Behavior and Classroom Management

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Behavior and Classroom Management

Parker Thoroughgood

Regent University
Running Head: Behavior and Classroom Management

Classroom management is one thing that as a teacher is always changing year to year.

What works for one class and one year does not work for the next because each class will need

different behavior incentives. Classroom management is most important to focus on for new

teachers because it is one thing that most new teachers struggle with. Many teachers and those

outside of the profession of teaching think of classroom management as “controlling” the

children. Classroom management is important to ensure that students can learn in a focused and

safe environment. Effective classroom management is also important for teachers. Teachers that

struggle with classroom management find themselves in high-stress environments in the

classroom. A study done by the American Psychological Association shows that “Chaotic

classroom environments are a large issue for teachers and can contribute to high teacher stress

and burnout rates.” (Kratochwill, 2010) It is just as important for teachers as it is for students to

have effective classroom management strategies to have an effective classroom. 

The rationale of Selected Artifacts

Artifact #1

`The first artifact that I used is Classdojo. I use Classdojo to keep up to date in real-time

with each of my students' behavior. Classdojo allows me to keep track of my students' positive

behavior by awarding them points for following classroom expectations. Classdojo is most

effective I find during independent work time when the screen is on the board and I can reward

those students who are quiet and staying on task during the independent work time. Classdojo is

also great for staying connected with parents because parents are receiving notifications when

their child is receiving positive Dojo points. It helps keep students accountable because they
Running Head: Behavior and Classroom Management
know that their points are going to their parents. At the end of the week, the top five students in

the class receive candy for the class Dojo points. 

Artifact #2

`The second artifact that I chose is a strategy called classroom bingo. This is a classroom

strategy that my cooperating teacher came up with that was a way to improve student behavior in

the classroom. Each time that the class as a whole is following the classroom or hallway

procedures they will receive a classroom bingo point. Just like bingo once the students match the

eight spots in a row on the board the whole class receives a reward. At the start of the students

being back in the classroom, I would give students rewards very easily to get them to understand

that there are rewards for their good behavior. 

Reflection on Theory and Practice

At Regent, I feel that I was set up for the utmost success for teaching and to have the best

transition from college to being a teacher. The thing that I learned at Regent was to always look

inward at myself if my classroom is not going the way that I think that it should. I at this point in

my student teaching am still looking at changing my classroom management strategy to better

my classroom. The rewards that I give my students based on my classroom management

strategies all involve activities with me as a teacher. I feel that this lends itself to a deeper

relationship with my students. In the case of these rewards, it creates a relationship with the

students which benefits the classroom with the relationships that are created. In an article

by Trynia Kaufman the impact of rewards “The student feels good and is

motivated to feel that way again. With this increased motivation, students spend more time and

attention working on a skill.” (Kaufman, 2020) The skill in this case would be good behavior in

the classroom.
Running Head: Behavior and Classroom Management
The Bible verse that I’ve used before to guide my choices in classroom management is

Colossians 4:6 which states “Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you

may know how you ought to answer each person.” (Colossians 4:6, ESV) I use this verse

because it is important to show grace even to your students. Children today are dealing with

situations that young children should not have to suffer through. Different behaviors can be

traced back to something happening in their life so it is important to still correct the behavior but

show grace when students have a bad day. 

Running Head: Behavior and Classroom Management

Kratochwill, T. (2010). Classroom Management Module. Retrieved 2020, from



Kaufman, T. (2020). Series Building Positive Relationships With Students: What Brain Science

Says. Retrieved 2020, from


100 Bible Verses about Show Grace To Others. (n.d.). Retrieved November 09, 2020, from

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