Arlecchino (Harlequin) : Character Type
Arlecchino (Harlequin) : Character Type
Arlecchino (Harlequin) : Character Type
Arlecchino (Harlequin)
Character type:
Physical agility – performed Arlecchino is the best known
many acrobatics and would of the comic servants (zanni)
never perform a simple action from the Commedia
when the addition of a flip or dell’arte.
cartwheel would spice up the His role is that of a light-
movement. hearted, nimble and astute
Speech – use of regional servant, often acting to
dialects, adopted a mixture of thwart the plans of his
French and Italian dialects to master and pursing his love
connect to the common interest.
Dramatic function – cast as the
servant of one of the lovers in
the play, often has a love
interest in the person of
Columbina, sexual appetite is
essentially immediate.
Costume made up of colourful
Original harlequin wore a hare-tail
on his cap to indicate cowardice
His black half mask had tiny
eyeholes and quizzically arched
eyebrows that were accentuated
by a wrinkled forehead.