Sap System: Author: Viola Zepp Sapcrm Mysap CRM Solution Overview Instructor Guide Level 2 Collection 6.2

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SAP System

Author: SAPCRM
Viola Zepp
mySAP CRM Solution Overview
Instructor Guide
Level 2
Update: Collection 6.2

Key to icons in the Instructor Guide:


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Business Scenario

Hints and Tips

Warning or Caution
Internal Note
SAP AG SAPCRM mySAP CRM Solution Overview

Updates: What has changed with the last update?................................................ 3

SAP Contacts.............................................................................................................. 3
Escalation steps - Reporting system problems...................................................... 3
Revisions to Previous Instructor Guide...................................................................3
Training Landscape....................................................................................................4
Prep System Landscape............................................................................................ 4
Preparation of your Training System....................................................................... 5
Reporting system problems...................................................................................... 9
Necessary CHECKS....................................................................................................9
Course Schedule.......................................................................................................11
1. Unit: Introduction..................................................................................................12
2. Unit: Foundation & Architecture......................................................................... 17
3. Unit: mySAP CRM Analytics................................................................................21
4. Unit: Marketing......................................................................................................25
5. E-Commerce..........................................................................................................33
6. Channel Management...........................................................................................40
7. Unit: Sales............................................................................................................. 47
8. Unit: Interaction Center........................................................................................51
9. Unit: Service..........................................................................................................58
10. Unit: mySAP CRM Field Applications...............................................................65
11. Unit: Implementation and Operation................................................................ 68

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Updates: What has changed with the last update?

This guide is going to be a permanent subject to change as our training landscape is not “final” yet.
Support packages are going to be applied
So please check frequently on our service market place ( for any
updates of this instructor guide (check the Update date).

Update of Sept 1st is concerning:

 Unit 8: Interaction Center WinClient exercise/solution error (page 55)
Follow-up document should be Complaint ERPBilling
=> an emergency repair is requested to resolve the problem
 Unit 9: Service process exercise/solution error
You have to release the service process first before you can create a service confirmation
Update of Feb 26,2007
=> an emergency repair is requested to resolve the problem (page 58,64) -> done , so you
can ignore the information

SAP Contacts
Viola Zepp

Escalation steps - Reporting system problems

In case of any problems during or when preparing for SAPCRM course please contact the SAP hotline
(Walldorf, SAP-42887) or better create an IT/IBC message.
 Create in CSN System an IT/IBC message in using component TRAI- choose TRAI-EU, TRAI-US
or TRAI-APA depending on your region
 Provide the system information, system data and client plus log on data (if you have change it for
user training)
 Describe the problem with application data, access details, application paths

Please do not send any mails to the RKT team or member of the CRM training group. Mailing will not
solve your problem; you only waste time until your problem is resolved.
Nobody of the RKT team or CRM training group is just sitting here in Walldorf and waiting for your
problem report ONLY the training hotline is. They will support you as fast and best they can. When you
create a CSN message you have the full support organizations included through workflow and you can
easily track the message and its status.

Revisions to Previous Instructor Guide

The guide is an update of the previous SAPCRM Instructor Guide. There is no extra unit industries any
more. The “old” material is still available in the appendix.

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Course Details
3 days

Course Materials and other Materials

PowerPoint Slides
Exercises and Solutions
SAP Tutorials for Unit “Mobile Service” and Solution Manager

Level of Knowledge Required

Overview, focus on business terms and integration of processes

Courses Recommended as Preparation

R/3 Sales and Distribution and R/3 Customer Service like the R/3 course: SCM600, SCM605
General knowledge of CRM processes and the knowledge of the CRM courses: CR100, CR300, CR400
(CR410), CR600; CR800 to give you the background knowledge

Online Help Recommended as Preparation CRM Help or if ERP help
CRM Presentations and info material of CRM Product Management and Knowledge Management section
in service market place. For SAPCRM course Release 5.0 please consider the RKT material in on the
service market alias /rkt-crm. Please consider also the SAP Online Knowledge Products (OKP).

Training Landscape
Finally we do have a full landscape for preparing the courses. For your information we use the following
Releases: CRM 5.0, ERP2005 and SAP NetWeaver BI 7.0 plus Integrated in Enterprise Portal 7.0
 CRM-System (Version 5.0): W?Z
 ERP-System (Version ERP 5.0): W??
The system information should be provided by your training administration. Please keep in mind you are
only allow to access your training landscape for the schedule course time.
Collection 62 Portal EP70 http://portal-W?

WTS Training information

You can use the WTS Training landscape for this course.
To Access the WTS training environment log on to the http://wts:1080 Click on EMEA or Corp, next
click on "Training Zone" choose "COMMON TRAINING 640".
On the WTS Training Zone the Internet Explorer language settings is ENGLISH by default and cannot be

Prep System Landscape

Prep System Landscape
CRM System: TZ6 (client 800)
ERP System: T36 (client 800)

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ERP System T36 (client 900)

Collection Portal EP7.0

Please be aware that everybody has to use this landscape so please to not do any major customizing
change. Do not change any of the standard entries, make you own copies of the standard setting an only
change your own entries. Never ever change any middleware or system entries /connections.
Please DO NOT disconnect the BW or SEM system in our Prep landscape (as described as prerequisite).
The SAPCRM course will work fine in our Prep System landscape. Other courses do need the BW and
SEM connection.

Data Required
All necessary data is stored in the IDES Master system or Frozen Master system

Preparation of your Training System

General Note concerning the training landscapes:
The CRM training landscape is a copy of the IDES Master. Beware that all changes in the master system
(configuration changes, support packages etc.) may affect your training system with immediate effect.
Unfortunately we cannot update the instructor guide permanently.
And prepare yourself in advance and note down loading the instructor guide is not enough. Do every
demo yourself in advance of every course.
Please Note:
 APO is not connected to the training landscape.
 CRM Mobile Clients will not be assigned to this course. An SAP -Tutor is available to
demonstrate Mobile Client functionality.
 No Solution Manager system available for our training landscape, please use the SAP i-tutor.
 BW system is not relevant but connected for the SAPCRM course,
 Portal / PC-UI is used for training
For Training only use your booked Training System, the IDES demo systems are only for demos not for

User ID and Passwords for Trainer

 CRM-system:
Password: monthly password (contact your training manager for details)
 ERP-system:
Password monthly password (same as for CRM-System)

User ID and Passwords for Course Participants

 CRM-system:
User: CRM-## (## = Group Number)
Password: welcome

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 Optional as the participants do not need to log on to the R/3-system:

Use transaction ZUSR to create the users:

Reference-User-ID: CRM-99
Course number: SAPCRM
Initial password: welcome

Please note:
The passwords in ECC 6.0 systems are case sensitive. If you use ZUSR to create users in the
ECC system, the initial passwords must be 6 digits long and will automatically get capital
 Participants must use capital letters for the first login!

Collection 6.3 EP 7.0: Portal User People Centric User Inter face (PC-UI)
XXX = your CRM system for example your CRM System would be TEZ the link would look like this:

SAP Tutors (i-Tutor = SAP Tutor)

All SAP Tutors (i-tutor) are available in the CRM system in the Business Workplace > Outbox.
You have to be log on with user Training and go to the Business Workplace > Outbox

Information for both Portal landscapes EP 7.0.

The training landscape has been upgraded to Enterprise Portal 7.0.
Available Portal-Users are the following:
crmanalyst, campman, salesrep, servicerep, billingcerk, icagent and Channel Management PC-UI User
Luckinse and Whitel, for all users use the password welcome. In every unit you will find the PC-UI
information in the guide. Within our training landscape some of the business process PC-UI users could be
copied so participant can use his/her own PC-UI user and can personalize it.
The participants PC-UI users are all using the password welcome and are the following
servicere-## (caution the “p” had to be skipped)
The portal language settings are language independent by default. This way it adjusts automatically
to your internet explorer language settings.

FYI Internet Explorer settings language

For your local Internet Explorer you can change the language with Tools > Internet Option , Button
Language. You may have to add (choose Add) to add another language like German

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Due to technical problems the PC-UI channel management users (luckinse and whitel) could not be copied.
So everybody is using the same PC-UI user. Please be aware and make your students aware what ever you
demo will affect everybody.
It might be a good idea to show the demos in PC-UI and the “old” SAP-GUI. The solutions of the
exercises are described in both ways so the participants have the option to do it in PC-UI or in SAP GUI.

Internet WebShop Information

For more information please refer to the E-Commerce unit
General Link to the Shop list:
Web Link Plus scenario information and Language
XXX = your CRM system id for example your CRM System would be TEZ the link would look like this: b2c/b2c/ ….

Link for the B2C-Shop:

Shop access in English:
Choose Shop PC4YOU_EN
Shop access in German:
Chose Shop PC4YOU_DUS

Link for the B2B-Shop:

Shop access in English:
Choose shop PC4BIZ_EN: PC4BIZ-B2B Demo Shop English Version
Shop access in German:
Choose shop PC4BIZ_DUS: PC4BIZ-B2B Demo Shop deutsch & USD

For al B2b Shops Log on with:

User: 233
Password: welcome

Link for Internet Self Service

ICSS_B2C: for consumers
Shop access English Version

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Shop access German Version


Optional: ICSS_B2B: for customers

Shop access in English:
Shop access in German
Log on with
User: 461
Password: welcome
Choose the shop PC Shop EN (PC4BIZ_EN) or for German User PC Shop DUS

Collaborative Showroom link


Tranaction code zlinks and URL System Links

For your convenience you can have a central point of access with transaction code zlinks and URL System
links. All web shops and the portal can be accessed through it.
It has been assigned to the user menu of user training and all participants users crm-##
The language setting for our WTS training landscape is English by default and cannot be changed.
In this case you have to adjust the Portal language for every PC-UI user. When you are logged with a PC-
UI user go to Personalize and change the Portal language

Optional: Mails with System link information

You can send the System information and web links via Mail to your participants.
For your convenience 2 Emails have already been created in the Master System using the Mail Outbox
for the USER: Training. You only have to adjust the URLs according to your training system.
You will find the emails in the business workplace of the user training, of course only when you use the
user training for logon. (Button: SAP Business Workplace within the Workplace choose Outbox >
Email: Welcome to SAPCRM - Link for Portal access
Email: SAPCRM E-Commerce and Channel Management
They are available in English or German Language.
Feel free to use them and please adjust them according to your course and training system (add your name
and change the URL).
For sending out the emails you can use a sheared distribution list. The distribution list is called
CRM_TRAINING and contains the user CRM-01 to CRM-36.

To deactivate the blocking mechanism for table maintenance, start report ZSENQOFF with transaction
SE38. (Report ZSENQON reactivates the blocking mechanism).
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Reporting system problems

In case of any problems during or when preparing for SAPCRM course please contact the SAP hotline
(Walldorf, SAP-42887) or better create an IT/IBC message.
 Create in CSN System an IT/IBC message in using component TRAI-EU (depending on your
region choose TRAI-EU, TRAI-US or TRAI-APA (advantages: workflow enabled, inclusion of
support organizations possible, easy tracking of status)
 Describe problem with application data, access details, application paths

Necessary CHECKS
1. ERP-system:
1.1. Check both outbound and inbound queues using transactions SMQ1 and SMQ2. When you
work in a system that was recently copied from a master system, you usually see a lot of queue
entries due to the weekly copy process.
Mark and delete all queue entries in both transactions SMQ1 and SMQ2.
1.2. Optional: Test a whole SD process if you like or use transaction SCAT run CATT
ZT_SD_CRM with Log Type Short and Processing Mode Background. The CATT creates a
sales order, delivery, transfer order, posts goods issue and creates in invoice. It is useful to fill
the R/3 buffers after weekly system copy (for more information see CATTs page 9)

ABAP: Deactivate blocking mechanisms for both systems CRM and ERP :
To deactivate the blocking mechanism for table maintenance, start report ZSENQOFF with transaction
SE38. (Report ZSENQON reactivates the blocking mechanism).

2. CRM-system
2.1 Check both outbound and inbound queues using transactions SMQ1 and SMQ2. When you work in a
system that was recently copied from a master system, you usually see a lot of queue entries due to
the weekly copy process.
2.2 Mark and delete all queue entries in both transactions SMQ1 and SMQ2.
2.3 Check the Middleware (machine where IPC [component responsible for pricing in CRM] is running.)
Due to a weekly system copy there might be errors when trying to create a first order in CRM.
For testing the middleware create a standard sales order Telesales (transaction type TA) in the
CRM system.
If you have no IPC errors your are o.k . And the order should automatically be disturbed to your
assigned training backend R/3 system
Once you experience IPC (pricing) errors, contact your local system admin. Very often the problem
can be resolved once the IPC Services (Bridge, Dispatcher, Server) is restarted on the Web-
2.4 Maintain marketing Email Z_SAPCRM_PLAIN and adjust the WebLink (see unit Marketing). Adjust
the URL and replace the XXX with your system id <sid> eg.
2.5 Optional prepare marketing campaign for optional introduction demo (see unit Marketing and
2.6 Optional prepare E-Mail with portal access link and WebShop links to send out to your students.

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For your convenience 2 Emails have already been created in the Master System using the Mail
Outbox for the USER: Training. You only have to adjust the URLs according to your training
You will find the emails in the business workplace of the user training, of course only when you
use the user training for logon. (Button: SAP Business Workplace within the Workplace choose
Outbox > Documents).
Email: Welcome to SAPCRM - Link for Portal access
Email: SAPCRM E-Commerce and Channel Management
They are available in English or German Language.
Feel free to use them and please adjust them according to your course and training system (add
your name and change the URL).
For sending out the emails you can use a sheared distribution list. The distribution list is called
CRM_TRAINING and contains the user CRM-01 to CRM-36.
2.7 Only relevant if you don’t use user ID TRAINING, you should create a business partner “person” in
role “employee”, and assign it on Central Data to your user ID. It will be used for the role
“employee responsible”.

Technical Hints
If you have any problems regarding data distribution you can:
 Use transactions SMQ1 to check if BDocs are queued.
 Use transaction SM59 in the CRM system to check whether there is a functional RFC connection
available that connects to the R/3-system
 Use transaction SM59 in the R/3-system to check whether there is a functional RFC connection
available that connects to the CRM-system

There are no CATT's necessary for the course SAPCRM.

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Course Schedule
Course Schedule:
Day One
Approximate Content: Units and Topics Activities: Instructor and Participant
20 - 30 min Preface 20- 30 Minutes
90 min Introduction Lecture: 60 - 90min
120 min Foundation & Architecture Lecture: 60 - 100 min, Exercises: 20 min
90 min mySAP CRM Analytics Lecture: 60 - 90 min,
20 - 30 min Start of Marketing Lecture: 20 - 30 min
Day Two
Approximate Content: Units and Topics Activities: Instructor and Participant
60 - 90 min CRM Marketing Lecture: 60 - 90 min, Exercise: 20- 30 min
90 min E-Commerce Lecture: 60 min, Exercise: 20 -30 min
90 min Channel Management Lecture: 60 min, Exercise: 20 -30 min
80 min Sales Lecture: 60 –80 min; Exercise 20 min
Day Three
Approximate Content: Units and Topics Activities: Instructor and Participant
15 min Review of 2nd day Rest of Exercise Sales
120 min Interaction Center Lecture: 60 -90 min, Exercise: 30 min
90 min Service Lecture:60- 80 min, Exercise: 30 min
60 min mySAP CRM Field Applications Lecture: 40 min, iTutor: 10 - 20 min
60 min Implementation and Operation Lecture: 30 - 40 min, Exercise: 20 min
15 min Conclusion

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1. Unit: Introduction

Lecture: 60 – 90 min
Participant Exercise: none

Contents of Unit

During Revision process of the course material in regard of Upgrade to Enterprise Portal 6.0 the slides
“Why choose mySAPCRM” got removed.

(Numbers: Unit Numbers)

3. Case Study: mySAP CRM Analytics
The Marketing Manager of our company analyzes sales & customer distribution and examines a given
customer’s preferred sales channels. She discovers an untapped potential of additional revenues and
decides on a new marketing campaign. The association analysis helps her to define cross-selling items to
boost revenue.
4. Case Study: mySAP CRM Marketing
Our company wants to sell more notebooks to a specific group of customers. For this purpose you as the
Marketing Manager create and execute a campaign.
In addition, a new product line will be announced to a specific target group. The addressed business
partners will give feedback indicating their level of interest. All business partners who do not answer will
be called at a later date.
5. Case Study: mySAPCRM E-Commerce
As the consumer targeted in the marketing campaign you receive an e-mail with a link to a Business-to–
Consumer (B2C) Web shop. You enter the Web shop, navigate through the catalog, select a product,
check out related items for that product (cross-selling) and finally place an order.
In addition to our scenario, you take on the role of a purchaser of a company and make a purchase in a
Business-to-Business (B2B) Web shop, navigate through the Web shop and finally order for your
company. You search for solutions in the solution database.
6. Case Study: mySAP CRM Channel Management
Our company also explores an indirect sales channel. You as a Channel Manager access the Channel
Manager Portal and create leads and dispatch leads to partners.
Assuming the role of a Partner, you do your work in the Partner Portal by accepting and qualifying leads
and starting a lead-to-order process.
7. Case Study: mySAP CRM Sales
As a sales rep of our company, you use the various tools centered around your accounts: You create an
opportunity after having visited a customer, perform your activities around the potential customer and
finally turn the opportunity into a quotation.
As an employee responsible for shipment in your company’s warehouse, you use the SAP R/3 system to
complete the delivery of your orders placed via the various channels, e.g. the E-Commerce Web shop.
8. Case Study: mySAP CRM Interaction Center

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As an Interaction Center agent, you receive an incoming phone call from our web shop customer
reporting problems with the delivered notebooks.
You support the customer with a solution using the knowledge search.
If necessary you create a service order and arrange an appointment with the customer for one of our
service technicians.
In addition, you work on a call list as part of a marketing campaign.
9. Case Study: mySAP CRM Service
You as a service rep create a service order. Alternatively, it may have been dispatched to you by the
Interaction Center agent.
Next, you assign a service technician using the resource planner.
The service order is replicated to the laptop of the assigned service technician.
After completion of the job and the confirmation of the service order by the service technician, you as a
billing clerk create a billing document.
10. Case Study: mySAP CRM Field Applications
The service technician checks the calendar on his laptop. He revises the customer data and the service
He completes the repair, then confirms time and material used. Additionally, the service technician may
also enter appointments to inform the resource planner about his availability.
11. Case Study: Implementation & Operation
You as a member of the project team which is going to implement the choosen mySAP CRM solution
will use SAP Solution Manager for the blueprint, configuration and testing phase. During the
implementation and after the go-live system administrators will use SAP Solution Manager for system
monitoring and SAP services.
Your task is to customize an mySAP CRM business transaction according to your company needs.
Therefore you will access the Implementation Guide (IMG) in order to configure a transaction type.

OPTIONAL DEMO - when in doubt leave it out

If you want to can demo the “old” SAPCRM introduction demo. Coming from a marketing Email
campaign, send out to a customer Alex Lynch. With the Email the customer access out Webshop and
order something. In the CRM System demo the immediate distribution of the order to the R/3 Backend
System and that anybody can pick up the order in the interaction history e.g. an the Interaction Center
Agent (PC-UI role icagent)

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Preparation for introduction demo

The Demo description is based on GUI
1. Prepare Business partner 470
Check the internet mail address of 470 (Alex Lynch)::
Use the general Yahoo-account: (with password welcome1) or use your CRM
system email address: (you find the incoming email in business workplace
inbox of the user training) or use your own sap email address and account.
You log on to the web shop with the email address and the account password: lynch.

2. Edit the e-mail form which you will use for your Marketing Campaign
Marketing  Personalized Mail  Maintain Mail Form
Search for Email form Z_CR010_HTML_FANCY_EN_800 and adjust the URL according to your
Adjust the Link:
Go to the text block: URL_Training URL_XXX and double click on it so you can see the details
Go to Tab Source and here you can adjust the URL
Replace the XXX with your system id <sid> eg.

Note the URL-Link is slightly different to the on used in the unit E-Commerce. The marketing mail links
directly to the Web Shop.

For German User you can use the Mail Z_CR010_HTML_FANCY_DE. Keep in mind you have to change
the language setting to DE of all Business Partners (BP) og the target group PC4YOU_4:Beginner
Internet E-Mail = Business Partner 470 (Alex Lynch), BP 573 (Abott, John) and BP 574 (Wong, Lee).

3. Prepare and Execute the Campaign

1. Select Marketing Plan C/3002 (Marketing  Marketing and Campaign Planning  Marketing
Planner) and branch to Campaign C/3002-B2C-INT.
Branch to the Channel tab and assign in the field Form for E-Mail
2. Go back to the Marketing Plan C/3002 and to the Campaign C/3002-B2C-INT E-Mail
Campaign Consumers and release both (Tab: Status  Release)
3. Select the target group view by marking the Campaign C/3002-B2C-INT E-Mail Campaign
Consumers (Button Assignment Overview). Select ad mark the target group
PC4YOU_4:Beginner Internet E-mail line.
4. Highlight the line of PC4YOU_4:Beginner Internet E-mail and start Extras  Target group to
5. Schedule the Job as Immediate with high priority.
6. An email should arrive in your SAP email account or the mentioned Yahoo account.

4. Make the Customer Interaction Center Telephony settings so you can act as call center agent in
Gui or Demo it in PC-UI icagent

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Demo of integrated CRM Scenario

20 minutes

 Look at described preparations in Preparation for introduction demo

Before you start the demo

 Start the Interaction Center
 Open the E-Mail to Alex Lynch

Scenario to kick off the business story

 Explain to your students that you are demonstrating 3 roles in the following
CRM business scenario: Chris Nelson or (Sam Wilson) as Campaign
Manager, your system user: Training as Interaction Center Agent and Alex
Lynch as a consumer.
 Scene 1: Branch to the Marketing planner
SAP Menu: Marketing  Marketing- and Campaign Planning 
Marketing Planner
You’re now Chris Nelson (or Sam Wilson). Explain the Marketing plan
C/3002: We’ve set up different campaigns: Telesales Campaigns and E-Mail
Campaigns to address different target consumers. Explain the target groups
and selection criteria for each campaign.
 Go to Personalized Mail  Maintain Mail Form and show how a
personalized e-mail for a campaign can be set up. Explain text blocks and
conditions and the personalized URL (
 Scene 2: Branch to the E-mail.
You’re now Alex Lynch, the consumer who received this email. Explain it
and use the URL to go to the web shop. With the link you are already logged
in as Alex and buy:

PC4You example: Notebook HT-1010 (Notebook Professional 15)

Note the order number

For registration: Use the e-mail account which you have assigned to Alex
Lynch and Password lynch (the password in the Web shop is always the last
name of the BP).
 Scene 3: Branch to the Interaction Center.
SAP Menu: Customer Interaction Center  Customer Interaction Center
You’re now in the role of the contact center agent Training, the Call Center
agent. Alex calls you because of his internet order. He thought about the
order and wants to have a Notebook Lock so he orders HT-1111 as well.
You have to change the order. Search for Alex Lynch (470), bring up the

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order just entered via Internet (with the same number!) and change it by
adding the mentioned product HT-1111. Note the new price and save the
order. Isn’t CRM a great thing ;-)
Optional only SD ERP - R/3 experience instructors:
You can call up the order in the ERP - R/3 System and carry out the delivery.

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2. Unit: Foundation & Architecture

Lecture: 60 - 100 min

Participant Exercise: 20 min

To show the PC-UI please use the Use people-centric user salesrep with password “welcome”.

For the exercise the participants are using a copy of the user salesrep and have to log on with PC-UI user
salesrep-## and pwd.: welcome

Contents of Unit


Describe the various components of the mySAP CRM Architecture

List the various channels used within the mySAP CRM landscape
Explain the concept and advantages of People-Centric CRM
List the pre-configured user roles in mySAP CRM

Foundation & Architecture: Business Scenario

Explain the reason why it is important to have general knowledge about the
landscape of mySAP CRM and the used components / channels first.
FYI: Is there a difference between mySAP CRM and CRM System?
Trough out this unit and course mySAP CRM is used to express that we talk about
the SAP Solution and CRM System is used when we talk about the pure CRM server
or system.

Customer Centric E-Business with mySAP CRM

Explain the solution concept of CRM.
Especially point out the different channels (E-Commerce, Interaction Center, Field,
Channel Mgmt.) and the different core areas (Marketing, Sales, Service, Analytics)
that are supported and integrated with mySAP CRM.
Furthermore mention briefly relevant aspects like People-Centric CRM, Industry-
specific CRM etc. within the solution mySAP CRM. This will be discussed in more
detail in the following chapters.

MySAP CRM Architectural Concept

The solution mySAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM) incorporates a
central CRM Server and a series of extensions. They enable access to the system via
various channels and connections to other systems.
Describe that the solution not only consists of the CRM system but also of other
technical components like SAP R/3, SAP BW and SAP APO.

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The SAP Enterprise Portal is used for an integrated access to all systems and also as
an important integral part of People-Centric CRM.

SAP CRM and Other SAP Systems

Discuss the realization of connecting different technical components. You might
want to give an example of data flowing through systems. For example, an order is
taken in telesales then checked against APO for ATP and then saved and transferred
to R/3 for execution. Briefly explain the concept of adapters and Plug-in which serve
as “connectors and power outlets” within the mySAP CRM landscape.
Describe that only one plug-in in the R/3 system exists but different adapters in the
CRM Server.
From Release 3.0 the mySAP CRM Solution gives you a flexible CRM landscape.
Multiple backend systems are supported. It is possible to connect multiple R/3
backend systems as well as non-SAP systems.

CRM Optional Demo: Connection to other SAP Systems (transaction SM59)

Enter transaction SM59 (Display and maintain RFC destinations)
Choose R/3 connections to display the connected OLTP Back-end system to the
CRM system
Select RKICLNT800 and describe some details like target host (on tab Technical
settings) and/or Logon settings (on tab Logon/Security)
Choose button Remote logon to demonstrate the connection to the R/3 system

CRM Middleware
The CRM architecture is broken down into 3 areas:
- CRM Server Applications/Business Objects
- CRM Middleware
- SAP Web Application Server (CRM Database)
Details about the areas are described in the notes. If asked the Mobile Client
Consolidated database is located on the CRM system but is different from the CRM
Database. Data is exchanged via the middleware from and to the different databases.
Especially point out the function of the CRM Middleware layer and its different
kinds of adapters.
Note: There exists an EDI interface (XIF) see note 448742

MySAP CRM and Internet Users

The important information on this slide is the introduction J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise
Edition) Application Server instead of the ITS server. With Java as Server SAP
wants to an open development and state of the art architectural environment.
Explain the performance reason for separating the components within the Internet
architecture and give some examples.

MySAP CRM Interaction Center Architecture

Point out that SAP does offer standard interfaces (TAPIs) for Telephony and Email
Server SAP (SAPphone and SAP Connect).
In addition explain that different kinds of techniques are used depending if
customers are going to use the Interaction Center WinClient or the Interaction Center

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SAP AG SAPCRM mySAP CRM Solution Overview

WebClient (for more details refer to the unit mySAP CRM Interaction Center).

MySAP CRM Mobile Sales/Service (Laptop solution)

Mobile Clients have a connection to the communication station. This station is
simply a point at which all of the modems and mobile systems dial up to (and that
translates the Microsoft based COM/DCOM technology used on the clients into SAP
Then the information is exchanged via the middleware to the CRM and or R/3
systems. The administration console on the CRM Server is used for implementing
the customizing of the replication mechanism to the Mobile Clients (look at unit
CRM Middleware in the appendix).

MySAP CRM Mobile Sales/Service for Handheld

Mobile Sales / Service for Handheld applications run on mobile devices on top of the
SAP Mobile Engine which is the central platform for mySAP Mobile Business

SAP Enterprise Portal – A Cornerstone of People-Centric CRM

Explain that SAP Enterprise Portal (SAP EP) is a cornerstone and the technical basis
for using People-Centric CRM.
For the usage of People Centric CRM it is mandatory to have installed SAP EP on a
Portal Server.

People-Centric CRM – Role Concept

By using roles you offer your employees a working environment consisting of access
to the relevant content for their daily work only.
This will lead to more acceptance of using the CRM system (especially for part time
SAP delivers a lot of standard roles with CRM 4.0. These roles can also be adapted
to meet a company’s specific requirements.
From a technical point of view iViews are used to provide this content.

Pre-configured Roles with mySAP CRM

The CRM standard roles are contained in Business Packages. They are delivered via
the download from the iView Studio (
Customers can choose from the role templates and can adopt the different roles to
their needs.
The iView Studio has three primary functions:
- Informing customers about available packages, worksets and iViews and making
this content available for download.
- Supporting the developer’s community in creating new content and offering it to
SAP Portal customers.
- Delivering updates and patches.

CRM Demo of People Centric CRM and Roles

(about 10 min.)

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For a first brief demonstration of People Centric CRM and roles we will use the Role
“Sales Representative” in this unit:
Logon with User SALESREP and Password WELCOME

Navigate through the 1st and 2nd level worksets (=orientation area) of this role (e.g
Acquisition > Opportunities) and search for existing opportunities of customer 3029.
Thereby explain again the concept of roles – worksets – iViews.
Choose one of the opportunities found and demonstrate the pattern-based structure
of the PC UI with detail area 1 and detail area 2.
Explain several user interface components such as search groups, toolbar groups,
tabstrip groups and fields on the screen.

Select a different portal style:
PC UI and select Personalize > Theme

Account Management > Accounts

To show any Iview or Content please
Select Personalize icon and Personalize

Whenever you find the Personalize icon you can adjust the layout and/or content

Exercise for Foundation and Architecture

15-20 minutes

The exercise contains a navigation example to familiarize users a bit with the
People-Centric UI. Please demo the section 2 for the participants. Please pay
attention to the fact that the column personalization has been deactivated in the
training portal. Is not working in all areas.

People-centric role: salesrep-##

Password: welcome

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3. Unit: mySAP CRM Analytics

Lecture: 60 – 90 min
Participant Exercise: none

PC UI User: crmanalyst
Pwd: welcome
You can follow the demo instructions a described.

You can call up the IDES demo page and show more / different analyses.
SAP Corp Portal / quick links IDES => call up the IDES Demo page and go to the IDES portal
At the moment this is the link (subject to change)
Log on to the portal
PC UI User: crmanalyst
Pwd: welcome

Putting the Unit in Context

Describe planning, targeting and analysis functions in CRM Marketing

Planning and Campaign Management
Create a campaign and execute it
Describe campaign automation functionality
Describe external list management


also use a dublicate check and postal check (third party tool)
Dun&Bradstreet works with BW only
marketing attributes can also be stored in BW
you may get your product proposals out of BW

Demo single Analyses:

CRM Analyst  Account Management => customer analyses like Customer Lifetime Value and
Customer Retention Rate

Caution: Customer Metrics does not work at the moment

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Demo Story

Navigation Screen Display

Customer Interaction Optimization > Demo stories Introduction Screen which displays the
Analytical Activities Customer Information Platform and Customer
> Sales & Customer Distribution by Region Interaction Platform, go mit mouse over state for more

Choose Introduction and then Sales and Geographical Distribution of Customers & Revenue.
Customer Distribution by Region You get the region-wise distribution for ‘A’ customers
and Potential ‘A’ Customers and the revenue they

Navigation Screen Display

Left click on the state of Illinois -> Goto -> Displays the chart showing the Distribution of Measured
Distribution of Measured and Potential ABC and Potential ABC customers
in Illinois

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The Marketing Manager realizes that the number of ‘A’ customers is much less than the potential ‘A’
customers, whereas in case of B and C segments, the number of existing customers are much higher than
the potential customers. The Marketing Manager decides to find out reasons for this huge gap between
‘A’ customers and potential ‘A’ customers.
Close window.

Part II: Analyzing Sales Trends and Predicting Customer Behavior

Sales Trend and Prediction for Illinois
He decides to take a closer look at the sales trend for Illinois.
Navigation Screen Display
Customer Interaction Optimization > Displays the sales revenue for the last six months of the
Analytical Activities year 2004 and the What If Prediction.
> Sales Trend and Prediction for Illinois
Choose or make any Entries for the prediction
EP70 Choose Analytical Activities  Sales 1. Example:
Trends and Prediction for Illinois from the Choose Region: CA
navigation pane.
Enter Revenue: 100000
Enter Number of Employee: 1000
Choose Sector: Financial Services
Choose Perdict => = C-customer
2. Example:
Choose Region: PA
Enter Revenue: 100000
Enter Number of Employee: 1000
Choose Sector: GENERAL
Choose Perdict => = A-customer

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By looking at the sales trends, the Marketing Manager sees that there is a steady decline in the revenue
generated by ‘A’ customers.

To understand the profile of Potential ‘A’ customer, the marketing manager decides to perform online
simulation by providing attribute values using the What If Prediction feature.
You can only mention that if would be possible….

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4. Unit: Marketing

Lecture: 60-90 Minutes

Participant Exercise: 20 –30 Minutes

Use people-centric user: campman with password “welcome”

For the exercise the participants are using a copy of the user salesrep and have to log on with PC-UI user
campman-## and pwd.: welcome

Slides and Demo

Preparation for this unit

Campaign Execution Demo
You should use WTS for this demo to see the HTML mail with all the
graphics. If you don’t have access to your SAP account via WTS use mail
form Z_SAPCRM_PLAIN. Then the mail will be send into the business
workplace of user TRAINING.

Change the links in the mail forms:

 Transaction CRMD_EMAIL
 change mail form Z_SAPCRM_PLAIN
 the URL link contains “j2ee-<XXX>”  change the “XXX” into
your system id <XXX> e.g. your sytem = TZ6 = >

 Only use mail address of NELSON and WILSON.

In demo and exercises: don’t use business partners as mail addresses
(e.g. marketing planner  tab “Channel”  choose Nelson or
Wilson in field “E-mail Address” and don’t fill out field “sender”
for mail campaigns)

For all demonstrations and during the exercises:

Use people-centric role CAMPMAN with password “welcome”

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SAP AG SAPCRM mySAP CRM Solution Overview

Putting the Unit in Context

Describe planning, targeting and analysis functions in CRM Marketing

Planning and Campaign Management
Create a campaign and execute it
Describe campaign automation functionality
Describe external list management

Marketing: Unit Objectives
Marketing: Course Overview Diagram
Marketing Business Scenario
Marketing Integration
Integration, integration, integration…
This is the most important issue you have to explain. Some examples are
mentioned under the slide. Here are some more examples, but be aware that
your participants usually don’t know much about CRM marketing:
External List Management: Can also be used in a BW scenario Perhaps you
also use a dublicate check and postal check (third party tool)
Dun&Bradstreet works with BW only
marketing attributes can also be stored in BW
you may get your product proposals out of BW
Marketing Plans and Campaigns
Describe differences between level “marketing plan” and level “campaign”:

Marketing plans have a strategic functionality and help to organize all the
marketing activities. Start an execution is only available for campaigns (and
campaign elements).
There are more details necessary for campaign execution. Usually you need a
target group (see slide). Depending on the channel you may also need e.g. a
mail form, an interaction center script (see example next slide), products…

CRM For the demos orientate yourself according to the exercise and choose your
preferred UI PC-UI or SAP GUI

Demonstration of creation a marketing plan and a campaign

5 minutes

Marketing  Marketing Planner
 Marketing Plan
Identification: C/4100-G20-MP
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Description: M-Plan Trainer XX00

Planned Start: today
Planned Finish: in 3 month

 Campaign
Identification: C/4100-G20-001
Description: Campaign E-Mail XX00
Planned Start: today
Planned Finish: in one week
Tab Basic Data:
Campaign Type: Product Promotion

Data Sources for Segmentation

This slide answers the question which information can be used for customer
1. BW queries (e.g. ABC analysis, business volume)
2. Info Set (e.g. country, CIP code)
3. Marketing Attributes
Additional steps (not to show/explain in that course):
To use one of these sources you have to define it as a data source for
segmention and put the datasources together in attribute lists. These lists are
available in the segment builder.
Segment Builder
Segmentation takes place in People Centric Ui where you can start an
Segment Builder application. That application currently hasn’t all the
functionalities like the SAPGui one. So you need People Centric UI and if
you want the new Segment Builder application.
Datasources are available in the left side part of the segment builder.
Modelling area works with different objects (see next slide).
Profile Sets, Profiles and Target Groups
Explain the differences (see slide).

The new segmentation combination OR and AND with and Attribute / Across
All Attributes does not work properly at the moment.
So please do not demo it.

Only the OR combination Across All Attributes works.

Demonstration of Segment Builder – Portal Demo

10 minutes

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It is easiyer to demo the Segment Builder in SAP GUI – Gui Demo the next

Portal (Marketing): Marketing  Segmentation

Profile Set: SAPCRM20

Segment Type: Campaign
press SAVE
Go To > “Refine” in the profile set part
 Choose attribute list SAPCRM Attribute List
 Right Mouse click on Region  Display distribution
to demo a graphic
optional: you can switch between pie and bar chart (right mouse click
into the graphic)
 Start segmentation: Put Colorado to the Staging Area (Drag & Drop)
 Put “Hardware: Mobile Equipment” onto the profile and keep it.
 Right Mouse click Build Target Group  in Dialog
 Right Mouse click Target Group Properties and change the name to
optional: Reload your profile set if your changes will not be available
 Tab strip Segments
 Change the TG name to: TG SAPCRM Trainer

 Tab strip [Members]
 click on 00Turner to switch to Account Management
 Tab strip [Addresses]
 change the mail address to your own one (see also preparation hints)
Participants can use their own mail addresses if their account is
available via internet
 [SAVE]
 Close the window to go back to the marketing planner
Optional Demonstration of Segment Builder – GUI Demo
10 minutes

Demonstration of Targeting and Segment Builder

10 minutes

Go to the Marketing Planner and demonstrate the target group

PC4YOU_4:Beginner Internet E-mail which is assigned to campaign
C/3002-B2C-INT: E-Mail Campaign Consumers:

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 Branch to the target group PC4YOU_4:Beginner Internet E-mail. The

target group segment builder will appear
Click on it with your right mouse button
select target group properties to demonstrate the selected attributes for
the target group (Beginner, Internet, Email)
 Demonstrate the selected Business Partners
Click on it with your right mouse button
Open Target group (3 BP will appear 470: Lynch, 573 Abott, 574 Wong)

Demonstrate the Segment Builder:

Marketing  Segmentation of Business Partners  Marketing Segments 
Segment Builder:
Button Find
Enter PC4YOU_* and select find (Caution use CAPITAL Letters for
Double Click on Profile PC4YOU_4 and it get the same detail as before in
the Marketing Plan.

If you would like to create a new Target group
Marketing  Segmentation of Business Partners  Marketing Segments 
Segment Builder:
Create (a Profile Set)  Campaign  Campaign Execution
Description: SAPCRM 20
Choose Attribute Lists: SAPCRM Attribute List
Click on Region => and you will the distribution of the value Region will be
Open the Attribute Region and choose Colorado and drag and drop it into the
staging area.
Choose from the attribute Computer Interests “Hardware: Mobile
Equipment” put it onto the profile and combine it with keep
 Right Mouse click Build Target Group  in Dialog
 Right Mouse click Properties and change the name to TG

In the exercises the participants needn’t to create their own target group. This
is prepared. They only need the next step:

Demonstration of assigning a target group to a campaign.

2 minutes

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Portal (Marketing): Campaign Management  Campaigns (=Marketing

 Open the marketing plan C/4100-G20-001 and switch to your
 [Segments]

 Marketing Segment: TG SAPCRM Trainer
(there are currently problems in the F4 search help: if you use the F4
help, don’t use the advanced search; additionally you may switch on
and off the filter functionality)

Personalization within a mail form
In the demo a mail form should be used. Here you can explain how
personalization works:
1. substitution of variables (e.g. BP master data or marketing attributes)
2. using conditions
Of course CRM Marketing contains more personalization functionality that
isn’t demonstrate here: Product Proposals in the web shop or interaction
Demonstration of assigning a mail form to your campaign
5 minutes

Portal (Marketing): Campaign Management  Campaigns (=Marketing

 Open the marketing plan C/4100-G20-001 and switch to your

 Communication Medium: E-Mail
 Form E-Mail: Z_SAPCRM_HTML
(use Z_SAPCRM_PLAIN if your mail account don’t display HTML
– see preparations)
 E-mail Address: Chris Nelson

Demonstration of the mail form
3 minutes

Portal (Marketing): Campaign Management  Marketing Forms

 search for *SAPCRM*
 (pictures will not be displayed)
 explain, that of course only the correct title (e.g. “Dear Mr.”) will be
used in the mail, not all three
Hint: Participants will use in their exercise the Plain version

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Z_SAPCRM_PLAIN: The same content but without graphic / it’s a better

view in the business workplace
This demo can be done better in SAPGUI because you can show the
conditions and the different text blocks much better.
Currently there is only the display mode available in People Centric UI.
Demonstration of Campaign Execution
5 minutes

Portal (Marketing): Campaign Management  Campaigns (=Marketing

 open your marketing plan C/4100-G20-001

 [Change Status]  choose Release
 open the campaign that belongs to your marketing plan
 [Change Status]  choose Release

 Tab strip Segments
 Mark the target group (flag)

 Start Date: Immediately

 Logoff
You should get a mail in your SAP account (see preparations).
Click onto the link in the mail  the web shop starts (don’t go into detail,
this will be part of E-Commerce unit).
Also show the business workplace for all who have no web access mail

CRM For the SAP GUI demo please orientate yourself according to the exercises
and solutions

Example: Channel Phone (Telemarketing)

Campaing planning: explain the hierarchy and the elements assigned to the
campaign: target group (“who should be contacted”) and script (part of “how
should the target group be contacted”). The blue part shows the “additional
objects” from the slide before.
Campaign execution for Telemarketing: a call list will be created that
contains all targeted business partners including the script and the activities.
The activities will be changed during execution. These changes are used to
record the execution and can also be used for evaluations in BW.
During the next steps you will demonstrate the campaign’s assignments: first
target group and then channel details

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New in CRM 4.0: Campaign Automation

Give an overview about real multi-wave / multi-channel

New in CRM 4.0: External List Management and very much enhanced in 5.0
Explain also the difference between rented and purchased addresses.
Two Scenarios are available: B2C (Consumers will be created out of the list
information) and B2B (2 business partners will be created: an organization
and a person which is related to the organization).
There is no demo planned for External List Management.
Unit Summary

Exercise for Marketing

20-30 minutes

For the exercise every participants can use his/her own PC-UI User
PC-UI User: campman-##
Pwd: welcome

Participants will need an access to SAPGui (Business Workplace) to check

out the sent out e-mails.
Provide them with the Logon data and demonstrate where to find the business

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5. E-Commerce

Lecture: 60 Minutes
Participant Exercise: 20 Minutes

The Webshop log on with participant user ##Turner and Email Address CRM-
##.TEST@SAPIDES.COM is a bit buggy.

The Participant have to enter the password welcome three time old password, password and verify
password ALWAYS use welcome

Choose SAVE

Access to all Web shops

You can access all Web Shop with the general URL System links (transaction code zlinks)
If you wish you could manually access all web shop with the following URLs. Please adjust the links and
replace the XXX with your system id.

General Link to the Shop list:

Web Link Plus scenario information and Language
XXX = your CRM system id for example your CRM System would be TEZ the link would look like this: b2c/b2c/ ….

Link for the B2C-Shop:

Shop access in English:
Choose Shop PC4YOU_EN
Shop access in German:
Chose Shop PC4YOU_DUS

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Link for the B2B-Shop:

Shop access in English:
Choose shop PC4BIZ_EN: PC4BIZ-B2B Demo Shop English Version
Shop access in German:
Choose shop PC4BIZ_DUS: PC4BIZ-B2B Demo Shop deutsch & USD

For al B2b Shops Log on with:

User: 233
Password: welcome

Link for Internet Self Service

ICSS_B2C: for consumers
Shop access English Version
Shop access German Version

Optional: ICSS_B2B: for customers

Shop access in English:
Shop access in German

Log on with
User: 461 or 233
Password: welcome
Choose the shop PC Shop EN (PC4BIZ_EN) or for German User PC Shop DUS

Collaborative Showroom link

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Slides and Demo

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

Explain that SAP delivers combined sales, service, marketing and analytics
functionality within the mySAP CRM E-Commerce scenario

Reproduce the functionality of the B2C and B2B Web Shop and the Internet
Customer Self Service

E-Commerce: Overview
On the slide, the solution map for E-Commerce is displayed. The single
elements of this solution map correspond (in general) to the scenarios and
processes that can be implemented with the help of the solution manager.
The company installing CRM can therefore decide, which elements of the
solution map it wants actually to implement. Detailed information on each
topic can be found in the solution manager.
Point out, that E-Commerce is combining sales, service and marketing
functionality and that also analyses are available to check and improve the
performance of this interaction channel between company and customers.

Application Services: Business Scenario

The main focus in the chapter is to demonstrate the participants the two Web
shops B2B and B2C (holding E-Sales and E-Marketing) functionality and the
Internet Service Self Service with its E-Service functionality.

Customer Centric Business with mySAP CRM

Point out, that the interaction channel E-Commerce will be discussed in this
chapter. Focusing on direct transactions/contact between company and
customers via the Web.

E-Selling & E-Selling – Screenshots of B2C and B2B Web shops

Give some examples for the features displayed on the slide E-selling. You
will find details for each feature in the notes to the slide.
Guided Selling gives the customer option to answer questions and then to be
guided to a specific product by the system. Can be seen as an alternative to
the navigation within the product catalog.

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CRM Demonstration of B2B and B2C Web Shop

15 Min
Use the access to the Web shops as specified in the exercises and demonstrate
the functionality within.
To access the B2C shop, try to use the link specified in the mail, which was
generated in the Marketing chapter.

Access to the B2B Web shop directly.

Log on with:
User: 233
Password: welcome:

E-Service & E-Service - Screenshot

Put special emphasis on the main features of E-Service:

FAQ search
Solution Search
Request Management
Installed Base Management

Knowledge Management:
1. Solution Search - Search of solutions within the Solution Database
and corresponding attachments through a natural language search and
advanced search capabilities
2. Knowledge Base Management - consolidated repository of symptoms
and solutions that can be accessed by customers using an intuitive
search engine
3. Frequently Asked Questions by product - predefined questions that
are linked to solutions

Request Management :
Service Request – create a service request including the product or
installation and requested service. Customers can create, update, and
track the status of service requests throughout the entire service
process via the Internet

Complaints and Returns Management

 Complaints - create and monitor complaints, request a credit, return
or replacement for each referenced product and installation

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 Returns – create and monitor returns, relevant information on the

return is displayed

Live Customer Support

 Callback – request a call back from a customer service representative
 Chat – engage a customer service representative in a one-on-one text
chat session
 VoIP – engage a customer service rep in a personalized voice
conversation using the internet
 Email – request an email response from a CSR

Account Self-Service
 Self Registration
 “Forgotten Password” maintenance
 Account and User Administration
 Account Status and History

Installed Base Management

 Manage and structure purchased
 Initiate a service request from a
selected product or installation
 Integration to warranty and contract management including
validation of warranties during service processes

CRM Internet Customer Self Service (ICSS)

10 min
Log on to the ICSS scenario:

Log on with
User: 461
Password: welcome

Possible demo options:

 FAQ – Search (choose category “PC shop products” and product
“Notebook Professional 17”
 Solution Search (Search for solutions for the keyword “printer”)

Point out that the FAQs and Solutions are all maintained in the CRM server.

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E-Marketing & E-Marketing - Screenshot

Give some examples for the features displayed on the slide E-Marketing. You
will find details for each feature in the notes to the slide.

CRM Demonstration of E-Marketing

5 min

Log on to the B2C Web shop again and specify the Marketing features within
Put special emphasis on:
 Bestsellers (“Special offers within our Shop”)
 Personal Product Recommendations
 Cross- and Up-selling within the product catalog and the shopping basket
(Cross-Selling: Related products are offered, Up-selling: Alternatives are
Point out also, that within B2B shop the catalog can be tailored for each
customer by the definition of customer specific catalog views.

Point out the difference between Web Analysis and Web Site Monitoring. For
details please see the notes for the slide.
For both kinds of analyses the usage of the SAP BW is necessary. For Web
Analysis an additional TeaLeaf software is needed. (But all necessary basic
functions of this TeaLeaf software are already included in the
license. Just additional TeaLeaf features like the option to replay the
customer session are charged extra.)

Exercise for E-Commerce

Approximate Duration: 30 min

Possible Problem:
Participant log on tp the B2C shop with the email CRM-

The Webshop log on with participant user ##Turner and Email Address
CRM-##.TEST@SAPIDES.COM is a bit buggy.

The Participant have to enter the password welcome three time old password,
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password and verify password ALWAYS use welcome

After the log on or when trying to log on the participant might be asked to
change there password. All they should be is to enter the password welcome
three times and please make no changes.
Old password: welcome
New password: welcome
Verify new password. welcome

Choose SAVE

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6. Channel Management

Lecture: 60 Minutes
Participant Exercise: 20 –30 Minutes

Use people-centric role LUCKINSE with password “welcome
Use people-centric role WHITEL with password “welcome
For the exercise the participants are using the same users as the instructor.

Collaborative Showroom link

Slides and Demo

General Information during Upgrade course material to EP 60 some slides have been deleted or

Contents of Unit

Putting the Unit in Context

At the conclusion of this unit, the participants will be able to:

 Explain the concept of mySAP CRM Channel Management which is to
provide a platform for organizations to manage partner relationships and
enable channel partners to do business with end-customers
 Describe the building blocks of mySAP CRM Channel Management with
specific regard to the various user interfaces and functional areas
 To do the relevant tasks for Lead Management both at the Channel
Manager Portal and at the Partner Portal

mySAP CRM Channel Management: Overview

On the slide, the solution map for Channel Management is displayed. The
single elements of this solution map correspond (in general) to the scenarios
and processes that can be implemented with the help of the solution manager.
The company installing CRM can therefore decide, which elements of the
solution map it wants actually to implement. Detailed information on each
topic can be found in the solution manager.

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Channel Management: Business Scenario

As a Channel Manager you will access the Channel Manager Portal and
create leads and dispatch leads to partners
As a Partner you will access the Partner Portal and accept and qualify leads
and start a lead-to-order process

Customer Centric Business with mySAP CRM

Point out, that the interaction channel Channel Management will be discussed
in this chapter. Focusing on indirect transactions/contact between company
and customers via the Web with the help of partners.

Indirect Channel Structure

Point out the motivation for the brand owner on the slide to implement
Channel Management.

Channel Management – Building Blocks

Point out the user interfaces for Channel Management and the functional
areas. Also mention, that the access (URL) to the portal is the same in each
case, but depending on the user different data sets are displayed.
If the customer accesses the Web shop via the portal he will do so via the so-
called Collaborative Showroom.

User Interfaces 1/3: Channel Manager Portal

What‘s Integrated in the Channel Manager Portal?

Explain that the channel manager is an employee working for the brand
owner (the company, that produces the products)

On the Brand Owner‘s side, the Channel Manager oversees all partner
related activities.
Needs access to operational and analytical data to manage and optimize the
indirect sales channel, from partner recruiting and planning to monitoring
transactions within the channel. Also collaboratively manages the customer
relationship with the partners.

By means of the two slides explain, what functionality is available for the
channel manager).

Demonstration of Channel Manager Portal

15 min

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Give out that now you will log on to the Channel Manager Portal as Erik
Luckins and perform some of Eric’s daily tasks within the portal as Channel
Enter the Portal as Eric Luckins via:
Use people-centric role LUCKINSE with password “welcome”

Your demo can be based on exercises 1.

1. Create a Lead
 Path: Sales Cycle -> Leads.
 Choose New as transaction type (action) “Lead Partner Portal”
 Maintain the description: Lead for Group 20
 Maintain the sales prospect “Media Store” (you can just type
the number 3271 and then press enter).
 Choose as contact person “John Taylor” (BP number 461)
 Tab “Products” assign 10 products HT-1010 (Notebook
Professional 15) with Add Entry
 Save the lead

2. Dispatch the Lead to the partner ED Systems:

Choose Go To  List and then choose the button
Now in the next pop—up choose Manual External and partner ID
300864 and in the end choose confirm

Search for “ED Systems” (or enter the partner number 300864 in the field
Partner) and “extern” in the field Sales employee and Finally save
the lead.
You will return to the list view => Demo Status Change: Dispatched
to Partner
Choose SAVE

Now that you have dispatched the lead to reseller ED Systems check, who
on the side of ED Systems will receive the lead. Who is the partner
manager for Ed Systems?
 Check the details of the partner ED Systems
 Path: Partner & Account Management -> Partner Management
 Select “Ed Systems” and check the tab “Has Contact Person” further
 E.g. “Logan White” is maintained as partner manager working for ED

Log off from the portal as Eric Luckins

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User Interfaces 2/3: Partner Portal

What‘s Integrated in the Partner Portal for the Partner Manager?

Make clear that the partner portal is for employees working for the partner of
the brand owner.
A Partner Manager is responsible for marketing, sales and service of the
brand owner‘s products and services at the partner company. Tasks include
managing leads and orders. Needs access to up-to-date information and
analytics and collaboratively manages the customer relationship with the
brand owner.

Optional: Additional Example, if needed:

Brand owner: Ford

Partner: Ford dealer selling spare parts.
Customer: Garage, in need of spare parts.
By means of the two slides explain, what functionality is available within
the partner portal.

CRM Demonstration of Partner Portal

Approximate Duration: 10 min

Give out that now you will log on to the Portal as White Logan and perform
some of White’s daily tasks within the portal as employee working for the

Enter the Portal as White Logan via

Password: welcome

Now enter the portal as Logan White via

Password: welcome
Check that “Welcome Logan White” appears in the portal
In the workflow inbox search for and select the lead (Lead for Group XX)
you have dispatched before.
 Path: Home  Overview
Workflow Inbox
Now you are in the Workflow Inbox
You have to Search for your lead

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Get: Creation Date : enter today’s date mm/dd/yyyy

You may have to scroll down in the workflow inbox to find the object
detail with the details of the lead
A new window will pop-up with the details of the lead
Now accept and confirm your lead.
Close the window with the details of your lead.
And go back to the workflow inbox select your lead, choose the
user decision “Accept Lead” and press first the button
“Confirm Button”

User Interfaces 3/3: Web Shop (Collaborative Showroom)

Make clear that …

 the Collaborative Showroom is used by consumers
 this is basically a Web shop, as we have seen it in the Chapter on E-
Commerce. The only difference is, that the order is not sent to the Web
shop owner (brand owner) but to a partner for further processing.

Within the PC4YOU Collaborative Showroom, customers have access to

product availability and pricing across the PC4YOU partner network.
PC4YOU partners maintain their product mixes, pricing and availability
for the PC4YOU Collaborative Showroom via the Partner Portal.

CRM Demonstration of Web Shop (Collaborative Showroom)

10 min

First point out that two persons are involved in this scenario:

 the consumer within the collaborative showroom, who is creating the

 the partner employee Michael Ross (Partner Manager - Channel
Commerce) working for EuroCo, who processes this order.

Enter the Collaborative Showroom as a customer via the following URL and
create an order.
If you have no Web-Middelware information, use this link
XXX = your system id
With Web-Middlewar information use this link:
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Enter the collaborative showroom and at least three items (e.g. Ht-1001, HT-
1055) to your basket. Assign partner EuroCo and then change the partner for
one item. Then check out the basket (e.g. with CRM-
##.TEST@SAPIDES.COM / welcome) and thus create two orders.

Your demo can be based on exercise 3

Alter native Demo Customer Exercise

3.1 Enter the Collaborative Showroom via the following URL:

3-2 Browse through the catalog and transfer the following two products
into the shopping basket

 HT-1001 (Notebook Professional 1.7)

 HT-1055 (Multi Print).

3.3 Navigate to the shopping basket.

3.4 Search a partner that will handle your order and select the company
Press the button “Partner Locator” and select “EuroCo” (click
on the link “Choose” next to “EuroCo”.)

3-5 Check the availability/prices of the items at the chosen partner.

Which of the products in the assortment of the company EuroCo is
available just in three weeks?
HT-1055 Multi Print

3.6 Is there an other company, which has this product available


Yes, there is another company. To find out press the button

“Find new partner for this article” in the line of product HT-
1055. On the next screen you can see, that the company Lime
Computers delivers the product much faster.
Choose Lime Computer for product HT-1055, so that different
partners will handle the two order positions.
3.7 Order the shopping basket. To register you can use the e-mail
address of Sandra ##Turner CRM-##.TEST@SAPIDES.COM
and the password “welcome” (## stands for your group number) or
the e-mail address you specified in the chapter 5 (exercise 3-1).
Press the button “ Go to check out”

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3.8 Follow the checkout procedure for each of the partners (Hint: Don't
choose Credit Card as Payment Method or you’ll have to enter real
3.9 Have a look at the order confirmation and note the two order

Order numbers:

3.10 Go to My account and check the order status for both orders.
The status for both order is “Open”

3.11 Log-off.

Exercise for Channel Management

30 min

For the exercise all participants use the same PC-UI User
Channel/ Partner Manager
PC-UI User: Luckinse
Password: welcome

Partner Portal:
Password: welcome

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7. Unit: Sales

Lecture: 60 – 80 Minutes
Participant Exercise: 20 Minutes

Portal Access EP 6.0:
Use people-centric user salesrep with password welcome

For the exercise the participants are using a copy of the user salesrep and have to log on with PC-UI user
salesrep-## and pwd.: welcome

Slides and Demo

Contents of Unit
Use people-centric user SALESREP with password “welcome”

Putting the Unit in Context

Describe different business objects, elements and functions within CRM


Sales Cycle and Closed-Loop CRM

Explain the closed loop and especially point out that the sales cycle
(including e.g. Opportunity Management) is something new for R/3
CRM Sales
Here the solution map bricks of the are sales are listed. Briefly go through the
entries. They will be explained in the following.
Sales Planning and Forecasting
Territory Management : Maintenance of the territories (Administration) only
takes place using SAPGUI.
Account and Contact Management – Features
Show Accounts and Contacts in PC UI
CRM Open the portal using an appropriate user.
In the top-level navigation click on Account Management
Click on subtab Accounts
Get Account ID 3271 (or an account number of your knowledge) and click
the Go button.
Show tabs
Interaction History and explain that a list of recent transactions is shown.
Relationships and show that the customer has several contact persons.
Marketing Attributes and show Attribute Set PCREAILER.or other tabs that

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you would like to point out.

Activity Management

Create an Activity
CRM Open the portal.
In top-level navigation click on Activities
Click on subtab Activities
Click on the New button. A window pops up. Choose Sales Call (you
probably need to scroll down in order to find this entry)
Enter the following: Activity Partner 20Turner
Description <your choice>
Reason Recurring activity
Start/End date/time <in the future>
Save the activity.
Optional Demo – Create Activity with Activity Journal
CRM Open the portal.
In top-level navigation click on Activities
Click on subtab Activities
Click on the Create button. A window pops up. Choose Bus.Act.:With Prods
Enter the following: Description <your choice>
Cat. Visit Customer
Activity Partner 20Turner
Contact Person 20Turner
Press ENTER.
If necessary click on tab Activity Journal.
You should see two line items (products HT-1010 and HT-1036)
Enter the following: Product HT-1010
Number of Samples 2
Discussed check it
Save the activity.
Activity Management – Groupware Integration
Big news in CRM 4.0! Bi-directional exchange of tasks and business

Opportunity Management
Explain in general what an opportunity means.
Embed Opportunity Management into the loop and mention that this is
something new since R/3 SD does not know this type of object.
Opportunity Management – Sales Methodology
Mention that the standard CRM system offers a transaction type (OPSM)
which represents a sales methodology. With customizing in general it is
possible to create other transaction types (see chapter Customizing) that could
also represent another type of sales methodology

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CRM Orientate yourself according to the Exercises and Solutions of the

participants. Take your choice of UI

Creating a Sales Methodology Opportunity

Open the portal.

In top-level navigation click on Acquisition

Click on subtab Opportunities.
Click on the New button. A window pops up. Choose Sales Methodology
Enter the following: Description Sales chance
Sales Prospect 00Turner
Phase Identify opportunity
Closing date <in the future>
Press ENTER.
Click on tab Products and then on Add Entry.
Enter product id HT-1010, quantity 50 and press ENTER.
Show some of the tabs that are Sales Methodology specific, e.g. Sales Team,
Competitor, Buying Center and at last the Sales Assistant.
Click on tab Sales Assistant.
Activate the Gather Information on Customer and Obtain and Prepare Visit
Save the opportunity.
Click on tab Document Flow and explain that the activated actions resulted
in two activities connected to the opportunity.
Flow-up Activity  Create Order.
Choose Telesales (Ordertyp TA)
A new window pop up. Click the Transfer ALL button in order to transfer the
item HT-1010 into the sales order. You might want to change the order
Save the order.

Quotation and Order Management – Quotation

Mention that in standard CRM quotations will not be transferred to R/3.
Quotation and Order Management – Sales Order
Introduce CRM sales order.
Mention that a standard sales order will automatically distributed to R/3. In
the document flow the “replicated” order is visible.
Mention that it is possible in CRM 4.0 to have a real availability check
(including reservation and termination) versus R/3.

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Contract Management
Explain that in standard CRM there are different types of contracts available.
Quantity, Value, Quantity/Value and configurable Q/V contracts.
Mention that it is possible with CRM 4.0 to transfer contracts from R/3 to
CRM. Release orders can then be created on both sides.
Show sales order created in Chapter E-Commerce
CRM Open the portal.
In top-level navigation click on Sales  Orders.
Search for the sales order or enter the transaction number and click Go.
In PC UI the sales order that was created via E-Commerce is visible! Show
data and document flow.

Sales Scenario with ERP Backend

Optional Demo

Create delivery of E-commerce sales order in R/3

Log on to the corresponding R/3 system (e.g. RKI) via SAPGUI.
Call transaction VA03 in order to display the sales order.
Enter the order number and confirm.
Go to menu Sales document  Delivery (if you get an error message due to
unconfirmed schedule lines, go back to the sales order and press CTRL-F4
(call ATP check).
Save the delivery.
In the portal open the sales order and show
tab Document Flow. You will be able to see another entry (Delivery)
tab Status: The sales order is completed.

Incentive and Commission Management

Exercise for Sales

20 min

For the exercise every participants can use his/her own PC-UI User
PC-UI User: salesrep-##
Password: welcome

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8. Unit: Interaction Center

Lecture : 60 Minutes
Participants Exercises: 30 Minutes

Caution: the exercise /solution is wrong

Exercise/solution Exercise / solution 1-10
Please ask your participants to create a follow-up of type Complaint
Your participant should create a follow up Complaint ERPBilling for an
order of type Telesales or Internet Sales

=> an emergency repair is requested to correct the exercise.

Acces the IC Web client via the

the direct access links with systemlinks or
use the portal access

Use people-centric User: icagent with password “welcome”

For the exercise the participants log on with icagent-## pwd: welcome
Contents of Unit
Slides and Demo

PCUI of training system: see your trainer instructions
Use people-centric role ICAGENT with password “welcome”

Putting the Unit in Context

 Interaction Center Win- and WebClient
 Interaction Center Management

Slides: “mySAP CRM Interaction Center” to “Case Study …”

Let the participants know briefly what the objective of the unit is and how it
fit’s into our course scenario.

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Slide: “IC: Solution Map”

The mySAP Interaction Center Win- and WebClient support a lot of
functions and processes as indicated by the solution map. We will focus on
the service functions of the Interaction Center and give a short overview on
some of the management tools.
In addition the Solution Manager gives a lot of detailed information on the
different features as well as information on the implementation process.

Slides: “Agent Desktop – User Interface”

Very important is the first statement of the Slide notes: SAP has two UIs for
the Interaction Center that are offered equally. We are not pushing the one
more than the other.
Even though we will focus in this course a little bit on introducing the new IC

Slides: “IC: WebClient Layout”

Explain the different screen areas.
Totally new is the navigation concept. No workspaces/tab pages like in the
WinClient but navigation links in the navigation bar and throughout the
different screens.
Also new is the scratch pad that can be used to store any free text information
that can be imported into the transactions / documents and into the knowledge
search (the use of the scratchpad is described in the case study tutorial of this

Slides: “IC: WinClient Layout”

Once again describe the usage of the different screen areas.

Logon data: IC WebClient
Logon to the Portal of the training system as user: ICAGENT, pwd: welcome

The participant log on with icagent-## pwd: welcome

Logon data: IC WinClient

Logon to the training system as user: training, pwd: welcome
After login start the Interaction Center via transaction code CIC0 (details on how to start the transaction
and the required personal settings are described in the optional exercise).
Your user training is assigned to th

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A comparison of the Win- and WebClient can be a useful first demo:

Logon to both clients and show the similarities of
WinClient WebClient
Business Partner search Account Identification
(search, confirm) (search, confirm)
Interaction History Interaction History
Navigation by tab pages Navigation bar and links in the views
Telephony-Buttons on top of the screen Telephony-Buttons on top of the screen

Demo of case study scenario: IC WebClient Knowledge Search

As described in Tutorial and exercises.

The maintenance of service orders as indicated in the last step of the tutorial is so far not supported in the

Additional Demo: Complaint maintenance in the WinClient

If participants are interested in a demo on the WinClient you may show the complaint scenario described
in the exercises.

Additional Demo: Telesales in the WebClient

The scenarios mentioned before are rather service related. If you want to show a Telesales demo in the
WebClient this could be based in the Telesales tutorial of the learning map.

Slides: “IC Configuration”

Both UIs but especially the WinClient are very crowded with functions and
features (Buttons, fields, tab pages, views). This is because we try to show all
the functions the UIs have. In a productive environment agents or groups of
agents are specializing on tasks like Telesales or Tele Service. According to
their specific tasks the UI will be configured to show only those features they
really need.
So an important message is that the UIs both can be configured to deliver
exactly those features required by the job profiles of agents.

Slides: “TeleMarketing, -Sales, and Service”

This slide is indicating that the central CRM business processes can be
executed in the interaction center:
In TeleMarketing the agents are responsible for executing TeleMarketing
campaigns. The target group of the campaign will show up as a call list in the
Interaction Center. The agents who are executing the calls will be supported
in their communication with the customers by scripts and surveys. Part of a
campaign can be the qualification of leads based on the answers of customers
to the survey questions. Telemarketing is also supporting the agents with
product proposals such as top-N products, cross selling, up-selling and

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campaign related product offering.

TeleSales includes the maintenance of Opportunities, Quotations and Sales
orders and Contracts. For the offered products functions like pricing, variant
configuration, ATP checks and proposals of related products are available.
TeleService includes a lot of different service processes. In the demo, tutorial
and exercises we are focusing on the knowledge search. This way we try to
find a solution for the customers’ problem in our solution data base. The
solution can be given to the customer by phone or e-mail for example. If the
problem can not be solved by the given solution it might be necessary to
create a service document. Complaints are used to trigger the return of the
damaged product and a subsequent delivery free of charge or a credit memo.
Service Orders or in house repair orders are used to repair the damaged
product either on sight (at the customer’s location) or in our own plant. Case
Management is a new feature for tracking service issues.
Note: not all of the existing service processes are supported in the WebClient
4.0 Release depending on the patch level.

Slides: “Interactive Scripting”

Interactive scripting is used to supply the agents with interactive phrases
supporting the communication with business partners. Scripts can be linked to
surveys. The answers given by customers to both scripts and surveys can be
evaluated in BW.
Note: the administration environment for scripts as well as the underlying
data model for the WinClient is different from the WebClient! So one script
can not be used in both UIs.

Slides: “Knowledge Search”

Knowledge Search allows to enter the symptoms of a problem and to search
in the solution database for a solution. (for a demo scenario see the exercises
and the tutorial).
Knowledge search is not a native Interaction Center feature but a generic tool
that can be used everywhere in CRM Service (People Centric UI, SAP GUI,
Internet Customer Self Service).
As from CRM 4.0 the search is based on TRex Java technology as a search

Slides: “IC Mgt: Manager Dashboard”

As a management tool the dashboard is not part of the IC Win- or WebClient
but of the Manager Portal as part of the People Centric UI.
Optional Demo:
Logon to your training system portal
user: icman
pwd: welcome
Menu: Real time Status  IC Manager Dashboard

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Slides: “IC Mgt: Managing Call Lists”

For call list administration there are different UIs: in the SAP GUI and in the
Manager Portal as part of the People Centric UI.
Menu path: SAP GUI: Interaction Center  Supporting Processes  Call
Lists  Call List maintenance
Menu path IC Manager Portal (user: icman, pwd: welcome): Real Time
Status  Call List Mgt and Menu path: Administartion  ICWebClient
Processes  Call Lists  …
Both UIs are based on the same data model so it is up to the customer to
choose the one or the other UI to administer the same call lists.

Participant Exercises: 20 min

For the exercises in the IC WebClient give user: icagent and password:
welcome to the participants
For the IC WinClient exercise it might de a good idea to explain how to make
your Telephony setting, described in Exercise 1-7 of the Alternative Scenario

Caution: the exercise /solution is wrong

Exercise/solution Exercise / solution 1-10
Please ask your participants to create a follow-up of type Complaint
Your participant should create a follow up Complaint ERPBilling for an
order of type Telesales or Internet Sales

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OPTIONAL Show other IC Win client set up for the user in status Beginner.

Enhancement of Interaction Center Demo -Optional Demos for IC WIN Client.

Optional DEMO 1: - IC Agent Beginner position
Assignment of user training to Interaction Center Position Beginner
1. Transaction PPOMA_CRM (menu: Master Data  Organization Model  Maintain
Organizational Model)
2. Chose the following position in the Organizational Model:
Find by Organizational unit: Structure search
IDES Incorporated  IDES US  US Sales and Service  US Sales East  US Office
Chicago  US Contact Center Chicago  Beginner
3. Double click on this position

4. Click on the “Assign” icon:

5. Double click on “Holder”
6. Click on “Users by Address Data” Tab
7. Search for user Training*
8. confirm with green COPY icon
9. Save your data!
Call Up the Interaction Center again.
SAP Menu: Interaction Center  Interaction Center WinClient  Interaction Center WinClient (CIC0)
Now you get to choose between the Interaction Center Position Beginner and Contact Center Agent.
Call up the new Position Beginner and show the simple the work area of an agent could look like.
Point out that this is all freely customizable. How Interaction Center Position can be adjusted is taught in
course CR400.

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STILL Under construction please do not use

Optional DEMO 2- IC Inbox and Mailing options.
But please always test it before you demo it and when in doubt leave it out.
Demo scenario:
A customer contacts our company via Email. The email should be handled in the interaction center
Inbox of our agent

1. The business partner is determined by the sender's mail address. In our standard training the
Email address of the user training: = customer 00Turner (BP
2. If you are not using system user training you have to assign your user for E-Mail Handling (IC
Administration  Agent Inbox  Assign Agent for E-Mail Handling)
Now you are the customer:
 Send short message ( menu path: system  short message ’Error 190’ (German: 'Fehler 190') to e-
mail-address quick.service00@COMPANY.COM
Wait a few moments. You might support the sending process with the transaction scot and execute the
sending of email process.

Now you are the interaction center agent who handles incoming customer mails.
 Call up IC
 Action Box: Inbox  Inbox
 Double click on mail  status changes from Ready to Reserved (you may show workflow protocol
icon and status)
 The business partner is determined by the sender's mail address and an activity is automatically
created. (go back to the Email Inbox)
 Show toolbar with e-mail-commands in the email - Right mouse key, call up Knowledge Search,
 Within the Knowledge Search
 Mail text is transferred as search text for symptom search
 Select Search
 Add solution to cart
 Button: Send to  Email
 The solution text is automatically pasted into the email  Send the answer to the customer
Button Send
 Optional: Copy -> past the solution to the activity (save)
 End Contact  Automatic Pop-Up: Set status to completed - YES (workflow is completed - item
will disappear from your inbox)

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9. Unit: Service

Lecture: 60 - 70 min
Exercises: 20 min

Exercise/solution Exercise / solution 1-1-1

Please ask your participants to RELEASE (item) of the service process.
If you do not release it you cannot create a service confirmation afterwards in 1-1-2.

=> The emergency repair was done, so exercise /solution should be correct.


Use people-centric user: servicerep with password “welcome”

And PC-UI User: billclerk Password: welcome

For the exercise the participants are using a copy of the user salesrep and have to log on with PC-UI user
servicere-## and pwd.: welcome (caution skip the “p” for the participant user, it is just servicere-##) and
PC-UI User: billclerk-##, Password: welcome

Slides and Demo

Putting the Unit in Context

Explain the business processes within my SAP CRM Service

Installed Base
Customer Service and Support – Contracts

CRM Show Installed Base

SAPMenu: Master Data  Installed Base  Display Installed Base

Installed Base: 3296

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> Dep. Marketing

>> Notebook Professional 17 = Component: 3305

Go to  Partner
This I-Base “belongs” to customer 3271 Media Store

Customer Service and Support – Warranties

Warranties are product masters. (new product master type with CRM 4.0)
You can assign a warranty to an installed base/installed base components,
individual object or to a product master (e.g. of type material)
Warranties will be determined automatically within the service order,
complaint and confirmation.
A validation takes place automatically. It is checked if/how the problem
is covered.

CRM Optional Demo – Warranties

Show Warranty in product master
SAPMenu: Master Data  Products  Maintain Products
Find: Warranty
Show product WP_001 Notebook Warranty - 2 Years

Service Order Processing

Integration my SAP CRM Service
mySAP CRm Billing for Service

Exercise Demo
CRM Follow the exercise of the participants for PC Ui or SAP Gui – your

Create a Service Process

Sold to-party: 20Turner
Reference Objects: HT-1010
Product: SRV1_4 (Quantity 2)

Choose Release Items and SAVE it again.

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And create a Service Conformation as Follow up activity

Follow up activity  Create Confirmation

(Transfer all)
And set
Service Status: complete Item

Note your confirmation number

PC UI > Log Off as Servicerep

And log on as Billingclerk with pwd. welcome

For Billing option in PC-Ui please use the PC-UI Role Billingclerk and
password welcome

Billing  Billing Due list

Open Advance Search
Search for your confirmation or customer 20Turner
Choose Individual Billing Doc.

After you have billed the confirmation successfully

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Go to  Details and on the Tab page Billing Due List Sub tab Document
Here you can show the billing document

Note: It does not get transferred to accounting so you cannot show

and accounting documents.

CRM Optional Demo Part One – Warranties proposal

SAPMenu: Service  Maintain Service Processes.
Create  Service Processes  “service process” (ZSE1).

MAY BE: When you enter this sold-to-party information you will receive
a pop up which informs you about an open service contract, choose NO
Assignmen (do not refer to it).

Enter the following data:

Sold-to-party 3271
Description: PC Problem
Component 3305

Choose button Product Proposal

Choose service product SRV1_4 with quantity 1.

Choose Item Details and show tab “Warranty” for item “Products”
Choose Item Details go to the tab condition
In order to bill this document you have to delete the 100% discount on
Save your service process in the end.

Save it again.

CRM Optional Demo Part TWO – Billing /Accounting documents

And create a Service Conformation as Follow up activity

Create a Follow up Transaction: Service Confirmation

Choose copy all
Go to Fast Entry area
Change the Exec. Service Employee to 400440 Lou Windham
(Lou is a service employee)

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Choose Complete and save your confirmation.

Service Status: complete Item

Note the transaction number of your confirmation

Billing Part
Service  Billing  Maintain Billing Due List

Choose Collective Billing

Afterwards you can display the log and the billing document (Billing
 Maintain Billing Documents)

If everything went o.k. you can show the document flow you’re your
billing document including the Accounting document.

Customer Service and Support – Case Management

Case Management is only available within IC Web Client and PC UI.
A case can be seen as a bracket around “something”. “Something” can be
- activities
- documents/attachments
- notes.
Tracking of changes and also a case hierarchy is possible
Customer Service and Support – Complaints and Returns Management
Complaints together with Interaction Center are a very common scenario.
A customer calls and reports a problem. A complaint can be created and
using actions follow-up processing can be triggered (e.g. return; credit
A complaint item will not be distributed to R/3. Within SAPGUI a
complaints look like a service transactions. A reference object can be
It is possible to create a complaint with reference to a billing document.
When doing this a quantity check can be performed. (setting on item
category level)
Returns are similar to complaints but different. Return items will be
transferred to R/3. Within SAPGUI returns look like sales transactions.
1.The customer calls the service organization to complain about a service
performed and a defective product that was delivered.

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2.The customer sends in the defective product using the return material
authorization number issued.
3.A service employee performs a technical analysis and decides that the
customer should be given a replacement for the defective product.
4.The service employee also decides that the customer should be
compensated with a credit for the incomplete service performed.
5.Using predefined queries and reports, the service manager analyzes
complaint reasons and decides what actions should be taken to prevent
further complaints and checks whether the actions taken and product
changes were successful.
6.The agent calls the customer to ensure that the customer is satisfied.

CRM Optional Demo

Create a complaint

Service  Maintain Complaints and In-House Repairs
Create  Complaints  Complaints

Sold-to party 3271

Description: your choice Notebook does not work
Product: Ht-1011
Save it.

Explain the different option for this complaint. You could create
Credit or Debit Memo, Substitute Delivery, Return Request or a flow-up
Choose for example Return Request and save again.

After some time the Document Flow Button is active and you can see the
replicated document of your return in the ERP Backend.

Exercise for Service

20 min

For the exercise every participants can use his/her own PC-UI User
PC-UI User: servicere-##
Password: welcome
Caution skip the “p” for the participant user, it is just servicere-## 

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SAP AG SAPCRM mySAP CRM Solution Overview

PC-UI User: billclerk-##

Password: welcome

Exercise/solution Exercise / solution 1-1-1

Please ask your participants to RELEASE the service process.
If you do not release it you cannot create a service confirmation
afterwards in 1-1-2.

=> the emergency repair was done so the exercise /solution should be

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10. Unit: mySAP CRM Field Applications

Lecture: 60 min
Exercises: none

Slides and Demo (Mobile Sales SAPTutor)

As we have no mobile client available for our training. You can show an SAP-tutor instead. You will find
it within the CRM system.
Log on with user Training and go to the Business Workplace > Outbox
Here you can find a mail: Mobil Client iTutor with the attached i-tutor

You have to attachments with it, call up the one for Mobile Service40.
The other one iTutor Scenario Mobile Sales shows Mobile Sales in Release 3.0.


Introduce Case Study: Completion of Loop

In the running tutorial you may want to switch to full screen to hide the menu to make it appear as real
life demo (optional).
In this tutorial you will take the position of a service technician who visits the customer in order to
perform the repair. This is topic number 10 and concludes the mySAP CRM Solution case study cycle.
Hit "Enter" to continue.

1. Press Start Button:

Being a service technician we will look up our calendar, check it for assignments and perform a
repair. The time spent and spare parts used will then be recorded in the service confirmation which is
used to trigger back-end processes such as the posting of working times in the Resource Planning,
updating the inventory, and controlling data.
In order to launch the Mobile Service application on your laptop, press the "Start" button, please.
2. Click on "Programs".
3. Click on "SAP CRM Mobile".
4. Click on "Mobile".
5. Confirm the selection of the right application with "OK"".
6. Enter the password "Newyork".
7. And confirm with "OK"". You may also store the password in order to skip this login steps
8. First we will consult our calendar for new service assignments. We may also consult the Outlook
calendar on our laptop, but the Mobile Service application will provide us with additional data we
would like to make use of. In the course of this tutorial we will also navigate to some of the other
objects listed under "Mobile Service". Click on "Calendar".
9. Click on "Calendar Details".
10. The daily and weekly display of our CRM calendar provides with an overview on the activities to
be performed by us. A calendar entry for this afternoon tells us, that we have received possibly an

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assignment, a PC problem needs to be solved. Let us check it for more details. Double click on
"Problem with PC".
11. Yes, an engagement has been assigned to us. So far the status is on "communicated" only, as we
have only received it, but not yet agreed upon it. In order to change the status, click on the button
with arrow.
12. We will now accept the assignment. Click on "Accepted”
13. And save, please, by clicking on the corresponding icon on the menu list
14. Let us look up some more details of the engagement. Click on the subject.
15. The service order details are displayed to us. We shall perform a repair service. In order to do the
tour planning, we look up the service recipient's address. Click on the hyperlink with the service
recipient's business partner number.
16. When you have a look on the left, you will see that we navigated straight to the business partners
master records. Of course, the local database on the laptop is updated in every synchronization
run: we receive not only new assignments but also all linked data: business partners, products,
attachments. After having checked the service recipient's address we navigate back to the service
order using the "Back button.
17. We shall also look up the kind of service we shall provide. Click on the hyperlink with the
product ID.
18. This time we navigated to "Products". Products may be of type "service" or "material". They can
be distributed to the service technicians using territories, time-dependent combinations of
customers, products and service technicians.Let us check, if the repair service has been specified
further. Click on "Attachments".
19. Yes, an "Installation and Repair Manual" may be called up for the repair. Documents may also be
attached to the assignment, the service order or to a product registered for a certain customer (an
installed base or iBase). Aditionnally, you may consult the Infocenter for more information. This
time, open the file for the attached document.
20. Microsoft Word opens. You study or print the manual. Click to scroll down.
21. Let us close Word (Click on “Close” button).
22. Being that well informed we will travel to Mrs. Smith and do the repair. Next we have to confirm
the repair in order send the necessary data back for cost control and billing.Let us return to our
service order. Click on the "Back" button.
23. Click again on the "Back" button
24. Creating our confirmation from the service order helps us with the data entry as the service
recipient and the service provided will be transferred automatically. We use confirmations to
report working times, materials used, and expenses for services that they have performed. These
items can be planned in advance in the service order. Furthermore, they can also create
confirmations for unplanned activities without referencing a service order. Aditionnally, a link
between order and confirmation enables the comprehensive tracking and reporting of services.
We will create the confirmation as an follow-up document. Click on "Create Follow-Up".
25. The copy process and other settings depend on the right confirmation type. In order to select the
right confirmation type, click on the button with the arrow.
26. Choose the first entry of the pull-down list.
27. You may now take over the service item from the service order. Confirm by clicking the
"Continue" button
28. The confirmation looks very similar to the service order. During the repair we used a spare part.
We will include the information on the consumption in the confirmation. Right click on
"Confirmation Items".
29. As we going to add a new item, click on "New".
30. Click into the "Product ID" field in order to activate it.

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31. We may now use the search help. Click on the "Search" button.
32. We only remember that the product name ended with "Power". Enter "*Power" into the
"Description" field.
33. And press the "Search" button
34. Right, the spare part was found: "Easy Power". Confirm the product ID by clicking the "Select"
35. The spare part has been added to the item list. If the pricing were activated then the total net value
will show both the service as well as the spare part.Damage and reason codes may also be
maintained in the confirmation as well as the accounting indicator as the order may be assigned to
warranty or to other accounts. The confirmation creation is finished when we save. We may
combine the "save" transaction with the readiness to send the confirmation to the central server
during the next synchronization. Just click the "Submit" button.
36. Confirm the warning that after having submitted it, the confirmation cannot be changed anymore,
with "Yes"
37. For our own records or as an information for the customer we may now produce an report on the
repair. Press the "Report" button.
38. The service report details the data of the confirmation and may also be printed or saved and sent
via email. The format of service reports can be customer-specific. Close the Word application by
clicking on the "Close" button.
39. Both the repair and the reporting of its completion have been done, but the service order is still
open. Navigate to the "Service Order" in order to change its status by clicking on the "Back"
40. Now simply press the "Complete" button.
41. This service assignment has been completed. Close the Mobile Service application by clicking on
the "Close" button.
42. There are still a number of service orders and confirmations which have been saved and
completed, but not yet submitted and will therefore not be considered in the next synchronization
with the central server. Confirming the warning closes the application definitely.
43. Having closed the Mobile Service application on your laptop your task is finished. All you have
to do is run a synchronization any time in the future in order to send the data to the service
manager, resource planner or billing clerk. The confirmations may also trigger the following
company-internal processes in the integrated components: Cost determination from working
times and spare parts, Payroll from working times, Goods issue for spare parts, Switch back to
slides as demo is finished !!!

The next step, Billing has been shown in the Service chapter already.
For your information:
At this point of time there are no further classroom courses available for field applications. Our customers
should refer to the OKP material.
Any questions in regard of the availability of field application courses should be address to Global

FYI: There is one mobile class available

CR310 SAP Mobile Application Studio

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11. Unit: Implementation and Operation

Lecture: 30 -40 min

Exercises: 20 min

Slides Solution Manager Implementation

Demo Solution Manager Implementation SAPTutor

As we have no Solution Manager System assigned to our CRM 5.0
landscape. You can show an SAP-tutor instead. You will find it

Within the CRM system log on with user Training and go to the Business
Workplace > Outbox
Here you can find a mail: SAPCRM Solution Manager Tutor with the
attached i-tutor.

Optional If you are familiar with our CRM 4.0 landscape you might use the old
solution manager system TS3 as long as it is available. It might be shout
down someday.
User: CRTZ0-18 pwd Welcome
It refers to our 4.0 Prep landscape T34 (R/3) and TZ4 (CRM); choose a
project BUT please do NOT make any entries or chances.
The CRM Landscape 4.0 is still in use.

Slides Solution Manager Operation

Slides Solution Manager Customizing

CRM Demo Solution Manager Customizing

Just follow the exercise. Start with the result of the exercise. You may demo
the use of the Easy Enhancement Workbench.

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Participant Exercises: 20 min

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The Appendix is designed to provide the students with further information.

It contains a description of the

 SAP GUI Navigation,
 Master Data information
 mySAP for industries
 and further enhancements

Appendix SAP GUI Navigation:

Feel free to use it if you want to explain the SAP Gui navigation in more details, it also contains one
slides that show the business scenario of the optional introduction dem.

Appendix master data information

The unit master data master in SAPCRM should only provide some basic understanding. If the students
are interested in some basic understanding of master data fell free to use it.
Please keep in mind that the CR100 course deals with master data very extensively. So there is no need
for you to go into to much detail.

Appendix further enhancements

Some slides on further enhancement on service topics and ERMS.

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