Smart School Application To Improve Student Learning Motivation

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IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 Received: 04-07-2018, Accepted: 15-08-2018, Published: 05-09-2018



Mingsep R. Sampebua1, Septiani Mangiwa2, Yokelin Tokoro3

Information System of Faculty Mathematics and Natural Science, Cenderawasih University, Papua, Indonesia
Department of Chemistry, Cenderawasih University, Papua, Indonesia
Information System of Faculty Mathematics and Natural Science, Cenderawasih University, Papua, Indonesia

The teaching and learning process in junior high schools in Papua, still conventional, is that teachers deliver subject matter,
assignments, quizzes, gathering assignments and other things related to the teaching and learning process are only carried out in
the classroom so that learning activities are limited by time according to hours lesson. This resulted in the achievement of
competence, completeness of the subject matter, and students' learning motivation was not achieved. Smart solutions to deal with
problems in junior high schools in Papua is to make smart school applications. Smart school applications become blended
learning that combines advance learning methods with online learning systems .Increasing student learning motivation by
implementing a smart school application can form interactions between teachers and students, students and students, and
communication between the school and parents. This can create an effective, efficient and paperless learning environment.

Keywords: - Smart school application, Blended learning, Motivation to learn, Junior high school.

1. INTRODUCTION methods and learning media both in the form of audio and
video visual, in addition to other material in the form of
A one of the national strategic issues that needs to be documents. The design and manufacture of learning material
developed is the application of information and or e-learning content plays an important role because it is
communication technology for increasing, accelerating, and directly related to the learning process of the participants
evenly distributing education throughout Indonesia. (students). Content is an object of learning which is one of
Information technology development is currently very rapid the parameters of e-learning success through the type,
and has become a need to improve the efficiency and content and weight of content (Numiek, 2013).
effectiveness of performance in the world of education that
cannot be avoided. This is very important benefit and can The support for online learning has paved the way for easy
increase student learning motivation and competitiveness, access to the educational resources and also given the
especially junior high school in Papua.The teaching and learners the comfort of learning from their home
learning process currently underway in all junior high (Raghuveer, et al, 2016). The e-learning technology for
schools in Papua is still conventional. The teacher delivered home schooling can take advantage of the services and
lesson material, gave assignments, quizzes, collection of technologies which provided by the application to support
assignments and other things related to the teaching and teaching and sharing of learning resources. Home schooling
learning process only carried out in school (in class) so that can improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of
learning activities were limited by time according to class online learning. To implement effective home school
hours. The process of teaching and learning activities is only system, that needs methodology to be done from analysis of
conducted several times a week, as a result there are subjects organizational characteristics and home school participants
who only get a portion of one meeting a week. This clearly their needs, design, implementation, and evaluation of
makes not much learning material that can be delivered and system (Winarno and Setiawan, 2013). Thus e-learning will
absorbed by students. If there is a teacher who is unable to be able to improve the quality, efficiency and effectiveness
teach then the teaching and learning process is not carried of learning for home school organizers and participants. The
out. Often times students are required to be independent in smart solution to deal with problems in junior high schools
looking for materials and homework needed to support in Papua is to create a smart school application.
learning activities. Various problems in junior high schools
in Papua require online learning application software that Smart school is designed so that students can share their
can be used by teachers to deliver learning materials, work and exchange experiences in applying the knowledge
assignments, quizzes and discussions. Yudie Irawan, et al they have gained (Mingsep 2017). Smart school aplication
(2015) explained that one of the ways that can be used to can provide integrated learning facilities that include tasks,
support learning in the classroom is the online learning lesson materials, lesson plans, assessment of learning
method as a teacher's companion. The teacher can utilize all outcomes, and can measure student achievement. Smart
Volume: 07 Issue: 09 | Sep-2018, Available @ 124
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 Received: 04-07-2018, Accepted: 15-08-2018, Published: 05-09-2018

school application to be blended learning that combines 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

face-to-face learning methods with online learning systems.
This can create an effective, efficient and paperless learning Based on the results of research and interviews at the
environment. Communication between teachers and students Adventist junior high school in Papua, was obtained data
in learning activities is very important, both in school and and information about the learning system as a basis for
outside the school environment. For learning outside of making the smart school application.
school, it is necessary to use the smart school application These data include:
software that can bridge the interaction between teachers
 Student data is contains student identity. Its function is
and students to form effective and efficient communication.
Online learning models using the smart school application, as information for student data. Data sources are the
can facilitate interaction between teachers and students in student section. Student attributes include: number,
the student-centered learning process. So that it can improve student name, address, gender, class.
student learning motivation, build student independence of  Teacher data is contains the teacher's identity. Its
learning, easier distribution of subject matter and function is as information on teacher data. Data
assignment of information quickly.
sources are the administration section. Teacher
attributes include: no. nip, name, address, telephone, e-
mail address, subjects.
Making of smart school application, using the waterfall  Study material data is contains material that will be
method includes five stages, namely identification of user given to students. Its function is as learning material
needs, analysis, design, implementation, and testing. for students. Data sources are teachers. Subject
 Identification of user needs was carried out by material attributes include: no, id_mapel, name of
observing and interviewing in the Adventist junior subject matter, description.
high schools to collect data and information about the  The task data is contains the tasks given by the teacher
learning system that was running to build smart school to students to be done and collected to the teacher. Its
applications. function is as an evaluation of the teaching and
 The analysis is carried out based on the identification learning process and to assess the ability and
of user needs to get a complete understanding of the motivation of students in learning. Task attributes
learning processes, the delivery of information to include: id, id_mapel, title, date, description.
students and teachers, and making of reports. The data  Study schedule data that contains student learning
that needs to be analyzed are student, teacher, subject schedules for the implementation of the teaching and
matter, task, lesson schedule, and student report cards. learning process. Its function is to regulate school
This stage has determined the requirements system and learning. Data sources for the curriculum section.
specification of the smart school application. Schedule attributes include: no, id_schedule, time,
 The design of smart school application is the stage of class, subjects, teachers.
translating the analysis into a form of modeling design  Value data or student report cards is contains data
which includes use case diagrams, activity diagrams, about the results of student values. Its function is as a
sequence diagrams, and class diagrams. At this stage result of student learning evaluation. Data source are
all the needs and processes of the smart school academic section. Attributes: nis, school name,
application have been transformed in the form of address, student name, master number, class, school of
diagram design. year, number, subject, KKM, numerical value, letter
 The implementation of smart school application value, learning progress description, type of self-
includes two parts, namely coding of smart school development, self-development values, information,
application and implementation at the Advent Abepura character and personality , absence of students. The
junior high school. Coding is the translation of the design use case diagram of the smart school
design smart school into the form of program codes application is shown in Figure 1.
using PHP and CodeIgniter programming languages
and MySQL databases. The application of the smart
school software is the installation in junior high school
to be used as school application services.
 Smart school application testing is test of the
operational smart school application that has been
created and correcting errors in smart school
Volume: 07 Issue: 09 | Sep-2018, Available @ 125
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 Received: 04-07-2018, Accepted: 15-08-2018, Published: 05-09-2018

Fig 4: Home for Administrator

Fig 1: Use case diagram of smart school

Smart school application software is used by three

categories of users, namely administrators, teachers, and
students. The user interface of the smart school application
service can be shown in the figure below.

Fig 5: Management of subject matter

The principles in learning activities is that students play a

role in the process of teaching and learning activities carried
out. The role of students in learning must be supported by
strong learning motivation so that it will show their
interests, activities, and participation in the learning process.
Teacher-centered traditional learning raises several
problems such as difficulty constructing students' ideas and
knowledge, difficulty building student learning
independence, and delivery of non-complete subject matter
due to limited teaching and learning time. These problems
require a solution to create a smart school application.
Fig 2: Main Menu of smart school application Learning with smart school applications can improve the
quality of education because the interaction between
teachers and students can be done whenever and wherever is
not limited to the classroom. Learning materials,
assignments, quizzes, task collection and other matters
related to the teaching and learning process can be
distributed online. Smartschool application can facilitate the
interaction between teacher and students in the student-
centered learning process so that it can increase student
learning motivation, build student independence in learning
to facilitate the distribution of subject matter and
assignments as well as information delivery quickly.
Fig 3: Login
Volume: 07 Issue: 09 | Sep-2018, Available @ 126
IJRET: International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology eISSN: 2319-1163 | pISSN: 2321-7308 Received: 04-07-2018, Accepted: 15-08-2018, Published: 05-09-2018

4. CONCLUSION [10] Yudie Irawan, Nanik Susanti, Wiwit Agus Triyanto,

2015. Analysis and Design of Online Learning
The smart school application as an innovative learning Systems (E-Learning) in Vocational High Schools in
model which can create a powerful learning environment, Mambaul Falah Kudus, SIMETRIC Journals, Vol 6
because the smart school application as belended learning No. 2, ISSN: 2252-4983
from school learning so students can study at home. The
smart school application facilitates can support interaction
between teachers and students in the learning process. This
can increase students' learning motivation, student centered Mingsep R. Sampebua received the
learning, build student independence in learning, facilitate Doctor of Electrical Engineering degree
the distribution of subject matter and assignments and in Information Technology at Gadjah
deliver information quickly. Mada University. He is currently
lecturer in information system, Faculty of
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