A Study To Evaluate OTC Services (Income and Caste Certificate) of The Dakshina Kannada District Administration

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Over the Counter services

A study to evaluate OTC services (income and caste certificate) of

the Dakshina Kannada District Administration
Part 1:-

1. Name: _________________________________
2. Address: _________________________________
i. Town/village _________________
ii. Taluk ____________________________
3. Age:
i. 18 or below
ii. 18-28
iii. 29-38
iv. 39-48
v. 49-58
vi. 59 or above
4. Gender:
i. Male
ii. Female
5. Caste/category:
i. General merit
ii. Scheduled caste
iii. Scheduled tribe
iv. Category 1
v. Category 2A
vi. Category 2B
vii. Category 3A
viii. Category 3B
6. Occupation:
i. Agriculture
ii. Private service
iii. Self employed
iv. Business
v. Unemployed
vi. Housewife
vii. Any other (specify) _________________________

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7. What is the monthly household income from all sources?
i. < 5000
ii. 5,001-10,000
iii. 10,001-20,000
iv. 20,001-30,000
v. 30,001>

8. a. What is the monthly expenditure of your family? Rs. ____________

b. What is the amount spent on
i. Food Rs. __________________
ii. Power/Electricity Rs. __________________
iii. Transport Rs. __________________
iv. Education Rs. __________________
v. Recreation Rs. __________________
vi. Health Rs. __________________

9. What is your income fixed? (As per the certificate)

Part II

10.Purpose of visit to OTCS Centre:

i. Caste certificate
ii. Income certificate
iii. Both

11.Purpose of obtaining income/caste certificate:

i. Educational purpose
ii. Employment purpose
iii. To avail government benefits
iv. To avail bank loans
v. Others (specify) ______________________________

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Over the Counter services

12.Number of visits to the OTCS centre to obtain the certificate:

i. 1 time
ii. 2 times
iii. 3 times
iv. More than 3 times

13.If more than once why?

i. Non availability of personal data
ii. Non availability of officials
iii. Technical problems
iv. Inefficiency of employees
v. Any other

14. Your visit to the centre was by:

i. Yourself
ii. Middleman/ agent

15.Did you have any problem while:

Details Yes No
Filling the application
Submitting the application
Processing by the tele-centre
Delivery of certificate
16.Was there a queue?
i. Yes
ii. No
17.How long did you stand in the queue? ______________

18. How long did you wait in the counter once your application was
i. less than 10 minutes
ii. 10-15 minutes
iii. More than 15 minutes

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19.Did you submit any documents for obtaining your certificate?
i. Ration card
ii. Voter ID
iii. PAN card
iv. Photo
v. Any other (specify) _______________________

20.Did you spend any money to get your certificate

i. Yes
ii. No
21. If yes whom did you pay and how much
i. Official
ii. Agent
Rs. _______________
22.Was the money receipted?
i. Yes
ii. No

23.Have you obtained caste/ income certificate earlier before the OTC
i. Yes
ii. No
If Yes,


1 No of Visits
2 How many offices/places you visited?
3 How many documents you provided?
4 Did anybody come for field reporting?
5 Whether the official came for field visit
on his own or upon your request. (1 - on
his own, 2- upon your request)
6 Did you follow up at every stage or the
processing was automatically moving?
(1- follow up, 2- automatic)
7 Did you pay for speeding up the process?
8 How many times did you pay?

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Over the Counter services

9 Distance travelled
RI’s Office
VA’s Office
Taluk Office
Nemmadi Centre
10 Transportation facility to different office
Public/Private Public/Private

11 Cost incurred in travelling (in Rs.)

12 What did you do to know the status

1. Call up concerned official
2. Middle man
3. Visit
13 Timing of Visit
1. Convenience of time for yourself
2. Convenient time to catch up with
the official – VA/RI/TO official
14 Any negotiation in fixing your income?
1. On your request
2. On official offer
15 Do you feel that income fixed is fair?
1. Yes 2. No
16 a. If not fair, What is your income ?
. b. Why do you say it is not assessed fairly?

24. a) Rate the services before introduction of the OTCS

1 2 3 4 5
Accessibility of Location
Time spent
Cost incurred
Ease of getting the certificate
Procedural delays
1. Very poor
2. Poor
3. Satisfactory
4. Good
5. Very good

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b) Rate the services at the present OTCS

1 2 3 4 5
Accessibility of Location
Time spent
Cost incurred
Ease of getting the certificate
Procedural delays
1. Very poor
2. Poor
3. Satisfactory
4. Good
5. Very good

25. Rate your overall satisfaction level of the OTC services of Nemmadi Kendra

1 2 3 4 5
Satisfaction level
1. Very poor
2. Poor
3. Satisfactory
4. Good
5. Very good

26. Any problems faced?


27. Any suggestions (if any) __________________________________________

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