Capital Ratios and Deductions: Core Tier 1/common Equity
Capital Ratios and Deductions: Core Tier 1/common Equity
Capital Ratios and Deductions: Core Tier 1/common Equity
As widely expected, the oversight body of the Basel Committee announced on September 12
2010 that it has endorsed the capital and liquidity reform package originally proposed in
December 2009 and amended in July 2010, known as 'Basel 3'. The Basel 3 package was
proposed to ensure that the financial system cannot suffer the type of collapse and resultant
economic slowdown that occurred between 2007 and 2009. It encompasses:
In addition to confirming that the proposed rules in the December 2009 consultation paper had
been agreed, the committee announced new levels for capital ratios, which have been the subject
of impact assessments and heated debates. Banks had argued that imposing excessively high
capital ratios could lead to a double-dip recession; regulators countered that without robust
ratios, a new crisis could soon strike. The committee has decided to increase the capital
requirements substantially. However, in a concession to the fragile state of the economic
recovery, the transitional arrangements announced are generous, with the full package not taking
effect for eight years.
Although the impact of the Basel 3 rules on an individual bank will depend on its asset/capital
base and on the relevant regulator's application of the rules, the publication of the calibrated
ratios and rules is one of the most significant developments for banks since the crisis began.
Banks can now focus on a future strategy to meet the combined effect of these rules, together
with other recent committee-driven changes.(1) This update summarises the new calibrated Basel
3 rules and the transitional arrangements.
Total Tier 1
The total Tier 1 requirement increases from 4% to 6% under Basel 3, which means that other
types of Tier 1 instrument, known as additional going concern capital, can account for up to
1.5% of Tier 1 capital.
Total capital
The total minimum capital requirement remains at 8%, subject to a new capital buffer. However,
6% of capital must be Tier 1, which means that Tier 2 (which will no longer be divided into
upper and lower tiers) can account for no more than 2% of capital. Tier 3, which is used solely
for market risk purposes, will be removed completely.
Countercyclical buffer
In addition to the conservation buffer, banks may at certain times be required to hold a
countercyclical buffer of up to 2.5% of capital in the form of common equity or other fully loss-
absorbing capital. This buffer is a macro-prudential tool to protect banks from periods of
excessive credit growth and is at the national regulators' discretion. It will therefore apply only
when a national regulator considers that there is excessive credit growth in the national economy,
and will be introduced as an extension of the capital conservation buffer.
Leverage ratio
While banks in the United States have been subject to a leverage ratio for some time, this tool
has never previously been part of the Basel regulatory framework. The committee has agreed to
test an unweighted ratio of 3% over a transition period. It has made a number of changes to
features of the ratio as they were set out in its July 2010 revisions; among other things, it allows
netting based on the Basel 2 rules.
Liquidity rules
The new liquidity coverage ratio and net stable funding ratio will be introduced in accordance
with the timing detailed below. The committee made a number of revisions to the components of
both these ratios in the July 2010 revisions.
Taking into account the continued fragility of global economic growth, the recent statement sets
out highly detailed transitional arrangements.
Regulatory deductions
Deductions will be phased in. Initially, 20% of the required deductions from common equity will
apply by January 1 2014, to be increased by 20% a year thereafter until 100% of the deductions
are made from common equity by January 1 2018.
Capital buffers
The capital conservation buffer will be phased in at 0.625% on January 1 2016 and will reach
2.5% by January 1 2019. The committee also states that banks which meet their general ratios,
but remain below the 7% common equity target during the transition period, should "maintain
prudent earnings" so as to meet the buffer as soon as possible. It is unclear exactly what this
means and whether the requirement catches banks that comply with the transitional capital buffer
phase in requirements over the period until January 1 2019, but do not meet the 7% requirement
until that date - it appears to do so.
Leverage ratio
The 3% ratio requirement will run parallel from January 1 2013 to 2017. The committee will
track the ratio, its component factors and impact over this period and will require bank-level
disclosure of the ratio and its factors from January 1 2015. Based on the results of the parallel
run, final adjustments to the ratio will made in the first half of 2017 and it will be fully effective
from January 1 2018.
Liquidity ratios
The liquidity coverage ratio will be introduced on January 1 2015. The net stable funding ratio
will apply as a minimum standard from January 1 2018.
For further information on this topic please contact Benedict James, Edward Chan, Carson
Welsh or Richard Levy at Linklaters LLP by telephone (+44 20 7456 2000) or by fax (+44 20
7456 2222) or by email (,, or