Interchromosomal Connections and Metaphase 1 Clumping in Meiosis of Two Nigeria
Interchromosomal Connections and Metaphase 1 Clumping in Meiosis of Two Nigeria
Interchromosomal Connections and Metaphase 1 Clumping in Meiosis of Two Nigeria
Short Communication
Key words: Interchromosomal connections; Capsicum annuum L.; Capsicum frutescence; Metaphase 1
chromosomes clumping and Ecological adaptation.
Capsicum annuum and Capsicum frutescence are the number of workers (Myhra and Brogger, 1975; Viinikka
two main species of pepper cultivated in Nigeria. They and Nokkala, 1981; Akpabio, 1990). Chromosomes dur-
are grown in many areas in tracts located away from big ing cell division usually occur as separate entities but
cities where their fruits are harvested and taken to the sometimes they occur as chromatin threads connecting
market for sales. C. annuum has blue anthers, milky the individual chromosomes.
white corollas, inconspicuous calyx lobing and one Often these interconnections are so thin that they
peduncle per node whereas C. frutescence has blue cannot be picked with the light microscope (Akpabio,
anthers, milky-greenish or yellowish white corollas and 1990). Myhra and Brogger (1975) observed that the
two or more peduncles per node (Heiser, 1976). interconnections contain DNA. Generally, the occurrence
These two species form an important ingredient in the or existence of these interconnections has been overlo-
diet of Nigerians and the whole world for which the oked, thus their functions are not understood. This report
pungency is the most important property of the fruits. C. is the first of the occurrence of interconnections in the
frutescence has wide distribution as a wild weedy or genus Capsicum and the first report of its probable
semi-domesticated plant in the tropics. These are extre- relationship with chromosome clumping.
mely pungent peppers that are commonly called bird
chilies. C. annuum on the other hand is said to be the
most widely cultivated and economically important MATERIALS AND METHODS
species of Capsicum and are commonly known as
Four accessions of pepper (C. annuum L. and C. frutescens L)
chilies, red or sweet peppers. They include the sweet and were investigated (Table 1). They were grouped into three varieties
a wide range of pungent peppers (Purseglove, 1968; of C. annuum; grossum, abbreviatum and accuminatum, and one
Heiser, 1976). variety of C. frutescens baccatum after Purseglove (1968). The
Considerable variability exists within these species for plants were raised to maturity in plastic buckets and flower buds
fruit and vegetative characters (Anand et al., 1987). The from them were harvested at the appropriate stage of pollen mother
occurrence of interconnections between non-homologous cell development for meiotic studies. The flower buds were
harvested between 9.30 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. and fixed in ethano-
chromosomes in some stages of mitosis and meiosis in a acetic acid for twenty-four hours. For squash preparation, they were
number of plants and animals has been reported by a rinsed in water and hydrolysed in 18% hydrochloric acid for 2 min.
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Table 1. Description of the pepper (Capsicum spp) plants that were used in this study.
Table 2. Frequencies of interchromosomal connections at diplonema and diakinesis, and clumped metaphase 1 in two species of Capsicum.
Species Chromosome No. of % of cells with bivalents Number % of cells with bivalents % Clumping at
Number cells linked in Diplonema of cells linked in Diakinesis Metaphase 1
2 3 4 2 3 4
TA3 2n=24 100 12.5 3.2 11.2 90 10.6 6.8 5.5 16.8
RO2 2n=24 100 11.2 12.6 13.8 90 12.8 10.5 8.1 25.8
SO1 2n=24 100 15.5 14.5 13.2 90 12.4 9.3 5.3 27.5
WE1 2n=24 100 40.2 27.5 20.9 90 30.6 25.3 18.5 30.4
Figure 3. Metaphase 1 in C. frutescence showing clumped Akpabio KE (1990).Chromosomal interconnections and Metaphase 1
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Figure 4. Metaphase 1 in C. annuum showing clumped Green and Co. Ltd., London. pp. 524-530.
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