Optimizing Employee Lifetime Value in 2020
Optimizing Employee Lifetime Value in 2020
Optimizing Employee Lifetime Value in 2020
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What is Employee Lifetime Value?
How Employees Impact The Bottom Line
Tracking ROI as part of your HR strategy is According to SHRM and Brookings Institute, the
an essential metric for keeping track of your total human capital costs average to nearly 70%
business growth. Tracking how your employees of operating expenses in most organizations,
bring value to your organization is just as including Fortune 500. However, only recently
critical. We are in the midst of a paradigm have we started to understand how to have a
shift: the product-based economy as we know lifetime value perspective on employees, the
it is gradually replaced by a service-focused same way that we are used to look at customers.
economy where people are the focal point Loyal and happy employees stay longer, are
of the ecosystem. The value that services are more productive and willing to go the extra mile
bringing to customers, as well as the value and are great ambassadors for your brand.
that the workforce is bringing to business has
become the current currency of growth.
on people is invested
In-depth training: When you’ve got the basics covered you
can begin to let your know hire dive into the more advanced
training elements, which should basically cover everything
they need to know in order to be a smashing success in their
role. A crucial key concept here is blended learning. Be
creative here and try to mix classroom training with online
in attracting,
learning. Why just bombard your new hire with company
facts when you can make it into a fun quiz, that they can assessing, and
cultivating new hires
take on their phone while waiting for the train? It would also
be a wise move to split up the training rather than bombard
the new team member with hour long e-learning - think
snackable pieces.
Think gamification
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Phase 1: Pre- and Onboarding
And you should definitely also see your new hire as a great way
of getting some outside-in perspective on your team and your
organisation. You can ask them to be an “anthropologist”
for the first month and note down everything that surprises
them or is different to previous jobs. That might give you
and your team great new ideas to change habits or improve
In order to keep people motivated beyond the A daily task that might seem trivial is much more
“honeymoon” excitement of the onboarding meaningful if linked to the bigger purpose. Just
phase of you need to provide clarity and purpose like the famous anecdote from the NASA HQ
across all layers of your organization. That where John F. Kennedy asked a janitor what his
enables your workforce to become more job was and he replied “I’m helping to put a man
effective, more engaged, and more motivated on the moon.” THAT’S purpose.
about their work and their role. It also enables
you to increase employee lifetime value How to communicate purpose:
Align employee goals with the company strategy
Organizations that want to achieve sustainable
growth need to have clear goals for their Share news from top management - even if it does
employees. Understanding how employees not directly impact your team
relate to the overall brand vision, mission and
core values builds trust and connection across
all pillars of your organization.
What can really make a difference when it comes to training and increasing
employee lifetime value is an analytical focus. That helps you identify
strengths and knowledge gaps to provide support to your employees
when it’s needed.
To delivering value
1 Knowledge
Accelerate onboarding time by providing your
2 Coaching
Keep on ramping up employee performance
3 Purpose
Increase sense of belonging and productivity
new hires the guidance and knowledge they by providing timely coaching and individual by providing clear goals and transparency.
need from the start. feedback.
4 Performance
Improve employee performance with made-
5 Culture
Make your employees stay longer by investing
to-measure training, snackable surveys. and in your culture and your core brand values.
dynamic check-ins.