Pck3: Technology For Teaching and Learning 1 TTH 7:00 - 8:30Pm Mr. Edwin Fuego
Pck3: Technology For Teaching and Learning 1 TTH 7:00 - 8:30Pm Mr. Edwin Fuego
Pck3: Technology For Teaching and Learning 1 TTH 7:00 - 8:30Pm Mr. Edwin Fuego
3. How do educational technology, instructional technology and technology integration, educational media
relate to one another?
ACTIVITY: Brainstorming
In two minutes, write down anything that comes to mind when you hear the phrase educational technology.
I learned that.....
The due date for posting to this forum is Saturday, 5 September 2020, 12:00 PM.
3. How do educational technology, instructional technology and technology integration, educational media
relate to one another?
• To know what is educational technology;
• To compare educational technology with technology in education;
• To compare and contrast educational technology, technology integration and educational media and know
how each relate to one another.
What is the most common?
• Are there words that are related?
• What conclusion can we draw on what most of you think about educational technology?
• Is this common concept on educational technology adequate?
Technology comes from the Greek word "techne"
refers to the art or craft of responding to our educational needs
Educational Technology
- complex, integrated process involving For analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating
and managing solutions to those problems involved in all aspects of human learning.
Educational technology “Consists of the designs and environments that engage learners and reliable technique
or method for engaging learning such as cognitive learning strategies and critical thinking skills.” - Jonassen, et.
Al, 1999.
Educational technology “is a theory about how problems in human learning are identified and solved.” -
Jonassen et. Al, 1999 Moreover… EdTech has an integrated set of principles that explain and predict observed
Educational Technology “is a field involved in applying a complex, integrated process to analyze and solve
problems in human learning.”
Technology in Education
- Application of technology to any of those processes involved in operating the institutions which house
the educational enterprise.
Instructional Technology
• Part of edtech
• Concerned with instruction
• Systematic way of designing, carrying out and evaluating the total process of learning and teaching in
terms of specific objectives.
Technology Integration
• Using learning technologies to introduce, reinforce, supplement and extend skills.
Educational media
• Channels or avenues or instruments of communication
Michael Spector
Educational Technology involves the disciplined application of knowledge for the purpose of improving
learning, instruction and/or performance. [7]
Edtech’s [educational technology’s] definition has evolved over the years as a variation of ways of dealing with
learning processes (2), a conceptual framework (9), theory and practice (5), and the latest study and ethical
practices of dealing with technological processes and resources (1). [8]
Audiovisual communications is the branch of educational theory and practice concerned with the design and
use of messages which control the learning process. It undertakes: (a) the study of the unique and relative
strengths and weaknesses of both pictorial and nonrepresentational messages which may be employed in the
learning process for any reason; and (b) the structuring and systematizing of messages by men and
instruments in an educational environment. These undertakings include planning, production, selection,
management, and utilization of both components and entire instructional systems. Its practical goal is the
efficient utilization of every method and medium of communication which can contribute to the development
of the learners’ full potential. [2]
Educational technology is a field involved in the facilitation of human learning through systematic
identification, development, organization and utilization of a full-range of learning resources and through the
management of these processes. [3]
Educational technology is a complex, integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices and
organization for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating and managing solutions to those
problems involved in all aspects of human learning. [4]
Instructional technology is the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management and
evaluation of processes and resources for learning.
We sometimes think that educational technology is limited to tools and equipment. We were made to
understand that educational technology is more than material for it also includes processes, procedures and
activities, instructional and curricular designs, learning environment and systems. Likewise, we think that
educational technology includes only the recent human inventions like video, computer, CD - ROM and
INTERNET. as though the traditional tools like chalkboard that teachers have been using for all the years are
not part of educational technology. In fact, even today every classroom has a chalkboard. The chalkboard
remains to be a popular equipment in the classroom.
In this section you will reflect on whether this thing called technology is a boon or bane to education, blessing
or a curse to education.
Barely a month ago, I gave a tele-address from Malacanang to the site of 4th. National Convention of
Philippine Government Organization (GOIT). The convention was held in Tacloban, Leyte, an island in southern
Philippines several hundred kilometers from Manila. My rather heavy work schedule prevented me from being
present at the convention, but as a firm believer and a true disciple of true technology as a management tool,
I made that tele- address. I spoke with participants over the airwaves and truly felt the quality of my
interaction with them was no less meaningful and rewarding than if it had occurred in ‘real time’ and ‘real
place’. I had saved valuable time, and as a result, I was able to do more for the day. Just as importantly, my
audience and I accomplish something valuable together.
…technology can be fascinating and mind-boggling in what it can do. It can bring distant places and people
together, establishing invisible but powerful connection. It can transform societies, economics and cultures by
opening them up to other ideas and other options, raising new expectations and creating new needs. It can
release and rechannel previously unknown or wasted energies into more productive endeavours, allowing it
users to pursue more creative goals. But the fact remains that unless technology and all other agents and
factors of modernization are invited with human values and used for social good, then they will be a little
more than expensive toys for the amusement of the few.
…for one thing, the pervasiveness of technology has created learning environment We never imagined just a
few decades ago. Learning has no more boundaries. It is no longer confined to the school campus. The learner
now acquire knowledge Anywhere, anytime in the home, in work places, in recreation areas, in the streets,
the learner has become his or her own investigation seeking knowledge. And the teacher? He or she is no
longer the sole provider of instruction. Together with many, many other stakeholder in education, the teacher
must now provide Learner-centered choices includes the choice of place and time where to access and receive
instruction, the choice of learning style, and the choice of channels and Delivering systems through which
learners gain knowledge. The learner today theoretically at least, has countless choices, and the teacher must
be there to help the learner choose wisely.
What blessing did technology bring? What problems did technology likewise bring? Is technology a boon or
bane? stated more simply the advantage and disadvantage of technology?
Technology is a blessing for man. There are manys that we can do which we could not do then without
techonology. Techonology when not used properly, it becomes a detriment to learning and development
“Technology a BOON or BANE?” Stated more simply is it: A BLESSING or a CURSE? A BLESSING or a
DETRIMENT to a person’s development?
Technology is a blessing for a man. There are many ways that we could not do then without technology.
Technology contributes much to the improvement of the teaching- learning process and to the humanization
of life.
With cellphones, web cams you will be closer to someone miles and miles a way. Many human lives saved
because of speedy notifications via cell phones. Your teaching and learning can be more novel, stimulating,
exciting engaging with the use of multimedia in the classroom. With TV, you can watch events as they
happen all over the globe.
When not used properly, technology becomes a detriment to learning and development. Examples: It can
destroy relationships. Erode marital relationship.
In Education, technology is Bane when: The learner is made to accept as Gospel truth information they get
from the Internet The learner surfs the Internet for pornography The learner has a uncritical mind on
images floating on televisions and computers that represent modernity and progress
The TV makes the learner a mere spectator not an active participant in the drama of life. The learner gets
glued to his computer for computer assisted instruction unmindful of the world and so fails to develop the
ability to relate to others. We make use of the Internet to do character assassination of people whom we
hardly like.
Because of our cell phone, we spend most of time in the classroom or in workplace texting. We use overuse
and abuse TV or film viewing as a strategy to kill time.
Assignment 1
A. Come up with your own listing on how technology can be a blessing or a curse to mankind. Feel free to give
examples drawn from life, not only from inside the classroom. Divide your paper into two. On the first column
write "Technology as Boon" and on the other column "Technology as Bane". Write 5 examples under each
following columns.
Assignment 2
2. "All the technological progress, our very civilization, is like the axe in the hand of the pathological criminal" -
Albert Einstein
3. "If there is a technological advance without social advance, there is, almost automatically, an increase in
human misery" - Michael Harrington
(Write your answer on any paper and take photo of it then upload it to our LMS)
Assignment 3
1. Can technology take the place of the teacher in the classroom? Justify your answer through a 300 words
2. You are a school head. For technology to serve its ultimate purpose to improved learning, you involve you
faculty in the formulation of guidelines on the use of technology in the classroom. Create a list of agenda and
technology driven applications or activities that you want to discuss with the faculty.
1. Go back to your learning experience in school. Recall specific ways by which the use of educational
technology helped you learn.
2. Get a partner and share your experience (identify a partner and shared your answer in advance through
messaging and shared it during online class.
Technology can play a traditional roles, for example, as delivery vehicle for instructional lessons, or in
a constructivist way as partners in the learning process. In the traditional way, the learner learns from the
technology and the technology serves as a teacher.
In other words, the learner learns the content presented by the technology in the same way that the
learner learns knowledge presented by the teacher. In constructivist way: the learners learn from the
technology and the technology serves as a teacher. the learners learn the content presented by the
technology in the same way that the learner learns knowledge presented by the teacher. it makes the learner
gather, think, analyze, synthesize information and construct meaning with what technology presents.
1. Based on experiences shared, which greater role did technology play in your learning experiences:
technology - as - teacher or technology- as - partner in the learning process?
technology helps the learner build more meaningful personal interpretations of life and his/her world.
technology is a learning tool to learn with, not from.
it makes the learner gather, think, analyze, synthesize information and construct meaning with what
technology presents.
Technology serves as a medium in representing what the learner knows and what he/she is learning.
the technology presents that knowledge to the student From the traditional point of view:
The popularity of word processing, databases, spreadsheets, graphic programs and desktop publishing in
the 1980s points to this productive role of educational technology.
With the eruption of the INTERNET in the mid 90's, communications and multimedia have dominated the
role of technology in the classroom for the past few years.
it provides opportunities for technology and learner interaction for meaningful learning.
In this case, technology will not be mere delivery vehicle for content. Rather it is used as facilitator of
thinking and knowledge construction.
1. Technology as a tools to support knowledge construction - for representing learners' ideas, understandings
and beliefs - for producing organized, multimedia knowledge bases by learners
3. Technology as context to support learning-by-doing - for representing and stimulating meaningful real-
world problems, situations and contexts.
- for representing beliefs, perspectives, arguments and stories of others - for defining a safe, controllable
problem space for student thinking
4. Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing - for collaborating with others - for
discussing, arguing and building consensus among members of a community - for supporting discourse among
knowledge-building communities
5. Technology as intellectual partner to support learning-by-reflecting - for helping learners to articulate and
represent what they know - for reflecting on what they have learned and how they came to know it - for
supporting learners internal negotiations and meaning making - for constructing personal representations of
meaning - for supporting mindful thinking.
Technology not only "increases students learning, understanding and achievement but also augments
motivation to learn, encourages collaborative learning and supports the development of critical thinking and
problem- solving skills".
Russell and Sorge (1999) also claims that the proper implementation of technology in the classroom gives
students control of their own learning and . . . tends to move classrooms from teacher-dominated
environments to ones that are more learner-centered.
The use of technology in the classroom enables the teacher to do, differentiated instruction considering the
divergence of students, readiness levels, interests, multiple intelligences and learning styles.
Summing Up
From the traditional point of view: - It serves as representor of knowledge just like teachers. - It also serves
as a productivity tool - With Internet, technology has facilitated communication among people.
From the constructivist perspective: - educational technology is a meaningful learning tool by serving as a
learning partner.
1. A compiled video of the parts of the lesson plan being demonstrated. (by group)
This will be a by group activity. A group of students will be scheduled for a video chat session to critique a
lesson plan written by the other group.