Calibration All
Calibration All
Calibration All
KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project
Rev.: A1, 09-Mar-15
Instrument Signal Lines
Project Variations Instrument Air Supply Installation of on-line instruments
Relief devices - Selection, Sizing and
Inspection and functional testing of
P6000CFP. Instrumentation and Fiber Optic Cables --
Document Numbering (Derived from
FDH-008-JB-0005 --
Technical Bulletin No. 33)
SPI Implementation EPC Contractor
P6000CFP. --
P6000CFP. SPI EPC Contractor Requirement --
P6000CFP. SPI Tagging EPC Contractor Requirement --
Term Definition
AAMS Automatic Asset Monitoring System
AAQMS Ambient Air Quality Management System
AMADAS Analyser Management and Data Acquisition System
AML Approved Manufacturing List
API American Petroleum Institute
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
CCR Central Control Room
CEMS Continuous Emission Monitoring System
DCS Distributed Control System
DPDT Double Pole Double Throw
EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility
EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction
FAR Field Auxiliary room
FF Foundation Fieldbus
FGS Fire and Gas System
FMEDA Failure Modes Effects Diagnostics Analysis
FNPT Female National Pipe Thread
HART Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
P6022MAB. Page 6 of 46
KNPC CFP - MAB2 Project
Rev.: A1, 09-Mar-15
Term Definition
ICSS Integrated Control and Safety System
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
IP Ingress Protection
IPS Instrumented Protective System
ISA Instrument Society of America
KNPC Kuwait National Petroleum Company
LCR Local Control Room
MCC Motor Control Centre
NACE National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NAMUR Normenarbeitsgemeinschaft für Mess- und Regeltechnik
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
PEFS Process Engineering Flow Scheme
PID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
PLC Programmable Logic Controllers
PMC Project Management Consultant
PST Partial Stroke Test
SIH Satellite Instrument House
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SIS Safety Instrumented System
SP Smart Plant
SPI Smart Plant Instrumentation
SPDT Single Pole Double Throw
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
Definitions and Abbreviations used in this document are provided in the following Table.
Table 2: Company Definitions
Term Definition
CFP Clean Fuels Project
COMPANY KNPC, Kuwait National Petroleum Company
Fluor, Daewoo Engineering and Construction and Hyundai Heavy Industries Joint
Venture (FDH)
MAB Mina Abdullah Refinery
MAB 2 MAB EPC Package 2 referred as Project Scope
P6022MAB. Page 7 of 46
Page 2 of 19
Equipments required
a) Temperature Bath.
b) Switch Contact
Monitoring Device
Equipments required
Pressure transmitter,
HART communicator,
Hand held test pump
(pressure source).
We have to use
Connect the
communicator with
the transmitter
select the HART
Menu for lower
COMPLETED BY: - Mohammad Muzammil (EMAIL: -
Page 8 of 60
range value trim and upper range value trim using these
HART communicator will automatically calibrate
the transmitter.
Restore the process connection
Take the transmitter on line. Ensure there is no
NOTE: Small example of five point calibration is given below:
Low range value = 0psi
Upper range value = 200psi
(%) (IDEAL)
0% 0 PSI 4.00 mA
25% 50 PSI 8.00 mA
50% 100 PSI 12.00 mA
75% 150 PSI 16.00 mA
100% 200 PSI 20.00 mA
75% 150 PSI 16.00 mA
50% 100 PSI 12.00 mA
25% 50 PSI 8.00 mA
0% 0 PSI 4.00 mA
7. Calibration of DP Transmitter.
Equipments required
a) 24 VDC power supply
b) Multimeter digital
c) Pneumatic hand pump
d) Low pressure hand pump
e) High precision digital test gauge
f) HART communicator.
Equipments required
Data sheet,
Pressure calibrator,
Hart communicator.
9. Calibration of pH Electrode?
Procedure of pH electrode Calibration
Select two buffers that bracket the expected sample
More buffers can be used for greater accuracy over a
wider pH range. For best accuracy, use buffers that are
no more than 3 pH units apart.
Example Calculation:
Product S.G=0.89
Glycol S.G = 1.02
Measurement length = 2000mm.
Off set = 100mm.
Full length =2000+100 = 2100mm.
Note: LRV and URV calculation may have small variation as compare
with HART communicator reading due to calibration with actual
Note: The reason to open the low side (top) isolation valve is to get the
actual pressure vessel.
Example Calculation:
Product S.G=0.89
Glycol S.G = 1.02
Measurement length = 2000mm.
Off set = 100mm.
Full length =2000+100 = 2100mm.
Example Calculation:
DP = HP – LP
Example Calculation:
DP = HP – LP
Example Calculation:
Product S.G =0.667
Capillary S.G = 1.113
Measurement length = 888mm.
DP = HP – LP
Example Calculation:
Product S.G=0.635
Capillary S.G = 1.07
Measurement length = 235mm.
Off set = 400mm.
DP = HP – LP
LRV = 0 – (offset length × Capillary S.G)
= 0 – (400 x 1.07) = – 428mmH2O
URV = (Measurement length × Product S.G) – (Full length × Capillary S.G)
= (235 x 0.635) – (400 x 1.07) = 149.225 – 428
= – 278.775 mmH2O
The span is (Measurement length × Product S.G) = 149.225 mmH20
Note: This example is for onsite calibration without bringing down the
Example Calculation:
Example Calculation:
Equipments required
a) Leveltroll,
b) Multimeter digital
c) Transparent tube
For each 25% step subtract 121.5 Gram weight from hang weight.
COMPLETED BY: - Mohammad Muzammil (EMAIL: -
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Example Calculation:
Product S.G =1
Glycol S.G = 1.02
Measurement length = 2000mm.
Off set = 100mm.
Full length = 2100mm.
Span = (H × D)
= 2000 × 1 = 2000 mmH2O.
DP = HP – LP
LRV = (offset length × product S.G) – (Full length × glycol S.G)
= (100 × 1) – (2100 × 1.02) = 100 – 2142 = – 2042 mmH2O.
URV = (Measurement length × Product S.G) – (Full length × glycol S.G)
= (2100 × 1) – (2100 × 1.02) = 2100 – 2142 = – 42 mmH2O.
Span = URV – LRV = -42 - (2042) = -42 + 2042 = 2000mmH2O
The Range will be: – 2042 to -42 mmH2O.
Example Calculation:
Product S.G =1
Measurement length = 2000mm.
Off set = 100mm.
Full length = 2100mm.
Span = ( H × D)
= 2000 × 1 = 2000 mmH2O.
COMPLETED BY: - Mohammad Muzammil (EMAIL: -
Page 28 of 60
DP = HP – LP
LRV = (offset length × product S.G) – (Full length × product S.G)
= (100 × 1) – (2100 × 1) = 100 – 2100 = – 2000 mmH2O.
URV = (Measurement length × Product S.G) – (Full length × product S.G)
= (2100 × 1) – (2100 × 1) = 2100 – 2100 = 0 mmH2O.
Span = URV – LRV = 0 – (-2000) = 0 + 2000 = 2000mmH2O
The Range will be: – 2000 to 0 mmH2O.
Example Calculation:
Product S.G =1
Glycol S.G = 1.02
Measurement length = 2000mm.
Off set = 100mm.
Full length (LP Side) = 1900mm.
Span = ( H × D)
= 2000 × 1 = 2000 mmH2O.
DP = HP – LP
LRV = {0 - (offset length × product S.G)} – (Full length × glycol S.G)
= {0 - (100 × 1)} – (1900 × 1.02) = (0 – 100) – 1938
= -100 - 1938 = – 2038 mmH2O.
Example Calculation:
Product S.G =1
Measurement length = 2000mm.
Off set = 100mm.
Full length (LP Side) = 1900mm.
Span = ( H × D)
= 2000 × 1 = 2000 mmH2O.
DP = HP – LP
LRV = {0 - (offset length × product S.G)} – (Full length × product S.G)
= {0 - (100 × 1)} – (1900 × 1) = (0 – 100) – 1900
= -100 - 1900 = – 2000 mmH2O.
Equipments required
Data sheet,
Pressure calibrator,
Hart communicator.
Ask panel man to put the controller in manual mode for control loop
and to put it on MOS for ESD loop.
Hook up HART Communicator and verify some parameters by refer to
data sheet. Typical parameters are, tag number, PV, LRV and URV.
Isolate the instrument from the process.
Release both pressure and drain low and high side liquid throughout
manifold drain.
Connect pressure calibrator to high side of manifold.
Expose the low side to atmosphere.
Hook up a multimeter in series with the signal to the DCS to measure
current signal.
Apply pressure as per data sheet LRV (normally 0mmH2O),
Multimeter should show 4mA.
If not, do zero adjustment at transmitter using HART Communicator.
Apply pressure as per data sheet URV, Multimeter should show
If not, do span adjustment at transmitter using HART Communicator.
Verify the linearity by increasing and decreasing the pressure (0%,
25%, 50%, 75%, 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 0% of range).
Fill up back water until half of seal pot.
After completion of the job ask panel operator to put loops back in
normal mode or normalize the MOS.
Equipments required
I/P converter,
Milliamp source,
Pressure source(20 psi),
Master gauge.
Note: No need of external power supply (24vdc) for working (neither for
Equipments required
a) Air Instrument.
b) Loop Calibrator (4 – 20 mA).
c) Connector.
d) Tubing and ferrule sets.
Example calculation:
A: Max travel from stem = 70mm
B: Scale plate = 50mm
New open adjustment should be (50/70) × 100 = 71.48%
Equipments required
Data sheet,
Hart communicator.
Ask panel man to put the controller in manual mode for control loop.
Isolate the Valve from the process.
WARNING: The Isolation of control valve from the process shall be
done by field operator. Careful step shall be done to
ensure no upset to the operation.
Hook up HART Communicator and verify some parameters by refer to
data sheet such as Tag Number, OP and etc.
Change from normal mode to setup mode.
Select auto find stop (wait some minute).
If full open is more than 100% select open adjustment and put new
number as per calculation.
Make an auto calibration (wait some minute).
Verify the linearity by increasing and decreasing the travel (0%, 25%,
50%, 75%, 100%, 75%, 50%, 25% and 0% of range).
After completion of the job ask panel operator to put loops back in
normal mode.
Fill the calibration form and file it for future reference.
Equipments required:
Control valve.
Pressure source.
Conventional transmitters
Analogue one-way signal
Only one variable.
A pair of cable to each instrument.
Conversion of mA signal to digital for I/O subsystem.
Percentage, % = ((X-
X is current signal in ma
An electronic Pressure transmitter is ranged -1 to 5 Bar
and has a 4-20 ma. Calculate the Percentage output by
this transmitter if the measured output current is 13ma.
Percentage % = ((X-4)/16)(100)
= ((13-4)/16)(100)
= 56.25
2. Formula for percentage to 4-20ma Conversion
Current (mA) = [(16ma)(X/100)]+4
Where “X” is desired percentage of
calculate the ma for 40 % of signal
Current (mA) = (16 ma)(x/100)+4
= (16)(40/100)+4
= 10.4 ma
Process Variable =
Span(X/100) +LRV
Span = (URV) – (LRV)
X is Percentage of signal
URV is Upper Range of value
LRV is Lower range of value
Percentage % = ((Process
Variable – LRV)/Span)(100)
Span = URV-LRV
URV upper range value
LRV lower range value
An electronic Pressure transmitter is ranged -1 to 5 Bar and has
a 4-20 ma. Calculate the Percentage output by this transmitter
if the measured Pressure is 1 Bar
Span = 5 – (-1) = 6
Percentage % = ((Process variable – LRV)/Span)(100)
=((1-(-1))/6)(100) = 33.33 %.
5. 4-20 mA formulas and Examples
Example 3 :
A Flow transmitters output current is 16.5mA and its range is
0-1500 m3/hr. Calculate the equivalent flow rate value.
PV = ( (I − 4 ) / 16) × ( PVmax − PVmin ) + PVmin
PV = ( (16.5 − 4 ) / 16) × ( 1500 − 0 ) + 0
PV = 1171.87 m3/hr
Put Values in Formula
PV – 0 = mA – 4
SPAN = 50 – 0
SPAN = 50
PV – 0 = 0.5 * 50
PV = 0.5 * 50
PV = 25
Formula :
First calculate equivalent
percentage from the process
Percentage = ( X – LRV / URV
– LRV ) . 100
Then calculate equivalent 4-
20mA signal from percentage
4-20mA = ( Percentage + 25 ) / 6.25
Formula :
First Calculate equivalent
Percentage from 4-20mA
Percentage = (X * 6.25 ) – 25
Process Variable =
[(Percentage * (URV – LRV)
/100)] + LRV
X is 4-20mA signal
LRV is Lower Range Value
URV is Upper Range Value
Example :
A Temperature transmitter with a range of 0 to 250 deg C and
its output is 15.5 mA. Calculate equivalent temperature value.
Lower Range Value, LRV = 0
Upper Range Value, URV = 250
Output Current in range of 4-20mA, X = 15.5 mA
Percentage = ( X * 6.25 ) – 25 = (15.5 * 6.25) – 25 = 71.875 %
Square root ma = {√ [(X-4)/16] }
.16 + 4
X is Linear ma Value
Convert 12 ma linear to square root ma
Square root ma = {√ [(X-4)/16 ] } .16 + 4
= √ ((12-4)/16 ).16)+4
= 15.31 ma
Formula for Linear Percentage to Square root Percentage
Square root % = Sqrt(X). (10)
X is Linear Percentage Value
Convert 50 % linear to square root
Square root % = √X*10
= √50*10 = 70.71%
x dit = value in question (want to know)
dit min = minimum scale range in question
dit max = maximum scale range in question = 300PSI
x dik = value unknown
dik min = minimum scale of a range of known
dik max = maximum scale of the known range
A temperature transmitter with an input range +50 to 200 ° F
and output range is 4-20mA. what is the output if input
temperature is 61 ° F:
dit min = 4
dit max = 20
x dik = 61
dik min = 50
dik max = 200
Direct signal conversion allows
the signal to pass through the
accessed channel input value
(or the simulated value when
simulation is enabled)
PV = Channel Value
Indirect signal
conversion converts the
signal linearly to the
accessed channel input
value (or the simulated
value when simulation
is enabled) from its
specified range
(XD_SCALE) to the range and units of the PV and OUT
parameters (OUT_SCALE).
EU = ((EUSpan x (DATA – DataOffset))/DataSpan) + EUOffset
ProcessValue = EU / FACTOR
DataOffset = Data in input register at 4 mA (or zero analog
signal of whatever range – for example 0 VDC on a 0-10 VDC
DataSPan = Data at 20 mA – Data @ 4 mA
FACTOR = arbitrary factor (multiple of 10) needed to get proper
resolution and accuracy
EU = Engineering Units x FACTOR
EUOffset = Engineering Units @ 4 mA x FACTOR
EUSpan = (Engineering Units @ 20 mA – Engineering Units @ 4
DATA = Actual data reading in input register
For Example,