Name: Raja Ahsan Waqas Id: 16485 3 Semester (MSPM-Fall-2019) Course: Project Cost Management

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Name: Raja Ahsan Waqas Id: 16485 3rd Semester (MSPM-Fall-2019)

Course: Project Cost Management

Estimate Costs Process:

Estimate Costs is the process of developing an approximation of the cost of
resources needed to complete project work. The key benefit of this process is that
it determines the monetary resources required for the project. This process is
performed periodically throughout the project as needed.

Determine Budget Process:

Determine Budget is the process of aggregating the estimated costs of individual
activities or work packages to establish an authorized cost baseline. The key
benefit of this process is that it determines the cost baseline against which project
performance can be monitored and controlled. This process is performed once or
at predefined points in the project.

Difference between Estimate Costs Process and Determine Budget Process:

Estimate costs is a quantitative Determine budget includes all the

assessment of the likely costs for funds authorized to execute the
resources required to complete the project.

It is a prediction that is based on the It is the approved version of the time-

information known at a given point in phased project budget that includes
time. contingency reserves, but excludes
management reserves.

Estimate costs is an approximation of Determine budget is what you’re

what your project (or piece of it) will allowed to spend.

Estimate costs are simply the costs Determine budget is built using the
associated with the work packages or cost estimates and the project
activities within the project schedule.  schedule. The budget provides a view
of how much the project is estimated
to cost both from a total and a
periodic perspective.
It is important for all cost estimates to Determine budget must be in
include any assumptions that were alignment with the organization’s
made, where did the estimate funding limits in order to ensure the
originate, who provided the funding is available and has been
information, level of confidence, etc. appropriated.

Cost estimating is the process of Budget estimating relies on that

quantifying every resource that is estimate. You have to have an idea of
going to be required to complete a what the cost will be before you set
project. Resources means everything – out to do your budgeting. Budgeting is
labor, materials, land (in the case of the process of identifying not the
construction), and everything else that amounts, but the sources of the funds
needs to be paid for in terms of the to be used to cover the cost estimate.

Cost estimate comes first and is Determine budget is developed

generally a broad, big picture total after the decision to commit is
sum used in cost/benefit analysis made and is generally far more
and strategic decision making detailed, broken into time periods
prior to committing to a course of and used to empower, control and
action. account for operational decisions
made during the actual
implementation of the strategic

Cost estimates include the Determine Budget is the process of

identification and consideration of aggregating the estimated costs of
costing alternatives to initiate and individual activities or work packages
complete the project. to establish an authorized cost

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