Achtung! Cthulhu - Dossier - Plotting Cthulhu PDF
Achtung! Cthulhu - Dossier - Plotting Cthulhu PDF
Achtung! Cthulhu - Dossier - Plotting Cthulhu PDF
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Plotting Cthulhu
“A life without adventure is likely to be unsatisfying,
but a life in which adventure is allowed to take whatever form it will is sure to be short.”
- Bertrand Russell
This chapter aims to help you construct some truly nefarious One, as in The Thirty Nine Steps, does not mean you cannot
Mythos plots set against the backdrop of World War Two. update it to London, circa 1939.
By looking at various inspirational sources it hopes to show The table below contains a selection of films with a
how you, the Keeper, can mine them for ideas for your own horror or weird war approach that might provide a launch pad
games. If, after looking at these films and TV series you are for your plots. There are a lot of Nazi zombies in there, but if
still a bit stumped, there are also a series of plot generator you can get past the clichés to the background story, there are
tables to further aid you in your machinations. some great ideas just waiting to be developed further.
And don’t forget the wartime classics. These fantas-
tic movies tell tales of daring heroes, resistance fighters,
Ask yourself: what would happen if you
changed just one element of the plot?
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Iron Sky War of the Dead Casablanca The Eagle Has Landed
Nazis at the Cockleshell Heroes The Great Escape
Warlords of Atlantis
Centre of the Earth
Come and See The Guns of Navarone
Oasis of the Living Dead Zone Troopers
Das Boot The Heroes of Telemark
Outpost Zombie Lake
Enemy at the Gates The Longest Day
Hell in the Pacific The Thin Red Line
Ice Cold in Alex The Train
soldiers, commanders, and situations that will give you might Harry Lime (The Third Man) have been smuggling
inspiration and background ideas for your wartime charac- during the war? Is there more behind the murders in a sleepy
ters and adventures. English village than the local spinster (Miss Marple) suspects?
Again, remember that with some of these, just chang- Here are three takes on some film classics to show you
ing a few details can give you a fresh take on what would what we mean:
otherwise seem to be very familiar territory. What are the
commandos really destroying in Where Eagles Dare? Why
is the last Ryan brother so vital to the war effort in Saving
Kelly’s Heroes
Private Ryan? Remember though, your Achtung! Cthulhu versus The Bunker
adventures do not have to be set amidst the carnage of the Allied soldiers find a map on a captured German officer
battlefield—you can just use these to help create dynamic that tells of a fortune in Nazi gold which has been safely
scenes that your characters must traverse. stored in a secret bunker. Put together as a rag-tag force, the
There are also a number of other movies and television group must fight its way through enemy lines to reach the
shows that you can use as inspiration, either in terms of their location. But as this is a Mythos adventure, the journey is
plot, or in terms of their atmosphere and setting. What else anything but straightforward, becoming increasingly fraught
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as the characters must soldier through a series of bizarre and castle and steal a book. And not just any book, but a very
unfortunate events. important one that the Germans must not read!
Finally the characters discover the secret bunker, which is The characters make their way into the castle and
mysteriously deserted. However, they are not alone, and they discover that the Germans are preparing some kind of
find themselves trapped when three giant Chthonians emerge ceremony. There is just one thing missing: the guest of hon-
from the ground around the bunker, enraged by a strange our—a notable member of Black Sun, who will read from
machine inside the complex which has drawn them to it. the book and unlock a terrifying creature to destroy their
The group must rely on a wounded scientist to defeat enemies! When (if!) the characters return the book to the
the Chthonians. This man claims that the other soldiers French, they thank them and then prepare their own version
deserted their posts, leaving him for dead, but is he all that of the ceremony. The characters must now decide whether
he seems? Will the disturbing ceremony he describes truly or not to stop the French Resistance, their supposed allies,
win them their freedom? before they unleash something they cannot control…
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Table 2: Antagonist
Table 1: Individual Groups
Antagonist (Group)
D20 Antagonist Antagonist Roll
Roll (Individual) Description
1 Brotherhood of the Beast*
1 A scientist Old
2 Brotherhood of the Beast*
2 An aristocrat Ancient
3 New World Industries*
3 A leader Rich
4 New World Industries*
4 A cult Evil
5 Brotherhood of the Black Pharaoh*
5 A politician Cursed
6 Brotherhood of the Black Pharaoh*
6 Experimental subject Corrupt
7 Cult of the Bloody Tongue*
7 A gang Doomed
8 Cult of the Bloody Tongue*
8 An organisation Magical
9 Tribes of the Tcho-Tcho
9 A military unit Secret
10 Tribes of the Tcho-Tcho
10 Black Sun Unstable
11 Brothers of the Yellow Sign
11 Nachtwölfe Mysterious
12 Brothers of the Yellow Sign
12 A priest Deranged
13 Starry Wisdom Cult*
13 Villagers Delusional
14 Starry Wisdom Cult*
14 An officer Rogue
15 Miskatonic University
15 Royalty Tortured
16 Miskatonic University
A Mythos creature (see
16 Nazi
Opponent Objective) 17 Nachtwölfe
17 An Elder Race Psychopathic 18 Nachtwölfe
18 An Outer God Malicious 19 Black Sun
19 An Elder God Unspeakable 20 Black Sun
Appears to be (roll
20 Cthulhu twice: first is real, *Nyarlathotep cults.
second is appearance)
The Plot of trouble (Table 5, p.6). When you roll on this table, try
Next we want to find out what is at the core of the plot thinking about how you can make the twist that much more
(Table 3), followed by what is motivating the people painful and affecting for the characters…
involved (which can be more than one thing if you want to You will notice that some results suggest rolling on addi-
complicate matters further). You can also roll to see what the tional tables to clarify the results; these tables can be found
Antagonists need to be successful in their mission. in later sections (p.8 onwards).
Now you have the foundations for your adventure, layer
on some trouble and strife by determining what obstacles
befall your investigators en-route to the finale (Table 4, p.6). The Characters
If you are feeling particularly wicked, roll several times to How on earth do the characters stumble across this foul
inspire a thoroughly wretched course for your adventure. plot you have developed, and how is this information
No Cthulhu plot would be complete without a dastardly imparted to them (Table 6, p.7)?
plot twist that sees the characters landed in all manner
6 Summon a Mythos entity for the purpose of... For honour and glory An invention
Some particular knowledge
7 Learn more about a greater power Forbidden knowledge (see Knowledge Objective)
12 Force the enemy back into retreat To divert attention A specific ancient site
13 Gain superiority over the enemy Because of visions Some ancient crystals
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Table 4: Obstacles Table 5: Plot Twist
D20 D20
Obstacle Twist
Roll Roll
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Now you have these facts sorted, there are only a few investigators to achieve? Some of the answers from Table 7
more steps you need to take to finish off your adventure. can appear a little odd at first, so just roll with it for now
There are two more questions that you need to ask: what and see what your mind suggests (one’s mental faculties will
is the essence of the investigators’ mission (Table 7), and often lead you down very strange and unexpected paths if
what is its goal (Mission Objective)? After all, you know you allow them to). Remember, you can also read between
why your antagonist is involved, but what do you want the the lines, if it helps. Alternatively, if you are running a
Table 8: Artefact
D20 Artefact State/
Added Flavour
Roll Condition
Table 9: Knowledge,
1 Scroll Corrupt Military & Person
2 Book Magical Objectives
3 Key Priceless D20
Knowledge Military
4 Statue Doomed Roll
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Table 14: Locations -
Table 13: Locations - Mythos-related
Military & Sea
Extra-terrestrial Local
D20 Sea Roll
1 Dreamlands Carcosa
1 Headquarters building Shipyard
2 Azathoth’s Court Carcosa
2 Military base Cargo ship
3 Aldebaran Arkham
3 Battlefield Warship
4 Yuggoth Arkham
4 Supply dump Underwater ruins
Deep One city
5 Wewelsburg Castle Deep sea ridge 5 Xiclotl (Y’ha-nthlei, Massachusetts;
Ponape, western Pacific)
6 Wewelsburg II Submerged wreck Deep One city
Underwater base 6 N’Kai (Y’ha-nthlei, Massachusetts;
7 Bunker system
Ponape, western Pacific)
8 Frontlines Lost island 7 Fomalhaut Elder thing city
9 Trench system Floating base 8 Leng Elder thing city
10 Fenrir’s Seat Ocean liner 9 Abbith G’harne (North Africa)
11 Wolf’s Lair Open sea 10 Celaeno G’harne (North Africa)
12 Arms factory Coastal waters Irem, City of Pillars/
11 Korvaz
The Nameless City (Arabia)
13 Weapon testing laboratory Coast
Betelgeuse/ Irem, City of Pillars/
14 Radar installation Port Glyu-Ohu The Nameless City (Arabia)
“Imagination is the
beginning of creation
- George Bernard Shaw
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