Broken Chain by Gary Soto
Broken Chain by Gary Soto
Broken Chain by Gary Soto
Pause at the Word Study notes as you read “Broken Chain” to learn
about the Latin origins of more words.
Broken Chain 5
Gary Soto
joking but with real concern, “Did you hurt your head at
school? ¿Qué pasó?”2
30 Alfonso had pretended not to hear his father and had
gone to his room, where he studied his hair from all angles
in the mirror. He liked what he saw until he smiled and
realized for the first time that his teeth were crooked, like
a pile of wrecked cars. He grew depressed and turned away
from the mirror. He sat on his bed and leafed through the
rock magazine until he came to the rock star with the
butched top. His mouth was closed, but Alfonso was sure
his teeth weren’t crooked.
Alfonso didn’t want to be the handsomest kid at school,
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Broken Chain 7
shopped at Penney’s and K-Mart. Their family ate a lot of
frijoles,3 which was OK because nothing else tasted so good,
Pause at line 68. List three though one time Alfonso had had Chinese pot stickers4 and
important things you’ve
learned about Alfonso so thought they were the next best food in the world.
far. What main idea about He didn’t ask his mother for braces again, even when
Alfonso’s character do these
details add up to? State she was in a better mood. He decided to fix his teeth by
that main idea in a complete
sentence. pushing on them with his thumbs. After breakfast that
Saturday he went to his room, closed the door quietly,
60 turned the radio on, and pushed for three hours straight.
He pushed for ten minutes, rested for five, and every
half hour, during a radio commercial, checked to see if his
smile had improved. It hadn’t.
Eventually he grew bored and went outside with an
old gym sock to wipe down his bike, a ten-speed from
Montgomery Ward. His thumbs were tired and wrinkled
and pink, the way they got when he stayed in the bathtub
too long.
Alfonso’s older brother, Ernie, rode up on his
70 Montgomery Ward bicycle looking depressed. He parked his
bike against the peach tree and sat on the back steps, keep-
Broken Chain 9
off the porch in a hurry because he knew his father would be
in a bad mood. He went to the back yard, where he unlocked
Re-read lines 110–117. his bike, sat on it with the kickstand down, and pressed on
Why does Alfonso go to the
back yard? his teeth. He punched himself in the stomach, and growled,
“Cuts.” Then he patted his butch and whispered, “Fresh.”
After a while Alfonso pedaled up the street, hands in
his pockets, toward Foster’s Freeze, where he was chased by
120 a ratlike Chihuahua.7 At his old school, John Burroughs
Elementary, he found a kid hanging upside down on the
top of a barbed-wire fence with a girl looking up at him.
Alfonso skidded to a stop and helped the kid untangle his
pants from the barbed wire. The kid was grateful. He had
been afraid he would have to stay up there all night. His sis-
ter, who was Alfonso’s age, was also grateful. If she had to
go home and tell her mother that Frankie was stuck on
Underline Alfonso’s good
deed in lines 118–128.
a fence and couldn’t get down, she would get scolded.
What does it show about “Thanks,” she said. “What’s your name?”
his character?
130 Alfonso remembered her from his school and noticed
that she was kind of cute, with ponytails and straight teeth.
“Alfonso. You go to my school, huh?”
Broken Chain 11
his hands stuffed in his pockets. But when he looked back
over his shoulder, the wind raking through his butch,
Pause at line 184. Will Ernie Sandra wasn’t even looking. She was already on her lawn,
let Alfonso borrow his bike?
Tell what you think will hap- 180 heading for the porch.
pen next. That night he took a bath, pampered his hair into
place, and did more than his usual set of exercises. In bed,
in between the push-and-rest on his teeth, he pestered his
brother to let him borrow his bike.
“Come on, Ernie,” he whined. “Just for an hour.”
“Chale,8 I might want to use it.”
“Come on, man, I’ll let you have my trick-or-treat
“What you got?”
190 “Three baby Milky Ways and some Skittles.”
“Who’s going to use it?”
Alfonso hesitated, then risked the truth. “I met this
girl. She doesn’t live too far.”
Ernie rolled over on his stomach and stared at the out-
Re-read the boxed passage.
As each speaker changes,
line of his brother, whose head was resting on his elbow.
think about who is speaking “You got a girlfriend?”
and how he might say the
Broken Chain 13
Alfonso hurried home after school. He did the morn-
Notes ing dishes as his mother had asked and raked the leaves.
After finishing his chores, he did a hundred sit-ups, pushed
on his teeth until they hurt, showered, and combed his hair
into a perfect butch. He then stepped out to the patio to
clean his bike. On an impulse, he removed the chain to
wipe off the gritty oil. But while he was unhooking it from
the back sprocket, it snapped. The chain lay in his hand like
250 a dead snake.
Alfonso couldn’t believe his luck. Now, not only did he
not have an extra bike for Sandra, he had no bike for him-
self. Frustrated and on the verge of tears, he flung the chain
as far as he could. It landed with a hard slap against the back
fence and spooked his sleeping cat, Benny. Benny looked
around, blinking his soft gray eyes, and went back to sleep.
Pause at line 256. When Alfonso retrieved the chain, which was hopelessly bro-
Sandra said she’d meet
Alfonso and go bike riding ken. He cursed himself for being stupid, yelled at his bike
with him, everything seemed
to be going well. List the
complications in the plot that
have made Alfonso’s situa-
tion increasingly desperate.
Broken Chain 15
had unlaced the mitt and filled the pocket with cotton balls.
But when he tried to put it back together, he had forgotten
Pause at line 300 and tell how it laced up. Everything became tangled like kite string.
what you think will happen
in the rest of the story. When he showed the mess to his mother, who was at the
stove cooking dinner, she scolded him but put it back
together and didn’t tell his father what a dumb thing he
had done.
Now he had to face Sandra and say, “I broke my bike,
300 and my stingy brother took off on his.”
He waited at the corner a few minutes, hiding behind
a hedge for what seemed like forever. Just as he was starting
to think about going home, he heard footsteps and knew it
was too late. His hands, moist from worry, hung at his sides
and a thread of sweat raced down his armpit.
He peeked through the hedge. She was wearing a
sweater with a checkerboard pattern. A red purse was slung
over her shoulder. He could see her looking for him, stand-
ing on tiptoe to see if he was coming around the corner.
310 What have I done? Alfonso thought. He bit his lip,
called himself menso, and pounded his palm against his
Broken Chain 17
Broken Chain
Plot Diagram To fill out the plot diagram, first identify the basic
situation and conflict in “Broken Chain.” Then, identify the main
complications that lead to the climax. Next, describe the climax of the
Literary Skills story. Finally, tell what happens in the resolution of the story. If you like
Analyze conflict.
to draw, you might draw little pictures showing one of the complications.
Broken Chain
3. What conflict does Alfonso face when his bicycle chain breaks?
4. At the end of the story, why does Ernie let Alfonso borrow his bike?
the history of
Broken Chain 19
Part One Page 10
Possible response: Alfonso goes to the backyard to
avoid his father, who is in a bad mood.
Broken Chain, page 4 Alfonso’s good deed is that he “helped the kid
untangle his pants from the barbed wire.” The deed
Page 6 shows that Alfonso is nice and helpful.
Alfonso is the character introduced in the first para- SUMMARIZE
graph. Details that show how he is trying to change Possible summary: Alfonso meets Sandra when he
the way he looks are “push his crooked teeth to helps her brother get off the fence. He talks with her
where he thought they belonged” and “did fifty sit- while he walks her home. He finally gets up the
ups a day.” nerve to ask her to go bike riding.
Alfonso wouldn’t dare color his hair because his Page 12
mother wouldn’t like it and his father would “call PREDICT
him ‘sissy.’ ” Possible predictions: Ernie will lend his bike to
Alfonso; Ernie will refuse, and Alfonso will have
Page 7 to find another bike.
Answers will vary. Possible responses: (1) Alfonso’s Page 13
father is happy and good-natured when he is suc- IDENTIFY
cessful. (2) Alfonso’s father doesn’t understand his Alfonso and Ernie are fighting because Alfonso
son’s fashion interests. wants to use Ernie’s bike and because Ernie claims
that Sandra is the same girl who stood him up.
INFER Alfonso argues that she is not the same one.
Possible response: The family doesn’t have a lot of
The idiom is “with dollar signs in his eyes.” This
Page 8 idiom means “anxious to make money.”
Copyright © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved.
Possible response: Three important things I’ve Page 14
learned about Alfonso are (1) he cares about his IDENTIFY
appearance; (2) he has ideas about how to improve Possible complications: Because Alfonso and Ernie
his appearance; (3) he works hard at improving his get in a fight, Ernie won’t lend Alfonso his bike.
appearance. Then Alfonso breaks his bike chain and now has
no extra bike for Sandra and no bike for himself.
A possible main idea about Alfonso’s character is
that he is resourceful and self-reliant. Page 15
Page 9
Ernie won’t lend Alfonso his bike because he needs it
SUMMARIZE to go catch frogs at the canal. Most students will say
Possible summary: After Alfonso has spent the this is not a good reason because Ernie could catch
morning worrying about the appearance of his hair frogs at another time.
and teeth, he goes out to clean his bicycle. While he
is cleaning, his brother, Ernie, comes home. Ernie is WORD STUDY
angry because he and his friend Frostie were stood Possible synonyms for desperation are hopelessness
up by two girls they met at a Halloween party. and panic.
Answer Key 3
IDENTIFY B. 1. Alfonso and Sandra meet when Alfonso helps
Details in lines 275–285 that show Alfonso is upset Sandra’s brother untangle his pants from a
include “with his head down”; “slamming the screen barbed-wire fence.
door behind him”; “Alfonso screamed for [the spar- 2. Alfonso and Ernie fight over Sandra because
row] to scram”; “trudging slowly”; and “Shame col- Ernie thinks she might be one of the girls
ored his face.” who stood him up.
3. The conflict Alfonso faces when his bicycle
Page 16 chain breaks is that he now has no bike to
PREDICT take Sandra riding.
Possible predictions: Sandra won’t care about the 4. (1) Ernie lets Alfonso borrow his bike because
bike, and they’ll have fun without it; Ernie will offer he wants to help his little brother out;
his bike at the last minute, and Alfonso and Sandra (2) When Ernie sees that Sandra was not the
will ride together. girl who stood him up, he agrees to lend his
bike to Alfonso.
Possible response: The climax, when the outcome of
the main conflict is decided, occurs when Ernie The Landlady, page 20
offers Alfonso his bike.
Page 17 Page 21
Answers will vary. Two possible endings: (1) Alfonso The name of the character is Billy Weaver. Possible
could apologize to Sandra for not bringing a bike details that establish the setting: “traveled down
but suggest instead that they go for a walk. She from London on the slow afternoon train”; “nine
would forgive him and agree to go on a walk. (2) o’clock in the evening”; “the moon was coming up
Alfonso could explain the situation to Sandra. Then out of a clear starry sky over the houses opposite the
she would laugh and fix the bike chain, muttering station entrance”; “the air was deadly cold and the
how boys can’t fix anything. Then they would go for wind was like a flat blade of ice on his cheeks.”
a ride with her on the crossbar. Page 22
Page 18 INFER
Possible response: Billy’s mood could be described as
■ Possible Answers to Skills Practice upbeat or eager.
Plot Diagram (page 18) VISUALIZE
Basic Situation and Conflict: Alfonso meets Sandra Details that make the boardinghouse seem inviting