MSC Management With Streams
MSC Management With Streams
MSC Management With Streams
In order to understand the recent trends in the coffee market of UK it is necessary to look at the
largest brands operating in the market. For example, “Costa Coffee” mentioned above has 2,121
outlets in the UK, “Starbucks Coffee Company” has 898, “Caffe Nero” with 650 outlets and
other smaller change like “Cafe2U”, “Coffee #1” etc., having 30 to 70 outlets all over the UK
[ CITATION Sta16 \l 1033 ]. According to senior food service analyst Trish Caddy it has been
observed that food service outlets that have a significantly wide range of food of runs along with
decent range of hot and cold beverages including coffee have proficiency e over specialist coffee
outlets and chains. The coffee consumer market has largely been transformed into a budget
market where the business persons and the youth are beginning to prefer budget coffee as
opposed to specialised Barista style coffee [ CITATION Min19 \l 1033 ].
Looking at the trends in the coffee industry of the UK in much more detail, it can be observed
that there are six most identifiable trends here –
The High Street - According to popular research location is the “most significant factor”
that contributes to the success or failure of a coffee shop on the High Street of UK.
Consumer data also suggest the same. Some popular locations for brick and mortar coffee
shops in the UK are near train stations, busy shopping centres, and residential areas. It is
evident from the location of the different outlets of roast Ltd that their locations offer an
attractive prospect for a thriving coffee business [ CITATION Esq19 \l 1033 ].
Innovation - Innovation in the “coffee industry” of the “UK” has been a driving factor
towards increase consumer demands for better quality of coffee. Recent trends suggest
that consumers now demand coffee that it is of a higher quality as well as having
ingredients that are ethically sourced and packaging material like cups and saucers that
are environmental friendly. Among these trends fair trade coffee has become a popular
demand among consumers who are conscious about giving back to the community
[ CITATION Esq19 \l 1033 ].
Political and Economic - In regards to the political scenario in the UK, the issue of
Brexit has caused significant uncertainty in the economic relationship of the UK to the
European Union and this has also affected the coffee industry of the UK. Following the
Brexit vote despite the anxious speculations of industry leaders of the coffee industry
coffee shops have continued to thrive in the UK. Moreover a specific Barista visa has
also been debated by the UK Government in order to allow work rights in the UK for
citizens of the European Union [ CITATION Esq19 \l 1033 ].
Mergers and Acquisitions - Mergers and acquisitions have been an important part of
any business and the same is true for the coffee industry in the UK. Several venture
capitalists have invested in existing coffee business chains. The large coffee brands
mentioned area a continually looking to expand their outreach by acquiring smaller
localised coffee change in the UK and in this aspect, “Roast Ltd.” can prove to be “an
attractive investment for Starbucks” [ CITATION Esq19 \l 1033 ].
The 5th Wave - One of the most significant trends that can be identified in the “coffee
industry” of the “UK” is the development of the 5 th wave as a form of a new measured
and boutique hospitality. This 5th wave development brings coffee consumers revamped
experience that consists of a revolutionary and speciality environment in coffee service.
The main catalyst for this 5th wave development is the continuous growth of consumer
demands seeking unique experiences in terms of cafes and coffee shops. As a result
franchising and acquisition has become a popular way of expanding coffee businesses in
the UK where customers are always seeking innovation in their coffee experiences
[ CITATION Esq19 \l 1033 ].
For “Roast Ltd.” the value of “non-current assets” for the financial year “2017” has been
stated as £670,000 while that of 2018 has been £996,000. This value encompasses all the
non-current assets including the property their equipment as well as the manufacturing
According to the financial position the current assets a day in the financial year 2017 has
been stated as £347,000 while that of 2018 has been stated as £447,000. This amounts to
a total asset value forest limited of the years 2017 and 2018 combined to be £2,460,000.
The share capital and retained earnings of “Roast Ltd.” for the years 2017 and 2018 state
the total equity of the company to be £1,639,000.
According to the reports “Roast Ltd.” has long term borrowings from 2017 and 2018 to
the tune of £375,000 and the current liabilities amounting to £446,000 for both the years.
In the “statement of profit or loss” it can be seen that for the year 2017 “Roast Ltd.” paid
out £30,000 as dividend (loss) which resulted in a closing balance of £579,000. Thus for
the year 2018 they have decided not to pay a dividend which has resulted in a closing
balance of £660,000.
The Operating Cash Cycle for “Roast Ltd.” has been calculated as:
“Dividend Policy”
A Dividend Policy is dependent on various factors like leverage, liquidity, profitability, size of
the company, and the associated market risks [ CITATION Bog15 \l 1033 ]. The dividend policy
of “Roast Ltd.” is based on distribution of profits among the different shareholders of the
company. It has been observed that the annual earnings of the company for the year 2017 have
been distributed among the shareholders according to the “dividend policy” of “Roast Ltd.”.
However, the shares of the annual earnings or profit for the year 2018 have not been distributed
among the shareholders leaving a dividend of zero for that year [ CITATION JAB91 \l 1033 ].
Moreover in the case of 2017 where “Roast Ltd.” won a legal battle against “Caffe Tostato”
wherein, the latter had to “pay £25,000” in “legal costs” and “£45,000 in damages”. This can be
considered as a type of earnings for the company and has been distributed among the
shareholders for the year 2017. Therefore, “Roast Ltd.” was right in not making “dividend
payments” in the year “2018”.
“Part 3: Investment Appraisal and Sources of Finance”
“Management Forecast”
Understanding and “forecasting” of the needs of the particular market segment is the basis for
effective management of the activities of distribution and manufacturing for a company like
"Roast Ltd.". Forecasting is essentially the process by which historical data of sales and revenue
generated are projected for future needs. Such kind of management forecasting helps to assess
the needs of the current market and their existing trends in order to make well informed
management decisions regarding strategy and operations of the company [ CITATION Ste97 \l
1033 ].
Based on the data provided from the meeting between the “Loan Officer” at “Finance
Bank” and “Dan Shaw”, the “Chief Financial Officer” of "Roast Ltd.", It may be noted
that the total revenue generation from its Romania expansions for the year 2018 has been
£350,000, while that from the UK outlets has been to £2,184,000, which shows that its
expansion into Romania has not been successful enough.
Added to this, the increasing cost of raw materials due to the demands of fair trade and
responsibly sourced coffee and associated ingredients, it can be seen that the cost of
production has been increasing for “Roast Ltd.”.
Some of the cost-cutting measures incorporated by “Roast Ltd.” include the combination
of the role of “Marketing and Human Resource Director” with that of the CEO “Paola
King” with no additional salary. However this has the potential to greatly undermine her
role as the CEO due to the added responsibilities.
The fact that in 2018 a particular business customer of “Roast Ltd.” suffered problems in
cash flow and delayed their payment period to 90 days is indicated above of the fact that
the market demand for “Roast Ltd.” might be declining in some customer segments. This
needs to be evaluated closely with the well conducted market analysis using and STP
“Investment Appraisal Techniques”
“Payback Period”
According to the given data, the break-even point for the Romania expansion of “Roast Ltd.” is
reached only during the 4th year, that is, 2021.
“Benefits” - The payback period method is used most because of its simplicity and ease off
calculation. In case of “rough analysis of a proposed business” the “payback period” can be
calculated easily without the use of complex spread sheets [ CITATION Bra20 \l 1033 ].
“Limitations” - The payback method often failed to consider the time value of money and thus
cash inflows and not adjusted accordingly. This method is limited in terms of calculating an
overall profitability for a business since it cannot calculate any inflows of cash exceeding the
“payback period” [ CITATION JBM19 \l 1033 ].
“Benefits” - The method of “Accounting Rate of Return” focuses on the “concept of net
earnings” after tax and “depreciation” and is important for “investment appraisals” [ CITATION
Mon20 \l 1033 ].
“Limitations” - Similar to the “payback period method”, the “accounting rate of return method”
does not take into account the “time value of money”. As a result two similar types of
investments food show uneven annual revenue streams [ CITATION Chr202 \l 1033 ].
“Benefits” - The “NPV method” is one of the most appropriate methods used industry-wide
because it does not entail assumptions of the reinvestment of revenue. It takes into consideration
all types of cash flow and risk factors as well as except conventional cash flow patterns
[ CITATION EFi20 \l 1033 ].
“Limitations” - This system has heavy Reliance on assumptions and estimations of metrics like
“investment costs”, “discount rate”, and “projected returns”; and as a result has significant room
for error within its calculations [ CITATION Wil203 \l 1033 ].
Peer to peer lending can also be used such that the interest rates and repayment periods are
highly flexible and processing times are one of the fastest in terms of availing loans. However, in
most P2P lending platforms an application fee is mandatory and there are strict systems of credit
and other internal checks.
The most preferred course of action would be to enlist on more than one ECF platforms to
generate the required £400,000 for expansion into Italy.
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