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TESP 501 Signature Assignment:

Classroom Management Plan

Nora C. Ramos

Azusa Pacific University

Classroom Management
TESP 501 Signature Assignment: Classroom Management 2

An effective teacher has in mind more than one set of classroom management

strategies before the beginning of the school year knowingly that not all the strategies will work

for all students. According to Wong & Wong (2018), the first characteristic of an effective

teacher is “Classroom Management” which is described as “The practices and procedures that a

teacher uses to maintain an environment in which structions and learning can occur” (p. 2).

Teachers know that one classroom management strategy that has worked for previous classes

might or might not work for all future classes, therefore, a teacher must always look for new

strategies to try with their students. An effective teacher in order to have an effective

classroom needs to have an organized and structured environment and be consistent with

procedures, so that the students are aware of what is expected of them and they can

successfully build self-discipline. Wong & Wong(2018) also state that “Students perform better

when they know what the teacher expects them to do” (p. 9). In my future classroom I plan to

implement different classroom management strategies which will be based on research, my

values, and strategies that will nurture my future students’ potential and will promote an

effective learning environment.


Establishing Policies and Procedures

Effective learning environments have well established policies and procedures since the

beginning of the school year. The teacher must plan ahead of time what the policies and

procedures of the classroom will be like for the remaining of the school year, they must be

consistent and follow through with them. Teaching, rehearsing and reinforcing the policies and

procedures since the first day of school with the students will prepare them for a successful
TESP 501 Signature Assignment: Classroom Management 3

school year. According to Wong & Wong (2018), “procedures create an efficient and orderly

classroom so that learning can take place” (p. 47). If the teacher does not go over the classroom

rules, policies, and procedures since the first day the student might be at a loss of knowing

what to do throughout the day. The key to an efficient classroom environment is to be

consistent and follow through with what is expected of the students.

It is necessary to establish clear expectations for all the students in the classroom, so

they know and learn the policies and procedures since day one. According to Wong (2017),

there are many benefits that come with having consistency in the classroom, “The consistency

you establish in the classroom will be in direct relationship to the amount of trust the students

feel and the amount of learning that takes place in your classroom.” (p. 14). The purpose of

establishing rules and policies in my classroom is to reinforce positive behavior in the classroom

and to emphasize the importance of structure. The policies and procedures established in the

classroom focus on positive reinforcement instead of negative reinforcement, even when things

get challenging. My goal is for my students to have a safe and positive learning environment

which is reinforced through these policies and procedures. These procedures will be taught,

discussed, rehearsed and learned since the first day of school. Furthermore, the students will

be constantly reminded of these policies and rules. The students will be expected to know and

practice these policies and procedures in and out of the classroom, and with anyone that comes

into our classroom even if I am not around to see them.

Though I plan to set specific policies and procedures in my classroom, I believe that less

is more, meaning that the less rules I have the more my students will be able to retain them

and remember them. I believe that these rules will create an effective learning environment in
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my classroom. As an educator, I believe that we need to be great examples for our students and

follow and model the rooms we have set in our classroom. The number one rule we will follow

in our classroom is to respect one another, in and out of the classroom, no matter who is in the

classroom. Students and teachers will respect each other’s opinions, beliefs, cultural

backgrounds, and each other’s properties as well as the school’s properties. The second rule is

to always try our hardest, with this rule students will learn to not give up easily and to always

work hard, which is a good work ethic. I believe that students need to know that even if things

seem hard, if they work hard enough they will achieve success. The third goal we will have in

our classroom is to be active listeners. What this means is that the students will engage with

the lesson or discussion we are having in the classroom, this will help them learn the material

and be proactive learners. The fourth rule we will have in our classroom is to always follow all

the procedures we have in our classroom. Some of these procedures will be to use the given

and posted hand signals (especially in the middle of a lesson), to follow directions, to highlight

their name before turning in an assignment, etc. These procedures avoid less distractions in the

classroom especially when we are in the middle of a lesson. The last rule I will have in the

classroom is to help one another and to ask for help when needed. Along with this rule, the

students will follow the procedure to ask 3 of their classmates before asking the teacher if they

have a question. These rules will be discussed and taught since the first day of school, so the

students know what to do and how to do it. I believe that these goals will be beneficial for my

student’s learning and they will help them on a personal level even beyond the time they are in

my classroom.

Grading Policies and Procedures

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As an educator, I have the responsibility to create an unbiased and effective grading

policy for all of the students in my classroom. Having an unbiased grading policy is needed in

the classrooms to make sure that all students are not affected by implicit biases that a teacher

might have. In my classroom I will not allow for any type of bias to enter my mind and affect my

teaching, my relationship with the students, or their grading. My grading policy is based on

grading my students’ assessments with comparison with the established standards. According

to Borich (2017) by grading the student based on the standard and not by comparison with

other students “The achievements of individual students are unrelated to those of other

individual students” (p. 394), which allows for students to be responsible for their own

achievements instead of being graded whether their classmates score high or low. The students

will be graded on a scale from one to four, with one being the lowest and four being the

highest.32 The reason why I will be applying this method of grading is because I believe it will

be beneficial for my students, they will have a clear understanding of what is expected of them.

The students will be graded on their homework, classwork, assessments, participation,

etc. Before an assignment, the students will be provided with a rubric which we will be

discussing constantly in order to make sure that the students know what to do in order to

achieve a three or a four in their assignments. The lesson will be planned according to the

standards and objectives we will be focusing on during the day. Throughout the year the

students will be taking state standardized tests and teacher-constructed tests which also grade

accordingly to the standards the students are working on. The purpose for these tests is to

provide feedback to the teachers with regards to their teaching and the student’s

comprehension of the lesson (Borich, 2017, p. 396). The feedback from these assessments
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allows for us teachers to make adjustments to our teaching methods and strategies. Grading

homework and classwork will be based on the standards we will be focusing on as a classroom.

Students will have many opportunities to improve their grade after receiving feedback from

me. The progress the students make throughout the school year will be constantly discussed

not only with the parents but also with the students.

As an educator, I believe in the importance of flexibility because I know that my

students have lives outside of the classroom, therefore, I know life can get in the way some

times that is why students will have the flexibility to redo their assignments, turn in late

homework (after discussing it with the teacher), access to previous lessons to help them

strengthen their assignments, and they will also always have access to the rubrics and the

standards we are focusing on. However, after communicating with the students about their

assignments and if the student does not put effort into turning in assignments after debriefing

parents will be contacted and the students might receive an “Incomplete” on the gradebook.

Teacher constructed tests will be allowed to be retaken by the student upon requests so they

can improve their scores. If absent, students will be allowed to take tests so they do not miss on

the opportunity to have a score on the grading book, and have feedback from the teacher

regarding their progress in the classroom. The importance of grading is not to have a score but

to see the progress the students are making in the classroom, and to note areas of

improvement not only for the students but also for the teacher.

Defining Discipline Policies and Procedures

It is necessary to have a clear definition of what the policies and procedures of the

classroom are in an effective learning environment. However, as educators we need to have a

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clearer definition between classroom management (policies procedures) and discipline. Wong

and Wong (2018), describe discipline as addressing behavior, discipline is all about student’s

behavior and rules that “control how students behave” (p.8). I believe that an effective

learning environment has procedures and rules set up since the beginning of the school year to

prevent any student misbehavior and help the students learn. In comparison to establishing

and focusing solely on discipline in the classroom, creating procedures and routines will address

behavior problems even before they occur, this will prevent teachers from spending too much

time on behavior management when they could be teaching (Wong and Wong, 2017 p. 8). I

plan to establish and reinforce policies and procedures since the first day of school and I will

make sure that my students know them from day one. My goal with establishing policies and

procedures is to spend less time focusing on behavior issues and more time teaching and

engaging with all the students in my classroom.

Policies and procedures promote a sense of responsibility among the students and the

teacher which is why I will make sure that my students know all the rules and procedures in the

classroom. Once the students are aware of the rules, procedures and consequences they can be

held accountable for their actions because “students can only be responsible for their behavior

when they know what procedures they are accountable for” (Wong and Wong, 2017 p. 9). The

students will be aware of the consequences if they do or do not follow the rules in the

classroom, I will be introducing these rules since the first day of school, I will also have them

posted in the classroom in a place where the students can see them, and I will also keep

reminding them of the rules throughout the school year so it is something that it is consistent

and not something just for the beginning of the school year. Some of the consequences for
TESP 501 Signature Assignment: Classroom Management 8

students who are breaking and not following the rules are that I will give them verbal warnings

for mild misbehavior, such as eating in class when not allowed, sleeping in class, talking back,

getting out of their seat, etc. However, for moderate and severe misbehaviors I will be

implementing the corresponding response which might be from calling caregivers, parent

conferences, detention, a referral to the principal’s office, etc. These moderate to severe

behaviors include but are not limited to cutting class, verbal and physical aggression towards

teachers or students, noncompliance, etc. The consequences that I will be following are very

similar to the one Borich (2017) has listed (p.113), these guidelines will help me react

accordingly depending on the misbehavior students demonstrate.

Though policies and rules are created to help control behavior problems and keep the

classroom running smoothly, I will also reward those students that are following the policies in

the classroom. Borich (2017) explains that “rewards and reinforcement can be used to increase

the probability of a desirable response” (p.114). I will make sure that my students feel that they

are being rewarded for following procedures, because this will encourage students to want to

follow the rules. I would like to mostly focus on positive reinforcement in the classroom instead

of applying negative consequences which might discourage the students from following the

rules. Borich (2017) provides examples of some of the external rewards that I have chosen to

follow every time a student is following the rules and procedures, some of these rewards will

be to verbally praise the student, smile, permission to choose activity or topic, stickers, a call or

note to parents, etc. (p. 114). My goal is to make sure that the students get motivated and

encouraged to follow the rules and procedures in the classroom as well as motivating others to

do so. Even though I know I won’t always be able to reward all the actions of my students I
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want to promote positive behavior instead of focusing on misbehavior because I believe that

this will help avoid applying disciplinary action towards those who choose not to follow rules

and procedures. The focus here is to make sure that students feel that they are in a an

environment where they are seen not only when they do “bad” things but also good things

because this will create a successful learning environment for students and myself.

Creating a Positive and Safe Learning Environment

An effective classroom consists of the teacher creating a positive and learning

environment for all the students since the beginning of the school year. According to Borich

(2017), “your classroom climate is created by the manner and degree to which you connect

with the students” (p. 77). I strongly believe that the relationships and bond between the

teacher and the student is important because this is the best way to help students feel safe and

supported. One of the ways that I will be creating a safe and positive learning environment is by

creating consistency, as Wong and Wong (2017) state, the students need a classroom

environment where they know what is happening because the teacher has taken the time to

explain how the classroom is set up (p. 13). I will make it my goal to make sure that my students

know since the beginning of the school year how the classroom will operate (rules, procedures,

consequences, etc.). Another way that I will create a safe and positive environment is by being

consistent throughout the whole school year. Wong and Wong (2017) state “One of the most

important principles you can model for your students is to be consistent and predictable”

(p.14). If the student is aware that their actions will have a consequence every time they will

know that I am being consistent, therefore, they will make wiser decisions and they will trust

me more because they will know that I will be fair to all my students. Building relationships and
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by being consistent I believe I will create a positive and safe classroom environment where my

students will feel that they are receiving a good quality education.

To make sure that my students feel safe in my classroom I will also make sure to have a

social and organizational environnement for my students (Borich, 2017 p. 77). Establishing a

social environment allows for us the educators to create a patterns of interaction, in my case I

will create an environment where the students and myself have shared responsibilities and as

Borich (2017) describes it, it is an environment where the student have the “freedom of choice

and judgment” under my supervision (p.78). I believe that this will be the best environment for

my students because that way they will feel that they are taking control of their learning and

they will also feel included, which will generate a greater sense of engagement. I will also

establish an organizational environment which is to make sure that the classroom is organized

and arranged in the best way possible for my students. I plan to arrange my classroom by

grouping the desks in sets of 4 desks per group and the teacher’s desk will be next to the

whiteboard and projector. Borich (2017) explains that by arranging the desks in groups “you

expect more expression otg student opinion, increased student talk, and greater spontaneity in

student responses” (81). My goal with this arrangement is to allow my students to work

together and feel comfortable sharing ideas and opinions in a small group setting, this will also

create a social environment where students will interact with each other and bond with one


Assisting and Engaging All Learners for Academic Success

An effective teacher makes sure that all students are encouraged and supported in the

classroom. My classroom will be very diverse because it will have students from different
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backgrounds, learning abilities, language proficiencies, learning style, and socioeconomic levels.

I want all my students to be successful in their learning despite all the differences that they

have. To make sure that all the students are achieving success I will be implementing different

teaching methods, Borich (2017) explains that by implementing “different instructional

methods, when matched to the individual strengths and needs of learners, can significantly

improve their achievement” (p. 37). I will be implementing different strategies for my lesson

plans so all my students can learn, I will also hold all my students accountable and to the same

expectations despite their differences.

In my classroom I will be having students who are English Learners (ELs) which is why I

need to keep them in mind when creating lesson plans. I know that all of my EL students will

not be at the same level, however, I will make sure that I know what their level of English

proficiency is since the beginning of the school year. Hill and Miller (2013) encourage teachers

to assess their students English proficiency because once we know what their English level is, “it

allows [teachers] to work within the student’s “zone of proximal development”-the area

between what the student is capable of at the moment and the point you want the students to

reach next” (p.13). In my lessonsI will be supporting my EL students because I will be

scaffolding tem throughout the lesson, I will also be modeling correct grammar and

pronunciation, visual aids, bridging previous knowledge with new content (Hill and Miller 2013

p. 14). I believe that these strategies will assist and engage English Learners in their academic


Another population of students I will have in my classroom are those with different

learning abilities, some of these students have physical, cognitive, and behavioral disabilities
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that will need accommodations so they can be successful learners. Therefore, I will be

incorporating differentiations through my lesson plans, which will allow for strategies that will

vary to enhance “a more targeted and individualized approach” (pg. 38). Some of the strategies

that I will be implementing in my lessons in order to assist my students with special needs are

to provide extra time, work in small groups, combine general and students with special needs,

visual aids in different sizes, flexibility in letting them choose what they want to work on. I will

also make sure to know which student has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), and I will

make sure that I follow it and implement the accommodations and modifications they need in

order to succeed in my classroom. I will also have differentiated instruction for gifted students

in the classroom. I will make sure that the lesson and the material they are working on is

challenging enough to keep them engaged and they become successful learners. The goal is not

to give them more work but instead provide them with work that is challenging enough for

them to learn and achieve academic success.

In my classroom and lesson plans I will also be aware of my student’s cultural and

socioeconomic background. I believe that it is important for educators to know what

experiences our students have gone through and what their culture is because this allows for

our lessons to be more inclusive. I will get to know my students on a personal level so I know

what their culture is, and I can create lesson plans that incorporate their experiences and

cultural backgrounds. If the students feel included in the lesson they will be more encouraged

and motivated to learn more. If I don’t know about the students’ culture I will do research

about it so I can also include them and not be biased by only incorporating the cultures I know.

Knowing the students culture will educate me on their behavior or attitudes towards a specific
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subject, Borich (2017), states that reciprocal learning is when “teachers from one culture

interpret the behaviors of children differently than teachers from another culture” (p.46).

Knowing this will eliminate descrimination and bias towards a student because it will explain

their behavior towards certain circumstances. I will also keep in mind my student’s

socioeconomic status because I know not everyone will have the same resources and

advantages as their peers, I will make sure that they feel supported and encouraged to become

successful learners. Borich (2017) discusses how some research has revealed that “differences

in educational achievement occurring among racial and ethnic groups can be accounted for by

social class” (p. 47). I will make sure not to make assumptions between my students and

assume that they all have the same resources available to them outside of the classroom. For

example, I will not be asking students to do homework that involves technology because not

everyone has access to technology at home, I will also not ask for extra materials to be brought

to the classroom because I know not everyone will be able to afford it ( I will welcome

donations but I will not make them mandatory). I will be encouraging and assisting all my

students to be successful learners despite their socioeconomic status and I will provide the help

necessary to overcome obstacles that may come their way.

My lessons will be inclusive for all learners in my classroom and that includes general

education students. They will have the same access and resources my other students have, I

believe that they will also benefit from some of the strategies I have implemented to reach the

success of other students. I will make sure all the students in my classroom feel represented,

respected, included, and loved in the classroom. I will make sure to add books, lessons, visual

representations that represent the diversity and interest of my students. I believe that these
TESP 501 Signature Assignment: Classroom Management 14

strategies will help my students be more successful in the classroom and outside of the school

setting. I will always put my students needs first before any biases or assumptions I might have,

I will always hold all my students to the same level of expectation and I will always respect

them despite the differences we may have.


Students deserve to be in a classroom environment where they will feel comfortable,

safe, loved, resected and encouraged to learn and be the best they can be. Creating policies,

rules, classroom management strategies allows for a successful learning environment where

the students are aware of what is expected of them and what the consequences are for

following the rules. Furthermore, students need to be in an environment where they have a

meaningful relationship with their teacher, this bond will promote encouragement and learning

success for all students. I firmly believe that I will be making an impact in my students’ lives by

following these strategies and methods discussed above, my goal is for my students to strive to

be better learners and better citizens of the world. I will always encourage students to try their

best and will support them on their learning path.

TESP 501 Signature Assignment: Classroom Management 15


Borich, G. D. (2017). Effective Teaching methods: Research-based practice.(9th ed.). San

Francisco: Pearson.

Hill, J. D., & Miller, K. B. (2014).Classroom instruction that works with English

Language Learners(2nd ed.).Alexandria, VA: ACSD.

Wong, H. K., Wong, R. T., Jondahl, S. F., & Ferguson, O. F. (2017). The Classroom management

book (2nd ed.). Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications.

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