PH Effects On Growth and Lipid Accumulation of The Biofuel Microalgae Nannochloropsis Salina and Invading Organisms

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J Appl Phycol (2014) 26:1431–1437

DOI 10.1007/s10811-013-0177-2

pH effects on growth and lipid accumulation of the biofuel

microalgae Nannochloropsis salina and invading organisms
Meridith L. Bartley & Wiebke J. Boeing &
Barry N. Dungan & F. Omar Holguin & Tanner Schaub

Received: 3 May 2013 / Revised and accepted: 27 September 2013 / Published online: 5 November 2013
# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

Abstract Biofuels derived from non-crop sources, such as control (12.7±5.1×104 organisms mL−1) than any of the pH
microalgae, offer their own advantages and limitations. De- treatments (3.6–4.7×104 organisms mL−1). In general, pH
spite high growth rates and lipid accumulation, microalgae values of 8 to 9 might be most conducive to increasing algae
cultivation still requires more energy than it produces. Fur- production and minimizing invading organisms. CO2 addition
thermore, invading organisms can lower efficiency of algae seems more valuable to algae as an inorganic carbon source and
production. Simple environmental changes might be able to not as an essential mechanism to reduce pH.
increase algae productivity while minimizing undesired or-
ganisms like competitive algae or predatory algae grazers. Keywords Algae biodiesel . Nannochloropsis salina . FAME
Microalgae are susceptible to pH changes. In many production analysis . pH . Oil accumulation . Invaders
systems, pH is kept below 8 by CO2 addition. Here, we uncou-
ple the effects of pH and CO2 input, by using chemical pH
buffers and investigate how pH influences Nannochloropsis Introduction
salina growth and lipid accumulation as well as invading
organisms. We used a wide range of pH levels (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, The increase in atmospheric CO2 due to fossil fuel combustion
and 10). N. salina showed highest growth rates at pH 8 and 9 contributes to global climate change, which has created envi-
(0.19±0.008 and 0.19±0.011, respectively; mean ± SD). Max- ronmental problems (Karl et al. 2009). Despite demands for
imum cell densities in these treatments were reached around fossil fuel consumption reductions, renewable energy sources,
21 days into the experiment (95.6×106 ±9×106 cells mL−1 for including biofuels, account for only 1.8 % of total world
pH 8 and 92.8×106 ±24×106 cells mL−1 for pH 9). Lipid energy consumption (BP 2011). Growing controversy about
accumulation of unbuffered controls were 21.8±5.8 % fatty the use of food crops for biofuel production (Brennan and
acid methyl esters content by mass, and we were unable to Owende 2010; Tufvesson et al. 2013) has turned attentions to
trigger additional significant lipid accumulation by manipulat- new sources. Microalgae are capable of year-round produc-
ing pH levels at the beginning of stationary phase. Ciliates tion, require less water than terrestrial crops, and produce only
(grazing predators) occurred in significant higher densities at point-source wastewater and valuable co-products (Chisti
pH 6 (56.9±39.6×104 organisms mL−1) than higher pH treat- 2007; Rodolfi et al. 2008; Mata et al. 2010). In addition,
ments (0.1–6.8×104 organisms mL−1). Furthermore, the addi- microalgae are potentially valuable biological mitigators of
tion of buffers themselves seemed to negatively impact diatoms carbon dioxide due to their ability to convert CO2 (and nutri-
(algal competitors). They were more abundant in an unbuffered ents) into biomass that may in turn be utilized to obtain
biodiesel (Wang et al. 2008; Franchino et al. 2013). However,
M. L. Bartley : W. J. Boeing (*)
the commercial viability of algal biofuel is limited by current
Department of Fish, Wildlife and Conservation Ecology, production systems, typically open ponds that are inexpensive
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA but often fail to maintain selected species for more than a few
e-mail: weeks or months due to contamination by invading organ-
B. N. Dungan : F. O. Holguin : T. Schaub
isms, both competitors and predators (Rodolfi et al. 2008).
Chemical Analysis and Instrumentation Laboratory, Major contaminants that pose risks to these systems include
New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA unwanted algae, yeast, molds, fungi, bacteria, and predators
1432 J Appl Phycol (2014) 26:1431–1437

(Becker 1994; Borowitzka 1998). Optimized systems yielding Price et al. 2008; Maberly et al. 2009; Chi et al. 2011). To
productive cultures that are resilient and resistant to invading date, effects of supplying inorganic carbon versus pH levels
organisms are essential to the future of the biofuel industry. have not fully been separated (but see Spolaore et al. 2006)
Microalgae cultivation can be optimized by regulating and the pH effect has mainly been simulated in models (James
environmental parameters, such as salinity (Doan et al. et al. 2013). Further, pH may affect the lipid composition of
2011; Moazami et al. 2012; Bartley et al. 2013), temperature N. salina (Griffiths and Harrison 2009; Rodolfi et al. 2008;
(Sukenik et al. 1993; Rocha et al. 2003; Van Wagenen et al. Moheimani 2013). Lipid accumulation is maximized when
2012), and pH (Rocha et al. 2003; Moheimani and Nannochloropsis cells are stressed by unfavorable conditions
Borowitzka 2011). However, how these parameters impact so that growth slows and energy is stored as lipids (Abu-Rezq
lipid accumulation and invading organisms has been less well et al. 1999; Wang et al. 2009).
studied. Research (Richmond and Becker 1986) demon- To our knowledge, no research has been conducted on N.
strated that subjecting the culture to a temporary change salina to separate the effects of CO2 and pH on growth rates,
of environmental factors such as pH can decrease lipid accumulation, and invading organisms simultaneously.
unwanted organisms and improve final culture densities. An- The present study explores the use of pH manipulations to
ecdotally, invading diatoms and ciliates (competitor and pred- enhance growth rates of N. salina while minimizing undesir-
ator, respectively) of outdoor cultures of Nannochloropsis able organisms. In addition, this project explored the use of
salina were concurrent with low algae culture densities due pH stress to increase the lipid content within Nannochloropsis
to nutrient limitation and predation (Boussiba et al. 1987). cultures. This research is novel because of its focus on invad-
Other research (Richmond et al. 1990) reported contamination ing organisms and its unique attempt to utilize pH change as a
of a Spirulina platensis raceway pond with Dunaliella sp. and stressor for increased lipid accumulation. The implications of
Chlorella sp., which lowered productivity by up to 35 %. this work may provide cost-effective, viable, and sustainable
Thus, contamination from unwanted species is still one of the development of algal biofuels industry.
major challenges in algae cultivation (Das et al. 2011).
Members of the genus Nannochloropsis have been the
subjects of many studies exploring their promise for biofuel Materials and methods
development, as well as a source of important ω-3 polyunsat-
urated fatty acids for human consumption (Roessler 1990; Nannochloropsis salina 1776, a marine microalga (Class:
Cheng-Wu et al. 2001; Rocha et al. 2003) and feed for rotifers Eustigmatophyceae), was obtained from the Provasoli–Guillard
in fish hatcheries (Chini Zittelli et al. 2000; Rebolloso-Fuentes National Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton via the Los
et al. 2001; Chini Zittelli et al. 2003). The marine microalga Alamos National Laboratory. The culture medium used was f/2
N . salina (Eustigmatophyceae) has been shown to exhibit medium (Guillard and Ryther 1962), made with Instant Ocean in
high growth rates, lipid productivity, and a wide tolerance non-sterile deionized water, bringing the salinity to a standard 34
range for different environmental parameters (Richmond and PSU. All experiments were conducted in a greenhouse located at
Cheng-Wu 2001; Menke et al. 2012; Huang et al. 2013). New Mexico State University (Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA)
Day/night pH fluctuations driven by photosynthesis and where open aquaria were subjected to natural light and temper-
respiration create an environment that exhibits changing pH ature conditions, as well as invading organisms. Algae culture
ranges. During the day, photosynthesis and use of CO2 raise circulation was achieved with air stone aerators using natural air,
pH levels. Respiration during the dark reverses this process which also supplied around 400 ppm CO2. One experiment
and lowers pH levels again. Inorganic carbon is an essential examined the effect of a range of pH levels (pH 5–10) on growth
microalgae macronutrient, and previous research (Yamasaki rate and abundance of N. salina and abundance of invading
and Hirata 1995; Arudchelvam and Nirmalakhandan 2012) organisms. The second experiment examined the effect of induc-
suggests that a carbon supply can increase densities of ing stress with varying levels of pH change (pH 7–9) on lipid
Nannochloropsis spp. Abu-Rezq et al. (1999) could maintain content of algae. To maintain desired pH levels within the media,
the pH of algae cultures in the pH range of 6.75–7.25 with aquaria contained 25 mM of either (1) trisodium citrate for pH 5,
CO2 injections, while untreated cultures exhibited pH levels (2) 2-(N-morpholino)ethanesulfonic acid (Mes) for pH 6, (3)
as high as pH 8.28 by day 15. In a recent study, Moheimani 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazine ethanesulfonic acid (Hepes)
(2013) found an optimum pH for biomass and lipid produc- for pH 7, (4) N-(2-hydroxy-1,1-bis(hydroxymethyl)ethyl)glycine
tion of Tetraselmis suecica and Chlorella sp of pH 7.5 and 7, (Tricine) for pH 8, or (5) N-tris[hydroxymethyl]methyl-3-amino-
respectively. Sodium bicarbonate and HCl were used to ma- propanesulfonic acid for pH 9 and 10. To separate effects of CO2
nipulate pH. These two compounds can form carbonic acid, and pH, we utilized buffers and not CO2 injections to manipulate
which can break down into water and CO2. Bicarbonate can pH. We maintained stock cultures of N. salina in an outdoor
also be used directly by many microalgae as an inorganic raceway under standard cultivation conditions and then trans-
carbon source for photosynthesis (Giordano et al. 2005; ferred aliquots to the greenhouse aquaria for experiments. Both
J Appl Phycol (2014) 26:1431–1437 1433

experiments were conducted in aquaria with 15 L working the other treatments (six replicates each) using the buffers
volume at a salinity of 34 PSU in f/2 medium. Temperature, described above. One-liter samples were collected 2 weeks
pH, and salinity readings were monitored mid-day daily with a after pH levels were altered for subsequent measurements of
Hach Hydrolab (model MS 5, Hach Hydromet, USA) and algal density and lipid content (see sections below).
absorbance readings with a Thermo Spectronic spectrophotom-
eter. pH was also monitored on random nights to ensure that it
remained constant. pH was adjusted when measurements devi- Algal density measurements and quantification of invading
ated by 0.2 units or more. Samples for algae counts were pre- organisms
served with Lugol’s solution and stored in dark, cool locations.
Two metrics of algal density, absorbance at 740 nm and
Growth rates and invading organisms (experiment 1) cell number, were used to track population dynamics.
Absorbance was measured within 1 h of collection with
Nannochloropsis salina cultures were grown at six different a Spec 20 (model D+; Thermo Fisher Scientific, USA)
pH levels (pH 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10) in six replicates, in the and cell count samples were preserved with Lugol’s solu-
experimental aquaria described above. All aquaria were inocu- tion and stored in dark, cool locations for less than
lated with 250 mL of algae so that the initial N. salina abun- 3 months. Cell counts were conducted by counting at least
dance in all tanks was approximately 1.750×106 cells mL−1. 400 N. salina cells within a Neubauer hemocytometer. A
We ran the experiment for 30 days in March and April 2011, 1-mL gridded Sedgewick–Rafter chamber was used to
providing us with an average photoperiod of 12 h and count larger invading organisms (>30 μm). Invading or-
11 min of natural light within an unshaded greenhouse. ganisms were counted within the entire chamber, provid-
Temperature of the aquaria over the duration of the ing us with direct estimates of organisms per milliliter.
experiment ranged from 17.2 to 25.7 °C. Sampling occurred Smaller organisms were counted using a hemocytometer.
three times each week for algal density and on the last sam- At least 100 invading organisms were counted for each
pling date for invading organisms (see “Algal Density Mea- sample. Growth rates were calculated from cell counts of
surements and Quantification of Invading Organisms”). All experiment 1 from inoculation until all treatments had
samples were preserved with Lugol’s solution. Previous re- approximately reached their maximum densities (day 0–
search shows that this method preserves the greatest cell num- day 21) and showed no more positive population growth
bers (Leakey et al. 1994), but may shrink or distort cell mor- with the following formula:
phology (Stoecker et al. 1994).
lnðd n Þ−lnðd 0 Þ

Lipid accumulation (experiment 2)
where d = density, n = day of experiment, and Δt = time in
The purpose of this experiment was to see if we would be able days
to grow algae to maximum density and then change up the pH
as an additional stressor to trigger higher lipid accumulation. Fatty acid methyl ester analysis
We grew 24 algae cultures at an uncontrolled pH in aquaria as
described above until they reached stationary phase in De- Lipid content was monitored by transesterification and analy-
cember 2011. pH fluctuated between pH 7.81 and 9.70. Av- sis of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) by gas chromatography
erage photoperiod during that time was 10 h and 7 min and mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for each treatment. Algae from
temperature of the aquaria over the duration of the experiment each treatment were collected on a pre-weighed disk filter,
ranged from 14.3 to 21.2 °C. Stationary phase indicated dried, and placed in a pre-weighed 60-mL glass vial to which
nutrient or light limitation of algae cultures. Changing pH of 30 mL 0.2 N KOH in methanol was added and allowed to
an already buffered algae medium proved difficult, which led stand for 30 min at 40 °C in a water bath. An internal standard,
to our decision to grow cultures with no initial buffering that glyceryl tritridecanoate, was included in the reaction to mon-
may have interfered with subsequent pH control. Aquaria itor conversion efficiency. Each sample vial was vortexed in
were inoculated with 1 L of stock algae, resulting in an initial 10-min intervals. The reaction was quenched after 30 min
N. salina abundance of approximately 5.575×106 cells mL−1. with 1 mL of 1 M glacial acetic acid. Each sample was back
We used a higher starting cell density than in experiment 1, as extracted with 10 mL hexane with methyl tricosanoate C23:0,
we were not interested in observing growth rates and to reach an internal standard for quantification/internal standard cali-
stationary phase faster. Algae density was monitored daily bration. The hexane fraction was further diluted and analyzed
with absorbance and cell counts to identify when stationary by GC/MS under conditions as described by Patil et al.
phase was reached, 16 days later. On day 17, we left the one (2012). Briefly, all samples were analyzed with a Hewlett
treatment unbuffered (control) and altered pH to 7, 8, and 9 for Packard 5890 gas chromatograph with a 5972 Mass Selective
1434 J Appl Phycol (2014) 26:1431–1437

Detector and 7673 Autosampler. Two-microliter injections Y Density ¼ −755; 029 þ 216; 883  pH−13; 958  pH2
were loaded onto a 30 m×0.25 mm diameter × 0.25 μm film
The optimum pH for cell density was estimated to be pH 7.8.
Agilent DB-23 capillary column with helium carrier gas. The
pH also can be used to predict the growth rates of N. salina
initial temperature was 80 °C and ramped 20 °C min−1 to
(p <0.0001, R 2 =0.86).
220 °C and held for 6 min for a total run time of 13.3 min.
Chromatographic signals were matched to a standard mix Y GRate ¼ −1:61 þ 0:47  pH−0:03  pH2
(Supelco 37 Comp. FAME mix 10 mg mL−1 in methylene
chloride) and internal calibration was achieved using a C23:0 The optimum pH for growth rate was estimated to be
internal standard spiked at 50 μg mL−1. pH 7.7. Growth rates were highest for pH 8 and 9 (both
0.19), followed by pH 7 (0.18).
Statistical analyses
Lipid accumulation (experiment 2)
Linear regression was used to evaluate the effect of pH on
maximum cell density, and growth rate. Optimum conditions Lipid accumulation appeared to be unaffected by pH; however,
were estimated for each of these response variables. Data were the greatest mean accumulation occurred in the pH 8 treatment
checked for equal variance and normality using residual plots. with averaging 24.75 % by mass, compared to 21.8 % by mass
Analyses were conducted in R software, and α was set to in unbuffered controls (Fig. 2; one-way ANOVA—df = 3, F =
0.05. One-way ANOVAs were used to test the effect of total 2.79, p =0.0767). The FAME profile shows the dominant fatty
lipid content, and invading organism abundance. Data were acids to be 14:0, 16:0, 16:1, and 18:1 (Fig. 3). Also present in
checked for equal variance and normality using Levene’s and lower abundance is C20:5n3. Figure 3 shows acyl hydrocarbon
Shapiro–Wilk tests. Analyses were conducted in SAS 9.2, and content (measured as FAME) as a percentage of lyophilized
α was set to 0.05. Data in Fig. 1 were smoothed with a three- tissue mass. Accumulation of unsaturated, saturated, and mono/
sampling-date average for better presentation of growth polyunsaturated lipid is similar across treatments, and no sig-
curves and maxima reached in each treatment. nificant differences were found (Table 1).

Invading organisms (experiments 1 and 2)

Densities of invading organisms were evaluated for day 30 of
Nannochloropsis growth (experiment 1) the first experiment. Ciliates appeared consistently throughout
all treatments, while diatoms appeared in only two aquaria,
Maximum cell densities observed were in pH 8 and 9 and and thus, only the former were included in analysis. The pH
were reached around 21 days into the experiment (95.6×106 ± levels effects growth of ciliates (one-way ANOVA—df = 3, F
9×106 cells mL−1 for pH 8 and 92.8×106 ±24×106 cells mL−1 = 2.91, p =0.0004). A subsequent Tukey’s test (Hsu 1996)
for pH 9). Maximum cell densities can be predicted from pH shows that ciliate abundance was lower at pH 7–9 than at
by the following formula (Fig. 1; p <0.0001, R 2 =0.72): pH 6 (Table 2).

Nannochloropsis Cell Density * 106 (mL-1)

60 10



0 Fig. 2 Average % FAME accumulation ± SE (n =3) in Nannochloropsis

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 salina by weight 2 weeks subsequent to pH alterations. All cultures began
Experiment Duration (days)
growth without pH control and pH was buffered to pH 6, 7, 8, and 9 in
Fig. 1 Nannochloropsis mean cell density ± SE (n =6) in six different select treatments. Control treatments exhibited pH levels between pH 8.6
pH levels (5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10) and 9.25
J Appl Phycol (2014) 26:1431–1437 1435

Table 2 Mean densities ± SE of invading organisms at different levels of


pH Phytoplankton Zooplankton
(diatoms mL−1) (ciliates mL−1)

Exp. 1 6 0 569,200 ± 161,890

7 2,800 ± 2,800 12,900 ± 5,620
8 0 1,160 ± 860
9 270 ± 270 67,900 ± 65,810
Exp. 2 Control 127,300 ± 29,570 0
7 36,500 ± 13,770 0
8 43,900 ± 6,510 0
9 47,400 ± 7,200 0

Fig. 3 FAME profile of lipid extracts from control and each pH treatment
group represented as % of total FAME accumulation while minimizing abundance of undesired organ-
isms. This is one of few experiments that separate the effects of
Invading organism densities for the second experiment CO2 addition, a required component of photosynthesis, from
were also analyzed. These cultures contained exclusively the effects of pH changes. Spolaore et al. (2006) utilized buffers
diatoms (Table 2). pH significantly effected diatom density to explore the effect of pH on Nannochloropsis oculata growth
(one-way ANOVA—df = 3, F = 6.27, p =0.0170). Tukey’s rates. However, they do not consider lipid accumulation and
test shows a significant lower diatom density in treatments their experiment is conducted in a laboratory setting, making
buffered to pH 7, 8, and 9 compared to the unbuffered control. invading organisms less of an issue. Rocha et al. (2003) utilized
a buffer in their research, but they did not explore the effects of
different pH levels; instead, they were able to show that Tris/
Discussion HCl buffer (40 mM), keeping a constant pH 8, had a positive
effect on the growth rate of Nannochloropsis gaditana.
Our research suggests that a pH of 8 might be ideal to maximize Our observed optimum pH range for N. salina growth was
growth, reach high cell densities, and maximize lipid pH 8–9. We found that N. salina was not able to grow at pH 10,

Table 1 Percent of total FAME distribution between control versus treatments

Control pH 7 pH 8 pH 9

C12:0 0.20 ± 0.000 0.24 ± 0.000 0.23 ± 0.000 0.21 ± 0.000

C14:0 3.08 ± 0.002 3.56 ± 0.002 3.22 ± 0.001 3.20 ± 0.001
C15:0 0.37 ± 0.001 0.45 ± 0.000 0.40 ± 0.000 0.37 ± 0.000
C16:0 37.59 ± 0.010 36.88 ± 0.006 37.54 ± 0.006 37.16 ± 0.013
C16:1 43.38 ± 0.010 44.88 ± 0.006 43.72 ± 0.004 43.79 ± 0.006
C17:0 0.31 ± 0.001 0.34 ± 0.000 0.29 ± 0.000 0.31 ± 0.000
C18:0 1.95 ± 0.001 1.69 ± 0.002 1.82 ± 0.001 1.90 ± 0.001
C18:1n9c 8.88 ± 0.005 7.56 ± 0.005 8.30 ± 0.004 9.01 ± 0.005
C18:2n6c 0.47 ± 0.001 0.47 ± 0.001 0.48 ± 0.000 0.47 ± 0.000
C18:3n6 0.48 ± 0.001 0.37 ± 0.000 0.54 ± 0.001 0.38 ± 0.002
C20:3n6 0.32 ± 0.001 0.35 ± 0.001 0.38 ± 0.000 0.34 ± 0.000
C20:4n6 0.97 ± 0.001 1.00 ± 0.003 0.96 ± 0.001 0.96 ± 0.002
C20:5n3 1.99 ± 0.005 2.18 ± 0.005 2.13 ± 0.005 1.90 ± 0.003
Sum of saturated 43.51 43.18 43.50 43.15
Sum of monounsaturated 52.26 52.45 52.02 52.80
Sum of polyunsaturated 4.23 4.37 4.48 4.05
Sum of unsaturated 56.49 56.82 56.50 56.85
Sum of polyunsaturated/sum of unsaturated 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.09
Sum of monounsaturated/sum of polyunsaturated 12.35 11.99 11.62 13.02
1436 J Appl Phycol (2014) 26:1431–1437

while still growing well at pH 7. This led to our regression available inorganic carbon (Moheimani and Borowitzka
analysis predicting pH 7.7 as the optimum pH, closer to pH 7/8 2011). Diatoms did not appear to be influenced by pH, rather
than 9/10. Our results are similar to findings by Spolaore et al. than the addition of buffers themselves. To date, we have no
(2006) who also did not alter inorganic carbon supply, with an explanation for this finding. Generally, invading organisms
optimum pH of 8.4 for N. oculata. Most other studies in which are difficult to evaluate and will vary by geographical location
pH manipulation occurs through CO2 supply typically find and season. Thus, much more research on invading organisms
lower pH optima (7–7.8) for Nannochloropsis spp (Abu-Rezq is needed. Unfortunately, we did not consider bacteria and
et al. 1999; Brown et al. 1993; Sukenik et al. 1993). Growth viruses in our study. Another essential component of invaders
rates for previous experiments employing a similar setup than (SevrinReyssac et al. 1996), especially when considering
used in this study (Bartley et al. 2013), where algae were grown alternative water sources like wastewater (Sigala and Unc
unbuffered at salinities of 34 PSU, were less than growth rates 2012) for algae cultivation, should be more closely observed
for this experiment at treatments buffered to pH 8 or 9 (0.13 vs. in the future. Invading organisms occurred at low density and
0.19, respectively). And while these growth rates are only are unlikely to have significantly altered lipid measurements
relative values obtained in a model system not aimed at max- in this experiment.
imizing growth rates in general, this suggests that the buffers for In conclusion, we find that pH of around 8 seems most
pH 8 and 9 did not negatively impact growth of N. salina. beneficial for maximum growth rate and lipid accumulation of
However, since we used different buffers for different pH N . salina and to minimize invading organisms. Although
values, we cannot exclude the possibility that some of the other adding buffers will not be cost effective or realistic at a large
buffers were toxic to the algae. However, we are able to argue scale, we were able to demonstrate that higher pH values per
that Nannochloropsis cultures are able to tolerate high pH se do not slow Nannochloropsis production. Thus, the addi-
values (8 and 9). This is independent of findings that algae tion of CO2 at large scales is mostly valuable for providing an
can benefit from carbon addition, when CO2 is used to manip- inorganic carbon source for algae.
ulate pH, and thus may show higher growth rates at lower pH.
We were able to find only one previous study that explored Acknowledgments We are grateful for the valuable work from the
the effects of pH on lipid accumulation. Moheimani (2013) following undergraduate students: Herman Campos, Levi Chavez, Renee
found pH 7 and 7.5 ideal for lipid accumulation in Tetraselmis Pardee, Herberto Chaparro, and Zach Brecheisen. Darren James provided
valuable help with statistical analyses for this research. This work is
suecica and Chlorella sp. While we found no significant effect supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-
of pH change on lipid accumulation, the treatment with a pH EE0003046 awarded to the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels
change to 8 exhibited the greatest overall accumulation (aver- and Bioproducts. This is a New Mexico Agricultural Experiment Station
aging 24.75 % by mass). Another study (Griffiths and Harrison publication, supported by state funds and the U.S. Hatch Act.
2009) reports average lipid contents of 27 % of dry weight
(nutrient replete) and 46 % of dry weight (nitrogen deficient).
Rodolfi et al. (2008) found that lipid content (% biomass) for References
different Nannochloropsis spp to be 24.4–35.7 %. This indi-
cates that pH might not be an important stress factor that Abu-Rezq TS, Al-Musallam L, Al-Shimmari J, Dias P (1999) Optimum
triggers increased lipid accumulation. Previous research production conditions for different high-quality marine algae.
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had no effect on the fatty-acyl profile observed for each treat- Effects of salinity on growth and lipid accumulation of biofuel
ment. In general, we found a low abundance of C20:5n3 in N. microalga Nannochloropsis salina and invading organisms. Bio-
mass Bioenergy 54:83–88
salina, which is the ω-3 fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid meth- Becker EW (1994) Microalgae biotechnology and microbiology. Cambridge
yl ester, an essential fatty acid and known health supplement. University Press, Cambridge
In the experiment described here, invading organisms were Borowitzka MA (1998) Limits to growth. In: Wong YS, Tam NFY (eds)
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Boussiba S, Vonshak A, Cohen Z, Avissar Y, Richmond A (1987) Lipid
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