FY 2016 DBCC Year-End Report - 092517 - Final Version
FY 2016 DBCC Year-End Report - 092517 - Final Version
FY 2016 DBCC Year-End Report - 092517 - Final Version
I. Introduction
The Philippine economy sustained its robust growth and registered among
the fastest growing economies in Asia in 2016 with a 6.9 percent expansion,
surpassing that of China (6.7 percent) and Vietnam (6.2 percent). The
economic growth was driven by a strong domestic demand boosted by
household consumption, increased government spending, and sustained
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This report gives an overview of the country’s performance for the previous
fiscal year 2016, in terms of the fiscal, financial, social, and economic
objectives of the national government. In summary, the report tackles the
The FY 2016 National Government Budget was a transition budget – the last
budget crafted under the previous administration, and the first budget
implemented by the current administration – which was intended to sustain
government reforms. It is based on the principle that the budget is a key
instrument in implementing government reforms, from establishing
integrated systems in order to suppress corruption and promote transparency
and accountability to enhancing the capacity of government institutions in the
delivery of public services.
The FY 2016 Budget of P3.002 trillion, was almost double the FY 2010 Budget
of P1.541 trillion. This allowed the government to expand its programs and
projects, and to pursue its priority agenda, while remaining committed to the
principle of fiscal sustainability. Moreover, the government had managed to
cut the share of debt burden to 14 percent of total expenditures1, notably the
lowest in three decades, given the preceding years of fiscal discipline. This
freed resources to be allocated to address urgent needs for Social and
Economic Services, which got a combined share of 64.5 percent of the total
1 Share of Debt Burden to total expenditures based on actual figures is 24.2 percent in 2010.
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Budget, as well as for Peace, Security and General Services, which was given
the remaining 21.5 percent.
The new government took on board the “early procurement, short of award”
policy, which allows departments/agencies to bid out contracts right after the
National Expenditure Program is submitted to Congress in time for
implementation at the start of the year. The government also adopted the
GAA-as-a-Release document (GAARD) or GAA-as-Allotment Order policy to
streamline the lengthy and often repetitive budget execution process, while
fostering predictability and accountability among departments. It moved the
fiscal deficit limit to 3 percent from the previous 2 percent policy; and
continued the conditional strategy to funding and capacitating local
government units, and the Open Government and Participatory approach to
involve the communities and civil society organizations in the approval and
monitoring of programs and projects, especially in anti-poverty programs.
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On the supply-side, as shown in the table below, full year output growth was
primarily contributed by services (+7.4 %) and industry (+8.4 %) sectors. In
particular, significant expansion came from manufacturing (+7.0% from 5.7%);
trade (+7.2% from +7.1%); real estate renting and business activities (+8.9%
from +7.1%); financial intermediation (+7.6% from +6.1%), and public
administration and defense including social security (+7.2% from +1.2%). On
the other hand, agriculture output (-1.3%) declined due to the impact of El
Nino during the first half as well as the typhoons in the last quarter, which
weighed down on crops and fisheries subsector.
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Source: PSA
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Relative to the average performance over the last five years, the economy was
in better shape in 2016 with real GDP growth (6.9% versus 5.9%) rising by 100
basis points. Domestic demand (11.0% from 6.7%) had nearly doubled
supported by the robust expansions of capital formation (23.7% from 9.8%),
government consumption (8.4% from, 6.7%) and household consumption
(7.0% from 5.9%). External demand also displayed a more upbeat
performance though the balance showed a widening deficit. That is, while
exports growth nearly doubled (10.7% from 5.2%), faster growth of imports
resulted in a higher negative trade balance for the country. Imports had
grown almost thrice as fast as demand for imported capital goods continued
to rise – contributing to the further expansion of the productive capacity of
the domestic economy. Looking into the supply-side, both industry (8.4%
from 6.5%) and services (7.4% from 6.4%) demonstrated acceleration across all
its subsectors, offsetting the weaker performance of the agriculture and
fishery sector (-1.3% from 1.7%).
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below the 2.0-4.0 percent DBCC assumption range for the year. The lower T-
bill rate in the primary market reflected strong market demand for short-term
government securities, amid slower-than-expected tightening in US monetary
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2016 from the 0.5-percent average in 2015, but within the revised assumption
range of 0.8-1.8 percent in the 2017 BESF and the initial assumption range of
1.0-2.0 percent in the 2016 BESF.
Meanwhile, the average per barrel price of Dubai crude oil further to
US$41.27 in 2016, from US$50.92 in the previous year. The said outturn was
within the adjusted assumption range of US$35-US$50 per barrel in the 2017
BESF, but lower than the initial assumption range of US55-US$75 per barrel in
the 2016 BESF. Global crude oil prices remained generally subdued in early
2016 due largely to the sustained glut in the global oil supply. However, it
rebounded in late 2016 following an agreement among major oil-producing
countries to reduce production in an effort to stabilize oil prices. Nonetheless,
the increase in prices in late 2016 was not enough to offset the substantial
decline recorded in the year.
On the other hand, goods imports in 2016 rose by 16.6 percent, reversing the
slight contraction in 2015, and surpassing the initial and adjusted growth
projection of 12.0 percent and 7.0 percent, respectively for the year. The year-
on-year expansion in total goods imports was driven mainly by purchases of
capital goods and raw materials/intermediate goods, which increased by 41.6
percent and 16.8 percent, respectively. Imports under these two (2) major
commodity groups accounted for 15.5 percentage points of the 16.6 percent
aggregate growth in imports, pointing to the continued expansion in the
domestic economy’s capital formation and production. Growth in imports of
capital goods was supported by higher inward shipments of power
generating and specialized machines, and telecommunication equipment and
electrical machines. The increase in imports of raw materials and intermediate
goods was driven primarily by purchases of manufactured goods particularly
iron and steel and non-metallic mineral manufactures. By contrast, imports of
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mineral fuel and lubricants declined by 15.2 percent due mainly to the 29.6
percent contraction in the value of imports of petroleum crude as world
market prices of crude oil on the whole, remained low in 2016.
The higher pace and improved quality of economic growth have created more
and better employment in the last six years, leading to the significant decline
in unemployment rate and improvement in the quality of employment in
2016. The unemployment rate reached its lowest in the past decade at 5.5
percent. At the same time, the quality of employment improved in the past six
years, as majority of workers found remunerative work and full-time
employment, thus increasing the overall mean hours of work.
As shown in the table above, the unemployment rate targets in the last three
years were surpassed. This was achieved by the dramatic reduction in the
youth unemployment rate, from 16.6 percent in 2010 to 11.6 percent in 2016.
Apart from the increased labor demand in support of the faster economic
growth, a big factor was the expansion of the 4Ps to cover high school
students beginning 2016 and the implementation of the senior high school
program, which increased school participation (and, therefore, reduced labor
market participation) of those aged 15 to 17 years.
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There were many factors at work that may explain this. First, the economy
experienced stable inflation environment in the period, as evidenced by
slower adjustments from an average of 12.1 percent in 2009-2012 to 8.8
percent in 2015. Second, per capita income growth for the bottom three deciles
of households (poorest households) grew faster at an average of 24.3 percent
in 2012-2015, relative to the average for all income groups (15.8 percent). The
stable prices in tandem with faster increase in per capita income of the poor
The latest poverty incidence used in the report is released in 2015. In the past, the poverty incidence in the
country is released every three years, although there are agreements made to release the poverty results every
two years, moving forward. The next release of poverty incidence is expected in 2018.
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resulted in higher purchasing power of the poor during the period. Lastly, the
continued implementation of the government’s social programs, particularly
the CCT, KALAHI-CIDSS, and the Sustainable Livelihood Program provided
additional support in coping up with major shocks and may have helped
some to diversify livelihood sources.
As mentioned, one contributing factor to the decline in the poverty rate is the
expansion of the 4Ps that provided cash transfers to family beneficiaries
conditional on the attendance in school of child members and in Family
Development Sessions of parent/s, and the healthcare seeking behaviour of
families. But the overall decline in poverty incidence may have been more
pronounced had individuals, families and economic sectors been more
resilient and prepared to withstand or at least recover quickly from the more
frequent natural and human-induced shocks and hazards that befell the
The DBCC revised the 2016 fiscal program on July 5, 2016 as the new
economic managers under the Duterte Administration adopted more realistic
fiscal targets on account of the following: a) prevailing macroeconomic
environment which could affect revenue outturns; b) absorptive capacity
issues of implementing agencies as reflected in their recent disbursement
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The actual National Government (NG) fiscal deficit for 2016 increased to 2.4
percent of GDP, higher than 2015’s 0.9 percent ratio, and the highest level
attained for the past five years. In nominal terms, the NG deficit reached
P353.4 billion or 91 percent of the target. NG expenditure reflected a faster
14.3 percent growth from 2015, while revenue collections grew by 4.1 percent.
For 2016, total revenues amounted to P2,195.9 billion, 4.1 percent higher than
the 2015 collection of P2,109.0 billion. The 2015 collection includes non-
recurring privatization revenue from the transfer of the P60.1 billion Coconut
Levy Fund to the government’s general fund amounting to. Net of this Levy
Fund transfer, revenue grew by 7.2 percent in 2016. As percent of GDP, total
revenues reached 15.2 percent. Tax revenues made up 86.1 percent of total
revenues as can be seen below.
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Tax revenues reached P1,980.4 billion, 9.1 percent or P164.9 billion higher
than the P1,815.5 billion revenues in 2015. The tax effort increased to 13.7
percent in 2016 from 13.6 percent in 2015. The Bureau of Internal Revenue
(BIR) and Bureau of Customs (BOC) raised collections by 9.3 percent and 7.8
percent, respectively.
Non-tax revenues totaled P214.9 billion, which is lower than the 2015 level of
P230.7 billion. These include collections from fees and charges, income of the
Bureau of Treasury (BTr), collections from Government-Owned and
Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), and other non-tax revenues such as
Malampaya royalties. The decline in non-tax revenues resulted from the
lower income of the Bureau of the Treasury from BSF/SSF investments and
NG deposits, and also lower guarantee fee collection and dividend
The BIR collected P1,575.9 billion, an annual growth of 9.3 percent against
2015. BIR reached 97.3 percent of its revised target of P1,620.0 billion for FY
2016. BIR paid out tax refunds amounting to P8.3 billion in 2015 and P8.6
billion in 2016. Bulk of the refunds were for VAT in both years. In 2015,
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Excise Taxes
Excise tax revenues increased by 3.3 percent compared with 2016, mainly
coming from higher collections from alcohol products.
Excise tax revenues from tobacco products fell against 2015. The decline in
collections is attributed largely to the impact of the discovered widespread
use of fake stamps on cigarettes by a cigarette producer which now faces tax
evasion cases, and the implementation of Graphic Health Warning (GHW)
Value-Added Tax
The increase in VAT collected in 2016 by 12.2 percent results from higher
volume of sales by various taxpayers engaged in wholesale and retail trade,
manufacturing, automobiles, and alcohol sectors as well as election-related
spending. VAT collections grew much faster than nominal GDP growth,
indicating better administration and VAT buoyancy.
Percentage Taxes
Percentage tax collection in 2016 improved by 10.7 percent due to the higher
volume of loans of the banking sector driven by the expansion in both
production and household consumption loans.
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Other Taxes
The increase in loan activity in the financial sector in 2016 also resulted in an
increase in volume of transactions subject to Documentary Stamp Tax (DST).
Growth in DST offset the decline in donor’s tax collected in 2016.
Total BOC collections grew by 7.8 percent in 2016, reaching a total of P398.4
billion. The bureau collected 97.4 percent of its revised target of P409.0 billion.
The BOC collection includes tax refund amounting to P2.0 billion which is
beneath the P6.5 billion allotted in the Special Provision for tax refund of the
BOC. Tax refund applied and claimed are mostly from Value Added Tax
As shown in the table below, import taxes, comprising of VAT and excise tax,
accounted for 83.6 percent of BOC’s collections. VAT on goods brought in
P291.7 billion for the year, 6.2 percent up than in 2015. The strong collection
from excise tax, which grew by P41.5 billion or 30.4 percent, was on account
of higher excisable imports, particularly motor vehicles.
The collection from crude oil and petroleum products, decreased from P62.2
billion to P51.5 billion due to the drop in oil prices up to the third quarter of
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For 2016, the National Government (NG) raised P507.0 billion in gross
financing to cover the budget deficit of P353.4 billion and refinancing
requirement of P176.1 billion, inclusive of the P53.9 billion used to buyback
outstanding expensive debt. As shown in the table below, the actual gross
financing is lower than the revised full year program of P695.4 billion, given
the actual deficit lagging behind program for most of the year. Domestic
borrowing was still heavily favoured, although settling at a lower ratio than
the target with an external-to-domestic financing mix of 29:71. But using the
net proceeds from the bond exchange transactions will lead to an adjusted
external-to-domestic financing mix of 21:79.
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Particulars Revised
Program 1/ Actual 3/ Difference Variance
Program 2/
Of the total amount, P149.5 billion or 29 percent was raised externally through
the availment of concessional loans from development partners and the
issuance of dollar bonds in the international capital markets. A new 25-year
global bond (or ROPs) in the amount of USD2.0 billion or P95.1 billion was
issued in March in line with debt management efforts to reduce interest
payments and extend portfolio maturities. Meanwhile, program loans from
the Asian Development Bank (ADB) comprised the bulk of loan availments,
specifically: (1) USD300 million or P14.1 billion from Encouraging
Investments through Capital Market Reform Program and (2) USD300 million
or P14.1 billion from Expanding Private Participation in Infrastructure
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Alongside improvements in the relative size of its debt, the NG was also
successful in shifting the profile of its outstanding debt in line with cost and
risk considerations.
• The weighted average interest rate (WAIR) for total NG Debt has
remained low and stable at 4.99 percent from 5.19 percent a year ago.
The WAIR for both domestic and foreign borrowing has gone down to
5.24 percent and 4.54 percent as of end-2016 from 5.46 percent and 4.67
percent a year ago, respectively.
Going forward, NG will continue with its strategic approach to debt issuance
to take advantage of opportunities to further improve the profile of its
outstanding obligations.
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Year-on-Year Performance
Current Operating Expenditures 1,782.2 1,957.7 1,909.3 (48.4) (2.5) 127.10 7.1
Personnel Services 664.4 726.2 723.2 (3.0) (0.4) 58.8 8.8
Maintenance Expenditures 400.3 478.3 419.8 (58.5) (12.2) 19.5 4.9
Subsidy 78.0 70.7 103.2 32.5 46.0 25.2 32.3
Allotment of LGUs 312.2 342.9 342.9 - - 30.7 9.8
Interest Payments 309.4 327.7 304.5 (23.3) (7.1) -4.9 (1.6)
Tax Expenditure Fund 17.8 11.8 15.7 3.9 32.9 -2.1 (11.7)
*The Local Government Support Fund was released under the Allotment to LGUs and Capital Transfers to LGUs. This was previously treated as part of the
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Allotment and Capital Transfers to LGUs combined for some P463.0 billion
disbursements, expanding by P58.0 billion or 14.3 percent year-on-year as a
result of higher internal revenue collections and additional NG development
assistance through the Local Government Support Fund (LGSF) 3 . The
Allotment to LGUs is composed of the 80 percent of LGU Internal Revenue
Allotment (IRA) while the Capital Transfers consisted of the remaining 20.0
percent of the IRA allotted for developmental projects, the special shares of
the LGUs in the proceeds of the national taxes, and the LGSF intended for
capital outlay and local infrastructure development. In 2016, some P18.4
billion cash allocations under the LGSF were released to qualified LGUs
which had complied with the good governance conditions and public
financial management criteria of the said fund.
Other sources of growth were personnel services (P723.2 billion; 8.8 percent
year-on-year) and maintenance expenditures (P419.8 billion; 4.9 percent) due
to the higher salaries and benefits of government employees pursuant to E.O.
201 s. 2016 and expansion of social services programs, respectively. The
growth of maintenance expenditures, however, was muted by the delays
experienced during the transition period.
Against the revised full year program of P2,645.6 billion, the underspending
was minimal at 3.6 percent equivalent to some P96.3 billion. This is
significantly lower when compared to the underspending recorded in 2014
(13.3 percent, P302.7 billion), in 2015 (12.8 percent, P328.3 billion) and in the
first semester against the original program (11.9 percent, P164.4 billion).
This was reclassified under the Allotment and Capital Transfers to LGUs. Previously it was treated as part of the NG
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Among the major factors that continued to cause the underspending were: a)
low obligations emanating from procurement issues (e.g., delayed, failed and
ongoing biddings) and expected and temporary delays during the transition
period (e.g., change in leadership in line agencies and evaluation of ongoing
programs/projects against the priorities of the new administration); b)
payment and billing issues due to incomplete and non-submission of
documentary requirements and liquidation reports; and c) unreleased
allocations of LGUs from the Special Shares in the Proceeds of National Taxes
pending release of certifications from collecting agencies.
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On a positive note, underspending also came from the P23.3 billion savings in
interest payments resulting from the debt liability management strategies
implemented by the BTr.
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As shown in the table below, the total appropriations available for 2016
amounted to P3,279.5 billion, consisting of the P3,006.8 billion program for the
year and the P272.7 billion continuing appropriations or the 2015
appropriations which remain valid until the end of 2016.
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1/ Includes adjustments per Special Provision in the GAA, realignments of allotment classes and releases to
implementing units from SPFs, Unprogrammed and Automatic Appropriations.
2/ Includes the P205.4 billion unobligated allotment released in 2015
3/ Percentage of obligations vs. allotment releases
IV.2 Financial and Physical Performance of Selected Major Programs and Projects,
by Department, as of December 31, 2016
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Physical accomplishment. For 2016 as shown below, the Department was able
to distribute 28,636 has. of land which represents only 27.3 percent of the total
target of 105,000 has. This accomplishment represents those landholdings
which reached the final milestone activity of the distribution process which is
the Registration and Distribution of Emancipation Patents (EPs) and
Certificate of Land Ownership Award (CLOA). On top of the 28,636 has.
however, some 47,131 has. are in the advance stages of land acquisition and
distribution but has not reached the registration of EP/CLOAs at the LRA.
2015 2016
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment** Rate**
In terms of land acquisition, DAR was able to prepare and document claim
folders for 19.6 percent of the 155,217 hectares targeted for the year. Again,
this accomplishment includes only those landholdings which reached and/or
passed the stage of claim folder documentation. The tedious Land
Acquisition and Distribution process has been identified as one of the reasons
for their below-target performance. The said process involves 19 steps and
according to the Department takes 195 days to do under normal conditions.
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However, the Department’s disbursements rate for the period reached P34.8
billion or 77.4 percent of obligations, an improved level compared to 72.5
percent in 2015. DA-OSEC was able to disburse P27.2 billion or 75.9 percent
out of their total obligations, an improvement over the 69.9 percent of 2015.
BFAR disbursed 5.4 billion or 79.3 percent of obligations, also a slightly higher
rate than the 78.9 percent in 2015.
Physical Accomplishment. One of the major reasons given by the DA-OSEC for
its low physical performance was procurement delays. Another reason cited
was the occurrence of unforeseen events such as the insufficiency in water
supply in previously validated sites for small scale irrigation projects. This
led to the generation of 7,634 has. of service area which corresponds to 72.9
percent of the 10,476 has targeted for 2016. There were also difficulties
experienced in the distribution of planting materials due to the unavailability
of seeds brought about by the El Niño during the last quarter of 2015.
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For the other major agency under the Agriculture Department, the Bureau of
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR likewise experienced a below-target
performance in the establishment of community fish landing centers. This
was attributed to the difficulty experienced by Local Government Units in
securing documentary requirements (i.e., permit, tenurial instruments,
Sangguniang Barangay Resolution authorizing local chief executive to enter
memorandum of agreement with BFAR. As a result, only 21 out of the 271
fish landings constructed were completed on time.
2015 2016
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment** Rate**
MFO 3: Irrigation Network
Service area generated
establishment and
installation of small-scale
irrigation projects
(hectares) 8,972 has. 10,476 has. 7,634 has. 72.9%
MFO 4: Farm-to-Market
Road (FMR) Network
FMRs validated for
construction/ The appropriation
rehabilitation/repair for FMR was
(kilometer) directly released to
737 kms 823.86 kms 111.8%
FMRs validated and
monitored (percent) 96% 100% 69.3% 69.3%
MFO 4: Supply of
Infrastructure Facilities
and Equipment for Fishery
No. of CFLC constructed 0 271 24 8.9%
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An Act to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, Amending Republic Act
No. 8550, Otherwise Known as “The Philippine Fisheries Code of 1998,” and for Other Purposes
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its 80 percent target (93 percent accomplishment rate) but better that the 75
percent accomplished in 2010-2013.
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment* Rate
Secondary Education
No. of learners ages 12-15 years old enrolled in 5,972,294 4,521,418 4,915,676 108.7%
kindergarten and elementary education (in any
learning system)
77% 80% 74% 92.5%
% of learners who completed the school year
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For the same period, P5.7 billion or 84.8 percent of the agency’s total obligated
amount was disbursed due to the undisbursed funds for second semester
school bills which starts in November (January in some schools) and the late
submission of necessary documents by students, faculty and Higher
Education Institutions (HEIs). This is an improvement from the 2015
performance of P4.6 billion or 65.2 percent of obligations disbursed.
Physical Performance. Last year, the agency exceeded its 2016 target of 155,690
with 211,776 scholarships and students grants awarded through the StuFAPs.
Of the said total, the Tulong Dunong Program covered 71,049 deserving
student beneficiaries. Under the Student Grant Program of the Payapa at
Masaganang Pamayanan (PAMANA) Project, 1,090 grantees from conflict-
afflicted areas also received a maximum of P10,000 per year per student to
cover tuition and other fees. Moreover, the implementation of the new Iskolar
ng Bayan Program provided scholarship grants to 6,363 top ten (10) graduates
of all public high schools enrolled in SUCs. Moreover, 10,315 or 88 percent of
the 11,782 scholarship holders completed their degree in 2016.
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment* Rate
In addition, the agency promoted and supported seven (7) high-end Research
and Development outputs through the PCARI Project. These include the
Chemical and Environment-Portable Sensor Technologies, AIRSCAN:
Collaborative Aerial Robotics in Large-Scale Urban Infrastructure
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Similarly, the HEDF funded 93 project proposals (116 percent of its 80 project
proposals target) from HEIs and SUCs on the 17 Sustainable Development
Goals clustered into six platforms (Food Production and Security;
Environment Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change and Energy;
Terrestrial and Marine Resources: Economy, Biodiversity and Conservation;
Smart Analytics and Engineering Innovations; Health Systems; and Education
for Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture and Mathematics
[STEAM]). These are investments in HEIs aimed to develop their capacity and
capability to systematically and sustainably work with communities on
development issues such as a) entrepreneurship/livelihood development, b)
adult education, c) environmental management, and d) role of women, among
other development concerns.
Financial Performance. The total obligation of DOE stood at P1.8 billion, only
38.9 percent of its P4.6 billion allotment for FY 2016, though it is a slight
improvement over its FY 2015 obligation rate of 38.2 percent. In contrast, the
department’s obligation rate for its total current year appropriation alone
yields an 88.2 percent obligation rate. The cause for the low rate remains the
same as with the previous years—the non-obligation for the Market
Transformation through the introduction of Energy-Efficient Vehicles (E-
Trike) Project, amounting to an accumulated P2.6 billion from previous years.
As a result of this non-obligation, coupled with a low disbursement rate for its
locally-funded projects attributed mainly to delays caused by the change in
administration, the agency’s disbursement rate sat only at P 1.2 billion or 65.9
percent. It must be noted that in December 2016, the loan covering the
production of more E-Trikes has already been cancelled with the agency
tasked to distribute units that were already procured.
Physical Performance. The DOE achieved all of its Major Final Output (MFO)
targets for 2016, which includes the endorsing of 317 certificate of
endorsements (COE) and the provision of 34 technical advisories. However,
four indicators, namely (1) the number of energy efficiency audits provided to
government agencies, (2) the number of applications for permits,
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Actual Target Actual
Accomplishment Rate
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment**
MFO 1: Energy Sector Policy Services
% of applications for certificate of endorsement (COE) for investment in100%
the energy sector
(406 out processed
of 406) 100% 100% (317 out of 317) 100.0%
MFO 2: Promotion of Energy Sector Innovation
Technical Assistance
No. of technical advisories provided to entities 48 18 34 188.9%
Energy Efficiency and Conservation
No. of energy efficiency audits provided to government agencies 189 40 142 355.0%
MFO 3: Energy Sector Regulatory Services
Registration and Processing
No. of applications for permites, service/opreaying contracts and
accreditations processed 9,305 2,000 11,959 598.0%
No. of analytical tests conducted in support of exploration
activities, Biofuels Law, RE Law and Clean Air Act within the
prescribed period 12,921 8,000 16,527 206.6%
Supervision and Monitoring
No. of energy establishments and facilities/power plants
monitored and inspected with reports issued 3,845 1,000 3,439 343.9%
*Source: FY 2015 MFO Accountability Report Card
**Source: FY 2016 Agency Performance Accomplishment
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With the issuance of EO 193 s.2015, NGP continues to be one of the banner
programs of the DENR especially for ecosystem management and regulation.
For 2016, the total area planted under the NGP was 284,089 has. This is 36,406
has. or 14.7 percent more than the target area of 247,683 has. In terms of the
number of seedlings planted, almost 415,564,211 seedlings were planted for
2016. This is 99,802 seedlings more than the target of 415,464,409 seedlings.
The DENR also ensures that the seedlings planted survive by targeting an 80
percent survival rate. For 2016, the survival rate recorded was 82 percent, this
is higher than the 2016 target but slightly lower than the 85 percent registered
in 2015.
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2015 2016
Actual Target Accomplishme
Accomplishment* (GAA) nt Rate**
MFO 2: Ecosystem
Management Services
Number of hectares of
ecosystems under
management for rehabilitation 334,364 has. 246,524 has. 284,039 has. 115%
MFO 3: Ecosystem
Regulation Services
Percentage survival rate of
planted seedlings 85% 80% 82 % 103%
MFO 1: Environmental
Regulation Services
Number of permits and
clearances issued 32,770 27,030 39,828 147%
Number of sites/facilities
monitored and/or inspected
with reports submitted 31,255 53,281 60,342 113%
MFO 1: Mineral Resource
Development Services
Percentage increase in Peso
value for royalty payments
collected -3% 10% -18 % -180%
Percentage of Philippine
territory surveyed (geological
exploration) at least once in the
last 3 years 0.12% 0.10 % 4.10 % 4100%
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Of the total obligations of the DOH, P77.8 billion or 98.9 percent was incurred
by the Office of the Secretary (DOH-OSEC), and the rest by its attached
agencies, namely, the National Nutrition Council (NNC) at P505 million or 0.6
percent, and the Commission on Population (POPCOM) at P401 million or 0.5
percent. POPCOM registered the highest obligation rate at 98.6 percent,
followed by NNC at 91.3 percent and the DOH-OSEC at 86.6 percent.
Under the DOH-OSEC, some P30.9 billion or 39.3 percent of the total
obligations of the Department were spent for the implementation of the
following major programs in 2016: a) Health Facilities Enhancement Program
Page 39 of 66
The DOH disbursed some P76.8 billion in 2016 or 97.6 percent of its
obligations, significantly larger than the P 49.2 billion (or 76.3 percent of
obligations) it disbursed in 2015.
In addition to the P90.7 billion allotment to the DOH, a huge amount of P42.3
billion was released and obligated to the Philippine Health Insurance
Corporation (PHIC) to cover the health insurance premiums of the following:
a) 14.45 million indigent families listed under the National Household
Targeting System (NHTS) – P34.7 billion; b) 2.8 million senior citizens – P7.6
billion; and c) family beneficiaries identified by the OPAPP under the
PAMANA and Bangsamoro Programs – P37 million and P34 million,
Page 40 of 66
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment* Rate
Disease Prevention
Number of commodities and services to
LGUs: Vaccination, Doctors Hours, Nurses
and Midwives 641,259,910 18,560,794 476,384,100 2566.61%
% of requests for commodities and human
resources met in full within 48 hours 84.6% 86% 93% 108.14%
For 2016, the PHIC reported accomplishments of 93.5 percent of its target
indigent families listed under the NHTS, representing 14.4 million families
out of the target 15.4 million families; 100.0 percent of its target 2.8 million
senior citizens; and 60.7 percent of its target families identified under the
PAMANA Program, representing 13,547 families out of the target 22,319
families .
Page 41 of 66
maintain peace and order and public safety nationwide. Maintenance and
other operating expenses and capital outlays, on the other hand, comprised
14.3 percent and 4.2 percent of the Department’s total obligations,
Physical Accomplishment. With the resources given to the PNP in 2016, police
visibility improved through the increase in the number of its manpower
complement to 168,472 from 162,364 in 2015. This brought the police-to-
population ratio to 1:614 from the 1:625 ratio of the previous year. The
improved police visibility helped the PNP to conduct 8,281,059 foot patrol and
5,516,998 mobile patrol operations or a total of 13,798,057 patrol operations,
accomplishing 112.1 percent of its targeted number of 12,304,350 foot and
mobile patrol operations for the period. Moreover, in pursuit of its crime
prevention and suppression services, the PNP expanded its police programs
to innovative and responsive police activities as follows: Community
Oriented Policing System (COPS); Search and Rescue Operations; VIP
Security Operations; Vital Installation Security; Traffic Management
Operations; Airports and Seaports Security Operations; and Security
Preparations of the PNP for Secure and Fair Elections (SAFE) 2016.
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment* Rate
5% reduction
Percentage change in Crime Rate 16.55% (15.68%) 11.24% 128.3%
Page 42 of 66
As shown in the table above, the PNP was also able to reduce the crime rate
from 16.6 percent in 2015 to 11.2 percent in 2016 (out of its target of 15.7
percent). However, in terms of its response within 15 minutes to calls for
police assistance in the urban areas, the PNP fell short of its target of 100
percent with an accomplishment of 98.4 percent due to calls not related to
crime incidents or prank calls. As to its crime investigation services, the PNP
undertook 583,774 crime investigations or 72.8 percent of its target of 802,201
crime investigations inasmuch as the total number of crimes reported in the
PNP blotter in all police stations in 2016 was 583,774. Moreover, the PNP
arrested 42.0 percent of most wanted persons/high value targets, exceeding its
target of 41.0 percent; and arrested 25.6 percent of persons within 30 days
upon the receipt of the warrant of arrest, falling short of its target of 60.0
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment* Rate
For 2016, the BFP stepped up its fire prevention services through the greater
inspection of 1,443,568 buildings/establishments, 103.31 percent of the
1,397,332 establishments registered/to be inspected nationwide, exceeding its
target of 88.0 percent. Of the total number of buildings/establishments
inspected, 1,306,675 buildings/establishments were found compliant with the
provision of the Fire Code and issued with the Fire Safety Inspection
Certificate (FSIC). Of the total number of FSIC-rated buildings/establishments,
99.0 percent (or 104.2 percent of the target) were not affected by fire and 94.0
percent (or 110.6 percent of the target) were issued with FSIC within the
prescribed time of 3 and a half days from the receipt of the Mission Order by
the Fire Safety Inspector. Moreover, the BFP’s fire suppression and
investigation services responded to 100.0 percent or 24,500 fire (19,292) and
Page 43 of 66
Actual Target Actual
Accomplishment Rate
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment*
Number of LGUs provided with technical
assistance 100% All LGUs 1,665 LGUs 1,674 LGUs 100.5%
SGLG Assessment
Number of LGUs assessed on Seal of Good Postponed
Local Governance (SGLG) 1,653 PCMs 1,672 PCMs 101.1%
SGLG Assessment
% of LGUs that passed the Seal of Good Postponed
Local Governance (SGLG) 5% increase 20.5% increase 114.6%
% of LGUs provided with incentives for good 95% of qualified 20% of qualified 32% of qualified
governance performance LGUs LGUs LGUs 159.0%
Page 44 of 66
The Office of the Secretary (OSEC) accounted for the biggest share of the total
DOLE obligation, amounting to 7.6 billion and it was able to disburse P7.0
billion of these obligations. The amount supported DOLE’s major programs
such as the Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Disadvantaged/Displaced
Workers (TUPAD) and the Government Internship Program (GIP) with an
obligation of P2.7 billion; DOLE Integrated Livelihood Program (DILP) – P785
million; Special Program for Employment of Students - P589 million; Rural
and Emergency Employment Program - P44 million; and the Jobstart
Philippines Program- P10 million. A balance of P2.6 billion remained
unobligated at the end of the year mainly due to low utilization of funds for
the K to 12 Adjustment Measures Program (AMP) 5 and Jobstart Philippines
Program which had obligation rates of 3.6 percent and 9.3 percent,
respectively. However, the low utilization of K to12 AMP is a positive
indicator of the employability of affected personnel. As for the Jobstart
Philippines Program, the Department had to prioritize the use of the 2015
remaining grants6.
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment* Rate
Number of youth-beneficiaries provided with JobStart services - 3,200 3,421 106.91%
Number of beneficiaries provided with livelihood assistance (P10,000 on the average 71,607 150,000 113,316 75.54%
Number of beneficiaries under Special Program for Employment of Students (SPES) 207,898 203,000 213,912 105.38%
5 The K-12 AMP is a safety-net linked to active labor market programs (ALMP) and provides unemployment-related benefit
schemes, such as financial support, employment facilitation, and training and livelihood to displaced personnel who will not
qualify or avail of the Department of Education (DepED) and the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) mitigation
measures for the impact of the K-12 Program.
6 The Government of Canada funded the pilot implementation of the Jobstart Philippines Program while the Asian
Development Bank provided technical assistance. Because of Jobstart’s success in its pilot implementation, it was allocated
P106.5 million in the General Appropriations Act for the first time in 2016 intended to support the scaling up of the program.
Page 45 of 66
Of the total obligated amount, P2.1 billion was accounted to the Training for
Work Scholarship Program (TWSP). The delay in the procurement of capital
outlays (e.g., motor vehicle, information system and tools and equipment for
CENTEX scholars) is the primary reason for the unobligation of P1.1 billion at
the end of the year.
The DILP which provides various skills trainings, tools and jigs and/or
financial assistance (made available through: Kabuhayan Formation,
Kabuhayan Enhancement and Kabuhayan Restoration) fell short of its original
target of 150,000 beneficiaries but surpassed its 90,962 revised target
beneficiaries to reach 113,316 beneficiaries. The General Appropriations Act
(GAA) target of 150,000 was adjusted downwards due to the re-alignment of a
portion of the DILP funds for the implementation of TUPAD in areas affected
by El Niño particularly in Regions CAR, 1, 2, 4A, 4B, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, and 13.
On the other hand, only 142 displaced teachers and non-teaching personnel,
0.6 percent of its 23,739 target, availed of the assistance provided through the
K to 12 AMP. This indicates that not as much personnel in universities and
colleges affected by the K to 12 Program were in need of assistance and that
the impact of the Program on the retrenchment of teaching and non-teaching
personnel was not as extreme as anticipated.
Page 46 of 66
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment* Rate
In the case of TESDA, the agency served a total of 258,826 trainees which
represents 100 percent of its target. Likewise, it also reached its target in terms
of the number of graduates employed within six (6) months after completion
of training with an accomplishment of 82,597 employed graduates. Moreover,
211,562 students were granted scholarships through the TWSP, about 9
percent shy of its 231,579 target. Some 181,124 or 87 percent of the enrolled
students were able to graduate in 2016, lower than its 208,421 target and its
184,575 graduates accomplished in 2015. This can be attributed to the revision
of guidelines for the TWSP which resulted to its implementation starting only
on the 4th quarter of last year.
Page 47 of 66
Of the total available allotment to DND, about P66.5 billion or 36.7 percent
was released to General Headquarters (GHQ), out of which P62.9 billion or
94.6 percent was obligated. Other than GHQ, fairly large releases were also
made to the three major services of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)
as follows: a) Philippine Army (PA) – P54.9 billion; b) Philippine Navy (PN) –
P20.1 billion; and c) Philippine Air Force (PAF) – P19.6 billion. Likewise, a
sizeable P15.1 billion was released to the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office
(PVAO). Similar to GHQ, high obligation rates were recorded by the PVAO
at 99.9 percent; the PA at 97.1 percent; the PN at 93.9 percent; and the PAF at
92.5 percent.
Physical Accomplishment. For 2016, the PA achieved three out of its five
performance targets for the delivery of its MFO 1, namely, Territorial Defense,
Security and Stability Services as shown in the table below.
In terms of the number of tactical units, the PA maintained only 188 tactical
battalions or 99.5 percent of its target of 189 tactical battalions inasmuch as the
activation and operationalization of battalions are based on strategy and
actual requirement on the ground. In terms of the readiness level and effective
strength of tactical units, the PA achieved its targets of 72.0 percent
operational readiness and average of 90.0 percent effective strength that can
be mobilized within one hour as dictated by higher authorities. As to the
number and readiness level of reserve units, the PA maintained 81 ready
reserve battalions or 100.0 percent of its target, but posted only 65.0 percent
Page 48 of 66
operational readiness as against its 2016 target of 72.0 percent and 2015
accomplishment of 73.0 percent. The above-target rate of operational
readiness was due to the following: a) low personnel fill-up in the Regional
Community Defense Groups (RCDGs) to handle reservist-related trainings
which caused delay in the completion of the programmed unit trainings; and
b) reservists’ constraints to attend the programmed trainings. The ready
reserve battalions do not only serve as force multiplier to the PA, but also
provide combat support and service support such as disaster rescue and relief
services, and community service.
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment* Rate
The PAF, on the other hand and as indicated in the table above, exceeded its
performance targets for 2016 as to the number of supportable aircraft
maintained (150 out of 140) and the percentage of accomplishment of one
hour response time to flight-directed mission (99.0 percent out of 85.0 percent)
except for the aircraft maintenance readiness rate (AMRR), which registered a
low 61.0 percent out of the target of 70.0 percent. The low AMRR was due to
the following: a) increase in the operational tempo of 6,470 flying time or 15.0
percent of the total programmed for the year for Internal Security Operations
(ISO) based on the pronouncement of President Duterte, which entailed
higher scheduled and unscheduled maintenance activities and led to longer
period of downtime; and b) longer lead time for delivery of most aircraft
spares which were not readily available in the market or required export
licenses from Defense Departments of foreign suppliers.
Page 49 of 66
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment* Rate
Meanwhile as shown in the table below, the PN achieved four out of its six
performance targets in 2016. It was able to maintain 124 mission-ready fleet
marine units and 59 mission-ready support and sustainment units; and was
able to achieve the targeted average response time of fleet units (24 hours) and
marine units (6 hours) that can be mobilized as instructed by higher
authorities. The PN, however, fell a bit short of its targets as to the percentage
of readiness of fleet marine units (78.02 percent) and support and sustainment
units (61.97 percent) with actual accomplishment of only 75.0 percent and 58.0
percent, respectively. This was due to the following: a) insufficiency of
personnel deployed to units as compared to the fill-up based on the approved
PN Table of Organization; and b) mismatch in rank and rating of personnel
currently assigned in the units and personnel accretion due to death and
retirement, among others.
Page 50 of 66
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment* Rate
For National Road Network Services, the Department obligated P 156.1 billion
while for Flood Management Services, the DPWH obligated P 51.1 billion.
Further, under Maintenance and Construction Services of Other
Infrastructures involving construction of access roads to airports, sea ports
and tourist destinations, a total of P 25.2 billion was obligated in 2016. The
total budget obligated for the three major final outputs (MFOs) comprised
54.6 percent of the total obligated budget of DPWH, inclusive of the capital
transfers from other agencies.
Page 51 of 66
Physical Performance. As shown below, the DPWH did not fully meet all its
targets. Under the National Road Network Services, the Department
constructed, maintained, and paved 1,121.1 kilometers of national road out of
the committed target of 3,500.9 kilometers, recording a 32.0 percent
accomplishment. This was lower compared to 35.3 percent accomplished in
2015 or 1,565.1 kilometers. On the other hand, the DPWH constructed 4,594.7
lineal meters of bridges out of the target 18,273.4 lineal meters or a 25.1
percent accomplishment. Said accomplishment was significantly lower
compared to 60.7 percent in 2015 equivalent to 10,774.5 lineal meters.
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment* Rate **
* Consistent with the actual accomplishment of DPWH as reflected in BAR-1
** The actual accomplishment rate of DPWH was computed as the percentage of actual accomplishment of DPWH as reflected in BAR-1
over its committed target in the GAA.
Page 52 of 66
The Department encountered several ROW and relocation issues such as the
transition to the new ROW Act of 2015, and delay in relocating informal
settlers. In some of its projects, the DPWH encountered resistance from
residents in areas where projects were to be implemented. Likewise, the
removal and relocation of public utilities posed as a challenge for DPWH. The
Department is committed to deal with these issues by expediting ROW
resolution based on the ROW Act of 2015.
There were also factors beyond the control of the Department that affected its
physical performance, particularly the performance of the construction
industry sector in 2016. The DPWH confronted challenges on the shortage of
raw construction materials and insufficient manpower, which affected its
capacity to implement massive infrastructure projects. Likewise, the
modernization of the construction industry has yet to be realized in terms of
Page 53 of 66
Other reasons for low physical accomplishments of DPWH include: (a) peace
and order situation in some areas; (b) intermittent weather condition during
project implementation; (c) problems on sub-soil exploration caused minimal
project accomplishment, (d) late submission and approval of some project
modifications; and (e) late filing of claims by some contractors with
accomplishment rates of 85.0 percent and above, who tend to submit claims
during the final billing.
Physical Performance. The DOST continued its S&T education efforts through
its scholarship programs. The Science Education Institute (SEI) provided a
total of 20,618 scholarships for tertiary education, 4.4 percent over its full-year
target, due to its support of an additional 860 undergraduates, so that a total
of 17,491 undergraduates were assisted. Some 3,127 postgraduates were also
supported, composed of 2,407 students taking a Masters program and 720
The financial performance of DOST still includes those of ICTO. It will be transferred to the new agency
created by RA 10844, the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), as its Office of
the Secretary.
Page 54 of 66
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment** Rate
MFO 3: Regional S&T Services
Technology Transfer
No. of firms/other entities provided with S&T assistance 4,510 2,150 4,524 210.4%
No. of jobs created (in terms of person) 34,512 17,431 40,076 229.9%
No. of technology interventions 7,021 4,715 7,668 162.6%
S&T Services
No. oftechnical/consultative services rendered 33,526 19,940 32,980 165.4%
MFO 1: Provision of Specialized Secondary Science Education
No. of students supported 4,923 6,493 6,389 98.4%
MFO 1: Provision of Specialized Secondary Science Education
No. of students supported 18,765 19,758 20,618 104.4%
Undergraduate level 15,858 16,557 17,491 105.6%
Masters Program 2,282 2,407 2,407 100.0%
Doctoral Program 625 794 720 90.7%
MFO 1: Weather, Climage and Flood Forecasting/Warning and Other Related Services
No. of weather and flood warnings issued 3,201 2,190 4,178 190.8%
MFO 1: Technical Advisory Services for Geologic and Geophysical Phenomena
No. of bulletins and warnings issued 1,201 As necessary 1,276 NA
Page 55 of 66
such as street families, itinerant indigenous families including those displaced by natural and man-made
disasters, and persons with disability (PWD), child laborers, children in conflict with the law, and families with
members having terminal disease and victims of human trafficking
Page 56 of 66
2015 2016
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment* Rate
For the same period, the monthly social pension of P500 was given to
1,314,816 indigent senior citizens aged 65 and above.
Page 57 of 66
The reasons for continuing low fund utilization rates, both obligation and
disbursement, were mainly attributed to the election ban as well as the
slowing down of activities during the transition period due to the late
approval of the appointments of the new set of Department Undersecretaries,
which caused delays in project implementation. Also, the perennial problem
of procurement – such as failure of bidding, and filing by losing bidders of
Motions for Reconsideration – caused delays in the awarding of contracts,
court injunctions and temporary restraining orders on major projects. Other
reasons were problems related to Metro Rail Transit Line 3 (MRT 3)
operations, delay in the procurement of various locally-funded projects,
deferred payments to contractors, and delayed transfer of funds to attached
corporations, pending finalization of the covering Memoranda of Agreement
Page 58 of 66
erring motorists to pay fines and penalties immediately even with imposed
time frame.
Actual Target Actual Accomplishment
Accomplishment* (GAA) Accomplishment** Rate ***
Driver Licensing
No. of driver's licenses and permits issued 5,442,005 5,247,060 5,672,746 108.1%
No. of apprehensions for which a Temporary 586,010 568,531 97.0%
Operator's Permit (TOP) is issued and complaints
acted upon
* Consistent with the actual accomplishment of DOTr in 2015 as reflected in MARC-1
** Consistent with the actual accomplishment of DOTr in 2016 as reflected in BAR-1
*** The actual accomplishment rate of DOTr was computed as the percentage of actual accomplishment of DOTr as reflected in BAR-1
over its committed target in the GAA.
Page 59 of 66
Second, the LTFRB acted upon 522,115 other petitions below its target 751,604
other petitions equivalent to a 69.5 percent accomplishment rate. The decrease
in the number of filed and adjudicated applications of other petitions was due
to the prohibition of interchange of units, as well as the temporary and
extended suspension in the conduct of the testing and resealing of taximeters
Third, the LTFRB accomplished 72 percent of sale and transfer over the
number of petitions for sale and transfer received behind its target 92 percent
in 2016s, recording an accomplishment rate of 78.3 percent, lower than the 93
percent accomplishment in 2015. The non-accomplishment of the target was
due to the prohibition of acceptance of application for sale and transfer or any
form of conveyances of CPC. This goes back to issues of abuses and the hi-
jacking of the franchising process by trafficking in franchises and CPCs at
huge profit. This has been a lucrative business, which mocks the very purpose
of application for franchises and CPCs. In terms of the decrease in the number
of filed and adjudicated cases, this could be attributed to the more stringent
policies of the LTFRB Board.
Finally, under the Rail Transport Passenger Services, the MRT-3 did not fully
meet its committed targets in the 2016 GAA. In terms of passenger kilometer,
the MRT-3 was only able to travel 3,422,027 passenger kilometers out of the
target 4,335,324 passenger kilometers recording an accomplishment of 78.9
percent, which was however, still an improvement over its 2015
accomplishment. The below-target performance was attributed to the
insufficient number of trains in good running condition during operating
hours for the first semester of 2016. It is noteworthy that the number of
passenger kilometers travelled per day slightly improved during the second
semester because of gradual increase in the number of trains.
Correspondingly, the MRT-3 only achieved an average travel speed of 26.4
kph out of the target 33 kph or 78.8 percent accomplishment. The non-
accomplishment of the target was due to the train speed restriction on the
mainline during revenue hours for passenger safety, considering the signaling
problem and rail breakage. Lastly, there were also 587 cases of passenger
unloading incidents, which was behind the target 300 cases; thus, recording
an underperformance of 95.7 percent. The increase in passenger unloading
incidents was attributed to the increase in number of train defects coupled
with lack of spare parts during the first semester and due to system failures,
e.g., signaling, Automatic Train Protection (ATP) Failure, and broken rail
Page 60 of 66
Infrastructure Program
For 2016, the infrastructure obligation budget totaled to P744.2 billion. Out of
the said budget, 87.4 percent obligation was recorded equivalent to P650.1
billion, 12.9 percent higher over the 2015 actual obligation of P 575.7 billion.
The obligation budget for infrastructure covers National Government (NG)
infrastructure, infrastructure subsidy and equity to GOCCs, and
infrastructure transfers to LGUs.
For 2016, actual disbursements for infrastructure outlays have reached P590.5
billion, up by P184.6 billion or 45.5 percent year-on-year. This was driven
largely by the P448.5 billion payments of the National Government Agencies
for transport and road infrastructure projects (DOTr and DPWH), school
buildings of the (DepEd), health facilities and equipment (DOH) and defense
assets and equipment (DND-AFP). Some P104.2 billion, meanwhile, was
released to LGUs representing the 20.0 percent of the Internal Revenue
Allotment, as well as additional financial assistance under the Local
Government Support Fund intended for local infrastructure projects such as
road repair and rehabilitation. On the other hand, infrastructure transfers to
Consistent with the revised disbursement program for 2016. See discussions about the fiscal program on page
11 for the explanation of the revision. The infrastructure spending is part of the total NG disbursements
discussed on page 22. Infrastructure transfers to GOCCs refers to the portion of the regular subsidy and equity
intended for or attributed to infrastructure programs or projects.
Page 61 of 66
GOCCs reached P37.8 billion mainly to cover the housing projects of the
NHA and irrigation projects of the NIA.
V. Fiscal Outlook
The FY 2017 National Budget and the Medium-term Budget Framework were
crafted with an overall deficit target of 3.0 percent of GDP, up from the 2.0
percent of GDP target of the previous administration. The government will
continue to favor domestic borrowings with an 80:20 financing mix to
minimize the country’s exposure to foreign exchange fluctuations and for
better debt management. This approach is sound and sustainable as economic
growth is projected to outpace the rise in debt accumulation. The debt-to GDP
ratio is therefore expected to decline from 42.2 percent in 2016 to 37.7 percent
in 2022.
The administration’s goal of decreasing the poverty rate from 21.6 percent in
2015 to 14.0 percent by 2022, lifting about 6.0 million Filipinos out of poverty,
requires an increased share of infrastructure and social services in the
Page 62 of 66
The growth of disbursements for the first few months this 2017, however, has
been moderate, partly due to base effect considering the high disbursements
recorded for the same period in 2016 taking into account the impact of one-off
The annual growth of the sector or industry, and its percentage distribution to total sector/industry and GDP
are measured at constant 2000 prices.
Page 63 of 66
Revenues meanwhile are targeted to reach P2,426.9 billion, 10.5 percent more
than the actual collections in 2016 given the more robust domestic economy
and improved trade outlook this year. Collections of the BIR and BOC will
amount to 1,782.8 billion and P459.6 billion, respectively, representing 92.4
percent of the total revenue program for 2017. In order to attain these targets
and sustain collection growth, the BIR and BOC will continue to implement
revenue-enhancing measures such as Run After Tax Evaders, Oplan Kandado,
simplification of tax forms, tax mapping, anti-smuggling campaigns, and
technology modernization.
Reform Measures
Improved Budget Execution. To help the agencies obligate their budget faster,
the DBM has comprehensively released P1,643.9 billion or 83.5 percent of the
total P1,968.8 billion agency-specific budget in January 3, 2017 – the first
working day of the year 17 . This is part of the Department’s GAA-As-An-
Allotment Order policy and is supported by the comprehensive release of cash
requirements for the first semester to ensure efficient and timely
implementation of government programs and projects.
Annex A of National Budget Circular No. 567 dated January 3, 2017 entitled Guidelines on the Release of Funds for FY
2017. Available at http://www.dbm.gov.ph/?page_id=18372
Section 4.5, GPPB Circular 09-2015 dated August 18, 2015 entitled Guidelines Reiterating the Procedures to
be Adopted in Undertaking Procurement Activities Prior to the Approval of the GAA or Receipt of Obligation
Authorities Issued by DBM.
Page 64 of 66
line agencies, GOCCs and LGUs to support the implementation of the revised
IRR. This should facilitate the procurement activities of agencies this year,
help them avoid procurement problems and the delays in program/project
implementation to hopefully improve their budget utilization.
Stronger PFM practices and standards. The government is pushing for the
enactment of the Budget Reform Bill which will address the gaps in the
country's PFM system and clarify the limits of the Executive's budgetary
powers. The bill provides for the: 1) shift from obligation-based to cash-based
budgeting and from a two-year appropriation shelf-life to one-year validity to
force implementation-ready projects and better strategic and operational
planning in spending agencies; 2) establishment of the Office of the
Comptroller General (OCG) for improved compliance to reporting and
accounting standards; 3) development and implementation of an Integrated
Financial Management and Information System for better monitoring and
reporting of financial transactions; and 4) strengthening of the Congressional
power of the purse to ensure proper check and balance.
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