Instructions: Create A Social Narrative (Social Story) For A Grade 6 Student With ASD Who Will Be Attending Their IEP

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Instructions: Create a social narrative (social story) for a Grade 6 student with ASD who will be attending their

review meeting at the end of the school year. Include the following:

 what an IEP is
 what is being reviewed
 who will be in attendance and what their job is
 how long the meeting will take
 where the meeting will take place
 why their (the student’s) opinion matters
 how they can practice explaining to people what they are thinking.

My IEP Meeting
I am going to my My IEP is a My IEP describes My IEP meeting There will be a lot
IEP meeting on document that my strengths and is about me. It is of people in the
June 6, 2020. It describes what I my stretches and time for me to talk room. Even
will be in the need to learn. It give helpful to the adults and though I know
conference room also includes all strategies for my review my everyone, it is
at my school. the services that I teachers to help learning for this okay to feel
receive. me to learn. year. nervous. *the people
are below

People I know Everyone will It is important for When it’s my It is important for
will be there: My take turns everyone to take turn I will say: me tell them what I
teacher, my introducing turns talking. It My name is Aidan need and I will
parents and my themselves and I might take a long and I am 11 years share a power point
that my teacher and
EA will be there. will introduce time, but it is old and in grade
EA helped me
myself too. important to wait 6. I have Autism make. It talks about
until they are all and I am here to my learning this
finished. tell you how I met year.
my goals this year
Power point: I will be allowed It is also okay to tell My IEP will take I am going to my
to tell them what I them things I don’t a long time IEP meeting to talk
like about school like about school because everyone about my special
My Presentation
this year. They this year. If I find wants to talk. It needs and how I
things hard I can reached my goals.
need to know, so will take one
ask them to help (Coughlin, 2020)
they can help me. hour.


*The people at my meeting and their role:

The Principal is there to represent the school
My Classroom Teacher is there because she teaches me.
The Special Education Teacher, he will chair the meeting and invite everyone. He is in charge
of writing my IEP and setting goals that I can meet.
The Physiotherapist (PT) he helped design my exercise plan so I can get stronger
The Occupational therapist (OT) she helped come up with some adaptations for PE so that it
makes it more fun for me.
The Autism Specialist: she helps everyone follow best practices for ASD and she writes the
social stories that help me learn rules.
Education Assistant: She supports me in my classes and I trust her very much. She helps me on
the playground in math. She reminds me to use my zones of regulation tools.
My Parents: They are my team! They tell the teacher all the great things about me that she
doesn’t know and they try hard to make going to school good for me. They support me in all I


BC Ministry of Education. (2016). SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES: A Manual of Policies,

Procedures and Guidelines. Retrieved 2020, from

Cooper, S. (2019, January 01). Student involvement in IEP meetings in British Columbia.
Retrieved November 12, 2020, from

Coughlin, J. (2020, October). Boardmaker Online. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from

Grey, C. (1992). How to write a social story. Retrieved 2020, from
Moore, S. (2019, May 14). Individual Education Plans. Retrieved November 12, 2020, from

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