Tableau Sankey Chart 90
Tableau Sankey Chart 90
Tableau Sankey Chart 90
Step 5:
Build our Ranking Calculation. We square measure making a running total of
a variety of records and dividing by the general Total which is able to offer the
United States of America an additive proportion.
Let’s Learn How to Make Sparklines Chart
[Rank 1] = RUNNING_SUM (sum ([Number of Records]))/ TOTAL (sum
([Number of Records]))
[Rank 2] = RUNNING_SUM (sum ([Number of Records]))/TOTAL (sum
([Number of Records]))
For Example-
Region Running_Sum(sum ([Number of Records])) TOTAL
(sum ([Number of Records]))
Central 2,323 2,323
East 2,848 2,848
South 1,620 1,620
West 3,203 3,203
Region RUNNING_SUM (sum ([Number of Records])) TOTAL (sum
([Number of Records]))
Central a pair of,323 a pair of,323
East a pair of,848 a pair of,848
South one,620 one,620
West three,203 three,203
Step 6:
Create a Curve Function:
[Curve] = [Rank 1] + (([Rank 2] – [Rank 1])*[Sigmoid Functions])
[Rank 1] + (([Rank 2] – [Rank 1])* [Sigmoid Function])
Read How to Make a Population Pyramid in Tableau
Step 7:
Drag cushioned Bin on row shelf. Right, Click and choose “Show missing
Values”. modification the Marks Card choice from “Automatic” to “Line”.
choose the cushioned field that is on the market on Row shelf and place it into
path marks card
Step 8:
Drag T calculated Field on Row Shelf and “Compute using” cushioned (which
is on the market on Path Marks card)
Step 9:
Drag Region and class at the same time and place it into the color marks card.
Let’s explore Types of Filters in Tableau
Step 10:
Drag the Curve calculated field on Column shelf. Our [Curve] calculation has 3
components thereto, [Rank 1], [Rank 2] and [T].We need every of those to
handle over completely different dimensions.
Step.10 Creating Sankey Chart in Tableau
Step 11:
We currently have to be compelled to vary the lines by size, supported the
number of records. Adding add ([Number of Records]) to Size won’t look
smart because the cushioned marks haven’t any records related to it. thus
produce a calculated field referred to as Size that should be computed
victimization cushioned bins. this could solely be potential if we tend to use
some Table calculation.
RUNNING_AVG ( MIN (fastened [Region], [Category] : SUM([Number of
Records]) }) )
Now drag that calculated Field on size marks card and cypher victimization
Step 12:
The final result can appear as if the below image.
Step.12 Creating Sankey Chart in Tableau
Step 13:
As per the definition of Tableau Sankey chart, it depicts a be due to one set of
values to a different. It’s forever smart if you show the flow in your chart. So,
we’ll produce 2 single bar stacked chart sheets showing the breakdown of a
variety of records for every dimension. If you would like you’ll use the share
Read about Tableau Date Functions with Examples
Drag “Number of records” on Row shelf and Region on “Color” still as on “Text
Label” cards. Duplicate the sheet and replace the Region Dimension by your
class Dimension. The sheet can appear as if the below image.
Step.13 Creating Sankey Chart in Tableau
Step 14:
Drag all the 3 sheets into Tableau dashboard. Placed your Region Sheet on the
manus aspect and class sheet on the proper aspect. Place Tableau Sankey
chart in between each the sheets.
Go to Dashboard->Actions->Add Actions->Select Highlight Action. Certify
you ought to choose “Hover” Action. This will highlight the whole Tableau
Sankey chart on Mouse hover.
Step 15:
The Final output can appear as if the below image.
Step.15 Create Tableau Sankey Chart
This was all on Tableau Sankey Chart. Hope you like our Explanation.