Interpretable Machine Learning - A Brief History, State-of-the-Art and Challenges
Interpretable Machine Learning - A Brief History, State-of-the-Art and Challenges
Interpretable Machine Learning - A Brief History, State-of-the-Art and Challenges
1 Introduction
Interpretability is often a deciding factor when a machine learning (ML) model
is used in a product, a decision process, or in research. Interpretable machine
learning (IML)1 methods can be used to discover knowledge, to debug or justify
This project is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts and
coordinated by the Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation (bidt)
and supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
under Grant No. 01IS18036A. The authors of this work take full responsibilities for
its content.
Sometimes the term Explainable AI is used.
2 Molnar et al.
the model and its predictions, and to control and improve the model [1]. In
this paper, we take a look at the historical building blocks of IML and give an
overview of methods to interpret models. We argue that IML has reached a state
of readiness, but some challenges remain.
A lot of IML research happened in the last couple of years. But learning in-
terpretable models from data has a much longer tradition. Linear regression
models were used by Gauss, Legendre, and Quetelet [109,64,37,90] as early as
the beginning of the 19th century and have since then grown into a vast array of
regression analysis tools [115,98], for example, generalized additive models [45]
and elastic net [132]. The philosophy behind these statistical models is usually
to make certain distributional assumptions or to restrict the model complexity
beforehand and thereby imposing intrinsic interpretability of the model.
In ML, a slightly different modeling approach is pursued. Instead of restrict-
ing the model complexity beforehand, ML algorithms usually follow a non-linear,
non-parametric approach, where model complexity is controlled through one or
more hyperparameters and selected via cross-validation. This flexibility often
results in less interpretable models with good predictive performance. A lot of
ML research began in the second half of the 20th century with research on, for
example, support vector machines in 1974 [119], early important work on neural
networks in the 1960s [100], and boosting in 1990 [99]. Rule-based ML, which
covers decision rules and decision trees, has been an active research area since
the middle of the 20th century [35].
While ML algorithms usually focus on predictive performance, work on in-
terpretability in ML – although underexplored – has existed for many years. The
built-in feature importance measure of random forests [13] was one of the impor-
tant IML milestones.2 In the 2010s came the deep learning hype, after a deep
neural network won the ImageNet challenge. A few years after that, the IML
field really took off (around 2015), judging by the frequency of the search terms
”Interpretable Machine Learning” and ”Explainable AI” on Google (Figure 1,
right) and papers published with these terms (Figure 1, left). Since then, many
model-agnostic explanation methods have been introduced, which work for dif-
ferent types of ML models. But also model-specific explanation methods have
been developed, for example, to interpret deep neural networks or tree ensembles.
Regression analysis and rule-based ML remain important and active research ar-
eas to this day and are blending together (e.g., model-based trees [128], RuleFit
[33]). Many extensions of the linear regression model exist [45,25,38] and new
extensions are proposed until today [26,14,27,117]. Rule-based ML also remains
an active area of research (for example, [123,66,52]). Both regression models and
The random forest paper has been cited over 60,000 times (Google Scholar;
September 2020) and there are many papers improving the importance measure
([110,111,44,56]) which are also cited frequently.
IML - History, Methods, Challenges 3
Fig. 1. Left: Citation count for research articles with keywords “Interpretable Ma-
chine Learning” or “Explainable AI” on Web of Science (accessed August 10, 2020).
Right: Google search trends for “Interpretable Machine Learning” and “Explainable
AI” (accessed August 10, 2020).
3 Today
IML has reached a first state of readiness. Research-wise, the field is maturing in
terms of methods surveys [75,41,120,96,1,6,23,15], further consolidation of terms
and knowledge [42,22,82,97,88,17], and work about defining interpretability or
evaluation of IML methods [74,73,95,49]. We have a better understanding of
weaknesses of IML methods in general [75,79], but also specifically for methods
such as permutation feature importance [51,110,7,111], Shapley values [57,113],
counterfactual explanations [63], partial dependence plots [51,50,7] and saliency
maps [2]. Open source software with implementations of various IML methods
is available, for example, iml [76] and DALEX [11] for R [91] and Alibi [58] and
InterpretML [83] for Python. Regulation such as GDPR and the need for ML
trustability, transparency and fairness have sparked a discussion around further
needs of interpretability [122]. IML has also arrived in industry [36], there are
startups that focus on ML interpretability and also big tech companies offer
software [126,8,43].
4 IML Methods
Fig. 2. Some IML approaches work by assigning meaning to individual model com-
ponents (left), some by analyzing the model predictions for perturbations of the data
(right). The surrogate approach, a mixture of the two other approaches, approximates
the ML model using (perturbed) data and then analyzes the components of the inter-
pretable surrogate model.
activate a feature map of the CNN [84]. For the random forest, the minimal
depth distribution [85,55] and the Gini importance [13] analyze the structure of
the trees of the forest and can be used to quantify feature importance. Some
approaches aim to make the parts of a model more interpretable with, for exam-
ple, a monotonicity constraint [106] or a modified loss function for disentangling
concepts learned by a convolutional neural network [130].
If an ML algorithm is well understood and frequently used in a community,
like random forests in ecology research [19], model component analysis can be
the correct tool, but it has the obvious disadvantage that it is tied to that specific
model. And it does not combine well with the common model selection approach
in ML, where one usually searches over a large class of different ML models via
Feature importance ranks features based on how relevant they were for the
prediction. Permutation feature importance [28,16] is a popular importance mea-
sure, originally suggested for random forests [13]. Some importance measures
rely on removing features from the training data and retraining the model [65].
An alternative are variance-based measures [40]. See [125] for an overview of
importance measures.
The feature effect expresses how a change in a feature changes the predicted
outcome. Popular feature effect plots are partial dependence plots [32], individ-
ual conditional expectation curves [39], accumulated local effect plots [7], and
the functional ANOVA [50]. Analyzing influential data instances, inspired by
statistics, provides a different view into the model and describes how influential
a data point was for a prediction [59].
5 Challenges
This section presents an incomplete overview of challenges for IML, mostly based
on [79].
Ideally, a model should reflect the true causal structure of its underlying phe-
nomena, to enable causal interpretations. Arguably, causal interpretation is usu-
ally the goal of modeling if ML is used in science. But most statistical learning
procedures reflect mere correlation structures between features and analyze the
surface of the data generation process instead of its true inherent structure.
Such causal structures would also make models more robust against adversarial
attacks [101,29], and more useful when used as a basis for decision making. Un-
fortunately, predictive performance and causality can be conflicting goals. For
example, today’s weather directly causes tomorrow’s weather, but we might only
have access to the feature “wet ground”. Using “wet ground” in the prediction
model for “tomorrow’s weather” is useful as it has information about “today’s
weather”, but we are not allowed to interpret it causally, because the confounder
“today’s weather” is missing from the ML model. Further research is needed to
understand when we are allowed to make causal interpretations of an ML model.
First steps have been made for permutation feature importance [60] and Shapley
values [70].
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