X 4 arrangement. In this scheme each
letter from A to D occurs only once in each row and also only once in each column. The balance
arrangement, it may be noted that, will not get disturbed if any row gets changed with the other.
The balance arrangement achieved in a Latin Square is its main strength. In this design, the
comparisons among treatments, will be free from both differences between rows and columns. Thus
the magnitude of error will be smaller than any other design.
4. FD - Factorial Designs - This design allows the experimenter to test two or more variables
simultaneously. It also measures interaction effects of the variables and analyzes the impacts of
each of the variables.
In a true experiment, randomization is essential so that the experimenter can infer cause and effect without
any bias.
3. Internal Experts- These are people who are heading the various departments. They can give an idea
of how a particular thing is working
4. Miscellaneous Reports- These are what information you are getting from operational reports.
If the data available within the organization are unsuitable or inadequate, the marketer should extend the
search to external secondary data sources.
The only disadvantage of the above sources is that the data may be biased. They are likely to colour their
negative points.
c. Syndicate Services- These services are provided by certain organizations which collect and
tabulate the marketing information on a regular basis for a number of clients who are the subscribers
to these services. So the services are designed in such a way that the information suits the
subscriber. These services are useful in television viewing, movement of consumer goods etc.
These syndicate services provide information data from both household as well as institution.
Various syndicate services are Operations Research Group (ORG) and The Indian Marketing Research
Bureau (IMRB).