Low Heat Input Welding To Improve Impact Toughness of Multipass FCAW-S Weld Metal
Low Heat Input Welding To Improve Impact Toughness of Multipass FCAW-S Weld Metal
Low Heat Input Welding To Improve Impact Toughness of Multipass FCAW-S Weld Metal
Original Research Article Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology 28(6), 540-545 December, 2014
KEY WORDS: FCAW-S, Reheating, Heat input, Impact toughness, Hydrogen content
ABSTRACT: Multipass self-shielded flux cored arc welding with different heat inputs (1.3–2.0 kJ/mm) was conducted to determine the effects of
the heat input on the proportion of the reheated region, impact toughness, and diffusible hydrogen content in the weld metal. The reheated region
showed twice the impact toughness of the as-deposited region because of its fine grained ferritic-pearlitic microstructure. With decreasing heat input,
the proportion of the reheated region in the weld metal became higher, even if the depth of the region became shallower. Accordingly, the greatest
impact toughness, 69 J at -40°C, was obtained for the lowest heat input welding, 1.3 kJ/mm. Irrespective of the heat input, little difference was
observed in the hardness and diffusible hydrogen content in the weld metal. This result implies that low heat input welding with 1.3 kJ/mm can
be performed to obtain a higher proportion of reheated region and thus greater impact toughness for the weld metal without the concern of
hydrogen cracking.
Low Heat Input Welding for Improvement of Impact Toughness of Multipass FCAW-S Weld Metal 541
the hydrogen content are rarely found. In this work, multipass residual hydrogen before welding, the specimens were
FCAW-S weld metals were fabricated with different heat degassed at 400℃ for two hours in air. After degassing, the
inputs. The improvement of impact toughness in the reheated specimens were ground to remove the oxide layer and
region was ascertained first, and then the effects of heat input degreased in acetone. The specimens were assembled in a
on the proportion of the reheated region, impact toughness, copper welding fixture and welded with three different heat
and hydrogen content of weld metal were investigated. inputs. The weld was quenched rapidly after welding and
stored at –70℃ or a lower temperature. The mercury displacement
2. Experimental Procedures procedure using eudiometer tubes was used to measure
diffusible hydrogen contents according to the recommendations
Three FCAW-S multipass welds with different heat inputs, of the AWS specification. After measuring the amount of
1.3, 1.6, and 2.0 kJ/mm, were fabricated in a 29 mm thick weld metal hydrogen, the values were corrected for the
plate using 2.0 mm diameter AWS E81T8-Ni1 wire. The weld standard temperature, atmospheric pressure, and humidity
beads were laid using the stringer bead technique in a Vee conditions. The values were reported in terms of 100 g deposited
butt joint. The welding parameters and joint configuration metal.
used are shown in Table 1.
Constant values of welding current, 200 A, and voltage, 20 3. Results And Discussion
V, were used for all welds, and a range of travel speeds
from 120 to 180 mm/min was used to obtain three different In multipass welding, except for the final layer, all layers
heat inputs. Macrosections of three welds are shown in Fig. are reheated by successive passes and thus the weld metal
1. Standard optical microstructural observations in the weld consists of two regions: as-deposited and reheated regions. As
metals were conducted. Vickers hardness of the weld metals the microstructures differ considerably between the two regions,
was also measured. it is possible to distinguish the two by optical microscopic
The diffusible hydrogen content in weld metals was observations. Figure 2 shows a typical microstructure of a
determined according to AWS A4.3-86. The test specimens, weld metal containing two regions. Region ⓐ is an as-
which were composed of a center test piece and the starting deposited region. Region ⓑ is a reheated region that is affected
and run-off tabs, were made from 600 MPa grade high by the successive pass. Magnified microstructures of each
tensile strength steel(JIS G 3103 SM570). For the removal of region are shown in Fig. 3. The as-deposited region (a)
120 2.0
180 1.3
Fig. 1 Macrosection of three different welds. (a) 2.0 kJ/mm, (b) 1.6 kJ/mm, (c) 1.3 kJ/mm
542 Kook-soo Bang, Chan Park and Ho-shin Jeong
Fig. 2 Typical microstructure of multipass weld metal Fig. 3 Microstructure of (a) as-deposited and (b) reheated region
4. Conclusions
Fig. 8 Weld cooling curve when welded with 1.3 kJ/mm heat inputs, 1.3-2.0 kJ/mm, were conducted to determine the
effects of heat input on the proportion of the reheated region,
If lower heat input welding is conducted to utilize the impact toughness, and diffusible hydrogen content of weld
beneficial effect on the impact toughness, weld metal hydrogen metal. Important findings are as follows.
cracking can be a problem. After welding, weld metal (1) Due to the fine grained ferritic-pearlitic microstructure,
inevitably contains some diffusible hydrogen; in combination the reheated region in the weld metal had much higher
with the hardened microstructure, this can lead to hydrogen impact toughness than the as-deposited region. The thermal
average in parentheses cracking in weld metal. Welding with simulation test showed that the reheated region has two
lower heat input facilitates faster cooling of the weld metal, times greater impact toughness than the as-deposited region.
giving less time for hydrogen to diffuse away from the weld (2) Even if shallower reheated regions are formed, a higher
metal. Moreover, hardened microstructures are easily formed proportion of reheated region was obtained in lower heat
during fast cooling. Cooling rate was determined to estimate input welding because of the larger number of reheated
the effect of heat input on the cooling time in this regions. Accordingly, the largest impact toughness, 69 J at -40℃,
experiment. Cooling curve was obtained by plunging a was obtained in the lowest heat input welding of 1.3 kJ/mm.
W-5%Re/W-26%Re thermocouple of 0.3 mm diameter into a (3) Because of little difference of cooling rate between the
weld pool. Figure 8 shows a typical cooling curve obtained in heat inputs, almost same hardness and diffusible hydrogen
1.3kJ/mm welding for an example. It shows that the time for content are obtained in the weld metals. This suggests that
the weld metal to cool down to 300℃ is about 14s. low heat input welding with 1.3 kJ/mm can be performed to
Meanwhile, the time was 17 s in 1.6 kJ/mm, and 19 s in 2.0 get a high proportion of reheated regions and thus high
Low Heat Input Welding for Improvement of Impact Toughness of Multipass FCAW-S Weld Metal 545