Galactic 2e

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The key takeaways are that Galactic is a roleplaying game set in space about rebellion, relationships, and belonging. It emphasizes collaborative storytelling and establishing safety and comfort for players.

Galactic is a game about belonging outside of belonging, focusing on rebellion and relationships in a space setting. Players take on character roles and work together to tell a story.

The game is played with each player taking a character role. Players collaborate to develop the story and setting, with the option for one player to take a GM role or for it to be fully collaborative. Players gain tokens through their character's actions that can be spent to further the story.

a game of rebellion, relationships,

and war among the stars.

GALACTIC 2ND EDITION is a game by riley rethal.

find her games at and her twitter @rileyrethaI.

the cover is by serj. find their twitter @ketraia.

GALACTIC 2ND EDITION was inspired by the following games:

• dream apart/dream askew, benjamin rosenbaum & avery alder
• wanderhome, jay dragon
• balikbayan: returning home, jammi nedjadi
• orbital, jack harrison
• heaven in the dust, luke jordan
• technoir, jeremy keller
• rearguard, caro asercion & ben roswell

it was also inspired by star wars, of course.

thank you to my playtesters: mossy, tetra, kat, benjamin, kiki,

aiden, taylor, lucy, lena, serj, jeff, jess, satah, brianna, rhiannon.

and thank you to luke jordan, natalie libre, the tabletop treehouse
discord, and my mom for helping me a ton with this whole project.

galactic is a game of belonging outside belonging about rebellion
and relationships in space.

it is a game for 2-6 players, where all players share responsibility

for setting the tone and mood of the game, making trouble and
finding solutions, sharing the spotlight and being interested in the
world, and for valuing the emotional safety and comfort of other
players first and foremost.

to play, you’ll need print-outs of the character roles and pillars,

some index cards, something to write with, and some coins or
other objects to use as tokens.

galactic 2e is built first and foremost for gmless play, meaning that
every player makes a character and creates the story together,
characterizing the setting and taking on the roles of pillars and
npcs when the story calls for it. however, it can also be played with
a gm role, where one player takes on the role of the pillars and
npcs while the rest of the group plays their individual characters.

but why stop there? you could just as easily play a game of
galactic where two players took two pillars each, with the rest of
the group playing character roles, or even a game with everyone
taking the role of a pillar, with one player as the sole protagonist of
a sprawling story.

the rest of these instructions assume that you will be playing in the
more traditional gmless style, but work with your group to figure
out what you think is best. this game is a tool for you to use to tell
your own story.

before you begin play, make sure your group discusses what you
want your story to include and what you don’t. establish the tone
you’re aiming for so that everyone’s on the same page.

get into the habit of asking questions. if you’re not sure if all the
players at the table would be comfortable with something you
want to suggest, ask in a way that makes it easy for someone else
to take the story in another direction. “do you think...” “what if...”
“how about...” are all good ways to frame scenes and add details
while making sure everyone is on board. plus, it’s more fun when
everyone feels good about adding things to the story!

give feedback to your fellow players. when someone says

something great, tell them! get invested in all of the characters
and relationships in your story. and when someone says
something you’re not comfortable with having in your game, tell
them. this can be direct: “i’m not sure i’m okay with the liberation
committing that much violence right here”, or more indirect: “how
about instead of killing him, we knock him out.” this is why framing
things as hypotheticals is so useful.

additionally, it’s always okay to draw a veil on a scene; saying that

it happens, but you don’t need to describe it in any detail.

finally, make sure to keep it hopeful. this is a story about rebellion,

community, and living in the shadow of an oppressive regime.
things may go sour, and you can let yourselves brood in darkness
for a bit if it feels right, but never leave a session or game like that.
hope is never completely lost—there’s always a spark of rebellion
if you know where to find it.

randomly distribute the character roles between the players, and
have everyone go around in a circle and introduce the roles
they’re holding by reading the name and description out loud.

once all of the roles have been read, everyone picks the one they
would like to play.

to create a character, go down the right column of your role sheet

and circle choices as prompted. the last bit of that column that
says “ask 1 left and 1 right” can wait until everyone has created
their characters.

it is encouraged for players to talk through this process—sharing

choices, asking for advice, checking others’ comfort levels, tying
things together, and adding details of what they’re imagining.

some prompts are on everyone’s sheets, and some are unique to

the role. feel free to interpret the prompts and options on your role
sheets in any way you’d like—maybe those two relationships you
chose are really the same person, maybe there are multiple
answers to a question even if it didn’t tell you to pick more than

you’ll be prompted to choose either two or three relationships,

depending on your role. the diplomat and scoundrel get three
relationships because of the interpersonal nature of their roles.

your choices will reveal more about your character’s life, but they’ll
also help to define the type of community you’re in, and what
kinds of relationships you’re interested in exploring through play.
you can choose to flesh out these characters right then, or leave
those details to be discovered as your story unfolds.

once everyone is finished with the choices on the right column, go

around and introduce your characters. talk about the choices you
circled, elaborating where it feels exciting to share, asking and
answering any questions you have.

randomly distribute the four pillars of the setting between the
players. these are the larger forces of the world that your
characters will interact with.

going around in a circle, have each player introduce one pillar

they’re holding by reading out the title and italicized flavor text,
along with its desires and moves.

as a group, decide what desires to circle from the list. what it

means for a pillar to desire something is determined moment-to-
moment during play; it might be expressed through the ambitions
of non-player characters, developments in the landscape, or
popular attitudes. pick desires based on what you are most
interested in seeing your characters interact with.

throughout play it’s likely that pillars will trade hands and be
played by different people. as a general rule, when a character
interacts with an aspect of a pillar, someone else should pick it up
and act as that pillar.

in galactic, you will meet many characters who are not the main
characters you just created. these are called non-player
characters, or npcs. some may only exist in your story for a
moment, to provide a line or two of dialogue or react to a situation,
but some may become so involved in your story that you’ll want to
give them a bigger role in the mechanics of your game.

when you introduce an important npc, or realize that a minor npc

has become more important to your story, make an index card (or
online equivalent) for them. write down their name, pronouns, and
any other relevant information about them, like their relationships
to other characters and organizations. then, give them two traits
from the trait table on page 37. you can either choose those traits
freely based on what you already know about the character, or roll
two six-sided dice twice to generate them randomly. the
characters listed in your relationships already have a trait or two
which you can choose to use for them. choose 1-2 of the moves
listed under each trait, and write them on the index card as well.

now that you have some ideas of your characters and the world
you’re in, it’s time to put all of that together. what does your group
look like? with whom are you allied? do you have a mission?

to help with this, your roles come with questions to ask the players
to the left and right of you. these answers can help you flesh out
your characters’ relationships and history. the answers can be
short and sweet, or might lead the conversation in a new direction.

you can also create a more specific setting for your story by
deciding the place you are in. choose or roll 1-3 places from the
table on page 28, and circle choices to figure out the shape of
your story. maybe your crew is infiltrating a mandate bureaucracy
that exists to manage the ruin of a former liberation cell, or
perhaps you’ve caught wind of a hidden market right in the middle
of a desert that sells just the tools you need, if you could just get
past the storm on its edges.

as you're brainstorming ideas and discussing the shape of your

story, you're entering a mode of play called idle dreaming. this
mode is all about curiosity: asking questions, following tangents,
brainstorming together. talk about the setting you're building and
the things that you find interesting, confusing, or important.

with everyone asking questions and contributing answers, scene

ideas will begin to emerge. maybe something seems especially
interesting, the answer to a question is unclear, or you all want to
see an event played out in real time. most of the questions are
designed to imply a scene, so feel free to start there.

you can either leap into scenes as they are brought up, then
return to questions still unasked afterwards, or go through and
answer all the questions while noting down scene ideas, then play
them all out.

scenes can take only a minute or two, or much longer than that.
they may stand alone, or they may flow naturally into each other;
to frame a scene, establish where you are, which characters are
there, and what you’re doing.

in a scene, make the moves from your role, and make them boldly.
play to find out who your character is and what they do next. each
character role comes with some tips to help guide you.

when a character interacts with a pillar, someone less involved
with that part of the scene should pick it up and play as that pillar.
this may mean introducing an npc, making moves as the pillar, or
describing details about your surroundings.

during a scene, you can narrate in first person (“i do this”), or third
(“my character does this”). you can play out your scene through
narration—talking as yourselves about what your characters and
others present in the scene do, or through in-character roleplay, or
a combination. do whatever feels most comfortable to you.

each character role has a set of moves, in three different varieties:

vulnerable moves, where you gain a token, strong moves, where
you spend a token, and lateral moves, where you give a token to
another character.

pillars and npcs have moves as well, but only vulnerable and
lateral ones. all moves are written from the second person
perspective of the character or pillar being played, so when it says
“gain a token”, whoever is doing the move gains a token.

each pillar has its own token pool, but npcs do not. when npcs
make moves, they act as extensions of pillars. for example, the
bounty hunter you’re negotiating with can make the mercenary
move ask “what’s in it for me” and gain a token, and that token will
be added to the scum & villainy token pool, to be used by the pillar
itself, a different scum & villainy npc, or that same bounty hunter.

in the same vein, when you make a lateral move that affects an
npc, or maybe even a more abstract group or concept, give that
token to the pillar that npc or group is attached to.

when you play galactic, your group will be moving tokens around,
cycling them in and out of play, as well as between players and
pillars. the best way to think about the function of tokens in
galactic is as representations of narrative focus. when you gain a
token, you are announcing your presence in the story. when you
give someone a token, you are putting the metaphorical spotlight
on them, inviting them to take action. when you spend a token,
you are having your moment in the spotlight, focusing the story on
you and your dramatic strong move.

galactic uses some unfamiliar words to describe familiar facets of
the genre. feel free to change them back to their “canon”
equivalents if you’d like to play this game in a particular universe.
some of these words may not come up at all in your game
depending on what types of characters you decide to play.
whatever way your particular game goes, here are some
definitions to make it easier.

astrablade: a weapon made of starlight, often used by the nova.

detachment: a soldier of the mandate, given little identity of their
own and trained for war.
the liberation: the rebellious movement fighting against the
the mandate: the evil, oppressive empire that rules over much of
the galaxy.
nova: someone trained in wielding the space between.
the space between: a strange magical force that pervades the
galaxy and can be wielded for good or evil.

on the rest of these pages, you will find the character roles, pillars,
places, and traits to use in your game.

first are the 6 character roles: the ace, the nova, the defector, the
diplomat, the scoundrel, and the mechanic.

then, the 4 pillars: the space between, the mandate, the liberation,
and the scum & villainy.

if you are playing in person, you will want to print these out (there
is also a version of just these pages on the itch page without page
numbers), so that you and your group can circle character
creation prompts and place tokens on the pillars.

next is the places and traits, which each have a table at the
beginning of their sections with all 36 of them listed. you can print
these pages out as well if you would like, but you can also just
have a pdf reader on hand to read and copy from, depending on
how much paper and screens your group would prefer.

the ace is a skilled pilot.
their power comes from their agility, conviction, and nerve.

• get invested in things, people, and ideas, and try to bring them
into your orbit.
• get yourself into trouble and get other people out of trouble,
sometimes at the same time.
• make your character larger than life, while also being fallible
and relatable.

spend a token
• get yourself or someone else out of harm’s way.
• make a daring maneuver to gain an advantageous position.
• maneuver an unfamiliar vehicle without trouble.
• take the lead in a moment of confusion or despair.
• ask “how are you vulnerable to me?”

give a token
• ask the right person for help or guidance, and give them a
• ask “how could i best encourage you or give you hope right
now?” and give them a token if you act on their answer.

gain a token
• make a rash maneuver that puts you or others in danger.
• question someone’s authority in a time of confusion or despair.
• disregard the advice or concerns of those around you.
• say “we’ve got company.”
• ask “what makes me vulnerable in this situation?”

proud smile, bashful smile, cocky smirk, warm smile, broad smile,
flirtatious smirk, naive smile.
bright eyes, determined eyes, weary eyes, earnest eyes, sharp
eyes, fierce gaze, kind eyes.

neon coveralls, a customized helmet, a leather jacket, vests, a

sentimental ring, perfectly styled hair, too many pockets, a
statement scarf, leather gloves, button-up shirts, an old blaster.

freedom, adventure, stability, love, the sky, renown, revenge,

respect, something new.

fixing ships, scavenging, interrogation, going undercover, pushing

people’s buttons, leading my team, compassion for the enemy,
swaying others to the cause, flirting.

• my austere or learned commander who i see as a mentor

• the innocent or curious rookie i recruited not long ago
• the anxious or inventive droid i’ve befriended
• the mercenary leader of the smuggling crew i abandoned
• the awkward or daring pilot who sees me as their rival

• how did i catch your attention recently?

• do i impress or exhaust you?
• why did i put myself in danger for you recently?
• how has our relationship changed recently?

the nova is attuned to the space between.
their power comes from their emotion, focus, and intuition.

• explore the role of teacher as well as student.

• let your character develop a signature style, and use it to help
describe how your actions and beliefs.
• make your character larger than life, while also being fallible
and relatable.

spend a token
• receive a vision of the past, present, or future.
• reveal someone’s hidden emotions, to themself or others.
• use the space between to protect yourself or others.
• learn the secrets or purpose of something not understood.
• say “there is something here that we are missing.”

give a token
• heal or soothe someone’s pain or duress, and give them a token.
• ask “why are you pursuing the goal that you are?” and give
them a token if they provide an answer.

gain a token
• act on impulse, putting yourself in a dangerous situation.
• lose control of yourself or the space between and put
someone you care about in danger.
• react with scorn or doubt to something or someone you do not
• assume good intentions from someone who means you harm.
• ask “how do i fall short of expectations right now?”

friendly face, haunted face, weary face, soft face, angular face,
shadowed face, somber face.
sparkling eyes, squinting eyes, laughing eyes, distant eyes,
piercing eyes, curious eyes, resentful eyes, wandering eyes.

flowing robes, fabric bracers, an astrablade holster, scrounge-ups,

the same thing for literal years, all-black everything, leather belts,
all-beige everything, mismatched fabrics, loose-fitting shirts,
simple jewelry, tied-back hair.

a scavenger, a farmhand, space royalty, i don’t remember, a

smuggler, a mechanic, royalty, i’ve spent my whole life training in
the space between, a scholar.

an astrablade, my inner balance, the ancient nova texts, the

secret to my heritage, the mandate’s hidden vulnerability, a sense
of belonging, respect from those i admire, my destiny.

• my wise or ethereal mentor with unconventional methods

• my cynical lover
• the burdened boy i see in visions
• the attuned or troublemaker kid who asked me to teach them
• the cocky or compassionate pilot with a crush on me
• the austere or innocent family i left long ago

• what secret do you know about me?

• what intimate moment did we share recently?
• why have you been worried about me recently?
• how do you feel about my abilities?

the defector used to work for the mandate, but got out.
their power comes from their compassion, determination, and will
to change.

• explore the ways your time at the mandate has influenced the
way you think.
• allow your character to learn and grow, and encourage others
to do the same.
• make your character larger than life, while also being fallible
and relatable.

spend a token
• reveal a previously unknown mandate vulnerability.
• quickly pick up a new skill.
• triumph over someone or something which once oppressed

give a token
• find an ally in an unlikely place, and give them a token.
• put yourself in danger to help someone, and give them a token.
• ask “how can i best help you right now?”, give them a token if
you act on their answer.
• ask “who or what is really in control here?”, and give a token to
the answer.

gain a token
• lie about your abilities or knowledge.
• run from a problem instead of facing it.
• reveal a harmful belief you have not unlearned.
• ask “who do you want me to be?”
• ask “what would i gain by leaving in this moment?”
nervous eyes, determined eyes, weary eyes, pleading eyes,
darting eyes, daring eyes, questioning eyes.
gentle voice, passionate voice, unsure speech, rough voice,
tripping over words, curt speech, sincere voice.

whatever others have given me, bright colors, a signature jacket, a

permanent mark from my past, discrete clothing, goggles, a many-
pocketed vest, my old uniform, a token from someone i love,
repurposed fabric.

a command to shoot civilians, my comrade was killed for nothing,

a liberation fighter spared me, i fell in love, i stumbled upon secret
plans for an atrocity, my whole squadron revolted at once, i felt
something calling me.

calm under pressure, at peace with my past, devoted to the

liberation, knowledgeable about the space between, a reliable
friend, brave, confident, fitting in with this new environment, able
to fight against my former comrades.

• my old commanding officer who wants me dead; they are

scheming or analytical
• the cunning or stealthy bounty hunter on my tail
• the passionate or daring pilot who helped me escape
• the cynical or zealous liberation fighter who reluctantly trusts me
• the fellow defector i met after my escape; they are faithful or
• my best detachment friend i left without saying goodbye; they
are compassionate or conciliatory

• what did i do recently that made you finally feel like you could
trust me?
• what did you teach me recently?
• what was the first thing you noticed about me?
• why do i trust you more than anyone else here?

the diplomat has a position of power or influence in the galaxy.
their power comes from their leadership, negotiation, and strategy.

• explore the ways your personal and public lives intersect and
influence each other.
• make big decisions, and make them matter.
• make your character larger than life, while also being fallible
and relatable.

spend a token
• reveal a contingency plan at a critical moment.
• de-escalate conflict between parties with a common goal.
• enact a plan or order and follow it through.

give a token
• call in a favor from an ally, and give them a token.
• give someone a new responsibility, and give them a token.
• show someone you believe in them, and give them a token.
• ask “what would get you to side with me or my cause right
now?” and give them a token if you act on their answer.

gain a token
• act on impulse, putting yourself in a dangerous situation.
• get captured.
• discover a betrayal from a supposed ally.
• tell a hard truth in a way that hurts.
• ask “what have you been hiding from me?”

demanding voice, tired voice, formal speech, hopeful voice, adept
code-switching, caring voice, reassuring voice.
polite smile, disarming smile, grim smile, sincere smile, proud
smile, confident smile, wistful smile.

formal wear, military getup, impractical dresses, simple clothes, a

signature hairstyle, all-white everything, a concealed blaster,
hoods, pristine clothing, flowy dresses, metallic accents.

reduction of harm always comes first, if someone must do

something they will regret it should be me, the space between will
always show the way, hope is always stronger than fear, there is
no such thing as negotiation with the mandate, only the powerful
are able to make the toughest choices, violence is necessary for
creating a peaceful future, the end of the war is near.

respect, righteous anger, reassurance, determination, focus,

inspiration, faith, obedience.

• my missing twin; they are faithful or dramatic

• the maverick or wise leader of the other rebel force with
disagreeable methods
• my ancient or observant bodyguard
• my analytical or awkward translation droid
• the young upstart pilot who reminds me of my younger self;
they are passionate or burdened
• my commanding or mercenary politician mother
• the daring smuggler who still owes me
• a stealthy or scheming spy in the mandate
• my cocky or protective ex who’s only sort of an ex

• how did you betray my trust recently?

• what sensitive information did i tell you recently, and why?
• do you find me comforting or cold?
• what agreement did we come to recently?
the scoundrel is a member of the underbelly of the galaxy.
their power comes from their connections, recklessness, and
criminal history.

• explore the tensions between selfishness, loyalty, cynicism,

and hope.
• do things your own way, for better and worse.
• make your character larger than life, while also being fallible
and relatable.

spend a token
• know exactly where you’re going when others are lost.
• win a fight you didn’t start.
• get out of a bad situation at the last moment.
• pull off an absurd stunt to take advantage of an unexpected
• reveal that you stole something earlier.

give a token
• call in a favor from someone you know, and give them a token.
• ask “what would [player character] do in this situation?” and
ask them for a token.

gain a token
• start a fight you can’t win.
• walk into a situation unprepared.
• provoke the suspicion or distrust of others.
• tell someone something secret or guarded about yourself.
• ask “who here hates my guts?”
• ask “what have i failed to realize about you?”

laughing smile, open smile, cocky smirk, fond smile, crooked grin,
secret smile, wistful smile.
folded arms, hands constantly fidgeting, hands curled into fists,
finger on the trigger, hand out to shake, hands that wander into
others’ pockets.

a vest, lots of capes, space jeans, big coats, formal wear,

extravagant outfits, a signature outfit, overly casual clothes, a
fancy blaster holster.

the trusty ship you stole, a safe house no one’s found, a real
friend, a coveted contract, official mandate paperwork, a favor
owed from someone powerful, hope for a way out, a high-grade
blaster, the ability to relax, a sense of belonging.

bounty hunting, stealing, assassination, smuggling, conning rich

people, conning desperate people, acting as a getaway ship,
cheating at gambling.

• the focused or rousing ex i betrayed

• the scheming or commanding mob boss i still owe
• the observant bounty hunter on my tail
• my cunning or attuned one-night stand who’s a mandate
officer now
• the troublemaker or conciliatory droid i hacked to be sarcastic
• my cocky or passionate rival who always gets the best jobs
• the mercenary friend who stole from me and left
• the friendly or gossipy bartender at my old favorite joint
• the maverick or connected information broker who sometimes
gives me tips

• how have i grown on you recently?

• what did you know about me before we met?
• how did i get you tangled up in my escapades recently?
• what did i do to make you wrongly believe i don’t care about you?
the mechanic is a fixer.
their power comes from their mechanical knowledge, drive, and

• make decisions about the material resources of the world, and

make them relevant to your character and the team.
• involve fellow players in brainstorming interesting risks or
complications when you tinker with things.
• make your character larger than life, while also being fallible
and relatable.

spend a token
• jury-rig a temporary solution while under duress.
• discern a secret or hidden function of a machine.
• break something in the exact way you mean to.
• ask “what piece am i missing to make this work?”

give a token
• add a functionality to something you fix; give a token to the
person you helped.
• ask “will you help me with this?” and give them a token if they
say yes.

gain a token
• uncover an unexpected power or secret in something you’re
working on.
• admit you don’t understand something.
• disregard someone’s wants or needs in favor of your work.
• say “fixing this will take a resource we don’t have.”

appraising eyes, distant eyes, curious eyes, intense stare, focused
eyes, skittish eyes, earnest eyes.
greasy hands, distracted hands, worn hands, gloved hands, clean
hands, scarred hands, careful hands.

grease stains, overalls, tool belt, a repurposed uniform, hastily

tied-back hair, goggles, the same shirt in different colors, dark
coveralls, a ring of keys.

gossip, compliments, spare parts, license for experimentation,

conversation while i work, small favors, no questions asked,

the right tools, something to write with, a fidget, some random

spare parts, a knife, memories of loss, fading scars, too many hair
ties, suspicion.

• the anxious or troublemaker pilot whose ship i’m always

• my friendly or gossipy helper droid
• the inventive kid who wants to be my apprentice
• the observant or curious droid i help to maintain itself
• the cunning or connected smuggler who gets me rare parts
• my focused or learned older sister who taught me how to fix
• the austere or dramatic ex who still comes to me for repairs

• what broken thing did you ask me to fix recently?

• why have i been on your mind recently?
• why am i suspicious of you?
• what did i lend to you recently?

the connections between people are what surround us and give us
strength. the galaxy is never silent; it is alive and humming with
energy that you can feel if you pay attention.

when channeled correctly, the space between can turn dominions

into empires and revolts into revolutions. but be careful, for
concentrated power can be dangerous for anyone who dares
come near.

solidarity, difficult choices, balance, intense bonds and

uncontainable emotions, solitary training, enlightenment,
revelation, unity with those who came before.

• invoke awe, and gain a token.

• reveal an old secret or new truth to someone, and give them a
• create an unexpected connection between people, and give
them a token.

• make the space between feel ancient and enigmatic.

• explore both the small ways the space between pervades
everyday life and the large ways people can wield it.
• ask compelling questions and build on the answers.

sometimes it feels like there’s no escape from its gravity. the
mandate is an intergalactic superpower that uses its might to
control the galaxy with fear, propaganda, and alienation.

the only way the mandate can perpetuate itself is with constant
aggression, advancement of weaponry, and violence, and we
know that it will eventually collapse under its own weight. however,
until then it continues to cause death and destruction across the

untold destruction, unquestioned supremacy, military expansion,

an end to the nova, hierarchy and order, dominion over the space
between, restoration of an old order.

• foreshadow a larger threat, and gain a token.

• put someone in immediate danger, and give them a token.
• intercept information or supplies, and give a token to whom
you’ve taken from.

• show the power the mandate wields but remember that it is not
• show the humanity of individuals within the mandate and how
it is subsumed by the demands of an empire.
• ask compelling questions and build on the answers.

there are many in the galaxy who are not willing to go down
without a fight. the liberation are your comrades in arms, the
people of the galaxy who are actively resisting and fighting back
against the mandate.

no revolution is perfect; it is made of people, who are prone to

disagreement and distrust. but that, many say, is what separates
them from the mandate: working together, towards a better future
for the galaxy.

retaliatory violence, long-shot missions, hope renewed, military

strategy, imagination of a better world, ideological discourse,
working together.

• complicate someone’s vision of freedom, and gain a token.

• offer help and solidarity, with or without a cost. if they accept,
give them a token.
• introduce dangerous plans and ask others to participate. if
they do, give them a token.
• ask “what does a better world look like to you?” and give them
a token if they answer.

• be the love the characters must fight to protect.

• make decisions about ideology and strategy, and be interested
in them.
• ask compelling questions and build on the answers.

ya know, criminals.

uncomfortable bargains, understanding, the jackpot, secrecy,

strings to pull, escape from this livelihood, fresh blood, enough
credits to get through the week.

• offer help or information at a cost. if they pay, give them a

• introduce or invite a betrayal, and gain a token.
• get someone involved in a dangerous scheme, and give them
a token.
• complicate someone’s worldview, and gain a token.

• create smugglers, thieves, mercenaries, and conmen with their

own needs, agendas, and perspectives.
• make decisions about the politics and structure of the criminal
underworld, and force the characters to interact with them.
• ask compelling questions and build on the answers.

1. natural places 4. forgotten places
1. swamp 1. hallow
2. forest 2. mountain
3. desert 3. ruin
4. ocean 4. shipwreck
5. tundra 5. cave
6. storm 6. junkyard

2. war places 5. liminal places

1. base 1. asteroid
2. bureaucracy 2. void
3. weapon 3. spaceport
4. battleground 4. caravan
5. laboratory 5. gateway
6. infirmary 6. mirage

3. crowded places 6. intimate places

1. metropolis 1. cliff
2. alley 2. library
3. market 3. workshop
4. farm 4. ship
5. bar 5. quarters
6. gala 6. academy

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: towering dunes, many suns in the
sky, strange pillars of metal, half-buried abandoned spaceships,
mirages in the mist, a vicious and solitary creature.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: an oasis with healing waters, an
underground alien culture, a coven of prophets, a field of glass.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: water that seeps into your clothes,
heaviness in the air, hostile flora, bubbling mud, swarms of bugs,
slow and lumbering creatures.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: a strange but kind swamp
creature, a nova training in solitude, a lost artifact, a portal to the
planet lost to time.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: towering trees, exposed roots, a

constant downpour of rain, sunlight barely peeking through, a
hidden waterfall, camouflaged creatures.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: a community of small furry
creatures, an ancient library of nova texts, an ongoing guerrilla
war, sentient wind with the voice of a human.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: freezing rain, sprawling plains of

white, barren trees, puffy coats, tracks in the snow, habitable
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: hail the size of spaceships, a
short-staffed base operated by the liberation, a behemoth of
legend buried deep in the ice, the beginnings of a great melting.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: water so deep it might as well be

bottomless, small islands with sandy beaches, wrecked
spaceships rusting in the deep, strange-looking creatures that
defy research, underwater volcanoes, violent storms.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: the wreckage of an old war hero’s
ship, rare minerals worth a fortune, unpredictable and unforgiving
tides, mermaids offering gifts.
choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: howling winds, flashes of light,
flying debris, clouds of dust, a strange rhythm, distant singing.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: an eye, the voice of an old god, a
synthetic source, the answer to a terrifying question.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: ships in hangars, projected maps,

hushed discussions of battle and loss, casual card games played
with drinks in hand, eager new recruits, soldiers recovering from
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: an emissary returned, a stolen
mandate secret, the next hot-shot pilot, a vigil for the dead.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: long bare hallways, idle chit-chat,

self-important uniforms, over-complicated language, evil turned
banal, hovering water coolers.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: a meeting with almost every
upper mandate officer, the holding cell for a few liberation
prisoners, plans for a new and powerful technology, the paperwork
needed to get a new pilot’s license.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: a silent air of domination, absurd

formality, glee in horrific destruction, unfettered jingoism and pride,
cold and calculated violence, a looming and threatening presence.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: a secret vulnerability, the largest
mandate prison in the system, a liberation spy in deep cover, a
sinister and ruinous plan.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: dilapidated tents, destroyed

landscapes, the cacophony of battle, long days, close calls,
solidarity among survivors.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: a new kind of weapon,
reinforcements on the way, strategy with little regard for life, the
last chance we have.
choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: bubbling vials, note-covered
whiteboards, murmurs of new innovations, exhausted and
overworked scientists, creatures in cages, an air of importance.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: a serious security system, a
kidnapped engineer, a terrifying and deadly discovery, the full
version of a redacted report.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: bloodied shirts, crowded beds,

screams of pain, kind nurses trying their best, the smell of
antiseptic, automated doctors with constant glitches.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: scarce supplies, the sole survivor
of an ambush, an old friend, the antidote.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: a low murmur, towers of books

and scrolls, the weight of history, a glowing crystal which shows
the future, a thick layer of dust, a mirror of polished dark stone.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: the remains of the first star, an
intricate machine too old to understand, a scroll that decodes an
ancient nova cypher, an astrablade of the eridian war.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: the setting sun, the whipping wind,
jagged rocks, a forgotten campsite, a view of everything, narrow
and winding paths.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: an impossible climb, a tear in the
space between, a sleeping giant, an isolated culture.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: crumbling pillars, a monument to

an unknown god, the lingering shadow of war, security measures
to make sure no one touches the remains, tourist traps, a lonely
and profound silence.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: an ancient curse, a secret
mandate excavation, a dark conspiracy that caused its
destruction, ghosts.
choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: rusting metal, plants reclaiming its
surface, an old and strange-looking model, flashing lights, a giant
crater, subtle hints that there is a greater mystery, a sense of
majesty despite the disrepair.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: someone or something else living
there now, a long-lost treasure, the stored memory of its captain,
nothing left of any value at this point.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: barely enough light to see, damp

walls and slippery ground, bioluminescent flora growing in cracks,
rock formations jutting out when you least expect it, creatures
slithering around the floor and walls, a pronounced echo.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: a creature truly unknowable and
alien, the lingering spirits of those who die here, the remnants of
an old crystal mine, nothing at all but a cold damp darkness.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: mountains of rusting metal, smoke

hanging in the air, overpowering sounds of machinery, a barbed
wire fence, not another soul in sight, signs warning to keep out.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: an old spaceship with a
surprisingly fast engine, droid parts for cheap, more than a few
illegal dealings, not quite what we’re looking for but close enough.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: towering skyscrapers, shining

chrome, holographic billboards with cheery advertisements,
absurd and extravagant fashion, a monorail, a projected blue sky.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: a shady politician who will aid
anyone for the right price, the high nova conclave, an exiled scion,
manufacturers of illegal goods.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: cramped walkways, eclectic
apartments, clotheslines crisscrossing the streets, smog in the air,
a feeling of community, children playing.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: an infamous smuggler who retired
long ago, a young girl with prophetic abilities, constant mandate
surveillance, preparations for a festival.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: an air of business, “most wanted”

posters with familiar faces, rare and beautiful fabrics, overpriced
trinkets, loud and stubborn haggling, free samples.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: fuel crystals on the cheap, a former
lover, detachments on patrol, the best street food in the sector.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: crops as far as the eye can see,
automated machinery hovering just above, a small cluster of
homes on the fringes, tired workers, the lingering effects of a
mandate attack, lumbering alien creatures kept as livestock.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: an old retired nova with stories of
the eridian war, a childhood best friend, a long-lost scion hidden
away for their own safety, a burgeoning liberation cell formed by
disgruntled workers.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: a live band in the corner, shady

figures looking for work, an ongoing arm wrestling match, gossip
thrown left and right, mandate soldiers on leave, drunken smiles.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: an illicit gambling operation,
someone you still owe, the second fastest smuggler in the system,
a bartender with revolutionary sympathies.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: fake smiles, genuine sneers,

offensively expensive suits, vaguely upbeat music, idle gossip,
beautiful and extravagant decorations.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: at least one person who recently
committed a war crime, poker tables that could bankrupt a mid-
sized planet in a single hand, a liberation spy in deep cover, your
old celebrity crush.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: a beautiful meadow, sight of the
water below, strong winds, the nests of flying creatures, a feeling
of calm, big boulders.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: a lost nova living as a hermit, rare
flora which only bloom at night, the perfect spot for a ship to take
off, an old abandoned mandate telescope.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: towering shelves of books, a thick

layer of dust, unfamiliar names from long ago, strict rules against
taking books out, a clock ticking, windows letting light pour in.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: the original draft of the nova code,
secret copies of books banned by the mandate, a friendly librarian
who loves to help find things, a scandalous romance section.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: the whirring sounds of machines,

an assortment of niche tools, unfinished projects piled up in the
corner, helper droids running to and fro, an air of focus and
concentration, something huge being repaired which takes up
most of the space.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: a special tool needed to build an
astrablade, the best hover-tech engineer in the system, a retired
liberation pilot using their skills to repair old ships, unbeatable
deals on repairs if you know who to talk to.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: exposed wires, flashing lights,

cramped spaces, shouted commands, random patches of duct
tape, a bumpy ride.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: forged ownership papers,
dangerously out-of-date parts, a mandate ship following close
behind, nothing special! i promise! it’s just an old spaceship;
you’ve got to believe me!

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: pictures on the walls, memories
from a different life, a steady routine, a cluttered desk, hidden
snacks, something… off about this whole thing.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: an old friend, a concealed
weapon, incriminating evidence, a place to rest.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: bored students, hallway chatter,

rows of lockers, intense lectures on science and philosophy,
writing on the walls, an upcoming student election.

choose 1-2 rumored to be here: children kidnapped and trained in

secret, student protests suppressed by administration, new halls
under construction, a hangout from your childhood.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: cracks and crevices, view of the

vast ocean of stars, veins of shining metal, a feeling of precarity, a
feeling of weightlessness, the unimpeded cold of space.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: just enough time to refuel, an
obstacle to passing ships, an abandoned helper droid,
microscopic life forms used to extreme environments.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: stars twinkling in the distance, not

a soul in sight, fuel running out, tensions running high, ringing in
your ears, nothing to do but wait around.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: a path we’re supposed to follow,
foreign objects that make dangerous projectiles, a habitable planet
nearby, a long journey ahead.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: a slow pace, whispered secrets,

marks of otherness, a lingua franca, curious children, weary
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: an expert of navigation, the finest
crafts credits can buy, a cult of the space between, mutual aid.
choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: painfully long lines, diverse
cultures and fashions, blaring announcements, secret
passageways, overpriced snacks, some time to breathe.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: a huge shipment of smuggled
goods, an important politician and their entourage, the only direct
flight to an out-of-the-way planet, news from home.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: warping light, unknown

constellations, glimpses into another plane, a station to dock and
buy entrance, a scientific expedition, a pulsating energy.
choose 1-2 rumored to be here: the only way out, an ambush on
the other side, the consequences of a failed experiment long ago,
something calling out into the darkness.

choose 2-3 aesthetic elements: everything out of focus, swirling

lights, someone you remember but not like this, an answer just out
of reach, beautiful flora, the urge to cry.

choose 1-2 rumored to be here: a celebration, someone who went

missing years ago, something more sinister than what it seems,
nothing at all—that’s what doesn’t make sense.

1. social traits 4. authoritative traits
1. friendly 1. austere'
2. connected 2. daring
3. conciliatory 3. commanding
4. compassionate 4. dramatic
5. gossipy 5. cocky
6. troublemaker 6. rousing

2. intellectual traits 5. ideological traits

1. wise 1. faithful
2. curious 2. passionate
3. cunning 3. cynical
4. inventive 4. mercenary
5. learned 5. maverick
6. analytical 6. zealous

3. watchful traits 6. personal traits

1. protective 1. attuned
2. focused 2. burdened'
3. anxious 3. innocent
4. observant 4. ancient
5. stealthy 5. awkward
6. scheming 6. ethereal

choose 1-2 moves:
• tell a good joke or story, and gain a token.
• go out of your way to talk to someone, and give them a token.
• ask “is there anything i can do to help?” and give them a token
if they say yes.

choose 1-2 moves:

• take note of who is here, and gain a token.
• introduce two people with something in common, and give
them each a token.
• point someone towards who or what they’re looking for, and
give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• argue for a more peaceful or moderate solution, and gain a
• stop someone from starting a fight, and give them a token.
• ask “is there any other way to do this?” and give them a token
if they give an answer that isn’t a straight no.

choose 1-2 moves:

• talk about your feelings, and gain a token.
• give someone reassurance they need, and give them a token.
• ask “do you want to talk about it?” and give them a token if
they say yes.

choose 1-2 moves:

• listen in, and gain a token.
• give someone a juicy piece of information, and give them a
• start a rumor about someone, and give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:
• pull a prank, and gain a token.
• start a fight or argument, and give those involved a token.
• encourage someone to cause trouble with you, and give them
a token if they do.

choose 1-2 moves:

• give genuine consideration to something unexpected, and gain
a token.
• point out a contradiction in someone’s logic or plan, and give
them a token.
• ask someone a question they don’t yet know the answer to,
and give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• focus on an irrelevant detail, and gain a token.
• listen patiently and reverently, and gain a token.
• ask someone a barrage of questions, and give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• reveal that you’ve been one step ahead this whole time, and
gain a token.
• lie to someone, and give them a token if they believe it.
• ask “what’s your real goal here?” and give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• tinker with an object or idea, and gain a token.
• create something new, and gain a token.
• fix something broken, and give the one who needed it a token.

choose 1-2 moves:
• reference a text or tradition no one else here has heard of, and
gain a token.
• know something useful and relevant, and give the person you
help a token.
• ask “do you want my advice?” and give them a token if they
say yes.

choose 1-2 moves:

• calculate things in the background, and gain a token.
• reveal a tiny window of opportunity to someone, and give them
a token.
• say “the odds are against you” to someone, and give them a

choose 1-2 moves:

• say “i’m coming with you” and gain a token.
• get hurt to protect someone else, and give them a token.
• demand that someone stay out of danger, and give them a

choose 1-2 moves:

• spend a great deal of energy or time attempting perfection,
and gain a token.
• remind everyone to stay on task, and gain a token.
• ask “how are you going to help?” and give them a token if they

choose 1-2 moves:

• ramble about the things that could possibly go wrong, and gain
a token.
• ask someone for reassurance, and give them a token if they
give it to you.
• give into pressure from someone who wants something from
you, and give them a token.
choose 1-2 moves:
• keep your eyes peeled, and gain a token.
• point out something someone else missed, and give them a
• ask “what are you hiding that i noticed?” and give them a

choose 1-2 moves:

• vanish into a crowd or shadows, and gain a token.
• hide someone or something from sight, and give them a token.
• move easily past an obstacle that should’ve given you trouble,
and beckon for others to follow. give them a token if they do.

choose 1-2 moves:

• monologue about your plans, and gain a token.
• reveal you have leverage over someone, and give them a token.
• ask “what can you do for me?” and give them a token if you
take them up on their answer.

choose 1-2 moves:

• hold your head up high, and gain a token.
• give someone harsh criticism, and give them a token.
• demand someone change what they’re doing to fit your values,
and give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• propose an exciting and over-complicated idea, and gain a
• invite someone to do something dangerous; give them a token
if they say yes.
• get in over your head and ask for backup or rescue; give those
who answer a token.

choose 1-2 moves:
• tower over others, literally or metaphorically, and gain a token.
• give someone a direct order or threat, and give them a token.
• block someone’s path forward, and give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• be the center of attention, and gain a token.
• react in an over-the-top manner, and gain a token.
• act as a distraction for someone else, and give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• project overconfidence, and gain a token.
• insert yourself into someone’s conversation or plan, and give
them a token.
• make a wrong-headed assumption about someone, and give
them a token when you act on it.

choose 1-2 moves:

• look confidently into the distance, and gain a token.
• tell someone exactly what they need to hear, and give them a
• lead by example, and give those who follow a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• spend a moment to reflect or pray, and gain a token.
• ask someone “what do you believe?” and give them a token.
• give someone reason to carry on when they feel dejected or
hopeless, and give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• explain why something matters to you, and gain a token.
• react with unexpectedly intense emotion, and gain a token.
• question someone’s beliefs or actions, and give them a token.
choose 1-2 moves:
• roll your eyes, and gain a token.
• protect someone in a way that goes against their beliefs, and
give them a token.
• question someone’s sincerity, and give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• ask “what’s in it for me?” and gain a token.
• take something while no one is looking, and give the person
who needed it a token.
• betray someone for your own gain, and give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• ask “what here is more complicated than it seems?” and gain a
• present someone with an enticing option they hadn’t
considered, and give them a token.
• encourage someone to pursue their own interests over other
obligations, and give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• state your beliefs, and gain a token.
• demand that someone live up to your ideals, and give them a
• take things too far, and give the one you hurt a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• say something meaningful yet cryptic, and gain a token.
• make a declaration about someone’s future, and give them a
• help someone ask the space between for guidance, and give
them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:
• sigh deeply, and gain a token.
• lash out at someone for something minor, and give them a
• take on more than you can handle, and give the person who
comes to your rescue a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• hope for the best, and gain a token.
• ask someone a question they’d rather not answer, and give
them a token if they tell the truth.
• offer someone physical affection, and give them a token if they
accept in a way that is comfortable for them.

choose 1-2 moves:

• tell a story of long ago, and gain a token.
• draw a parallel between then and now, and gain a token.
• ask “how are you going to do better than what came before?”
and give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• try your best, and gain a token.
• misunderstand or ignore a social cue from someone, and give
them a token.
• ask someone something at a bad time, and give them a token.

choose 1-2 moves:

• watch from somewhere else, and gain a token.
• silently change the environment around you, and give the first
person to notice a token.
• remind someone of what you or they stand for, and give them
a token.


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