Asset Management Strategies For Power Electronic Converters in Transmission Networks: Application To HVDC and FACTS Devices
Asset Management Strategies For Power Electronic Converters in Transmission Networks: Application To HVDC and FACTS Devices
Asset Management Strategies For Power Electronic Converters in Transmission Networks: Application To HVDC and FACTS Devices
May 2, 2018.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2826360
ABSTRACT The urgency for an increased capacity boost bounded by enhanced reliability and sustainability
through operating cost reduction has become the major objective of electric utilities worldwide. Power
electronics have contributed to this goal for decades by providing additional flexibility and controllability to
the power systems. Among power electronic based assets, high-voltage dc (HVdc) transmission systems
and flexible ac transmission systems (FACTS) controllers have played a substantial role on sustainable
grid infrastructure. Recent advancements in power semiconductor devices, in particular in voltage source
converter based technology, have facilitated the widespread application of HVdc systems and FACTS devices
in transmission networks. Converters with larger power ratings and higher number of switches have been
increasingly deployed for bulk power transfer and large scale renewable integration—increasing the need
of managing power converter assets optimally and in an efficient way. To this end, this paper reviews the
state-of-the-art of asset management strategies in the power industry and indicates the research challenges
associated with the management of high power converter assets. Emphasis is made on the following
aspects: condition monitoring, maintenance policies, and ageing and failure mechanisms. Within this context,
the use of a physics-of-failure based assessment for the life-cycle management of power converter assets is
introduced and discussed.
INDEX TERMS Asset management, FACTS devices, HVdc, power electronic assets, physics-of-failure.
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T. Joseph et al.: Asset Management Strategies for Power Electronic Converters in Transmission Networks
device [39]. In a dc converter station this analysis has been Sensor or SCADA-based monitoring is reliable and one of the
mainly used to estimate the noises and vibrations generated most cost-effective CM methods since it relies on the interpre-
from filter capacitors, valve cooling systems, valve reactors, tation of data only. In a dc sub-station it collects information
converter transformers and switching devices like circuit from key components and converter assemblies using the
breakers [38]–[42]. Another important indicator for the noise sensors fitted to valve-based units, heat-sinks, protection and
resulting from dc magnetization are the currents arising due control systems and switches. The status of the valves can be
to the asymmetry in the firing of thyristor valves; this in turn interpreted from operational data and from the measurements
depends on the accuracy of the firing control system [38]. of signals, such as temperature, pressure, and current. This
Additional estimation methods for diagnosis include the use information reflects the real-time state of valve units and,
of root-mean-square value of the signals, frequency response by proper assessment, a relationship between different sig-
and amplitude, energy, skewness, crest factor, counts and nals can be observed—in turn providing information on the
events [39]–[44]. health of the converter [27], [46]. Many wind turbine methods
can be effectively used for dc substation CM following an
2) SIGNATURE ANALYSIS adequate implementation. Given that it was not designed for
Signature analysis (SA) is one of the easiest yet comprehen- CM purposes, the main shortfall of SCADA-based analysis is
sive CM method employed to predict electrical and mechan- that it cannot be applied systematically as the collected data
ical faults. The signals that can be detected may be either may not be comprehensive enough to represent the whole
electrical (voltage, current, power or flux) or mechanical. Var- dc substation. The variation of SCADA data subjected to
ious types of faults can be detected using SA methods, which operational conditions poses the difficulty of detecting an
are mainly categorized as: 1) model reference, or 2) feature incipient fault from raw data without an appropriate data
extraction methods [28], [38]. The model reference method analysis tool [48]. Furthermore, the data capture rate of 5
spots faults by comparing the results of measurements with to 10 min is too slow for most fault diagnoses of fast-acting
likelihoods of mathematical-based or artificial intelligence- power electronic assets as compared to other equipments such
based models. Conversely, the feature extraction method uses as circuit breakers or transformers [49].
frequency and time-domain signal processing techniques to
capture signatures representing normal and faulty perfor- 4) TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT/THERMAL ANALYSIS
mances [28]. The application of SA in estimating the health Temperature measurement (TM) and thermal analysis (TA)
of thyristor valves has been reported in [43] and [44]. SA are among the most exhaustive ways for assessing the con-
can identify misbehavior of valves, such as inconsistency in dition of power electronic devices. TM aids in identifying
the conduction and firing sequences due to disturbances in potential failures related to temperature changes in the equip-
ac or dc systems [43]. Fuzzy logic seems to be suitable for the ment due to faults, overloading and deformations. Monitoring
implementation of the natural language definitions of these is performed using sensors, such as optical pyrometers, resis-
misbehaviors [44]. Estimation of the frequency energy lev- tant thermometers and thermocouples [50]–[53]. TA using
els using frequency spectra characteristics in dc switchyards infrared (IR) thermography has become one of the most
and valve halls has been applied to analyze the electric and reliable and prominent prognosis methods for asset health
magnetic field strength of HVdc converter valve units [45]. monitoring of dc systems [50]. This method covers a wide
range of components from HVdc converter stations, including
3) SENSOR/SCADA DATA ANALYSIS thyristor valves, diodes, snubber circuits, pumps and expan-
Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) sys- sion tanks [51]. Temperature-based CM relies on the fact that
tems are collectively used in most transmission networks. all working components emit heat; thus when a component
in the system malfunctions, its temperature increases beyond taken place within the electronics industry and has focussed
normal values [52]. IR temperature transmitters and high- on optimizing the reliability of complex circuits [62]. Con-
resolution IR cameras constitute the sensors applied in TA, tinuous improvement has reduced failure rates of IGBT mod-
with results typically interpreted visually. For example, an IR ules in traction applications from 1000 failures-in-time (FIT,
thermal image showing the temperature distribution of the the number of failures in one billion hours) in 1995 to 20 FIT
surface between thyristors and the radiator in an HVdc con- in 2000, and very few in recent years [63].
verter has been evaluated in [51] to estimate the temperature Despite the extensive efforts to improve reliability, failures
distribution among the upper and lower thyristors valves. in power electronics have been observed continuously [63].
The measurement of the thyristor valve temperature is kept Surveys indicate that IGBTs have been the most frequently
as the base line for estimating the overload capability and used devices (42%) among power semiconductors, followed
rating of redundant thyristors for a 12-pulse converter scheme by metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOS-
subjected to the worst case thermal and voltage stresses [53]. FETs) (27%), thyristors (14%) and PiN diodes (10%) [37].
Most of the work in recent years has concentrated on IGBTs
5) VISUAL INSPECTION for power electronic converters [63]. In contrast with tra-
One of the most challenging monitoring techniques is the ditional CM approaches, PoF based CM focusses on the
visual inspection (VI) method, which is based on human lifetime estimation of new generation power semiconductor
sensory capabilities. VI may be used as a complement to other devices such as IGBTs, IGCTs, MOSFETs, SiCs, among oth-
CM approaches. It includes touch (temperature and vibration ers. A threefold process is employed to monitor the strength
checking), deformation and aspects (DA), and detection of of power electronic components; this involves diagnosis,
sounds emitted by a functioning system. VI is generally used prognosis and condition analysis. Figure 5 illustrates a typical
to monitor thyristor valve cooling system electrodes, water life estimation flowchart for voltage-controlled converters in
level sensors, corrosion and cracking [54]. In several cases, wind turbine applications. The interdependency of different
this method can be very effective in identifying problems physical models and their relevance in PoF based CM are
that were not previously determined by other techniques. evident from the diagram.
Such cases includes loose parts, connections, terminals, and
components; visibly worn or broken parts; excessive tempera-
tures; and oil leakages, corrosion, and leaks on the valve water
piping [51]. Since VI is a labor intensive and highly subjective
task, the results will depend on the experience and judgement
of the inspector [55], [56].
Nowadays, developments in VI technologies have reached
the pace of the wind industry. For instance, remote VI tech-
nologies have been implemented to inspect gearboxes,
wind turbine blades and other critical components [57].
Recent developments include the use of gyroscopes to
inspect interior areas that may not be accessible otherwise—
aiming to reveal hairline cracks, corrosion, pitting and other FIGURE 5. PoF based life estimation flowchart for voltage-controlled
defects [58]. Flying remote devices are the latest addition to converters [66].
the VI family, which appear to be effective in reaching out
remote and offshore installations [59].
Some of the discussed monitoring methods are still in their 1) DIAGNOSIS
infancy or development stages, although a few are mature Diagnosis is used to estimate the root cause failure in a power
techniques. The transition from conventional CM approaches electronic asset upon occurrence of a fault [63]. Based on the
is inevitable due to the reliability-based design and physics- understanding of failure mechanisms, reliability models for
based failure mechanisms adopted for modern power con- these devices can be built to aid the failure analysis and life-
verters. Physics-of-failure based monitoring and analysis is time prediction without performing costly tests. In a diagnosis
discussed in the next subsection. process, monitoring the contributors for degradation is a vital
route to understand the physics behind the damage caused by
B. PHYSICS-OF-FAILURE BASED CM it [64]. Device parameters are major contributors for compo-
Ensuring a high availability and reliability is the top pri- nent degradation. These include the on-state voltage or resis-
ority for transmission network operators. To achieve this tance (VCEsat /RON ), the internal thermal resistance (Rth ),
through power electronic assets, a physics-of-failure (PoF) and the threshold gate voltage (VGEth ) [63]–[66]. Although
based assessment during the design stages has been widely these parameters are difficult to measure in practice, they
accepted. The combination of degradation calculation with may cause changes in the operational characteristics of the
root cause failure analyses and probabilistic methods forms devices or converters at system level. Substantial research has
the basis of PoF [60], [61]. The PoF approach has mostly been conducted in this area [65], [66]. However, most of the
work has looked at a device level instead of system level— to degradation and thereby failure since they are dependent on
which needs considerable attention since health indicators the application and power module technology. For instance,
may vary depending on the application (e.g. HVdc, FACTS) the bond wire degradation in an IGBT or diode is often
and mission profile (e.g. offshore, onshore). For instance, determined by an increase of forward voltage Vfwd . However,
different types of degradation may influence the forward different proposals for a critical level of Vfwd have been
voltage drop in an IGBT, but a single degradation mechanism reported [75].
may influence several damage indicators. Therefore, the use
of a single parameter to monitor degradation is insufficient to 4) DISCUSSION
develop a complete CM system [65]. PoF based CM represents a new addition to existing monitor-
ing approaches. It has recently received attention in ’mission
2) PROGNOSIS critical’ applications such as offshore wind farms and modu-
The process of estimating the remaining useful life (RUL) by lar multilevel converter (MMC) based HVdc stations. Appli-
predicting the health conditions at some point in the future is cation of the PoF approach in wind turbine condition based
known as prognosis. This method has a significant effect in monitoring and maintenance has been addressed in [87].
the decision making process as it provides flexibility to deter- Following the threefold process as discussed in previous
mine the RUL while minimizing the risk of failure [33], [68]. sections (i.e. diagnosis, prognosis and condition analysis),
Prognostics of IGBTs received attention primarily from a continuous online estimation of the damage accumulation
mission-critical systems such as avionics, high-speed rail, can be performed using standard converter parameters. Pre-
and offshore wind turbines. In such systems, no failure is cise assessments may be then carried out in real time consid-
desirable until the next maintenance period [33]. The usual ering the probability of failure for specific failure modes and
prognoses used in power electronics assets are data-driven components. In turn, these can reduce the investment cost of
and model-based approaches [33]. The model-based prognos- additional measurement equipment.
tic approach relies on the physical models that describe the Reliability based design for emerging semiconductor
relationship between lifespan and design parameters, mate- devices in wind turbines and photovoltaics has resulted in the
rial properties, and loading conditions. The damage-based, advent of a PoF approach in power systems and power elec-
strain-based, and fatigue life models are widely employed tronic applications [90], [91]. Moreover, new technologies
prognosis approaches [70]. Model-based CM is particularly and devices which can effectively monitor, diagnose and even
attractive for devices working under variable operating con- automatically detect and rectify faults have been installed
ditions and varying environments, such as HVdc converters, and/or are under research [29]. There is an urgent need
onshore and offshore converter stations and renewable energy for a standard and unified approach for the CM of devices
systems. Conversely, the data-driven approach exploits com- used in the transmission assets, irrespective of them being
ponent historical data and health condition. These attributes ac or dc [91]. Multi-vendor devices should follow strict guide-
are extracted from the device information without relying lines or type registrations as required by the utilities to have
on failure modes. The particle filtering method and power- an effective integrated monitoring and prognosis framework.
cycling testing are examples of data-driven approaches for To address this, Section V-A outlines a future perspective
prognosis [71]. on component level asset management which is required for
the effective monitoring and diagnosis of converter assets,
3) CONDITION ANALYSIS together with the challenges and opportunities it creates.
Condition analysis requires the measurement of one or more
damage indicators during the power converter operation. III. MAINTENANCE METHODOLOGIES
However, simple knowledge is not sufficient to form the In offshore wind farms, HVdc stations and FACTS con-
overall CM strategy [33], [72]. To lay down the main realistic trollers, maintenance of power converters is usually done by
degradation mechanisms, accelerated ageing tests that apply manufacturers for an initial period of 5 years. After this, either
mission profile-based stresses to the devices are used [72]. the operator or third parties perform the job or maintenance
Several types of degradation can influence a single damage contracts with the original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
indicator; for instance, a variation in the forward voltage of are extended [14], [15], [77].
an IGBT can be affected by the temperature, the gate oxide One of the main driving forces behind the transition from
integrity, the quality of electrical connections (including bond mercury arc to thyristor valves and later onto IGBTs for
wire lift-off), and the metallization reconstruction [73]. It is power conversion in the high voltage power electronic indus-
very difficult to measure these indicators in a functional try was the burden on maintenance requirements [7]–[9].
system; for example, it is necessary to estimate the chip However, many of the existing and new power electronic
temperature to measure the thermal resistance. In a functional assets are equipped with CM systems along with SCADA
system, such measurements would require an interruption for operation. This provision provides a platform for the
of the converter operation, which would lead to a complex development of intelligent and device dependent maintenance
monitoring system [74], [75]. The most complex task in con- policies. The use of a thyristor monitoring system to aid the
dition assessment is the determination of critical contributors HVdc maintenance policy has been reported in [76] and [77].
2) CONDITION-BASED MAINTENANCE OR PREDICTIVE applied to the converter stations at Manitoba Hydro has
MAINTENANCE increased the availability of the dc transmission system by
In this strategy, maintenance is carried out in response to reducing the number of outages [77], [86]. This approach
the observed degradation in component condition. Surveil- even reduced the maintenance frequency from being annual
lance, real-time monitoring, diagnostic, and trending tools to once in four years for major equipment [86]. The advan-
are used to assess component ageing and thus plan main- tages and disadvantages of RCM as compared to other main-
tenance accordingly. Maintenance is only performed when tenance policies are summarized below.
needed, so the strategy is very responsive to equipment
conditions [55]. For instance, in an HVdc asset specific Advantages
maintenance work is required depending on the converter 1) The probability versus risk approach reduces the cost
topology [35], [77]. In traditional line-commuted converter of maintenance operation, resulting in less shut-downs
(LCC) based HVdc systems, TBM is generally preferred over for low-risk failures.
CBM due to its operating experience and low failure rates. 2) The inspection rates are reduced, thereby saving cost
However, CBM may be necessary in some cases for a prudent associated with them.
operation of the system following a scheduled maintenance, 3) As the programme focuses on the reliability of the
as described in [81]. Conversely, CBM is preferred over TBM device, the possibility of high-risk failures can be
for VSC-based assets. This is due to the smaller amount of reduced.
implemented projects, the environmental conditions and the
degradation phenomena of IGBTs (or other power electronic Disadvantages
switches) [82]. The major advantages and disadvantages of 1) The formulation of risk matrices and the prioritization
using CBM are listed below. of components based on them are complex, thus con-
suming significant time when developing maintenance
Advantages models.
1) Maintenance is performed only when it is necessary, 2) The procedure and processes related with RCM are not
thereby providing savings by minimizing unnecessary well developed, and are thus less understood by the
inspections and man-hours. maintenance personnel.
2) It reduces unnecessary shut-downs and risks associated 3) Maintenance models require a background of well-
with them. judged data and information.
3) A real-time monitoring of the assets condition delivers
an increased utilization.
The physics behind failure of a device and the develop-
ment of strategies for maintenance based on these factors
is known as PoF based maintenance (PoFBM). Identifying
1) CBM depends on the monitored data, but continuous the failure mechanism is the key for developing an effective
monitoring is not economical. PoFBM strategy. Compared to other maintenance practices,
2) The processing and extraction of information from the this is a one-person exercise where the different ways in
monitored data is not well understood in industry. which a component can physically fail are identified or fore-
3) It requires fast data communication and manipulation casted [87]. The solution reached through PoFBM can be
facilities for successful on-line monitoring and experi- directly applied to any other identical component regard-
enced personnel for the effective interpretation of data. less of the equipment where it is located at—implying a
universal failure addressing nature [88], [89]. PoFBM is an
3) RISK OR RELIABILITY-CENTRED MAINTENANCE ideal maintenance tactic for power electronic assets where
The key objectives of the RCM approach are to optimize the trade-off between reliability and criticality versus cost has
maintenance costs, increase system reliability and improve always been a concern for the optimal life-cycle operation and
asset utilization [77], [84]. Several utilities have implemented maintenance (O&M) [87]. Control of the O&M cost of power
RCM strategies. These are based on the significance and state electronic assets is an area of growing interest to utilities as
of a component. During the maintenance policy development the assets come to the end of manufacturer’s warranty. To this
stages, the main consideration is given to the current state of end, a maintenance model which considers the constraints
the component and the consequences of its failure [78], [83]. and system parameters applied to the physical model of the
Based on these constraints, a risk and criticality list is created device under investigation can be developed (see Figure 7).
and the highest priority in maintenance scheduling is given Using this model the damage indicators and critical oper-
to components whose state has depreciated considerably and ating regions of the assets can be identified. PoFBM has
which are at the top in a risk matrix [78]. Existing power con- been applied to the electronic industry [62], with potential
verter assets like HVdc converters and wind power installa- application in wind turbines being discussed in [61] and [90].
tions use RCM as their main maintenance strategy [78], [86]. In offshore applications, PoFBM can be combined with
As compared to traditional approaches, an RCM strategy TBM or CBM to reduce the down-time resulting from outages
the temperature estimation of thyristor PN junctions used in been analyzed in [109]. The two main factors affecting filed
HVdc converters to predict their lifespan [81], [92]. Ther- failure mechanisms are discussed next.
mal and power cycling tests for accelerated life expectancy
measurement for high power IGBT modules in wind power b: IMPACT OF HARMONICS
applications have been reported in [102]–[105]. These tests Harmonics resulting from the switching operation of valves
replicate real-time conditions to realistically reproduce cor- and their negative impact on power system assets have
rect measurement gradients, but do not include real-time been discussed in [110]. The greatest impact is faced by
measurements. The analytical equations governing the accel- the converter transformer, which could result in capacity
erated tests are given by the Coffin-Manson relation, which derating; increase in power losses, temperature rise, vibra-
is widely used for estimating the number of cycles to tion and noise, and operating cost; and decrease in effi-
failure [83], [105]. This is given by ciency, insulation strength and service life [111]. CIGRE has
reported the harmonic impact of different converter topolo-
c b
Nf = (2) gies in [112] and [113]. Compared to LCC HVdc, VSC based
1Tj MMC topologies have the inherent capability of generating
1Tja b nearly sinusoidal waveforms at the ac side, which results in
AF = (3) a reduction on harmonic filtering requirements [112], [113].
Furthermore, this reduces the impact on the converter trans-
where Nf is the number of cycles to failure, b and c are formers derating and ageing; for instance, vendors claim that
extrapolated constants from accelerated test results, and Tj is normal ac transformers could be employed for MMC based
the junction temperature. stations [112].
Another aspect is the harmonic transfer through the dc side,
2) EXTRINSIC AGEING which may generate sub-harmonic currents and, in turn, could
This is an ageing process which is amplified by failures affect the ac system assets such as turbine generators and
related to the application and handling of power electronic might result in shaft failure [114]–[116]. However, these neg-
devices used in HVdc and FACTS converters. The major ative interactions are not that severe for VSC based converters
contributors for extrinsic ageing are the environment where due to the decoupling of the dc side [112]. Tsai et al. [115]
the device is installed and the electric stress resulting from and Yacamini [116] identified torsional oscillations due to
different operating conditions [101]. As these change the the HVdc scheme. The variable-frequency ripple current
physical performance of the device, the ageing process is superimposed on dc currents would excite subsynchronous
amplified, as depicted in Figure 8 [98]. Another contributor vibrations in turbine shafts, and could reduce the life of the
for this ageing mechanism is the latent defects regime of shafts [116]. It should also be noted that there is an obvious
those assets that can make a considerable impact on the connection between the harmonics generated at the converter
operating expenditure (OPEX) [106]. The two main indica- station and the control of the converters, which will be dis-
tors that may reveal this ageing phenomenon are the field cussed in the next section.
failure and PoF—which are discussed in the forthcoming
paragraphs. c: IMPACT OF CONTROL
The control system acts as the brain of the HVdc con-
a: FIELD FAILURE MEASUREMENTS verters or FACTS controllers. Compared to the rest of the
Assimilation of failure experiences from field data and components in an HVdc converter, the control system rep-
analysis for estimation of reliability measurements is the resents only about 7% of the total cost of the converter
key process behind field failure measurement. Two com- station (see Figure 2) [15]. A number of components can
mon methods for understanding the ageing process in power be substituted before the replacement of the entire instal-
electronic devices are long-term surveillance and statistical lation is required. Many utilities have followed this route
comparison [81]. For example, a number of thyristor devices for asset management. As shown in Table 2, the failure rate
are selected and their characteristics measured and recorded and repair time of the control system of converter assets
once or twice every year in the long term surveillance method. is very small compared to other components. Furthermore,
Results are then processed to find a pattern of failure modes. significant planning is necessary during the design stage to
In [107], specific field measurements taken from a static VAr estimate the impact of the control system on the converter
compensator (SVC) indicated that thyristor failure resulted stations. Operating experience has shown to be a key aspect
from the degradation of associated auxiliary assets. On the behind the control system selection for thyristor-based HVdc
other hand, few statistics and information on VSCs are avail- and FACTS devices [10]–[15]. The case is similar for VSC
able. Recent CIGRE publications reported that the highest stations. As an example, the Trans Bay Cable MMC project
failure rate for any converter is found in the power electronics built in 2010 is undergoing an upgrade to provide black start
component [80], [108]. Additionally, the application of dif- capability through both control and valve modifications [10].
ferent thermal cyclic and loading conditions on wind power CIGRE has made a detailed analysis of different control
converters and their impact on the failure mechanisms has aspects in HVdc converter stations and their impact on the
TABLE 2. Major assets of typical power electronic substations: their lifetime and failure rates [15].
of mercury-based switches has an adverse environmental with modular MMC topologies suitable for high power and
impact; for instance, the amount of mercury vapors released high voltage applications due to their low power losses
to the atmosphere during O&M is of concern. Cautious mon- and minimal filter requirements [138], [139]. These HVdc
itoring has been employed in the valve halls to control mer- technologies are not only used for conventional high power
cury emissions. Each self-contained sealed module included transmission, but are also suitable for the construction of
2.64 qt (2.5 L) of mercury [132]. Nowadays mercury arc- dc grids for the integration of large-scale renewables—such
based HVdc assets have been replaced by thyristor valves as offshore wind farms [139], [140]. Until now, VSC-based
except for one link [135]. transmission has paralleled thyristor-based converter assets
wherever possible. With the demand for renewables to meet
2) THYRISTOR-BASED CONVERTERS climate change challenges and the increasing interconnec-
The key performance addition from thyristor-based convert- tions among countries, further development of transistor-
ers was the ability to bring together control and conversion based power converter topologies is imperative.
operations into one device, leading to substantial savings in Developments in high power semiconductors have shifted
space and weight [136], [137]. Even when thyristors cannot the nature of HVdc assets to a modular and cost effective
be turned off with a control pulse, their ability to achieve a low transmission. One of the key improvements in this line is the
forward voltage drop led to its widespread use in HVdc instal- transition from two-level to multilevel VSC topologies [138].
lations [133]–[139]. Once thyristors started to take over the As the traditional HVdc and FACTS assets were not orig-
HVdc regime from mercury valves, the availability of HVdc inally designed for modular expansions, changes intro-
projects increased significantly from 83 to 98% [120]–[125]. duced following installation and commissioning have been
Since then, thyristor devices have been substantially deployed restricted to control system updates and pole upgrades [10].
in transmission networks for HVdc and FACTS controllers. It could be argued that this approach has limited the utilization
Their simple design, added with low maintenance costs, pre- of the upgraded transmission assets [138]. However, it is
dictable performance and reduced area for installations are foreseen that future HVdc and FACTS device installations
the key factors behind this fast deployment [136], [137]. For will be modular and multilevel in nature and, hence, the new
example, the typical space utilization of mercury arc-based topologies will have an enhanced value [138], [138], [140].
converters is about 3.5 m2 /MW compared to 1 m2 /MW for Furthermore, by adopting the modular topologies and in turn
thyristor valves [76]. Another vital aspect is the possibility avoiding the use of additional components such as filters
to arrange thyristor valves in series, which gives the advan- and transformers, the burden in maintenance and monitoring
tage of a high performance while making the modules less could be reduced [112]. The industry is already moving in
prone to fractional failures. This in turn enables the design this direction as indicated by the first MMC project in the US
optimization of an HVdc installation by having full control and the recent INELFE project linking Italy and Spain [140].
over ratings [138].
Voltage-controlled transistor-based semiconductor devices While the aforementioned procedures provide a systematic
like IGBTs were developed during the late 1970’s. They way for the selection of power converter assets considering an
have found their place in the lower end of the power range optimized cost, size and lifetime, their high complexity and
for HVdc applications [133]. Their self-turn off capability, the need for further research may restrict their application.
together with an independent control of active and reac- This is highlighted in Figure 12. The review of industrial
tive power, leads to a smaller footprint when employed experience documented in this work, together with recent
in VSC stations [76], [136]. As of now, VSC-based high developments in power electronic assets, has allowed the
voltage transmission assets are in their fourth generation, identification of a range of needs and gaps faced by power
transmission utilities. The primary gaps have been grouped plan can be developed using updated tools. Development of
into three categories—in line with the present industry asset an effective framework for maintenance optimization, spares
management needs built on sustainability. and inventory management, and economic constraints can
be also integrated into the tools. To achieve this level of
A. CATEGORY 1: COMPONENT LEVEL ASSET control over maintenance management a balance between
MANAGEMENT preventive and reactive maintenance should be adopted. All
Existing methods to gather and categorize data from ac sys- these attributes can be accommodated into the platform and
tems are widely and efficiently applied by utilities. Dissemi- simulated over the life-cycle to assess the impact on asset
nation of this knowledge is considerable; however, a revised utilization. The major opportunities and obstacles for the
asset management strategy is inevitable at device and system development of an integrated tool or software for managing
level due to the extensive deployment of power converter- power electronic assets can be summarized below:
based assets. Initial efforts in this direction have been carried
out by many utilities. Practices include the utilization of CM Challenges
techniques to assess the state of components; rescheduling of 1) Tests that estimate the failure rates of components are
maintenance plans according to CM information; and a tran- resource consuming and differ from traditional con-
sition into RCM maintenance approaches. The major obsta- stant failure rate models.
cles and research opportunities in the management of power 2) Improved technologies for locating faults in inacces-
electronic assets at a component level can be summarized as sible areas (e.g. HVdc underground and submarine
follows: cables, temperature estimation in power semiconductor
Challenges 3) Coherence between conventional power system assets
1) Prevalent and increased application of power electron- and converter-based assets in the operation and control
ics in a large range of applications and different envi- regime—especially for power balancing.
ronmental exposures.
2) Outdated procedures to estimate the health and failure Opportunities
rates of power semiconductor equipment and a lack of 1) Minimizing latent defects by robust reliability-based
understanding of critical failure modes. fault tolerant design, which may reduce failure rates
3) Increased complexity in used components and in pack- and extend the lifetime.
aging. 2) Emerging modular topologies of power converters and
capacitors, coupled with developments in on-line CM
Opportunities methods.
1) Research in microelectronics and methodologies can be 3) Effective utilization of dynamic time constants of grids
effectively used as a foundation for ongoing and future with power electronic assets for balancing and increas-
work in the field of power electronics. ing grid availability.
2) Focus should be given to device reliability by under-
standing the operating regime through their lifetime. C. CATEGORY 3: STRATEGIC LEVEL ASSET MANAGEMENT
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data to understand the PoF. opments of an organization at a business level with relation
to training, development and implementation of asset policies
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This type of asset management deals with gaps in tools for related materials and understanding. The main drivers are
the effective utilization and processing of assets. New assets cost, policies from regulators and investors, the knowledge
can benefit from this as an effective life-cycle management gap associated with new technologies, and the risk associated
with implementation. Approaches to be developed by the component, process, and organization level developments
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