Installation Directions: Rosariosis Student Information System
Installation Directions: Rosariosis Student Information System
Installation Directions: Rosariosis Student Information System
For RosarioSIS to work you must first have your web server working, PostgreSQL working, PHP working (including the pgsql , gettext ,
mbstring , gd , curl , xmlrpc & xml extensions). Setting these up varies a lot with operating system so it is well beyond the scope of this brief
install document.
Windows 10 x86 with Apache 2.4.16, Postgres 9.3.6, and PHP 5.4.45
Ubuntu 14.04 with Apache 2.4.18, Postgres 9.3.10, and PHP 5.5.9
Debian Jessie with Apache 2.4.16, Postgres 9.4, and PHP 5.6.13
Debian Stretch with Apache 2.4.25, Postgres 9.6, and PHP 7.0.14
Ubuntu 16.04 with Apache 2.4.18, Postgres 9.5, and PHP 7.3.4
Debian Buster with Apache 2.4.38, Postgres 11.5, and PHP 7.4.6
Shared hosting with cPanel, nginx, Postgres 8.4, and PHP 5.6.27
through Mozilla Firefox
through BrowserStack for cross-browser compatibility (not compatible with Internet Explorer 9 or lower)
$DefaultSyear Default school year. Only change after running the Rollover program.
$RosarioNotifyAddress Email address to receive notifications (new administrator, new student / user, new registration).
$RosarioLocales Comma separated list of locale codes. Check the locale/ folder for available codes.
Optional variables
Now, you're ready to setup the RosarioSIS database. If you have access to the command prompt for your server, follow these
5. Logout of PostgreSQL:
postgres=# \q
Also, the pg_hba.conf file may have to be altered to enable password ( md5 ) peer authentication:
and login as 'admin' password 'admin'. With this login, you can create new users, and change and delete the three template users.
To help you spot installation problems, point your browser to:
PHP extensions
Install instructions for Ubuntu 16.04:
server$ sudo apt-get install php-pgsql php-gettext php-mbstring php-gd php-curl php-xmlrpc php-xml
Recommended PHP configuration settings. Edit the php.ini file as follows:
max_execution_time = 240
max_input_vars = 4000
memory_limit = 768M
Other languages
Install instructions for Ubuntu 16.04. Install the Spanish language:
Install instructions for Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial):
Send email
Install instructions for Ubuntu 16.04. Activate the PHP mail() function:
Additional configuration
Quick Setup Guide