Fract Mechanics - de ZG514
Fract Mechanics - de ZG514
Fract Mechanics - de ZG514
Course Title Fracture Mechanics
Course No(s) DE ZG514
Credit Units 5
Credit Model (32 Hours of Class-room Instruction + 32 Hours of Case-
studies/Tutorials/Laboratories + 64 Hours of Student
Content Authors Sharad Srivastava
Version No. 2
Date 20-7-2019
Course Objectives
CO1 Fracture mechanics is based on implicit assumption that there exists a crack in the
structural component. The crack may be inside the material or at the subsurface. To
understand the Types of failure, Types of fracture, Modes of fracture, Fracture
criteria, Energy release rate
CO2 To understand the Stress intensity factor (SIF), Linear elastic fracture mechanics,
Environmentally assisted cracking (EAC), Weibill fracture statistics, Plane stress
and plane strain, Elastic plastic analysis through J-integral,
CO3 To understand the Crack tip opening displacement, R-curve, Test methods, Fatigue
failure, Mixed mode crack initiation and growth, Crack detection through NDT.
Text Book(s)
Content Structure
1. Background
1.1. Kinds of Failure
1.2. Historical aspects
1.3. Brittle and Ductile Fracture
1.4. Modes of Fracture Failure
1.5. How Potent is crack
1.6. Damage tolerance
2. Energy Release Rate
2.1. Griffith's Dilemma
2.2. Surface Energy
2.3. Griffith's Realization
2.4. Griffith's analysis
2.5. Energy Release Rate
2.5.1 Definition
2.5.2 Mathematical Formulation
2.5.3 Change in compliance approach
2.5.4 Change in strain energy approach
2.6. Energy Release Rate of DCB Specimen
2.7. An elastic deformation at crack-tip
2.8. Crack Resistance
2.9. Stable and Unstable crack growth
2.10. R-curve for brittle cracks
2.11. Critical Energy Release Rate
3. Stress Intensity Factor
3.1. Introduction
3.1.1. Why should Investigations be closer to crack tip
3.1.2. Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM)
3.2. Stress and displacement fields in Isotropic Elastic Material
3.3. Stress Intensity Factor
3.4. Mathematical Analysis
3.4.1. Field Equations
3.4.2. Concept of Complex Variables
3.5. Westergaard's Approach
3.5.1. Mode-I (Opening Mode)
3.5.2 Mode-II (Sliding Mode)
3.5.3. Mode-III (Tearing Mode)
4. SIF of complex cases
4.1. Applications of Westergaard's Approach
4.1.1. Wedge loads on cracked surfaces
4.1.2. Collinear cracks in an infinitely long strip
4.2. Principle of Superposition
4.2.1. Internal pressure on cracked faces
4.2.2. Wedge load at the surface of a crack face
4.3. Crack in a plate of finite dimensions
4.4. Edge cracks
4.5. Embedded Cracks
4.5.1. Elliptical Crack
4.5.2. Semi- Elliptical Crack
4.5.3. Quarter or corner cracks
4.6. Relationship between GI and KI
4.7. Critical Stress Intensity Factor
5 An elastic Deformation at the crack tip
5.1. Approximate shape and size of the plastic Zone
5.1.1. Plastic Zone shape for Plane stress
5.1.2. Plastic Zone shape for Plane strain
5.2. Effective crack length
5.2.1 Approximate approach
5.2.2. The Irwin Plastic Zone correction
5.2.3. Dugdale approach
5.3. Effect of Plate Thickness
6. J-Integral
6.1. Definition
6.2. Path Independence
6.3. Stress-strain relation
6.4. Discussions on J-integral
6.4.1. Designer's Point of view
6.4.2. Experiments to determine the critical J-integral
7. Crack tip opening Displacement
7.1. Relation between CTOD, GI and KI
7.2. Equivalence between CTOD and J
8. Test Methods
8.1. KIC test techniques
8.2. Test methods to determine JIC, Test methods to determine GIC and GIIC
8.3. Determination of critical CTOD
9. Fatigue Failure and Environment assisted fracture
9.1. Fatigue failure
9.1.1. S-N Curve
9.1.2. Crack initiation and Propagation
9.1.3. Effect of an overload
9.1.4. Crack Closure
9.1.5. Variable Amplitude Fatigue Load
9.2. Environment assisted fracture
9.2.1 Micro mechanisms
9.2.2. Major factors influencing Environment assisted fracture
9.2.3. Liquid metal embrittlement
10. Crack detection through NDT
10.1 Liquid Penetrant inspection
10.1.1. Procedure
10.1.2. Crack observation
10.2. Ultrasonic Testing
10.3. Radiographic Imaging
10.3.1. Contrast through absorption rate
10.3.2. Fogging
10.3.3. Penumbra effect
10.4. Magnetic Particle Inspection
10.4.1 Principle
10.4.2. Flaw Orientation
10.4.3. Demagnetization
Pre CH TB- Chapter 2 Read about Stress at a point, TB, Lecture notes
stress concentration at the
vicinity of the crack tip
Post CH TB- Chapter 3 Understand the Mode I Failure TB, Internet resources
Pre CH TB- Chapter 3 Study about Mode I, Mode II, TB, Internet resources, reference
Mode III Failure books
During TB- Chapter 3 Mode II, Mode III Problems TB, Internet resources, , reference
CH books
Post CH TB- Chapter 3 Revise the difference between TB, Internet resources, , reference
Mode I, Mode II, Mode III books
During TB- Chapter 4 SIF of complex cases, TB, Internet resources, , reference
CH Application of the principle of books
superposition, Crack in a plate
of finite dimensions, Edge
cracks, Embedded cracks e.t.c,
Relationship between GI and KI
Critical Stress Intensity Factor
Pre CH TB- Chapter 5 Review about concept of TB, Internet resources, , reference
plastic deformation, plane books
stress, plane strain, ductile
During TB- Chapter 5 An elastic Deformation at the TB, Internet resources, , reference
CH crack tip, Approximate shape books
and size of the plastic Zone,
different approaches to calculate
the Effective crack length
Post CH TB- Chapter 5 Learn to calculate plastic zone TB, Internet resources, , reference
shape and size around the books
crack tip and also to predict the
effective crack length
Pre CH TB- Chapter 6 Stress-strain curve for elastic- TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
plastic deformation
During TB- Chapter 6 Definition, Path Independence, TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
CH stress-strain relation
Post CH TB- Chapter 6 Compare the stress-strain TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
relation of LEFM and EPFM
During TB- Chapter 6 Designer's point of view on J- TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
CH integral, Experiments to
determine critical J-integral
Post CH TB- Chapter 6 Numerical to predict the TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
maximum stress to be applied
without causing the crack
Pre CH TB- Chapter 7 Revise Concept of energy TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
release rate, stress intensity
factor, J integral
During TB- Chapter 7 Crack tip opening TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
CH Displacement
Relation between CTOD, GI
and KI, Relation between
CTOD and J
Pre CH TB- Chapter 8 Recall toughness of material, TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
methods to measure toughness
During TB- Chapter 8 Test Methods to calculate KIC, TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
CH JIC, Critical CTOD
Post CH TB- Chapter 8 To identify which test method TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
is appropriate for the given
Pre CH TB- Chapter 9 Recall concept of fatigue TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
During TB- Chapter 9 S-N Curve,. Crack initiation TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
CH and Propagation, Effect of an
overload, Crack Closure,
Variable Amplitude Fatigue
During TB- Chapter 9 Environment assisted fracture TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
Post CH TB- Chapter 9 Try to Find out case studies TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
where both fatigue load and
environmental factors
contribute to crack growth
Pre CH TB- Chapter 10 Study about advantages of TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
NDT techniques
During TB- Chapter 10 Crack detection through TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
Post CH TB- Chapter 10 Case studies of measuring TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
crack through ultrasonic
During TB- Chapter 10 Crack detection through TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
Post CH TB- Chapter 10 Case studies of measuring TB, Lecture Notes/reference books
crack through radiographic
testing technique and MPI
Each student is given an individual assignment on any of the topics discussed in the class
Assignments are take-home and deadline-driven (typically of 2 weeks
duration) announced post Mid-semester examination
Students to spend at least 16 hours of work in study, research, discussion and
preparation of the report and presentation.
As part of deliverables, the student is expected to prepare a report and make a
short-presentation in the class
Evaluation Scheme
Legend: EC = Evaluation Component; AN = After Noon Session; FN = Fore Noon Session
Closed Book: No reference material of any kind will be permitted inside the exam hall.
Open Book: Use of any printed / written reference material (books and notebooks) will be
permitted inside the exam hall. Loose sheets Photocopies and Laser printouts of any material
will not be permitted. Computers of any kind will not be allowed inside the exam hall. Use of
calculators will be allowed in all exams. No exchange of any material will be allowed.
It shall be the responsibility of the individual student to be regular in maintaining the self-
study schedule as given in the course handout attend the online/on demand lectures as per
details that would be put up in the BITS eLearn (Taxila) website
and take all the prescribed components of the evaluation such as Assignments/Quizzes Mid
Semester and End Semester Examination according to the Evaluation Scheme given in the
respective Course Handout. If the student is unable to appear for the Regular Examination
due to genuine exigencies the student must refer to the procedure for applying for Make-up
Examination which will be available through the Important Information link on the eLearn
website on the date of the Regular Examination. The Make-up Tests/Exams will be
conducted only at selected exam centres on the dates to be announced later.
1. Scope of the lab
To support the theory learned in fracture mechanics course with the aid of simulation
tool to understand the nature of crack propagation and remaining life prediction on
components/structures which makes confidence in students to approach the real-world
2. Objectives of Lab
Developing skill set to perform the crack propagation analysis on various
components/structures to determine critical crack length and to predict the remaining
3. Learning Outcome of the lab
To incorporate crack at critical location.
To perform crack growth analysis.
To predict critical crack length and fatigue life.
4. List of simulation experiments: Software Tool used: Franc3D
Note: After completion of every practice tutorial problem, take a snapshot and include the
same in the final assignment PPT lastly. Quiz questions will be based on the practice tutorial
problems and results.
Instruction Schedule
Evaluation Scheme
Note: After completion of every practice tutorial problem, take a snapshot and include the
same in the final assignment PPT lastly. Quiz questions will be based on the practice tutorial
problems and results.