Automated Machine Learning For Remaining Useful Life Predictions
Automated Machine Learning For Remaining Useful Life Predictions
Automated Machine Learning For Remaining Useful Life Predictions
Life Predictions
Marc-André Zöller§ Fabian Mauthe§ Peter Zeiler
USU Software AG Esslingen University of Applied Sciences Esslingen University of Applied Sciences
Karlsruhe, Germany Esslingen, Germany Esslingen, Germany
Abstract—Being able to predict the remaining useful life (RUL) maintenance costs. Knowledge about the future degradation
of an engineering system is an important task in prognostics and behavior of an engineering system (ES) is crucial to plan the
health management. Recently, data-driven approaches to RUL required maintenance as predictive maintenance is becoming
predictions are becoming prevalent over model-based approaches
since no underlying physical knowledge of the engineering system more important in industry. The engineering discipline of
is required. Yet, this just replaces required expertise of the un- prognostics and health management (PHM) studies techniques
derlying physics with machine learning (ML) expertise, which is for transitioning from corrective or preventive maintenance to
often also not available. Automated machine learning (AutoML) predictive maintenance. A key task in PHM is the prognosis
promises to build end-to-end ML pipelines automatically enabling of the remaining useful life (RUL). Approaches are often
domain experts without ML expertise to create their own models.
This paper introduces AUTO RUL, an AutoML-driven end-to-end divided into model-based, data-driven, and hybrid methods [1].
approach for automatic RUL predictions. AUTO RUL combines Usually, the RUL is used to plan the next maintenance and has
fine-tuned standard regression methods to an ensemble with attracted considerable interest in the research community.
high predictive power. By evaluating the proposed method on Model-based approaches use mathematical descriptions, like
eight real-world and synthetic datasets against state-of-the-art algebraic and differential equations or physics-based models to
hand-crafted models, we show that AutoML provides a viable
alternative to hand-crafted data-driven RUL predictions. Conse- predict the future degradation behavior of a system [2]. Such
quently, creating RUL predictions can be made more accessible models require thorough understanding of the mechanism
for domain experts using AutoML by eliminating ML expertise involved in the degradation process and are time-consuming to
from data-driven model construction. create. Also, not all systems can be expressed with sufficient
Index Terms—Remaining Useful Life, Automated Machine precision in solvable mathematical or physics models due to
Learning, data-driven, RUL, AutoML, PHM, ML
the complexity of real world systems [3]. With the integration
of more sensors, the amount of available data about the
I. I NTRODUCTION condition of a system is gradually increasing. In parallel,
In recent manufacturing, a reliable, available, and sustain- machine learning (ML) has matured and achieved wide-spread
able production of goods is important to be competitive. dissemination. Similarly, data-driven models for RUL have
This requires advanced maintenance strategies such as pre- become more popular. By using ML to model the relationship
dictive maintenance. Traditional strategies such as corrective of the system health and RUL, no thorough understanding of
or preventive maintenance cause unplanned downtime or do the degradation process is required. In recent years, various
not utilize existing resources completely due to superflu- ML methods, like random forest or different neural networks,
ous maintenance actions. Predictive maintenance can help to have been proposed to model RUL predictions [2], [4].
avoid unplanned downtime while also reducing unnecessary Yet, to actually create data-driven models for RUL predic-
tions from recorded sensor data, specialized knowledge in data
Marc Zöller was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic modeling and ML is necessary. For small and medium-sized
Affairs and Climate Action in the project FabOS, Fabian Mauthe and Peter enterprises such knowledge is often not available. As a conse-
Zeiler by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research through
the Program “FH-Personal” (grant no. 03FHP115), Marius Lindauer by the quence, the potential of data-driven methods is rarely utilized.
European Union (ERC, “ixAutoML”, grant no. 101041029), and Marco Automated machine learning (AutoML) promises to enable
Huber by the Baden-Wuerttemberg Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour domain experts, i.e., the manufacturer of an ES, to develop
and Tourism in the project KI-Fortschrittszentrum “Lernende Systeme und
Kognitive Robotik” (grant no. 036-140100). data-driven ML methods for RUL prediction without detailed
§ These authors contributed equally knowledge of ML [5]. Enterprises with ML knowledge can
benefit from AutoML by automating time-consuming ML sub- loss functions or specialized asymmetric loss functions. We
tasks, leading to lower costs and higher competitiveness. use the root mean square error (RMSE)
The contributions of this paper are as follows: v
u M
u 1 X 2
1) We propose a universal end-to-end AutoML solution, LRMSE (h, Dtest ) := t h(⃗x′i ) − yi′ (1)
called AUTO RUL, for RUL predictions for domain ex- M i=1
perts that does not require ML knowledge.
2) We compare the traditional manual creation of RUL with h(⃗x′i ) being the predicted RUL on ⃗x′i in this work, but any
predictions with the proposed automatic approach. other loss function for regression would also be applicable.
3) AUTO RUL is validated against five state-of-the-art RUL
B. Human Expert Approach
models on a wide range of real-world and synthetic
datasets. This is the first evaluation of a single AutoML The elementary phases in developing an ML model for RUL
tool on a wide variety of RUL datasets. predictions are similar to developing a model for regressions,
4) In the spirit of reproducible research, all source code and namely data pre-processing, feature engineering, and the ML
used datasets are publicly available. model development. Yet, expert knowledge regarding RUL
prognosis as well as the ES can be used to integrate additional
Section II introduces related work. Our proposed approach
information into the respective phases [3].
is introduced in Section III and compared in Section IV. In
1) Data Pre-Processing: Basis for prediction models are
Section V the proposed method is validated on RUL datasets.
historical raw signals recorded by various sensors of the
The paper concludes in a short discussion in Section VI.
respective ESs. Typically, these signals contain shortcomings,
II. R ELATED W ORK e.g., noise [1], [2]. Therefore, signal processing methods, like
smoothing or imputation, are used to increase the data quality.
A. Remaining Useful Life Prognosis In addition, different methods can be applied to subsequently
Key tasks in PHM are the fault detection, diagnosing which generate informative features that enable the RUL to be
component of an ES causes a present fault condition, the health mapped, e.g., the generation of a frequency spectrum [7].
assessment, and the prognosis of the RUL of a system [2]. 2) Feature Engineering: Next, new meaningful features
Each prognosis approach requires—or at least benefits from— from the pre-processed signals are generated [1]. This is cru-
the availability of sufficient condition data of the system. The cial for the later modelling. Often, new features are generated
knowledge of future degradation behavior and RUL is crucial on shorter time windows containing only a few measurements.
for maintenance strategies such as predictive maintenance. They can be grouped into common—like statistical time-
RUL prediction can be described as estimating the re- domain features—, specific—developed specifically for an
maining time duration that an ES is likely to continue to individual ES—and ML-based—based on anomaly detection
operate before maintenance is required or a failure occurs or one-class classification [8]—health indicators [7], [8]. In
[3]. There are two main strategies, indirect and direct, for addition, features taking operating conditions, e.g., loading,
predicting RUL using a data-driven model [6]. Indirect RUL into account are also essential. Finally, relevant features must
prognosis first predicts future degradation behavior. At the be selected considering the correlation of the features with
time of prediction, the model performs an extrapolation based the target RUL. Statistical hypothesis tests are often used for
on present condition data until a failure criterion is achieved. this [9]. In case of too many relevant features, methods like
The time span of this extrapolation corresponds to the actual autoencoders or PCA are used for dimension reduction [10].
predicted RUL. In contrast, in the direct approach, the RUL 3) ML Model Development: Selecting the best ML method
is predicted directly given the current condition data. This for the ES or condition data is a challenging task and requires
requires models determining the correlation between condition sufficient ML expertise. Various ML methods like support
data and RUL based on a defined failure criterion. In this vector machine (SVM) [11], random forest (RF) [12], and
paper, we consider a direct data-driven RUL prognosis. different neural networks (NNs) are therefore available [2],
More formally, data-driven RUL predictions is formulated [4]. Versatile adaptations of such methods to the respective
as a sequence-to-target learning problem aiming to learn a ESs or requirements can be found in the literature [2], [3].
mapping h : X → Y from historical condition data ⃗x ∈ X — NNs, for example, allow many adaptation options to the sys-
recorded over various instances, i.e., ESs—to the RUL y ∈ tem through different network architectures. Recently, several
Y ⊂ R. Each instance ⃗xi contains a d = |⃗xi | dimensional specialized network architectures have been proposed [2],
(multivariate) time series of arbitrary length with sensor data [3]. Mo et al. [13] proposed a transformer encoder-based
from the system setup until the defined failure criterion. model with an improved sensitivity for local contexts (time
Training data is defined as Dtrain = {(⃗xi , yi )}N i=1 with N steps). Shi and Chehade [14] introduced a dual long short-
being the number of instances. Test data Dtest = {(⃗x′i , yi′ )}M
i=1 term memory (LSTM) framework for combining the detection
contain sensor data up to some time Ti with yi being the of health states with the RUL prediction for achieving better
corresponding RUL that is left after Ti . A loss function L is performance. Wang et al. [15] proposed a combination of an
used to measure the performance of h on Dtest . In the context autoencoder for feature extraction and a convolutional neural
of RUL, loss functions can be divided into general symmetric network (CNN) for RUL prediction.
ML Pipeline
Tabularize Regression
Categorical Exponential Sliding Feature Feature Scaling
Encoding Smoothing Window Generation Selection Seq2Seq Regression
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of pipelines constructed by AUTO RUL to map sensor data to RUL predictions. The pipeline is structured into three major
phases: data cleaning, feature engineering and regression. Each phase contains multiple steps, displayed below the ML pipeline, configured by various
hyperparameters. Steps with solid borders indicate mandatory steps included in every pipeline while dashed borders represent optional pipeline steps.
This brief overview illustrates that numerous adaptations of hyperparameters. Considering the task of RUL prediction, a
a selected ML method are possible. Especially the integration complete ML pipeline has to be able to consume the raw
of additional expert knowledge about the ES allows improving sensor data as univariate or multivariate time series, pre-
the prediction performance [16], [17]. process the data and finally use a regression algorithm to
create RUL predictions. In contrast to standard regression
C. Automated Machine Learning
tasks, which assume tabular input data, the pipeline either has
AutoML aims to construct ML pipelines automatically with to include methods to transform time series into tabular data,
minimal human interaction [5]. Many different AutoML ap- or the regression algorithm has to be capable of consuming
proaches have been proposed with most propositions focusing time series data directly, like, for example, LSTMs.
on standard learning tasks, e.g., tabular or image classification. Our approach, AUTO RUL, uses a flexible best-practice
Virtually all AutoML approaches model the synthesis of ML pipeline, inspired by human experts, displayed in Fig. 1. It
pipelines as a black-box optimization problem: Given a dataset starts with basic data cleaning, followed by a feature gener-
and loss function, AutoML searches for a pipeline in a ation step and an optional transformation into tabular data if
predefined search space Λ minimizing the validation loss. necessary. A regressor is used to predict the RUL. AutoML
In general, various AutoML tools for standard regression aims to fill these generic pipeline steps with actual algorithms,
and time-series forecasting tasks exist. Yet, nearly all of these configured by respective hyperparameters, such that the loss
tools are of limited use for RUL predictions due to two function (1) is minimized on a validation dataset Dval . The
limitations: 1) Tools for standard regression assume tabular according optimization problem is formulated as
data and do not provide measures to transform time-series data
⃗λ∗ ∈ arg min LRMSE h⃗ , Dval (2)
into a tabular format. 2) Tools for time-series forecasting train λ
local statistical models that can forecast the future behavior
of a single ES without learning generalized concepts over with h⃗λ being the pipeline defined by the configuration ⃗λ,
multiple system instances. i.e., a set of selected algorithms and hyperparameters. To
More recently, dedicated AutoML systems for RUL predic- actually solve (2), we use Bayesian optimization, namely
tions have been proposed. ML-P LAN -RUL [18] was the first SMAC [22]. Bayesian optimization is an iterative optimization
AutoML tool tailored to RUL predictions. Using descriptive procedure for expensive objective functions. By repeatedly
statistics, the time series data is transformed to fixed, tabular sampling pipeline candidates, an internal surrogate model of
data suitable for standard regression. In a follow-up work, the objective function is constructed. This surrogate model is
the search space of ML-P LAN -RUL is split into a feature used to trade-off exploration of under-explored settings and
engineering and regression part. By using a joint genetic algo- exploitation of well-performing regions.
rithm over both search spaces, the improved approach, named The search space Λ of AUTO RUL allows the creation of
AUTO C OEVO RUL [19], was able to outperform ML-P LAN - 624 unique pipelines which can be further configured by a
RUL. Similarly, Singh et al. [20] used a genetic algorithm total of 168 hyperparameters. In the remainder of this section,
to optimize the parameters of an LSTM to predict the RUL further details regarding the search space definition as well
of batteries. Finally, Zhou et al. [21] used a combination of as implemented performance improvements are presented.
LSTM and CNN cells for RUL predictions with the exact Further information are available in the online appendix.1
network architecture being determined using AutoML. a) Data Cleaning: The first part of the generated ML
III. AUTOMATED R EMAINING U SEFUL L IFE P REDICTIONS pipeline is dedicated to data cleaning to solve common data
issues. At first, missing values for individual timestamps are
AutoML frameworks usually consider a combined search always imputed, with the actual imputation method, e.g., re-
space covering all necessary steps to assemble an ML pipeline peating neighbouring values or using the sequence mean value,
for a specific task. The search space covers both the selection being selected by the optimizer. Next, categorical variables are
of specific algorithms, e.g., using an SVM for regression,
as well as the configuration of the selected algorithms via 1
encoded to ensure compatibility with all later steps. Finally, that support iterative fitting, models are only fitted for a
an optional exponential smoothing of the data can be applied. few iterations and bad-performing models are discarded early
b) Feature Engineering: Next, the raw sensor measure- while all remaining models are assigned more iterations. In the
ments are enriched with new features. Using a sliding window context of AUTO RUL, iterations can, for example, represent
with tunable length λw , a context with prior observations is the epochs of an NN or number of trees in an RF. The
created for each timestamp t. Especially for high-frequent exact procedure how to allocate the number of iterations
measurements, not every recording is relevant but increases is handled by H YPERBAND [23]. 2) In general, it is not
the computational load. A configurable stride hyperparameter possible to exactly predict how long a certain configuration
λs is used to determine the number of steps the window is will take to be fitted. Therefore, it may be possible that some
shifted, effectively down-sampling ⃗xi . By design λs is always sampled configurations require an unreasonable portion of
smaller than λw leading to an overlap of adjacent windows. the total optimization budget to evaluate. Consequently, less
In general, two different approaches are used to create models will be evaluated in total limiting the potential of
new features from the generated windows: 1) The d × λw Bayesian optimization. To reduce the negative impact of these
measurements in a single window can be flattened to a unpropitious configurations, the training of models is aborted
1 × (d · λw ) vector to embed lagged observations. 2) Each after a user-provided timeout. 3) During the optimization,
generated window can be interpreted as new time series with AUTO RUL creates multiple models. Instead of only using the
fixed length λw . The new time series can be characterized best model and dropping all others, we create an ensemble of
using different statistical and stochastic features. AUTO RUL the best forecasters using ensemble selection [24]. 4) Finally,
supports 43 unique features and the optimizer can select which as different candidate models are independent of each other,
features to include. In both cases the time series characteristics AUTO RUL supports fitting models in parallel to achieve a
of the input data is preserved. During feature selection, irrele- better utilization of the available computing hardware.
vant features are identified using statistical hypothesis tests to
eliminate features uncorrelated with the regression target [9]. IV. C OMPARISON BETWEEN A PPROACHES
c) Regression: The actual RUL predictions are created The phases, visualized in Fig. 1, of the proposed AUTO RUL
by mapping the problem to a regression learning task. In are generally identical to the phases of the human expert
contrast to other RUL publications, we do not aim to propose approach (HEA) described in Section II-B. However, there
a novel method for RUL predictions, but instead focus on are still some deviations: 1) In the first phase, the focus is
configuring and combining standard ML regression models to on data cleaning and improving the data quality to enable the
achieve a good performance on a wide variety of datasets. RUL to be mapped. AUTO RUL contains the same methods
Recently, various sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models (imputation, encoding, smoothing) that are commonly used
that consume the complete input sequence and produce a new in the HEA. For individual engineering systems (ESs), it is
sequence, i.e., the RUL, have been proposed for RUL pre- beneficial to apply different methods to generate additional
dictions. AUTO RUL supports recurrent architectures, namely signals, like the frequency spectrum. Thereby the subsequent
LSTM and gated recurrent unit (GRU), and convolutional feature generation can be improved. This is an individual step
architectures, namely CNN and temporal convolutional net- not included in AUTO RUL. At this point, expert knowledge
work (TCN). For each basis architecture, the concrete network related to the ES can be taken into account and specific proper-
architecture, like the size of latent spaces or number of layers, ties can be considered. The data pre-processing in AUTO RUL
is configured via hyperparameters. In addition, the complete is limited to general issues that can occur in datasets. It is
training process of the NN, e.g., the batch size or learning not possible to adapt the pre-processing to specific and known
rate, is tunable via various hyperparameters. problems in the concrete dataset. 2) For feature engineering,
Alternatively, AUTO RUL supports splitting ⃗xi into chunks the steps time window processing, feature generation, and
with fixed length, effectively transforming variable length feature selection, are also included in AUTO RUL. In HEAs,
input data into a tabular format with fixed dimensions. This however, feature generation is often much more extensive.
allows employing traditional regression methods like RFs. AUTO RUL contains 43 unique features that also cover some
d) Performance Improvements: Even though Bayesian common health indicators (HIs), however no specific HIs or
optimization is quite efficient in the number of sampled ML-based HIs are possible to generate. In AUTO RUL feature
configurations, AutoML still evaluates a large number of selection is solely performed by correlation of the features
potential solutions. Therefore, we implement four additional with the RUL. However, for ESs it may happen that features
performance improvements. These improvements either aim are valuable despite a weak correlation, e.g., load information.
to increase the performance of the final model or reduce In HEA, these features can still be considered, whereas in AU -
the optimization duration: 1) State-of-the-art models for data– TO RUL the valuable information is lost. 3) In the regression
driven RUL predictions, like NNs, are expensive to train. This phase, AUTO RUL contains many ML methods that are also
problem becomes even more pressing for AutoML as many commonly used in the HEA. These are implemented in their
different models have to be evaluated during the optimization. basic form without special adaptations of the algorithms. In
To compensate for this overhead, we employ a multi-fidelity HEA, specific adaptations of the methods are often found to
optimization strategy: By limiting the search space to models address characteristics of the ES. For example, regarding the
system, diagnoses can be combined with predictions. Only 10 minutes 1 hour 5 hours
Immediate Regret
the RUL is carried out.
Due to the mentioned deviations from AUTO RUL, no 4
hyperparameters. The total number of hyperparameters does not add up to the reported 168 hyperparameters
as hyperparameters of some algorithms, like, for example, TS Fresh or window generation, are included twice
(once for tabular regression and once for sequence-to-sequence regression using neural networks). Components
highlighted in italic are not directly included in the pipeline but influence the fitting procedure of the pipeline.
B Detailed Experimental Results
Besides the results reported in the manuscript, we want to provide further insights into the generated pipelines.
Figure 1 contains visualizations of the final performances reported in Table 1 of the manuscript per benchmark
FD001 FD002
18 24
16 22
14 20
12 18
10 16
8 14
LSTM CNN Transformers RF SVM AutoCoevoRULAutoRul LSTM CNN Transformers RF SVM AutoCoevoRULAutoRul
FD003 FD004
10 14
8 12
LSTM CNN Transformers RF SVM AutoCoevoRULAutoRul LSTM CNN Transformers RF SVM AutoCoevoRULAutoRul
PHM'08 PHME'20
45 30
30 10
LSTM CNN Transformers RF SVM AutoCoevoRULAutoRul LSTM CNN Transformers RF SVM AutoCoevoRULAutoRul
Filtration PRONOSTIA
12 40
10 30
LSTM CNN Transformers RF SVM AutoCoevoRULAutoRul LSTM CNN Transformers RF SVM AutoCoevoRULAutoRul
Figure 1: Performance visualizations of all tested RUL methods on all benchmark datasets.
Next, we take a closer look at the behaviour of AUTO RUL during the optimization. Table 5 contains
statistics about the number of evaluated configurations for each dataset. Reported are the total number of
evaluated configurations, the number of successful evaluations, the number of failed evaluations (for example
due to an exception during model fitting), the number of configurations where fitting was canceled after five
minutes, and the number of configurations that were trained on the complete training data (no multi-fidelity
approximation). In general, the vast majority of the evaluated configurations was fitted successfully. Less than
3% of the evaluated configurations were aborted after the configured timeout of five minutes, indicating that the
limit was not selected to aggressively. Even though a large number of different configurations was evaluated
for each dataset, only roughly 5% of the configurations were evaluated on the full budget, i.e., fully fitted until
Table 5: Statistics about the evaluated configurations. Results are averaged over ten repetitions.
Finally, we take a closer look at the pipelines constructed by AUTO RUL. Table 6 provides an overview of
the constructed ensembles and the pipelines in them for each of the benchmark datasets. The ensemble size
column shows the average number of pipelines in the constructed ensemble. It is apparent that the option to
build ensembles is used for all datasets but the maximum ensemble size of ten pipelines is not consistently
reached. Regarding the used template, both sequence-to-sequence regression and tabular regression are used.
Depending on the dataset, either one of the two options can be basically used exclusively or both options can be
mixed together. Similarly, for feature engineering all three available algorithms are extensively used with TS
Fresh being used the most. Finally, for most datasets a specific type of regression algorithm is used significantly
more often than others. Only for the PHM’08 dataset four different algorithm types are used roughly equally
often. Random forests and TCNs are by far the most used regression algorithms. In contrast, SGD and extra
trees are not included in any of the final ensembles and can probably pruned from the search space.
Table 6: Overview of constructed pipelines for each benchmark dataset. Numbers in parentheses represent the
fraction of pipelines using the according component. The sum of fractions within one cell can be unequal to
1.00 due to rounding errors.
FD001 8.6 ± 0.92 seq2seq (1.0) Flatten (0.35) CNN (0.20) GRU (0.03)
Limited (0.01) LSTM (0.02) TCN (0.74)
TS Fresh (0.64)
FD002 6.0 ± 1.84 seq2seq (0.15) Flatten (0.12) Gradient Boosting (0.13)
Tabular (0.85) Limited (0.67) Random Forest (0.72)
TS Fresh (0.22) GRU (0.03) LSTM (0.02)
TCN (0.10)
FD003 7.8 ± 1.17 seq2seq (0.95) Flatten (0.31) Gradient Boosting (0.01)
Tabular (0.05) Limited (0.08) Random Forest (0.04)
TS Fresh (0.61) CNN (0.10) GRU (0.01)
LSTM (0.03) TCN (0.81)
FD004 5.9 ± 1.22 seq2seq (0.15) Flatten (0.16) Gradient Boosting (0.03)
Tabular (0.85) Limited (0.36) Random Forest (0.81)
TS Fresh (0.47) CNN (0.07)
TCN (0.08)
PHM’08 5.8 ± 1.83 seq2seq (0.74) Flatten (0.18) Passive Aggressive (0.02)
Tabular (0.26) Limited (0.54) Random Forest (0.24)
TS Fresh (0.30) CNN (0.33) GRU (0.16)
LSTM (0.05) TCN (0.21)
PHM’20 7.2 ± 1.17 seq2seq (0.99) Flatten (0.05) Passive Aggressive (0.01)
Tabular (0.01) Limited (0.04) CNN (0.01) GRU (0.36)
TS Fresh (0.90) LSTM (0.33) TCN (0.28)
Filtration 5.8 ± 1.83 seq2seq (0.14) Flatten (0.10) Gradient Boosting (0.03)
Tabular (0.86) TS Fresh (0.90) Random Forest (0.83)
GRU (0.07) LSTM (0.03)
TCN (0.03)
PRONOSTIA 4.5 ± 1.12 Tabular (1.00) Flatten (0.24) Gradient Boosting (0.16)
Limited (0.27) MLP (0.18)
TS Fresh (0.49) Passive Aggressive (0.18)
Random Forest (0.49)