Module 2: Introduction To Politics Lesson 1: Meaning of Politics What Is Politics?

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What is Politics?

The word “politics” comes from the Greek word “polis” which means “city-state.” In
the ancient world, city-states are small countries regarded as centers of culture and
civilization where people interact under a unified government. What transpires in
the polis is politics. The origin of the word therefore suggests that politics is a term
encompassing the totality of human activities transpiring within the city-state.

 Politics denotes social activity. It is in essence the interaction of individuals. As

the Greek philosopher, Aristotle explains, it is the master science through which
individuals collectively set structure, purpose, and ideals in their lives. Politics,
therefore, does not emerge from the activities of a single individual but from that of
 Politics is about conflict and cooperation. On the one hand, conflict is caused by
the diversity among individuals. People differ in the way they perceive things and
disagree in almost every conceivable aspect of life. On the other hand, cooperation
is motivated by men’s common goal of achieving a happy life. While it is true that
men argue and fight, it is also undeniable that they desire peace. The process of
overcoming conflict to attain order and thereafter maintain that order in politics. In
other words, politics is essentially conflict resolution.
 Politics is the creation, maintenance, and amendment of societal norms or
rules. While politics as conflict resolution aims at establishing order in the society,
the basis of order today is the law. Undeniably, religion and other archaic institutions
have already lost their central role as sources of order. It is the law now that serves
as the undisputed order-establishing institution. Politics, therefore, in its broad sense
means conflict resolution through the creation, maintenance, and amendment of
societal norms or rules.

Definition of Politics
 Politics is the science of government. As a science, it is a systematic body of
knowledge (for the most part, practical) that deals with the government and
regulation, maintenance and development, and defense and augmentation of the
state. It also deals with the protection of the rights of its citizens, safeguarding and
enhancement of morals, and harmony and peace of human relations.
 Politics is the owning and exercising of power, rule, authority, and influence for
whatever reasons.
 It is commonly defined as the process that determines the distribution of power and
resources and theory of practice of how people influence others in making decisions
and carrying out projects and programs.



1. ORDER - Is central to the study of politics because it shows different components of

human society.

a. COMMUNITY – is one kind of social order which refers to the association of an
individual who shares a common identity.
b. GOVERNMENT – is a higher level of social order that exists primarily for the
maintenance and perpetuation of the community.
c. STATE - is the largest social order today and in which the term politics
originally derived.
2. POWER - The main source of the reign of the government. The possession to govern
or rule the state.
3. JUSTICE - The process of legalizing and penalizing the abuse of political power and
power to rule.


• POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY - It is the traditional approach in which the primary goal is

to understand the essence of the truth about politics.

• POLITICAL SCIENCE - It is the empirical/ objective approach in which it places little

emphasis on abstract and normative question, and concentrates on a dispassionate and
objective of the realities of politics.
In a very simple language, power is the ability to get one’s way—even if it is
based on a bluff. It is how one exercise his will over others or, in other words, it allows
individuals or groups to make their interests or concerns count, even when others resist.
Power is the ability of one actor (A) to make another (B) do something s/he (B) would
not otherwise do.
It sometimes involves the direct use of force. Force is the actual or threatened
use of coercion to impose one’s will on others. When a father slaps the child to prohibit
certain acts, he is applying force. Some scholars have defined it that it necessarily
involves overcoming another’s will.
Power is a central concept when studying politics.
 Who has power?
 How much power does s/he have?
 How is that power exercised?
There are three basic sources of power: force, influence, and authority.
1. Force: As defined earlier, force is the actual (physical force) or threatened (latent
force) use of coercion to impose one’s will on others. When leaders imprison or
even execute political dissidents, they thus apply force. Often, however, sheer
force accomplishes little. Although people can be physically restrained, they
cannot be made to perform complicated tasks by force alone.

2. Influence: It refers to the exercise of power through the process of persuasion. It

is the ability to affect the decisions and actions of others. A citizen may change
his or her position after listening to a stirring speech at a rally by a political
leader. This is an example of the influence that how the efforts to persuade
people can help in changing one’s opinion.

3. Authority: It refers to the power that has been institutionalized and is recognized
by the people over whom it is exercised. It is established to make decisions and
order the actions of others. It is a form of legitimate power. Legitimacy means
that those subject to a government’s authority consent to it.

The people give the ruler the authority to rule, and they obey willingly without the
threat of force. We tend to obey the orders of a police officer because we accept
their right to have power over us in certain situations. Legitimate power is
accepted as being rightfully exercised (for example, power of the king). Thus,
sociologists distinguish power from authority.
1. Formal Power
 Coercive Power: Power that is based on fear.
 Reward Power: Compliance is achieved based on the ability to distribute
rewards that others view as valuable.
 Legitimate Power: The power a person receives as a result of his or her
position in the formal hierarchy of an organization.
 Information Power: Power that comes from access to and control over

2. Personal Power
 Expert Power: Influence that is based on special skills or knowledge.
 Referent Power: Influence that is based on possession by an individual of
desirable resources or personal traits.
 Charismatic Power: An extension of referent power stemming from an
individual’s personality and interpersonal style.
1. The amount of change in the position of the actor influenced.
2. The costs of compliance.
3. The amount of difference in the probability (or frequency) of compliance.
4. Differences in the scope of the responses.
5. The number of respondents.
1. Political Authority - is governmental power. It is the legally established power of
the government to make rules and issue commands and to compel obedience to them,
making use of physical force and coercion when deemed
necessary. Political authority in short, is the legal right--the legally established power--
to govern society.
2. Political Influence - is the ability of private individuals and groups to impact on the
government's making and implementation of official policy decisions. It is a form of
political power exercised by those who do not possess the formal-legal authority, but
have and utilize the ability to condition, modify, and control the official decision-making
behavior of those in government office who do possess the authority to make and
implement the decisions.

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