Evaluation of This Document Is Needed Every Year: A. Details of Course

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SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document

Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department)
Universitas Airlangga 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Revision - Dr. Atik Choirul Hidajah, dr., Dr. Santi Martini,
January 1st, 2019 Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si.,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year

1. Course Name Screening in Public Health
2. Course Code KME 414
3. Credits (SKS) 3 (three) SKS
4. Semester / Term VII (seventh)
5. Study Program Bachelor of Public Health
6. Graduate Learning Outcomes After completing this course, students are expected to have the ability to design screening activities and analyze and present the results of the
7. Course Learning Outcomes Correctly defining the problem
8. Course Description This course discusses the principles of screening, analyzes screening programs and the ability of screening tools, screening activities on health
diseases/problems, physical and laboratory examinations for screening, and designing, implementing, and presenting the results of screening.
The learning activities are conducted in classrooms, laboratories, and on the ground. The dissemination of the material can be in the form of
theory and practice. The academic activities are carried out by lecture, discussion, Practice, and practice.
9. Course Prerequisites (if any) Basic Epidemiology ; Epidemiology of Communicable Disease ; Epidemiology of Non Communicable Disease
10. Instructor Dr. Atik Choirul Hidajah, dr., M.Kes
11. Teaching Assistants Dr. Atik Choirul Hidajah, dr., M.Kes
Prijono Satyabhakti, dr.,MS.,MPH
Kurnia Dwi Artanti,dr.,M.Sc

SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department)
Universitas Airlangga 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Revision - Dr. Atik Choirul Hidajah, dr., Dr. Santi Martini,
January 1st, 2019 Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si.,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (nomor)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 Students are able to explain Review of the 1. Lectures Presentation 2 x 50 1. Discipline 2, 11, 22
the definition, types, screening concept: 2. Discussions materials, minutes 2. Communicati
purposes, and benefits of a. Definition 3. Practice to access LCD, on
screening and analyze the b. Type screening materials Worksheet, 3. Critical
ability of screening tools c. Objectives and and thinking
benefits Whiteboard
d. Validity
e. Reliability
2 Students are able to explain Application of 1. Lectures Presentation 2 x 50 1. Discipline
the application of screening screening for several 2. Discussions materials, minutes 2. Communicati
for diseases/health problems health LCD, and on 1, 10,
problems/diseases: Whiteboard 3. Critical 12, 18,
a. Diabetes Mellitus thinking 19, 22
b. Screening for 5, 15,
Hypertension 19, 20,
and Vascular 22
3 Students are able to explain Application of 1. Lectures Presentation 2 x 50 1. Discipline
the application of screening screening for several 2. Discussions materials, minutes 2. Communicati
for diseases/health problems health LCD, and on 7, 8, 13,
problems/diseases: Whiteboard 21, 22
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department)
Universitas Airlangga 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Revision - Dr. Atik Choirul Hidajah, dr., Dr. Santi Martini,
January 1st, 2019 Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si.,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (nomor)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a. Cancer Screening 3. Critical
b. Anemia thinking 4, 16, 22
4 Students are able to explain Application of 1. Lectures Presentation 2 x 50 1. Discipline
the application of screening screening for several 2. Discussions materials, minutes 2. Communicati
for diseases/health problems health LCD, and on
problems/diseases: Whiteboard 3. Critical
a. Malaria thinking 6, 14, 22
Screening 3, 9,
b. TB - HIV
5 Students are able to conduct Physical and Practicum Laboratory 2 x 50 1. Discipline 23, 24, 25,
physical and laboratory laboratory equipments minutes 2. Communicati 26
examinations for screening examination for on
activities and providing screening: 3. Critical
interpretation of the results Pulse Check, TD, thinking
of the examinations being RR 4. Teamwork
carried out
6 Students are able to conduct Physical and Practicum Laboratory 2 x 50 1. Discipline 23, 24, 25,
physical and laboratory laboratory equipments minutes 2. Communicati 26
examinations for screening examination for on
activities and providing screening:
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department)
Universitas Airlangga 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Revision - Dr. Atik Choirul Hidajah, dr., Dr. Santi Martini,
January 1st, 2019 Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si.,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (nomor)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
interpretation of the results a. Examination of 3. Critical
of the examinations being blood smears thinking
carried out b. Examination of 4. Teamwork
7 Students are able to conduct Physical and Practicum Laboratory 2 x 50 1. Discipline 23, 24, 25,
physical and laboratory laboratory equipments minutes 2. Communicati 26
examinations for screening examination for on
activities and providing screening: 3. Critical
interpretation of the results Urine analysis thinking
of the examinations being 4. Teamwork
carried out
8 Students are able to analyze Epidemiological 1. Lectures Presentation 2 x 50 1. Discipline 11
screening programs Approach for 2. Discussions materials, minutes 2. Communicati
Screening Program LCD, and on
Evaluation: Whiteboard 3. Critical
a. Study designs thinking
for the 4. Teamwork
evaluation of
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department)
Universitas Airlangga 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Revision - Dr. Atik Choirul Hidajah, dr., Dr. Santi Martini,
January 1st, 2019 Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si.,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (nomor)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
b. Problems in
c. Interpretation of
9 Students are able to design 1. The concept 1. Lectures LCD, 2 x 50 1. Logical Book 3
and conduct screening of 2. Discussions Laptop, minutes thinking Book 5
projects association 3. Practices Worksheet, 2. Critical Book 8
between and thinking
variables of Whiteboard 3. Accuracy
2. Association
10 Students are able to design Screening project: Practicum LCD and 2 x 50 1. Discipline 2, 11, 22
and conduct screening Compiling a Laptop minutes 2. Communicati
projects proposal on
3. Critical
4. Teamwork
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department)
Universitas Airlangga 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Revision - Dr. Atik Choirul Hidajah, dr., Dr. Santi Martini,
January 1st, 2019 Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si.,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Criteria and
Indicator of
Skills expected at the end Reference
Additional Evaluation / Mark /
of each learning phase Number
Study Materials Materials Meeting Course Measurable Grade /
Week (Sub-Course Teaching Methods
for Time Objectives Learning Percent
Achievement) Ref.
Learning Outcome age (%)
(C, A, P) (nomor)
(hard dan soft
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 Students are able to design Screening project: Practicum LCD and 2 x 50 1. Discipline 2, 11, 22
and conduct screening Conducting Laptop minutes 2. Communicati
projects screening on
3. Critical
4. Teamwork
12 Students can explain Screening project: Practicum LCD and 2 x 50 1. Discipline 2, 11, 22
experimental research Writing a report Laptop minutes 2. Communicati
3. Critical
4. Teamwork
13. Students are able to design Presentation Presentations Presentation 2 x 50 1. Discipline Book 3
presentation on the results Seminar materials, minutes 2. Communicati Book 5
of the screening project LCD, and on Book 8
Whiteboard 3. Critical
4. Teamwork


SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department)
Universitas Airlangga 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Revision - Dr. Atik Choirul Hidajah, dr., Dr. Santi Martini,
January 1st, 2019 Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si.,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
Required Readings :
1. American Diabetes Asscociation, 2002. Screening for Diabetes, Diabetes Care, Vol 25, Suplement 1, January, pp: 521-4
2. Bonita, R., Beaglehole, R., Kjellström, T., 2006. Basic Epidemiology 2nd Edition, WHO, Geneva
3. Cain, K.P., Kimberly D. McCarthy, K.D., Heilig, C.M., Monkongdee, P., Tasaneeyapan, T., Kanara, K., Kimerling, M.E., Chheng, P., Thai, P., et al., 2010. An Algorithm for
Tuberculosis Screening and Diagnosis in People with HIV, N Engl J Med, 362:707-16.
4. Cantor, A.G., Bougatsos, C., Dana, T., Blazina, I., McDonagh, M., 2015. Routine Iron Supplementation and Screening for Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy: A Systematic
Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, Annals of Internal Medicine , Vol. 162, No. 8, pp: 566-76
5. Celermajer, D.S., Chow, C.K., Marijon, E., Anstey, N.M., Woo, K.S., 2012. Cardiovascular Disease in the Developing World Prevalences, Patterns, and the Potential of Early
Disease Detection, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Vol. 60, No. 14, ISSN 0735-1097/$36.00 Published by Elsevier Inc.
6. Crowell, V., Olivier JT Briët , O.J. T., Hardy, D., , Chitnis, N., Maire, N., Di Pasquale, A., Smith, T.A., 2013. Modelling the cost-effectiveness of mass screening and treatment
for reducing Plasmodium falciparum malaria burden, Malaria Journal Vol. 12, No. 4, http://www.malariajournal.com/content/12/1/4
7. Del Mistro, A., Frayle, H., Ferro, A., Callegaro, S., Del Sole, A., Stomeo, A., Cirillo, E., et al., 2014. Cervical cancer screening by high risk HPV testing in routine practice: results
at one year recall of high risk HPV-positive and cytology-negative women, J Med Screen, Vol. 21(1), pp: 30–7, sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav, DOI:
10.1177/0969141314522219, msc.sagepub.com
8. Duffy S. W., Hofvind, S., Michalopoulos, D., 2014. Trends in aggregate cancer incidence rates in relation to screening and possible overdiagnosis: A word of caution, J Med
Screen, Vol. 21(1), pp: 24–9, sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.naDOI: 10.1177/0969141313517676 msc.sagepub.com
9. Elliot, C., Hall, J., 2015. Tuberculosis testing: Which patients, which test?, The Journal of Family Practice, Vol 64, No 9, pp: 553-65
10. Friderichsen B., Maunsbach, M., 1997. Glycosuric tests should not be employed in population screenings for NIDDM, Journal of Public Health Medicine , Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 55-
11. Gordis, L., 2008. Epidemiology 4th Edition, Saunders, Philadelphia
12. Heron, C. A., 1979. Screening in Diabetes Mellitus: Report of the Atlanta Workshop, Diabetes Care, Vol 2, No. 4, July-August, pp: 357-62
13. Lauby-Secretan, B., Scoccianti, C., Loomis, D., Benbrahim-Tallaa, L., Bouvard, V., Bianchini, F., Straif, K., 2015. Breast-Cancer Screening — Viewpoint of the IARC Working
Group, N Engl J Med, 372, 24, nejm.org
14. Lee SH, Kara UAK, Koay E, Lee MAC, Lam Sd, Teo, D., 2002. New Strategies for the Diagnosis and Screening of Malaria, International Journal of Hematology, 76,
Supplement I, pp: 291-3
15. Lip, G.Y.H., Barnet, A.H., Bradbury, A., Cappucio, F.P., Gill, P.S., Hughes, E., Imray, C., Jolly, K., Patel, K., 2007. A Ethnicity and cardiovascular disease prevention in the
United Kingdom: a practical approach to management, Journal of Human Hypertension , 21, pp: 183–211, Nature Publishing Group All rights reserved 0950-9240/07,
16. McDonagh, M.S., Blazina, I., Dana, T., Cantor, A., Bougatsos, A., 2015. Screening and Routine Supplementation for Iron Deficiency Anemia: A Systematic Review, Pediatrics,
135 (4), pp: 724-33, DOI: 10.1542/peds.2014-3979
SEMESTER LEARNING PLAN Prepared by Examined by Approved by Document
Registration Number
(Person in Charge) (Head of Bachelor Program / Vice Dean I
SLP Head of Department)
Universitas Airlangga 01/S1Kesmas/RPS/2019
Revision - Dr. Atik Choirul Hidajah, dr., Dr. Santi Martini,
January 1st, 2019 Dr. Diah Indriani, S.Si.,
Date M.Kes M.Si dr., M.Kes
Faculty of Public Health Valid on
Semester (odd/even) Odd Semester
/ Academic Year 2019/2020
(sign) (sign) (sign)
• Evaluation of this document is needed every year
17. Nosratnejad, S., Barfar, E., Hosseini,H., Barooti, E., Rashidian, A., 2014. Cost-effectiveness of Anemia Screening in Vulnerable Groups: A Systematic Review, Int J Prev Med,
5(7): pp: 813–9, PMCID: PMC4124557
18. Sheehy, A. M., Flood, G.E., Wen-Jan T., Jinn-ing L., Coursin, D.G., Smith, M.A., 2010. Analysis of Guidelines for Screening Diabetes Mellitus in an Ambulatory Population,
Mayo Clin Proc. January, 85(1), pp: 27-35, doi:10.4065/mcp.2009.0289 www.mayoclinicproceedings.com
19. Sowers, J.R., Epstein, M., Frohlich, E.D., 2001. Diabetes, Hypertension, and Cardiovascular Disease An Update, Hypertension, 37, pp: 1053-1059. doi:
20. Thompson, M., Dana, T., Bougatsos, C., Norris, S.L., Blazina, I., 2013.Screening for Hypertension in Children and Adolescents to Prevent Cardiovascular Disease, Pediatrics,
Volume 131, Number 3, pp: 490-525, www.pediatrics.org/cgi/doi/10.1542/peds.2012-3523 doi:10.1542/peds.2012-3523
21. Wardle, J., Robb, K., Vernon, S., Waller, J., 2015. Screening for Prevention and Early Diagnosis of Cancer, Vol. 70, No. 2, pp: 119–33, http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0037357
22. Wilson, J.M.G., Jungner, G., 1968. Priciple and Practice of Screening for Disease, WHO, Geneva
23. A.P., Pradono, Suromo, L. “Pemeriksaan Laboratorium Rutin”, Processing Kursus Penyegar & Penambah Ilmu Kedokteran II, FK UNDIP/RS Kariadi, Semarang.
24. Atlas Hematologi
25. Ganong (1985). Ilmu Faal (terjemahan), EGC.
26. Guyton. (1985). Fisiologi Kedokteran (terjemahan), EGC

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